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Everyone look this way! it's meeeeee! lee!


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I'm good. I accedentally stabbed myself with some scissors on Sunday, and my hand hurt, but that's all. How about you?

How is your paw? I am assuming it was a front paw. That really could present some problems, especially when you are jumping down off ot things. :blink:

It does, but it's getting better.

Its good it is getting better. Ahhh my hair feels ewww. I should wash it! But it is so late and my hair takes so long to dry... I will wash it in the morning! yay!



So does mine. Curse you, thick hair! CURSE YOU!

Thin hair is not as beautiful as a long thick mane! Be happy. Could you picture a lion with a thin mane? :o

No, but I'm also not a lion, so if you ever do see one with a thin mane, tell them they can have some of my hair.

I know what you mean, my hair is thick also and it gets frizzy sometimes. Darn Hair! I'm dying the underneath bit red like how I did about 10 weeks ago.

bye bye!



I'm gonan re-dye my hair soon, too.

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Oh I had the most boring weekend. We went away to some place and it was so beautiful... but really boring.One good thing about this weekend: I dyed my hair again, it's so awesome. I might cut it also :D

On friday night I went to this rock show thing with my friend Michael but we found it boring so we ditched it and went for a walk... I found out so much stuff about him... and he found out so much stuff about me. I wish it could have lasted longer though, because it was great just sitting there and listening to him talk about school, family and relationships.

My mum is getting angry. Ahhhhhhh...



Spiffeh! How short are you going to cut it?

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Oh I had the most boring weekend. We went away to some place and it was so beautiful... but really boring.One good thing about this weekend: I dyed my hair again, it's so awesome. I might cut it also :D

On friday night I went to this rock show thing with my friend Michael but we found it boring so we ditched it and went for a walk... I found out so much stuff about him... and he found out so much stuff about me. I wish it could have lasted longer though, because it was great just sitting there and listening to him talk about school, family and relationships.

My mum is getting angry. Ahhhhhhh...



Spiffeh! How short are you going to cut it?


Hmmm not sure, maybe a little longer than shoulder length. I have been thinking about getting a dress made for next year's formal. I don't normally wear dresses but I have to at the formal, and I'm really excited about it for some reason (Hey, I think Lee is growing up... :o )!


Horatio, that walk wasn't meant to be romantic (even though it was) because he likes another girl (she was one of the main topics of conversation!) and I have declared him off limits since he is my good friend and I wouldn't want to destroy our friendship.



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Oh I had the most boring weekend. We went away to some place and it was so beautiful... but really boring.One good thing about this weekend: I dyed my hair again, it's so awesome. I might cut it also :D

On friday night I went to this rock show thing with my friend Michael but we found it boring so we ditched it and went for a walk... I found out so much stuff about him... and he found out so much stuff about me. I wish it could have lasted longer though, because it was great just sitting there and listening to him talk about school, family and relationships.

My mum is getting angry. Ahhhhhhh...



Spiffeh! How short are you going to cut it?


Hmmm not sure, maybe a little longer than shoulder length. I have been thinking about getting a dress made for next year's formal. I don't normally wear dresses but I have to at the formal, and I'm really excited about it for some reason (Hey, I think Lee is growing up... :o )!


Horatio, that walk wasn't meant to be romantic (even though it was) because he likes another girl (she was one of the main topics of conversation!) and I have declared him off limits since he is my good friend and I wouldn't want to destroy our friendship.



Oh yes, now I remember the name. I think you are a terrific person to declare him off limits. You will probably have a better, more long lasting friendship with Michael.

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Oh I had the most boring weekend. We went away to some place and it was so beautiful... but really boring.One good thing about this weekend: I dyed my hair again, it's so awesome. I might cut it also :D

On friday night I went to this rock show thing with my friend Michael but we found it boring so we ditched it and went for a walk... I found out so much stuff about him... and he found out so much stuff about me. I wish it could have lasted longer though, because it was great just sitting there and listening to him talk about school, family and relationships.

My mum is getting angry. Ahhhhhhh...



Spiffeh! How short are you going to cut it?


Hmmm not sure, maybe a little longer than shoulder length. I have been thinking about getting a dress made for next year's formal. I don't normally wear dresses but I have to at the formal, and I'm really excited about it for some reason (Hey, I think Lee is growing up... :o )!


Horatio, that walk wasn't meant to be romantic (even though it was) because he likes another girl (she was one of the main topics of conversation!) and I have declared him off limits since he is my good friend and I wouldn't want to destroy our friendship.



Oh yes, now I remember the name. I think you are a terrific person to declare him off limits. You will probably have a better, more long lasting friendship with Michael.

Yeah, I love being friends with him. He's a good guy. Today my friend Lorina is coming over and we are walking to his house. It's gonna be fun :D



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I have been thinking about next year. It is my final year and at the end we are having a big formal. I have to wear a dress so I went about trying to find one that would suit me. I finally chose a dress. If anyone has seen the video clip of 'Helena' by My Chemical Romance its gonna be a lot like Helena's dress. Black and red, I am getting it made in India. It's exciting...!





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I have been thinking about next year. It is my final year and at the end we are having a big formal. I have to wear a dress so I went about trying to find one that would suit me. I finally chose a dress. If anyone has seen the video clip of 'Helena' by My Chemical Romance its gonna be a lot like Helena's dress. Black and red, I am getting it made in India. It's exciting...!





Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!! You are having a dress made for you! You will look like a princess!!!!!! :D

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I have been thinking about next year. It is my final year and at the end we are having a big formal. I have to wear a dress so I went about trying to find one that would suit me. I finally chose a dress. If anyone has seen the video clip of 'Helena' by My Chemical Romance its gonna be a lot like Helena's dress. Black and red, I am getting it made in India. It's exciting...!





Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!! You are having a dress made for you! You will look like a princess!!!!!! :D


It's gonna be great, I can't wait to go and pick the material and everything... I'm really excited! Oh my gosh, GREEN DAY IS IN 15 DAYS!!!! HORRAY!!!



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I got the top of my ear pierced today! It looks mighty fine :D

Theres two peircings, the lady who did it was very nice. It didn't tickle, it did hurt but not very much. I can't sleep on it or anything and I have to be careful that it doesn't get infected. My nana doesn't like it! She doesn't like my hair either... Everyone else thinks its cool. I gotta be careful with it in the mosh pit at Green Day. Oh, for the concert we are not allowed to take cameras so I'll do what everyone else seems to be doing - put my camera down my pants. The can't ask me to check down there!



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I got the top of my ear pierced today! It looks mighty fine :D

Theres two peircings, the lady who did it was very nice. It didn't tickle, it did hurt but not very much. I can't sleep on it or anything and I have to be careful that it doesn't get infected. My nana doesn't like it! She doesn't like my hair either... Everyone else thinks its cool. I gotta be careful with it in the mosh pit at Green Day. Oh, for the concert we are not allowed to take cameras so I'll do what everyone else seems to be doing - put my camera down my pants. The can't ask me to check down there!



Don't forget to add my name to the visitor's list when you go to jail! :lol::lol::lol:

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I got the top of my ear pierced today! It looks mighty fine :D

Theres two peircings, the lady who did it was very nice. It didn't tickle, it did hurt but not very much. I can't sleep on it or anything and I have to be careful that it doesn't get infected. My nana doesn't like it! She doesn't like my hair either... Everyone else thinks its cool. I gotta be careful with it in the mosh pit at Green Day. Oh, for the concert we are not allowed to take cameras so I'll do what everyone else seems to be doing - put my camera down my pants. The can't ask me to check down there!



Don't forget to add my name to the visitor's list when you go to jail! :lol::lol::lol:

Oh I will. And you can bake me a cake with a file in it.



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I got the top of my ear pierced today! It looks mighty fine :D

Theres two peircings, the lady who did it was very nice. It didn't tickle, it did hurt but not very much. I can't sleep on it or anything and I have to be careful that it doesn't get infected. My nana doesn't like it! She doesn't like my hair either... Everyone else thinks its cool. I gotta be careful with it in the mosh pit at Green Day. Oh, for the concert we are not allowed to take cameras so I'll do what everyone else seems to be doing - put my camera down my pants. The can't ask me to check down there!



Don't forget to add my name to the visitor's list when you go to jail! :lol::lol::lol:

Oh I will. And you can bake me a cake with a file in it.



Sure! But given the size of a hamster versus the size of a fox, it will be a little bit small. :lol:

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4 days till the green day concert :o


Yesterday I got to see my friend Stephen skate... oh my gosh... he is amazing! No wonder he was chosen to go to Italy! He did all these spins and jumps and splits and other cool things.

Then we went home (his home) and watched Kath & Kim while eating chips and chocolate. My mum didn't like how I came home only after midnight :P



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My friend went to the Green Day concert in Sydney last night, he said it was awesome. I am getting more and more excited by the day, 2 days left! I'm gonna be sad when its over though because I might not get to see them again for a few years.

It's also 4 days before I go to India. I will take lots of pictures and try to do as many exciting things as I did last time. Maybe this time I will get to go on the Lion Safari :o



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My friend went to the Green Day concert in Sydney last night, he said it was awesome. I am getting more and more excited by the day, 2 days left! I'm gonna be sad when its over though because I might not get to see them again for a few years.

It's also 4 days before I go to India. I will take lots of pictures and try to do as many exciting things as I did last time. Maybe this time I will get to go on the Lion Safari  :o



I was going to ask for you to take me with you, but the Lion Safari... I think I will pass.

*wonders if Lions think hamsters are an hors doeurve* :o

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My friend went to the Green Day concert in Sydney last night, he said it was awesome. I am getting more and more excited by the day, 2 days left! I'm gonna be sad when its over though because I might not get to see them again for a few years.

It's also 4 days before I go to India. I will take lots of pictures and try to do as many exciting things as I did last time. Maybe this time I will get to go on the Lion Safari  :o



I was going to ask for you to take me with you, but the Lion Safari... I think I will pass.

*wonders if Lions think hamsters are an hors doeurve* :o

XD It would be cool to go on a lion safari.

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My friend went to the Green Day concert in Sydney last night, he said it was awesome. I am getting more and more excited by the day, 2 days left! I'm gonna be sad when its over though because I might not get to see them again for a few years.

It's also 4 days before I go to India. I will take lots of pictures and try to do as many exciting things as I did last time. Maybe this time I will get to go on the Lion Safari  :o



I was going to ask for you to take me with you, but the Lion Safari... I think I will pass.

*wonders if Lions think hamsters are an hors doeurve* :o

I could always spray you with Lion repellant :D

GREEN DAY IS TOMORROW! I THINK I'M GONNA PEE MY PANTS. Well, not really I'm just soooooooooo excited!!!



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My friend went to the Green Day concert in Sydney last night, he said it was awesome. I am getting more and more excited by the day, 2 days left! I'm gonna be sad when its over though because I might not get to see them again for a few years.

It's also 4 days before I go to India. I will take lots of pictures and try to do as many exciting things as I did last time. Maybe this time I will get to go on the Lion Safari  :o



I was going to ask for you to take me with you, but the Lion Safari... I think I will pass.

*wonders if Lions think hamsters are an hors doeurve* :o

I could always spray you with Lion repellant :D

GREEN DAY IS TOMORROW! I THINK I'M GONNA PEE MY PANTS. Well, not really I'm just soooooooooo excited!!!



XD I don't think I've ever been so excited that I felt like I was gonna wet myself.

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How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o






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How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



So glad to hear the concert was phenomenal!!!!!!! Your pictures are outstanding!!!!!!!! You have to teach me how to get the words on the pics. I have some pics I want to do that do, but do not know how.


Thanks for letting us in on your Green Day event, sorry you lost your jacket!

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How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



So glad to hear the concert was phenomenal!!!!!!! Your pictures are outstanding!!!!!!!! You have to teach me how to get the words on the pics. I have some pics I want to do that do, but do not know how.


Thanks for letting us in on your Green Day event, sorry you lost your jacket!


The guy on TV just said phenomenal just as I read what you wrote :P

I just used MS Paint to get the words on the pics. The concert was great. Except my friend was yelling "I'm squished between two people!" and I was yelling back "I'm squished between six people!" Major squishage. Not cool. Very hot actually. Hot and sticky and sweaty. But it was all worth it.



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How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



Sorry about your jacket. But it sounds like you got lotsa shwag to compensate for it. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...
How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



AWSOME. Those are awsome pictures.

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  • 3 weeks later...
How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



AWSOME. Those are awsome pictures.



Agree Agree! :)

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How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



AWSOME. Those are awsome pictures.



Agree Agree! :)

Yay! people like my pictures! I have more! I have dail-up now so I'll post them at the end of the month when I have broadband :D



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How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



AWSOME. Those are awsome pictures.



Agree Agree! :)

Yay! people like my pictures! I have more! I have dail-up now so I'll post them at the end of the month when I have broadband :D



No, we do not LIKE your pictures...



:wub: LOVE :wub: your pictures !!!!!

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How was it Lee?


No words to describe how great it was! Apart from being extremley scripted the show was amazing. My Chemical romance opened up for us and Gerard Way just had to start the biggest mosh pit... I got elbowed in the ear by a crowd surfer so i pushed him to the front and security got him :D I was getting majorly squished during Jimmy Eat World so my friend and I decided to move further back where we could actually breathe. Green Day were spectacular, they even had a big suprise for us - Chrisy Cheney from the Living End! We were the last concert ever for their American Idiot tour and they made it so awesome. I had a great time, the only bad thing was that I lost my Green Day jacket in the mosh pit :(


I got Green Day confetti! And t-shirts.


And I have a treat for you all... pictures!


Some of the best pictures I have ever taken :o



AWSOME. Those are awsome pictures.



Agree Agree! :)

Yay! people like my pictures! I have more! I have dail-up now so I'll post them at the end of the month when I have broadband :D



No, we do not LIKE your pictures...



:wub: LOVE :wub: your pictures !!!!!

awww! *feels all warm and special*



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a thing for jumping to conclusions. I'm stupid.



No, you are most definitely not stupid.


I can be. I jump to conclusions. It's pretty silly actually.



Not silly either. Your mind accesses the information and processes it rapidly. You may feel you jump to conclusions when it is pointed out to you that your conclusion was wrong. But consider all those times when you concluded correctly?!?!? Did you ever think about that side of things? :)

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I have a thing for jumping to conclusions. I'm stupid.



No, you are most definitely not stupid.


I can be. I jump to conclusions. It's pretty silly actually.



Not silly either. Your mind accesses the information and processes it rapidly. You may feel you jump to conclusions when it is pointed out to you that your conclusion was wrong. But consider all those times when you concluded correctly?!?!? Did you ever think about that side of things? :)


I guess you are right Horatio.


I just finished my first day of Year 12.

Today was good in some ways and bad in others. It was good because I get to see all my friends and I have a bit more order in my life. It was bad because there is too many things I can't do, like I got told off for make-up even though it is only a little bit of eyeliner. Also I have a lot of work to do :(



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I have a thing for jumping to conclusions. I'm stupid.



No, you are most definitely not stupid.


I can be. I jump to conclusions. It's pretty silly actually.



Not silly either. Your mind accesses the information and processes it rapidly. You may feel you jump to conclusions when it is pointed out to you that your conclusion was wrong. But consider all those times when you concluded correctly?!?!? Did you ever think about that side of things? :)


I guess you are right Horatio.


I just finished my first day of Year 12.

Today was good in some ways and bad in others. It was good because I get to see all my friends and I have a bit more order in my life. It was bad because there is too many things I can't do, like I got told off for make-up even though it is only a little bit of eyeliner. Also I have a lot of work to do :(



Back to school already ?!?!? :o Good luck in your senior year. You will do great.

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I have a thing for jumping to conclusions. I'm stupid.



No, you are most definitely not stupid.


I can be. I jump to conclusions. It's pretty silly actually.



Not silly either. Your mind accesses the information and processes it rapidly. You may feel you jump to conclusions when it is pointed out to you that your conclusion was wrong. But consider all those times when you concluded correctly?!?!? Did you ever think about that side of things? :)


I guess you are right Horatio.


I just finished my first day of Year 12.

Today was good in some ways and bad in others. It was good because I get to see all my friends and I have a bit more order in my life. It was bad because there is too many things I can't do, like I got told off for make-up even though it is only a little bit of eyeliner. Also I have a lot of work to do :(



I had on really thick eyeliner for Halloween (I was a pirate) and all the teachers were too shocked that I was wearing makeup for them to get anygry about it. XD

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I have a thing for jumping to conclusions. I'm stupid.



No, you are most definitely not stupid.


I can be. I jump to conclusions. It's pretty silly actually.



Not silly either. Your mind accesses the information and processes it rapidly. You may feel you jump to conclusions when it is pointed out to you that your conclusion was wrong. But consider all those times when you concluded correctly?!?!? Did you ever think about that side of things? :)


I guess you are right Horatio.


I just finished my first day of Year 12.

Today was good in some ways and bad in others. It was good because I get to see all my friends and I have a bit more order in my life. It was bad because there is too many things I can't do, like I got told off for make-up even though it is only a little bit of eyeliner. Also I have a lot of work to do :(



Back to school already ?!?!? :o Good luck in your senior year. You will do great.


Thank you Horatio, I will do my best this year. Maybe if I get a good score I'll be able to go on holiday for a while to Adelaide or Sydney or something...


Today was my second day at school, it isn't as bad as I expect it to be... which is strange because I have always thought of it like that. I don't want to finish school now, its my security zone, my safe place.



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I have a thing for jumping to conclusions. I'm stupid.



No, you are most definitely not stupid.


I can be. I jump to conclusions. It's pretty silly actually.



Not silly either. Your mind accesses the information and processes it rapidly. You may feel you jump to conclusions when it is pointed out to you that your conclusion was wrong. But consider all those times when you concluded correctly?!?!? Did you ever think about that side of things? :)


I guess you are right Horatio.


I just finished my first day of Year 12.

Today was good in some ways and bad in others. It was good because I get to see all my friends and I have a bit more order in my life. It was bad because there is too many things I can't do, like I got told off for make-up even though it is only a little bit of eyeliner. Also I have a lot of work to do :(



Back to school already ?!?!? :o Good luck in your senior year. You will do great.


Thank you Horatio, I will do my best this year. Maybe if I get a good score I'll be able to go on holiday for a while to Adelaide or Sydney or something...


Today was my second day at school, it isn't as bad as I expect it to be... which is strange because I have always thought of it like that. I don't want to finish school now, its my security zone, my safe place.



You will be sad to complete this portion of your life, but when you attend college or university, you will really love the new adventure. :D

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  • 1 month later...

I'M MAKING CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP! *runs back to kitchen*


♥ Lee


Mmm, mmm, good! :D


Yep! I made it from scratch and it was yummy :) I didn't follow any recipe 'cause I was bored and wanted to see if I could make it all by myself. And I could! :) It wasn't like it was hard or anything :P


♥ Lee

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Its happening tonight!!!


My parents have gone away for the weekend so I am inviting people over for a little "get together"! Should be fun!

My parents have left my sister and I home alone for the weekend for the first time ever! They thought I was too irresponsible, well, they were right. :P


So peoples should be here in half an hour :)


♥ Lee

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Its happening tonight!!!


My parents have gone away for the weekend so I am inviting people over for a little "get together"! Should be fun!

My parents have left my sister and I home alone for the weekend for the first time ever! They thought I was too irresponsible, well, they were right. :P


So peoples should be here in half an hour :)


♥ Lee


LEE !!!

Did your parents approve this little get together ?????????

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Its happening tonight!!!


My parents have gone away for the weekend so I am inviting people over for a little "get together"! Should be fun!

My parents have left my sister and I home alone for the weekend for the first time ever! They thought I was too irresponsible, well, they were right. :P


So peoples should be here in half an hour :)


♥ Lee


LEE !!!

Did your parents approve this little get together ?????????

Actually, my parents specific instructions were to not let any boys in the house. Well there did end up being boys here... and when my parents came home this morning I was wearing Michael's wrist cuff! I realised I had it on before they came inside though. I am so lucky that I remembered I had it on otherwise I would have had some explaining to do. I also had to get Michael to take all the beer bottles home with him. We had so much fun and my parents will never know. I know this is wrong but for some reason I don't feel bad about it. Maybe I should?


A lot of secrets about me came out and I found out a lot of stuff from other people.


Don't you hate it when you wake up and theres someone else in your bed next to you? I got freaked out.


♥ Lee

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Its happening tonight!!!


My parents have gone away for the weekend so I am inviting people over for a little "get together"! Should be fun!

My parents have left my sister and I home alone for the weekend for the first time ever! They thought I was too irresponsible, well, they were right. :P


So peoples should be here in half an hour :)


♥ Lee


LEE !!!

Did your parents approve this little get together ?????????

Actually, my parents specific instructions were to not let any boys in the house. Well there did end up being boys here... and when my parents came home this morning I was wearing Michael's wrist cuff! I realised I had it on before they came inside though. I am so lucky that I remembered I had it on otherwise I would have had some explaining to do. I also had to get Michael to take all the beer bottles home with him. We had so much fun and my parents will never know. I know this is wrong but for some reason I don't feel bad about it. Maybe I should?


A lot of secrets about me came out and I found out a lot of stuff from other people.


Don't you hate it when you wake up and theres someone else in your bed next to you? I got freaked out.


♥ Lee

Don't think your parents don't know. :lol::lol::lol:

Remember, they were young once too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kep, how did you make out with the Hurricane?

:blink::huh: What hurricane ??? :huh::blink:

Kep lives in Canada... wasn't the hurricane in Australia?

Maybe TBFOF got confused with Kep and I.


Cyclone Larry struck the north-east part of Queensland. Many people lost their homes and everything they have. It has been the worst Cyclone since the famous Cyclone Tracy 40 years ago. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974 and many many children never got to open their gifts from Santa.

Cyclone Tracy was such a big tragedy, there was even a song made up about it. I don't know if anyone here as heard it. The song is called 'Santa never made it into Darwin' by Bill and Boyd.


I am lucky that I live in the south-east part Melbourne. I am down south while the clycone is up north so I am very safe. Luckily none of my family in Qeensland have been affected.


Thank you for your concern!


♥ Lee

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Kep, how did you make out with the Hurricane?

:blink::huh: What hurricane ??? :huh::blink:

Kep lives in Canada... wasn't the hurricane in Australia?

Maybe TBFOF got confused with Kep and I.


Cyclone Larry struck the north-east part of Queensland. Many people lost their homes and everything they have. It has been the worst Cyclone since the famous Cyclone Tracy 40 years ago. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974 and many many children never got to open their gifts from Santa.

Cyclone Tracy was such a big tragedy, there was even a song made up about it. I don't know if anyone here as heard it. The song is called 'Santa never made it into Darwin' by Bill and Boyd.


I am lucky that I live in the south-east part Melbourne. I am down south while the clycone is up north so I am very safe. Luckily none of my family in Qeensland have been affected.


Thank you for your concern!


♥ Lee

I was giving TBFOF a hard time. I knew he had confused you two, but I still had to give him a hard time. :lol:

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Kep, how did you make out with the Hurricane?

:blink::huh: What hurricane ??? :huh::blink:

Kep lives in Canada... wasn't the hurricane in Australia?

Maybe TBFOF got confused with Kep and I.


Cyclone Larry struck the north-east part of Queensland. Many people lost their homes and everything they have. It has been the worst Cyclone since the famous Cyclone Tracy 40 years ago. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974 and many many children never got to open their gifts from Santa.

Cyclone Tracy was such a big tragedy, there was even a song made up about it. I don't know if anyone here as heard it. The song is called 'Santa never made it into Darwin' by Bill and Boyd.


I am lucky that I live in the south-east part Melbourne. I am down south while the clycone is up north so I am very safe. Luckily none of my family in Qeensland have been affected.


Thank you for your concern!


♥ Lee


:blush: Woops, I guess I did mean you. Even though I swore you two knew each other and both lived down there. :blush:



Glad to hear you are okay though.

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Kep, how did you make out with the Hurricane?

:blink::huh: What hurricane ??? :huh::blink:

Kep lives in Canada... wasn't the hurricane in Australia?

Maybe TBFOF got confused with Kep and I.


Cyclone Larry struck the north-east part of Queensland. Many people lost their homes and everything they have. It has been the worst Cyclone since the famous Cyclone Tracy 40 years ago. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974 and many many children never got to open their gifts from Santa.

Cyclone Tracy was such a big tragedy, there was even a song made up about it. I don't know if anyone here as heard it. The song is called 'Santa never made it into Darwin' by Bill and Boyd.


I am lucky that I live in the south-east part Melbourne. I am down south while the clycone is up north so I am very safe. Luckily none of my family in Qeensland have been affected.


Thank you for your concern!


♥ Lee


:blush: Woops, I guess I did mean you. Even though I swore you two knew each other and both lived down there. :blush:



Glad to hear you are okay though.

Kep and I know each other from the old old HD2 boards... that was like, 5 years ago. We have never met but I guess we act like old friends. My 3 best friends on the old board were Kep, Sheena and Matt. Matt is gone and I don't think he'll be back here. I still keep in contact with him although I don't really know where he is now because his cell phone is in an out of range area. I miss him so much. Yes, he lives in Australia too.

Sheena was my 'Mum' because she was like a mother giving advice and supporting the younger members of the board.

Kep was my best girl friend on the boards because I didn't have many female friends in real life at that time.


So much has changed since then. *sigh*


♥ Lee

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Kep, how did you make out with the Hurricane?

:blink::huh: What hurricane ??? :huh::blink:

Kep lives in Canada... wasn't the hurricane in Australia?

Maybe TBFOF got confused with Kep and I.


Cyclone Larry struck the north-east part of Queensland. Many people lost their homes and everything they have. It has been the worst Cyclone since the famous Cyclone Tracy 40 years ago. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974 and many many children never got to open their gifts from Santa.

Cyclone Tracy was such a big tragedy, there was even a song made up about it. I don't know if anyone here as heard it. The song is called 'Santa never made it into Darwin' by Bill and Boyd.


I am lucky that I live in the south-east part Melbourne. I am down south while the clycone is up north so I am very safe. Luckily none of my family in Qeensland have been affected.


Thank you for your concern!


♥ Lee


:blush: Woops, I guess I did mean you. Even though I swore you two knew each other and both lived down there. :blush:



Glad to hear you are okay though.

Kep and I know each other from the old old HD2 boards... that was like, 5 years ago. We have never met but I guess we act like old friends. My 3 best friends on the old board were Kep, Sheena and Matt. Matt is gone and I don't think he'll be back here. I still keep in contact with him although I don't really know where he is now because his cell phone is in an out of range area. I miss him so much. Yes, he lives in Australia too.

Sheena was my 'Mum' because she was like a mother giving advice and supporting the younger members of the board.

Kep was my best girl friend on the boards because I didn't have many female friends in real life at that time.


So much has changed since then. *sigh*


♥ Lee

And you have more friends with the new hampsterdance boards.

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Kep, how did you make out with the Hurricane?

:blink::huh: What hurricane ??? :huh::blink:

Kep lives in Canada... wasn't the hurricane in Australia?

Maybe TBFOF got confused with Kep and I.


Cyclone Larry struck the north-east part of Queensland. Many people lost their homes and everything they have. It has been the worst Cyclone since the famous Cyclone Tracy 40 years ago. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974 and many many children never got to open their gifts from Santa.

Cyclone Tracy was such a big tragedy, there was even a song made up about it. I don't know if anyone here as heard it. The song is called 'Santa never made it into Darwin' by Bill and Boyd.


I am lucky that I live in the south-east part Melbourne. I am down south while the clycone is up north so I am very safe. Luckily none of my family in Qeensland have been affected.


Thank you for your concern!


♥ Lee


:blush: Woops, I guess I did mean you. Even though I swore you two knew each other and both lived down there. :blush:



Glad to hear you are okay though.

Kep and I know each other from the old old HD2 boards... that was like, 5 years ago. We have never met but I guess we act like old friends. My 3 best friends on the old board were Kep, Sheena and Matt. Matt is gone and I don't think he'll be back here. I still keep in contact with him although I don't really know where he is now because his cell phone is in an out of range area. I miss him so much. Yes, he lives in Australia too.

Sheena was my 'Mum' because she was like a mother giving advice and supporting the younger members of the board.

Kep was my best girl friend on the boards because I didn't have many female friends in real life at that time.


So much has changed since then. *sigh*


♥ Lee

And you have more friends with the new hampsterdance boards.

Yep! Lots more wonderful friends!


♥ Lee

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Kep, how did you make out with the Hurricane?

:blink::huh: What hurricane ??? :huh::blink:

Kep lives in Canada... wasn't the hurricane in Australia?

Maybe TBFOF got confused with Kep and I.


Cyclone Larry struck the north-east part of Queensland. Many people lost their homes and everything they have. It has been the worst Cyclone since the famous Cyclone Tracy 40 years ago. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974 and many many children never got to open their gifts from Santa.

Cyclone Tracy was such a big tragedy, there was even a song made up about it. I don't know if anyone here as heard it. The song is called 'Santa never made it into Darwin' by Bill and Boyd.


I am lucky that I live in the south-east part Melbourne. I am down south while the clycone is up north so I am very safe. Luckily none of my family in Qeensland have been affected.


Thank you for your concern!


♥ Lee


:blush: Woops, I guess I did mean you. Even though I swore you two knew each other and both lived down there. :blush:



Glad to hear you are okay though.

Kep and I know each other from the old old HD2 boards... that was like, 5 years ago. We have never met but I guess we act like old friends. My 3 best friends on the old board were Kep, Sheena and Matt. Matt is gone and I don't think he'll be back here. I still keep in contact with him although I don't really know where he is now because his cell phone is in an out of range area. I miss him so much. Yes, he lives in Australia too.

Sheena was my 'Mum' because she was like a mother giving advice and supporting the younger members of the board.

Kep was my best girl friend on the boards because I didn't have many female friends in real life at that time.


So much has changed since then. *sigh*


♥ Lee

:wacko: Ahh. Confusing but ok.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bad news.

Matty is in hospital. I found out on Thursday night and I stayed up watching late night TV because I was so worried and couldn't sleep. Something happened at the rodeo Matt was at and a steer fell on him, he twisted his neck and the steer steped on his head. He has a broken right arm (broken in two places and he has a pin in it) and a few fractures and bumps here and there. He will be out of hospital in 4-5 days. I am so worried, I wish I could go and see him.

Please pray for him, he must be in a lot of pain. :(


♥ Lee

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Bad news.

Matty is in hospital. I found out on Thursday night and I stayed up watching late night TV because I was so worried and couldn't sleep. Something happened at the rodeo Matt was at and a steer fell on him, he twisted his neck and the steer steped on his head. He has a broken right arm (broken in two places and he has a pin in it) and a few fractures and bumps here and there. He will be out of hospital in 4-5 days. I am so worried, I wish I could go and see him.

Please pray for him, he must be in a lot of pain. :(


♥ Lee

We should make a get well card for him and you could email the final product to him. We will pray that Matt has a speedy recovery.


Why don't you go to the Warm Wishes forum and make a Sign the Matty Get Well Card!

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Bad news.

Matty is in hospital. I found out on Thursday night and I stayed up watching late night TV because I was so worried and couldn't sleep. Something happened at the rodeo Matt was at and a steer fell on him, he twisted his neck and the steer steped on his head. He has a broken right arm (broken in two places and he has a pin in it) and a few fractures and bumps here and there. He will be out of hospital in 4-5 days. I am so worried, I wish I could go and see him.

Please pray for him, he must be in a lot of pain. :(


♥ Lee

We should make a get well card for him and you could email the final product to him. We will pray that Matt has a speedy recovery.


Why don't you go to the Warm Wishes forum and make a Sign the Matty Get Well Card!

Thats a good idea, I'll make it later because I am a bit busy now.

Thank you Horatio :)

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Bad news.

Matty is in hospital. I found out on Thursday night and I stayed up watching late night TV because I was so worried and couldn't sleep. Something happened at the rodeo Matt was at and a steer fell on him, he twisted his neck and the steer steped on his head. He has a broken right arm (broken in two places and he has a pin in it) and a few fractures and bumps here and there. He will be out of hospital in 4-5 days. I am so worried, I wish I could go and see him.

Please pray for him, he must be in a lot of pain. :(


♥ Lee

We should make a get well card for him and you could email the final product to him. We will pray that Matt has a speedy recovery.


Why don't you go to the Warm Wishes forum and make a Sign the Matty Get Well Card!

Thats a good idea, I'll make it later because I am a bit busy now.

Thank you Horatio :)

You're most welcome. :D

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  • 2 months later...

Last night was my friends party. The evening started off well, I was getting close to M. and he was showing some interest. But then V turned up. The next thing I knew M was with V. When I'm upset I will drink anything alcoholic. I took anything anyone gave me, even the straight vodka someone had bought. People were telling me I looked great in what I was wearing. But I wasn't good enough for M was I? V had just broken up with her boyfriend and M was right there for her. I saw him with his arm around her before I left.


♥ Lee

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Last night was my friends party. The evening started off well, I was getting close to M. and he was showing some interest. But then V turned up. The next thing I knew M was with V. When I'm upset I will drink anything alcoholic. I took anything anyone gave me, even the straight vodka someone had bought. People were telling me I looked great in what I was wearing. But I wasn't good enough for M was I? V had just broken up with her boyfriend and M was right there for her. I saw him with his arm around her before I left.


♥ Lee

I had to think about this before I replied. Drinking when you are upset is a behavior pattern you should consider changing. M is not worth your friendship, time or attention. If you think that when you and M became a couple that he would be only with you, then you are setting yourself up for quite a bit of hurt. M may be hot, he may attract you, but he is also not the person for you. M is thinking only of M.


Here are my guidelines: (Not in any particular order.)

1. Love yourself! Place yourself first on your list.

2. Take control over your life. Do not abuse yourself because the object of your affections is not reciprocating.

3. Never, ever give the power over your feelings to someone else. When people walk up to you and hand you all sorts of harmful substances, they are NOT your friend. They are only adding to your self-destruction. If your feelings are hurt, STOP drinking altogether! Find someone to talk to who is worth your time and attention. Most people do not want to talk to a slobbering, emotional drunk.

4. Never, ever try and change someone. Do not even consider 'improving' this person. Thinking, 'if only I was in his life, he could/would/should be better'. This will never happen. You are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.


I am truly sorry that I could say the words you might want to hear. M is a guy you need to run away from and run at lightning fast speed. He is not the guy for you. You need to find a guy who may not be the hottest or has the best bod, but who treats you like you deserve to be treated... like a princess. You want a guy who is considerate of you and your feelings. You deserve a guy who wants to be with you because he is truly in love with you and sees the wonderful person you are. This guy is out there waiting to meet you.

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Last night was my friends party. The evening started off well, I was getting close to M. and he was showing some interest. But then V turned up. The next thing I knew M was with V. When I'm upset I will drink anything alcoholic. I took anything anyone gave me, even the straight vodka someone had bought. People were telling me I looked great in what I was wearing. But I wasn't good enough for M was I? V had just broken up with her boyfriend and M was right there for her. I saw him with his arm around her before I left.


♥ Lee

I had to think about this before I replied. Drinking when you are upset is a behavior pattern you should consider changing. M is not worth your friendship, time or attention. If you think that when you and M became a couple that he would be only with you, then you are setting yourself up for quite a bit of hurt. M may be hot, he may attract you, but he is also not the person for you. M is thinking only of M.


Here are my guidelines: (Not in any particular order.)

1. Love yourself! Place yourself first on your list.

2. Take control over your life. Do not abuse yourself because the object of your affections is not reciprocating.

3. Never, ever give the power over your feelings to someone else. When people walk up to you and hand you all sorts of harmful substances, they are NOT your friend. They are only adding to your self-destruction. If your feelings are hurt, STOP drinking altogether! Find someone to talk to who is worth your time and attention. Most people do not want to talk to a slobbering, emotional drunk.

4. Never, ever try and change someone. Do not even consider 'improving' this person. Thinking, 'if only I was in his life, he could/would/should be better'. This will never happen. You are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.


I am truly sorry that I could say the words you might want to hear. M is a guy you need to run away from and run at lightning fast speed. He is not the guy for you. You need to find a guy who may not be the hottest or has the best bod, but who treats you like you deserve to be treated... like a princess. You want a guy who is considerate of you and your feelings. You deserve a guy who wants to be with you because he is truly in love with you and sees the wonderful person you are. This guy is out there waiting to meet you.


You are so wise, Horatio!

Its hard to aviod M because hes actually my friend, I think its wrong for me to be attracted to him because it might wreck our friendship. Tonight we are going to the movies, I'm not going to be flirty or anything. I think the reason I am attracted to him is because he is similar to me in many ways and he does a lot of interesting things that he loves telling me about. You made me think, Horatio. Why should I let someone else control my feelings?

I know that alcohol is a depressant but I don't know why I still drink it. I really shouldn't.

I better go now. Gotta tidy up my room.


♥ Lee

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Last night was my friends party. The evening started off well, I was getting close to M. and he was showing some interest. But then V turned up. The next thing I knew M was with V. When I'm upset I will drink anything alcoholic. I took anything anyone gave me, even the straight vodka someone had bought. People were telling me I looked great in what I was wearing. But I wasn't good enough for M was I? V had just broken up with her boyfriend and M was right there for her. I saw him with his arm around her before I left.


♥ Lee

I had to think about this before I replied. Drinking when you are upset is a behavior pattern you should consider changing. M is not worth your friendship, time or attention. If you think that when you and M became a couple that he would be only with you, then you are setting yourself up for quite a bit of hurt. M may be hot, he may attract you, but he is also not the person for you. M is thinking only of M.


Here are my guidelines: (Not in any particular order.)

1. Love yourself! Place yourself first on your list.

2. Take control over your life. Do not abuse yourself because the object of your affections is not reciprocating.

3. Never, ever give the power over your feelings to someone else. When people walk up to you and hand you all sorts of harmful substances, they are NOT your friend. They are only adding to your self-destruction. If your feelings are hurt, STOP drinking altogether! Find someone to talk to who is worth your time and attention. Most people do not want to talk to a slobbering, emotional drunk.

4. Never, ever try and change someone. Do not even consider 'improving' this person. Thinking, 'if only I was in his life, he could/would/should be better'. This will never happen. You are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.


I am truly sorry that I could say the words you might want to hear. M is a guy you need to run away from and run at lightning fast speed. He is not the guy for you. You need to find a guy who may not be the hottest or has the best bod, but who treats you like you deserve to be treated... like a princess. You want a guy who is considerate of you and your feelings. You deserve a guy who wants to be with you because he is truly in love with you and sees the wonderful person you are. This guy is out there waiting to meet you.


You are so wise, Horatio!

Its hard to aviod M because hes actually my friend, I think its wrong for me to be attracted to him because it might wreck our friendship. Tonight we are going to the movies, I'm not going to be flirty or anything. I think the reason I am attracted to him is because he is similar to me in many ways and he does a lot of interesting things that he loves telling me about. You made me think, Horatio. Why should I let someone else control my feelings?

I know that alcohol is a depressant but I don't know why I still drink it. I really shouldn't.

I better go now. Gotta tidy up my room.


♥ Lee

I need to think before I respond. Would you like to clean my cage while you are in a cleaning mood? :lol:

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Last night was my friends party. The evening started off well, I was getting close to M. and he was showing some interest. But then V turned up. The next thing I knew M was with V. When I'm upset I will drink anything alcoholic. I took anything anyone gave me, even the straight vodka someone had bought. People were telling me I looked great in what I was wearing. But I wasn't good enough for M was I? V had just broken up with her boyfriend and M was right there for her. I saw him with his arm around her before I left.


♥ Lee

I had to think about this before I replied. Drinking when you are upset is a behavior pattern you should consider changing. M is not worth your friendship, time or attention. If you think that when you and M became a couple that he would be only with you, then you are setting yourself up for quite a bit of hurt. M may be hot, he may attract you, but he is also not the person for you. M is thinking only of M.


Here are my guidelines: (Not in any particular order.)

1. Love yourself! Place yourself first on your list.

2. Take control over your life. Do not abuse yourself because the object of your affections is not reciprocating.

3. Never, ever give the power over your feelings to someone else. When people walk up to you and hand you all sorts of harmful substances, they are NOT your friend. They are only adding to your self-destruction. If your feelings are hurt, STOP drinking altogether! Find someone to talk to who is worth your time and attention. Most people do not want to talk to a slobbering, emotional drunk.

4. Never, ever try and change someone. Do not even consider 'improving' this person. Thinking, 'if only I was in his life, he could/would/should be better'. This will never happen. You are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.


I am truly sorry that I could say the words you might want to hear. M is a guy you need to run away from and run at lightning fast speed. He is not the guy for you. You need to find a guy who may not be the hottest or has the best bod, but who treats you like you deserve to be treated... like a princess. You want a guy who is considerate of you and your feelings. You deserve a guy who wants to be with you because he is truly in love with you and sees the wonderful person you are. This guy is out there waiting to meet you.


You are so wise, Horatio!

Its hard to aviod M because hes actually my friend, I think its wrong for me to be attracted to him because it might wreck our friendship. Tonight we are going to the movies, I'm not going to be flirty or anything. I think the reason I am attracted to him is because he is similar to me in many ways and he does a lot of interesting things that he loves telling me about. You made me think, Horatio. Why should I let someone else control my feelings?

I know that alcohol is a depressant but I don't know why I still drink it. I really shouldn't.

I better go now. Gotta tidy up my room.


♥ Lee

I used to feel pretty much the same way about my friend. Took me a while to get over him, but not before he found out and that sorta ruined our friendship for a little bit... But I did get over him. And we're starting to go back to being really good friends. It's taking a long time for us to get back to normal. I'm absolutely sure it'll get back to normal though, because after all, we are friends, and as friends we're not going to hate each other forever just because I wasn't in my right mind for a while.


Anyways, I should PROBABLY just state my point. You might get over him. But even if you don't and he finds out, if he's a good enough friend it won't ruin your friendship.


Actually it sort of depends on how mean the person is but he doesn't seem like a harsh person.

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Last night was my friends party. The evening started off well, I was getting close to M. and he was showing some interest. But then V turned up. The next thing I knew M was with V. When I'm upset I will drink anything alcoholic. I took anything anyone gave me, even the straight vodka someone had bought. People were telling me I looked great in what I was wearing. But I wasn't good enough for M was I? V had just broken up with her boyfriend and M was right there for her. I saw him with his arm around her before I left.


♥ Lee

I had to think about this before I replied. Drinking when you are upset is a behavior pattern you should consider changing. M is not worth your friendship, time or attention. If you think that when you and M became a couple that he would be only with you, then you are setting yourself up for quite a bit of hurt. M may be hot, he may attract you, but he is also not the person for you. M is thinking only of M.


Here are my guidelines: (Not in any particular order.)

1. Love yourself! Place yourself first on your list.

2. Take control over your life. Do not abuse yourself because the object of your affections is not reciprocating.

3. Never, ever give the power over your feelings to someone else. When people walk up to you and hand you all sorts of harmful substances, they are NOT your friend. They are only adding to your self-destruction. If your feelings are hurt, STOP drinking altogether! Find someone to talk to who is worth your time and attention. Most people do not want to talk to a slobbering, emotional drunk.

4. Never, ever try and change someone. Do not even consider 'improving' this person. Thinking, 'if only I was in his life, he could/would/should be better'. This will never happen. You are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.


I am truly sorry that I could say the words you might want to hear. M is a guy you need to run away from and run at lightning fast speed. He is not the guy for you. You need to find a guy who may not be the hottest or has the best bod, but who treats you like you deserve to be treated... like a princess. You want a guy who is considerate of you and your feelings. You deserve a guy who wants to be with you because he is truly in love with you and sees the wonderful person you are. This guy is out there waiting to meet you.


You are so wise, Horatio!

Its hard to aviod M because hes actually my friend, I think its wrong for me to be attracted to him because it might wreck our friendship. Tonight we are going to the movies, I'm not going to be flirty or anything. I think the reason I am attracted to him is because he is similar to me in many ways and he does a lot of interesting things that he loves telling me about. You made me think, Horatio. Why should I let someone else control my feelings?

I know that alcohol is a depressant but I don't know why I still drink it. I really shouldn't.

I better go now. Gotta tidy up my room.


♥ Lee

I used to feel pretty much the same way about my friend. Took me a while to get over him, but not before he found out and that sorta ruined our friendship for a little bit... But I did get over him. And we're starting to go back to being really good friends. It's taking a long time for us to get back to normal. I'm absolutely sure it'll get back to normal though, because after all, we are friends, and as friends we're not going to hate each other forever just because I wasn't in my right mind for a while.


Anyways, I should PROBABLY just state my point. You might get over him. But even if you don't and he finds out, if he's a good enough friend it won't ruin your friendship.


Actually it sort of depends on how mean the person is but he doesn't seem like a harsh person.

You have a very good point. Of course, it also has something to do with how much his feelings are hurt.


This brings me to another thought. It is okay to feel bad when the object of your affections does not return the attention. What I mean when I say not to give the power over your feelings to someone else, is that you can hurt, you can feel bad, but do not let your actions go beyond this. For example, no destructive behavior. It is perfectly acceptable to feel as though your heart hurts and you want to cry, but never let someone think they can manipulate you into destruction behavior.


I didn't want you to think that you should not feel bad. The best revenge in this situation is to let him see that you are going to have a great time without him. You do not need him to validate who you are. You are your own person who is pretty, fun, smart, with a great personality and fantastic sense of humor. What you want to show him is that he missed out on having the greatest girl in his life. Of course, you will need to get it in your head to move on, and that is the hard part, but you can do this. There will always be a better guy out there for you.


Okay... enough said.

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