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Cathy's Diary

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Dear diary,

Today stunk at school. My best freind Felicia just ditched me in front of the whole class. Which included Mark. I wish I knew why I can't talk to him.


I've been feeling really depressed lately. Everything in my life's going wrong! First I got an F in French when I know I had a B, then I tripped and fell down the stairs, practically breaking my leg. And today, I was humiliated by someone I trusted! You know, I think the world could do without me. I bet I could die right now, and no one would miss me.







Dear Diary,

Anna dissed me again. I swear, that *nitwit* is out to get me! I wrote a poem today. it goes like this:


Maybe I was born all wrong

Maybe I should die

Maybe I should do something

Maybe I shouldn't try


Maybe I was never here

Maybe I'm a dream

Maybe I should give up hope

Maybe I should scream


Maybe I'm a stupid broad

Maybe I'm a lout

Maybe I should try something

Maybe I'll get out


Maybe I was just a mistake

Maybe I should leave

Maybe I should pack my bags

Maybe I will grieve


Maybe I don't have a soul

Maybe I'm just here

Maybe I should wipe my face

Maybe I shouldnt fear


Maybe I AM a little weird

Maybe I can't write a letter

Maybe I should live with it

Maybe it'll get better







Dear Diary,

I showed that poem to my teacher, and she said I needed help. Then she said she could help me get it published. I just took my things and walked off. Something I've noticed, it's only when I try do things go wrong. It's getting easier to write in here though. Mom would be heartbroken if I didn't. Yeesh, she needs to stop trying to "help" me. I'm not insane! If Tommy reads this, I'll twist his neck off.






I write all sorts of things. this isn't true. I just used my imagination. really!

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Dear diary,

Today stunk at school. My best freind Felicia just ditched me in front of the whole class. Which included Mark. I wish I knew why I can't talk to him.


I've been feeling really depressed lately. Everything in my life's going wrong! First I got an F in French when I know I had a B, then I tripped and fell down the stairs, practically breaking my leg. And today, I was humiliated by someone I trusted! You know, I think the world could do without me. I bet I could die right now, and no one would miss me.





Dear Diary,

Anna dissed me again. I swear, that *nitwit* is out to get me! I wrote a poem today. it goes like this:


Maybe I was born all wrong

Maybe I should die

Maybe I should do something

Maybe I shouldn't try


Maybe I was never here

Maybe I'm a dream

Maybe I should give up hope

Maybe I should scream


Maybe I'm a stupid broad

Maybe I'm a lout

Maybe I should try something

Maybe I'll get out


Maybe I was just a mistake

Maybe I should leave

Maybe I should pack my bags

Maybe I will grieve


Maybe I don't have a soul

Maybe I'm just here

Maybe I should wipe my face

Maybe I shouldnt fear


Maybe I AM a little weird

Maybe I can't write a letter

Maybe I should live with it

Maybe it'll get better





Dear Diary,

I showed that poem to my teacher, and she said I needed help. Then she said she could help me get it published. I just took my things and walked off. Something I've noticed, it's only when I try do things go wrong. It's getting easier to write in here though. Mom would be heartbroken if I didn't. Yeesh, she needs to stop trying to "help" me. I'm not insane! If Tommy reads this, I'll twist his neck off.






I write all sorts of things. this isn't true. I just used my imagination. really!

You are a fantastic writer. I like that poem! :D

I must give you The Platinum Moon Award for your talents!!

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I know how you feel sista...my reading teacher LOST ALL OF MY PAPERS so i got an F- in her class!!!


IM SO MAD AT HER!!! so that day i was angry...to the point of about well killing myself...if you read through the posts..youll find out why. I had to go speak to the guidance couceler[?] {when i do this [?] that means i didnt spell the word right} and she helped me a lil...im surprised they didnt do the baker's act on me!!!


Right now im in a state of depression and have very harsh feelings...if you get yelled at by me...plz remember...im not mad at ANYONE...


i did get a girlfriend...her name is Rebecca...i call her Becca (she LIKES IT)!!


youve been missing my most wonderful post and deepp family secrets... i do write poetry and if you would like to hear some of it just ask...but if you want me to TRY to write one about a certain thing or person...just ask me!! i like your lil poem and hope you make more and hope you stop having all of these problems with your "friends"


Do remember that all of us here at HD ae your friends and we know how you feel...we go through the same stuff...



ok im heading to grandads so CYA



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Her way or your way?


in life there are two rodes, her way or your way! if you choose to go her way to could be doing laundry and chores all day...if you go your way you could go out wit the boiz and play!!! so which rode will you take , herway or your way?



-2002 moosey368

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  • 6 months later...

no, it's alli, but Cathy is just A name I made up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Diary,

my friend Tegro Hamo is starting to scare me. He is constantly asking me questions about my other friend, JC. He thinks JC's an idiot, but I know he's not. I just wish Tegro would see the light and stop mocking my friend.


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  • 1 year later...


Dear Diary,

---Cathy again. I know I haven't spoken in awhile, but it's getting hard to keep up with life. In the year and a half I've been silent, a lot has happened. For instance, I've had boyfriends that betrayed my trust and best friends that turned their backs. I've seen more than my share of hardship, and now I have to see someone because someone finally saw me snap inside. I'm sorry I haven't been here. I sort of lost you for a while, and then I lost your key. Anyway, Diary, I wanted to catch up because I'm in lacking of good friends lately, and while I'm okay with being a loner, I'd like at least a few close friends! Everyone is jsut...an acquaintance. Bye Diary, until next time...



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