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Everyone look this way! it's meeeeee! lee!


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I am traveling light.  My bags are packed and I am ready.  I love traveling!  How about if you take your digital camera and get some vacation pics and we create Horatio's Travel Forum.  Here is where people could post pics of their adventures.  What do you think? :unsure:  :huh:  :unsure:


That would be a great idea, if my computer actually let me put photos on it! *gives computer an evil look* <_< If I could I'd have so many photos of my travels (and of my cat)! I have a few from a previous atempt :) I love my digital camera! :lol:



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Oh, dear girl... take it from a male hamster... NEVER wait by the phone!!!  You see, guys want what they cannot get.  So, if you are sitting by the phone and are always there when they call, then they know that you are doing exactly that.  Make them work for it.  Go out by yourself, go out with your friends, but please do not sit by the phone and wait.


You see, if you are not there by the phone when this guy calls, then he will think you are out with some other guy, friends.........., but he will know that you are not waiting for him and that will make you more desireable.  Now if you just happened to walk in when the phone rang, then lucky him.



Thats true I guess...

I'm scared to ask this other person out because I used to think he liked me but when I got my friends to find out he said no. Maybe he said no to them because he didn't want to tell them the truth. He is also a close friend of mine so it would be a bit akward and I don't want to ruin our friendship... I really don't know what to do!  :(  I will see him on Tuesday, I can't wait to see his new hair style  :)




My mother was a very wise hammie. She had some advice that seems very strange, but later in life when you look at it, is very smart. One of the words of advice was if you are asked out by someone, take a look at them and see if you would want to be married to this person. In other words, look at the total package and think of being with them forever. If there are things that you do not like about them, then do not waste their time and money and lead them on, just to go out. If you must go out, then, go with a friend and pay for yourself. You always have to put yourself in their shoes and think if you would want someone to go out with you, just to go out and be seen. As for your friend, I would try asking him to do things as friends. You could always tell him that you wanted to see a movie, but did not want to make a date, but wanted a friend to go with. If he feels that you are not pressuring him to go as a boyfriend, then he may go with you. From this and future outings as friends, you two may develop a relationship out of a friendship. This relationship would be much stronger as you were friends first. The problem is that you asked your friends to see if he liked you. Bad move. The fact that you had your friends ask, may now backfire on your friendship if you ask him. You have two choices, wait a bit and then try and do things as friends or ask and see what happens. This will be a choice you have to make. My thought is to have some patience.

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That would be a great idea, if my computer actually let me put photos on it! *gives computer an evil look* <_ if i could have so many photos of my travels cat a few from previous atempt src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)"> I love my digital camera!  :lol:



I will make Horatio's Travel Topic now. At least we can talk about our travels. :D

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My mother was a very wise hammie.  She had some advice that seems very strange, but later in life when you look at it, is very smart.  One of the words of advice was if you are asked out by someone, take a look at them and see if you would want to be married to this person.  In other words, look at the total package and think of being with them forever.  If there are things that you do not like about them, then do not waste their time and money and lead them on, just to go out.  If you must go out, then, go with a friend and pay for yourself.  You always have to put yourself in their shoes and think if you would want someone to go out with you, just to go out and be seen.  As for your friend, I would try asking him to do things as friends.  You could always tell him that you wanted to see a movie, but did not want to make a date, but wanted a friend to go with.  If he feels that you are not pressuring him to go as a boyfriend, then he may go with you.  From this and future outings as friends, you two may develop a relationship out of a friendship.  This relationship would be much stronger as you were friends first.  The problem is that you asked your friends to see if he liked you.  Bad move.  The fact that you had your friends ask, may now backfire on your friendship if you ask him.  You have two choices, wait a bit and then try and do things as friends or ask and see what happens.  This will be a choice you have to make.  My thought is to have some patience.

Wow, that is good advice! You remind me of Sheena! I used to call her 'Mum' because she was always giving advice and was very supportive like an online mother. I miss her!

Anyways I've decided to take it slow and not ask this person out but just try to slowly form a relationship out of our friendship. I will always remember what you have said, Horatio, for further reference! :D



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Wow, that is good advice! You remind me of Sheena! I used to call her 'Mum' because she was always giving advice and was very supportive like an online mother. I miss her!

Anyways I've decided to take it slow and not ask this person out but just try to slowly form a relationship out of our friendship. I will always remember what you have said, Horatio, for further reference!  :D



Thank you for that compliment. The advice came from my mother passed down to me. At the time she told me, I thought that some of the things were so bizarre. Now I lookback, I realize she was so accurate and insightful.

*reminds myself of the saying "hindsight is 20/20"*

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Wow, that is good advice! You remind me of Sheena! I used to call her 'Mum' because she was always giving advice and was very supportive like an online mother. I miss her!



Yes, Sheena was always giving the best advice you can get. A very wise penguin.

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Thank you for that compliment.  The advice came from my mother passed down to me.  At the time she told me, I thought that some of the things were so bizarre.  Now I lookback, I realize she was so accurate and insightful. 

*reminds myself of the saying "hindsight is 20/20"*

Well it just so happens that his boy asked me if I liked him and I said "yes, just a tiny bit but I would just like to be friends" and he said "thats all it ever would be".

I think it's a sign that I'm not supposed to have a boyfriend right now, maybe I should just concentrate on school. Anyways I thought about what you said, Horatio, and I wouldn't like to spend my life with this person. He is very different from me. So it all worked out for the best I guess.



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Well it just so happens that his boy asked me if I liked him and I said "yes, just a tiny bit but I would just like to be friends" and he said "thats all it ever would be".

I think it's a sign that I'm not supposed to have a boyfriend right now, maybe I should just concentrate on school. Anyways I thought about what you said, Horatio, and I wouldn't like to spend my life with this person. He is very different from me. So it all worked out for the best I guess.



You probably will have a wonderful friend. :D

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And now hes asking me how he should ask this other girl out... and now we are making a bet on wat she will say... oh this is so hard to do!



:( Yes, this is very hard and it tugs at your heart. Keep this in mind, as long as you are his friend, he always has a place to go for a person who will not judge him, will not make fun of him and will accept him just the way he is. That is a strong foundation for a wonderful friendship.

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:(  Yes, this is very hard and it tugs at your heart.  Keep this in mind, as long as you are his friend, he always has a place to go for a person who will not judge him, will not make fun of him and will accept him just the way he is.  That is a strong foundation for a wonderful friendship.

Wonderful words of wisdom :)

Guess who I saw yesterday... It was the first guy. I was in church and I saw him. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes and smiled, I commented on his hair (which he had put blonde tips in) and he said thanks. He is such a tease, why did I even bother talking to him?

Anyways I've made plans to go to the movies with my friends on the 20th and I invited the second guy. I think the whole thing is just an excuse to see him. He didn't ask that other girl out, I think he just wanted to make me feel jealous

I really have to go, my annoying sister is being annoying. She is always bugging me!



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Wonderful words of wisdom  :)

Guess who I saw yesterday... It was the first guy. I was in church and I saw him. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes and smiled, I commented on his hair (which he had put blonde tips in) and he said thanks. He is such a tease, why did I even bother talking to him?

Anyways I've made plans to go to the movies with my friends on the 20th and I invited the second guy. I think the whole thing is just an excuse to see him. He didn't ask that other girl out, I think he just wanted to make me feel jealous

I really have to go, my annoying sister is being annoying. She is always bugging me!



You are doing great. Remember, when you all go to the movies, YOU be the one to keep things on a friendship level. People always want what they cannot have. :lol::lol::lol:
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You are doing great.  Remember, when you all go to the movies, YOU be the one to keep things on a friendship level.  People always want what they cannot have. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Oh, that is soooo true! I want him because I can't have him! Don't worry, I'll be good and keep things at the friendship level! :) Well, I can always try! :lol:



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Carols by Candelight is on the 19th... and I have no one to hang out with. In 2001 I had Ashley but we aren't friends any more, 2002 & 2003 I had Kshaur but he has other people to hang out with now so this year I'm stuck with nobody to watch fireworks with!



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Carols by Candelight is on the 19th... and I have no one to hang out with. In 2001 I had Ashley but we aren't friends any more, 2002 & 2003 I had Kshaur but he has other people to hang out with now so this year I'm stuck with nobody to watch fireworks with!



You know, this may not be all bad. You can use this time to reflect and look at the fireworks with a different point of view. The other school of thought would be that if you went where there was a crowd also viewing the fireworks, you just might meet new friends.

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You know, this may not be all bad.  You can use this time to reflect and look at the fireworks with a different point of view.  The other school of thought would be that if you went where there was a crowd also viewing the fireworks, you just might meet new friends.

I did actually end up hanging out with my friend Kshaur, he was with another friend but I made friends with him also. The fireworks wern't as good as I remember but it was still fun watching them. I got to see other people as well, some old friends, some relatives and certain other people...

Christmas is going to be here soon, I just can't wait! It is so exciting!

My trip to Lakes Entrance was quite good, I did more stuff than usual. I found out that they had a library! LOL :lol:

I hope everyone else is enjoying thier holidays :)



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Merry Christmas to everyone!

I hope everybody is enjoying thier holidays and having lots of fun. Did everyone get what they wanted? I did, a 72 pack of Derwent pencils... I was really suprised though since they are expensive!

Horatio, what did you get? My cat and bird got some yummy treats :D



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Merry Christmas to everyone!

I hope everybody is enjoying thier holidays and having lots of fun. Did everyone get what they wanted? I did, a 72 pack of Derwent pencils... I was really suprised though since they are expensive!

Horatio, what did you get? My cat and bird got some yummy treats  :D



Those Derwent pencils are wonderful. The 72 box?!?!?!? Do your parents need someone else on their Christmas list???



The Hammie Santa was very generous this year. We got yogurt treats, corn cobbies, healthy bits, seed cakes, lava triangles, one or two of each type of hammie treat, a cornucopia of deli meats (little pieces of ham, roast beef, turkey, liver sausage, a variety of cheeses and salami), chew sticks, dried fruit bits (papaya, banana, pineapple, blueberry and cranberry), a variety of seeds (grey stripe sunflower, black oil sunflower, pumpkin, corn kernels and raw peanuts), raw veggie pieces (broccoli, carrot, pepper and cauliflower) and popcorn sticks. In my cage was my favorite treat, a giant Marshmallow cake for Ferrets. Our hammie family loves them and we were pleased when Santa left each one of us a Marshmallow cake. We just love super worms and we each had three of them. There were lots of other food treats and I cannot remember them all. We each got a couple of new play toys. Hermione, who has a broken leg, got an addition to her home. She has some trouble getting around, so we all got together, chipped in to buy her a new home addition. She just loves it. I think that about summarizes my list, oh except for one thing... after we finished dinner, we all were flat on our backs on the floor of our cages with our fur zippers open exposing our overfull stomachs. :lol::lol::lol:

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Those Derwent pencils are wonderful.  The 72 box?!?!?!?  Do your parents need someone else on their Christmas list??? 

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:   


The Hammie Santa was very generous this year.  We got yogurt treats, corn cobbies, healthy bits, seed cakes, lava triangles, one or two of each type of hammie treat, a cornucopia of deli meats...

Are they hot?

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Those Derwent pencils are wonderful.  The 72 box?!?!?!?  Do your parents need someone else on their Christmas list??? 

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:   


The Hammie Santa was very generous this year.  We got yogurt treats, corn cobbies, healthy bits, seed cakes, lava triangles, one or two of each type of hammie treat, a cornucopia of deli meats (little pieces of ham, roast beef, turkey, liver sausage, a variety of cheeses and salami), chew sticks, dried fruit bits (papaya, banana, pineapple, blueberry and cranberry), a variety of seeds (grey stripe sunflower, black oil sunflower, pumpkin, corn kernels and raw peanuts), raw veggie pieces (broccoli, carrot, pepper and cauliflower) and popcorn sticks.  In my cage was my favorite treat, a giant Marshmallow cake for Ferrets.  Our hammie family loves them and we were pleased when Santa left each one of us a Marshmallow cake.  We just love super worms and we each had three of them.  There were lots of other food treats and I cannot remember them all.  We each got a couple of new play toys.  Hermione, who has a broken leg, got an addition to her home.  She has some trouble getting around, so we all got together, chipped in to buy her a new home addition.  She just loves it.  I think that about summarizes my list, oh except for one thing... after we finished dinner, we all were flat on our backs on the floor of our cages with our fur zippers open exposing our overfull stomachs. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



You lucky little hammies!

Yes, my favorite present was the 72 box of Derwents and the first thing I drew with them was a picture of my baby mynah bird who died on the 28th December last year. I'm going to use it for her memorial tomorrow.

Also tomorrow I'm installing Broadband internet... no more 56k modem! yay! :D



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You lucky little hammies!

Yes, my favorite present was the 72 box of Derwents and the first thing I drew with them was a picture of my baby mynah bird who died on the 28th December last year. I'm going to use it for her memorial tomorrow.

Also tomorrow I'm installing Broadband internet... no more 56k modem! yay!  :D



Outstanding!!!!!!! Broadband is really fast!! :D I am looking forward to when your artwork starts appearing on here with your new pencils! :D

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My parents would flip out if I asked for some. They would probably tell me to use normal pencils. :lol:

My mother was an artist, so she probably would be easier to convince. Probably not the 72 set, more like the set of 8 or perhaps 3. :lol::lol::lol: She might suggest learning with the primary colors first. :lol::lol::lol:

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My mother was an artist, so she probably would be easier to convince.  Probably not the 72 set, more like the set of 8 or perhaps 3. :lol:  :lol:  :lol: She might suggest learning with the primary colors first.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Its interesting how they also have such a variety of types of pencils! Watercolor, sketching, color....

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Personally I love the watercolor pencils and the coloring pencils.  I have the Prismacolor... can't afford the Derwent. :lol:

I never thought my parents would get me Derwents, let alone the 72 pack! I also love watercolor pencils, I have a set of 12, not Derwent but they are OK.


Horatio, I'd love to share my artwork with you but I don't have a scanner :( I don't really do much artwork using comuter programs either. I'll try to convince one of my friends to let me use thier scanner...



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I never thought my parents would get me Derwents, let alone the 72 pack! I also love watercolor pencils, I have a set of 12, not Derwent but they are OK.


Horatio, I'd love to share my artwork with you but I don't have a scanner  :(  I don't really do much artwork using comuter programs either. I'll try to convince one of my friends to let me use thier scanner...



My apologies, I am not trying to ignore you... Skwerlhugger Will has me working soooooo hard in his topic that I have not gotten back. I am so sorry!


I have Faber Castell watercolor pencils, but I cannot draw. :lol: So please do convince one of your friends as I would love to see your work. :D

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
My apologies, I am not trying to ignore you... Skwerlhugger Will has me working soooooo hard in his topic that I have not gotten back.  I am so sorry!


I have Faber Castell watercolor pencils, but I cannot draw. :lol: So please do convince one of your friends as I would love to see your work. :D

and he has found you again!

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I have not noticed that you have been ignoring me, Horatio, since I have not been online for several days! Stupid broadband connection wouldn't work! Well, now it's up and running smoothly!

I hope everyone had a great new years! Mine was alright but it was a bit boring. Oh Well. I'd better get back to seaching for Green Day concert tickets.

Catcha later!


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I have not noticed that you have been ignoring me, Horatio, since I have not been online for several days! Stupid broadband connection wouldn't work! Well, now it's up and running smoothly!

I hope everyone had a great new years! Mine was alright but it was a bit boring. Oh Well. I'd better get back to seaching for Green Day concert tickets.

Catcha later!


We missed you! I was on HampsterDance when New Year's Day arrived! :lol::lol::lol:

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We missed you!  I was on HampsterDance when New Year's Day arrived!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Aw, you missed me? Thats so nice! I missed you all too! :)

Have you made any new years resolutions yet? I have! I will learn to play the electric guitar and learn how to skateboard! It sounds like lots of fun. I can't wait to start year 11 also, we go back to school at the end of January.



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Aw, you missed me? Thats so nice! I missed you all too! :)

Have you made any new years resolutions yet? I have! I will learn to play the electric guitar and learn how to skateboard! It sounds like lots of fun. I can't wait to start year 11 also, we go back to school at the end of January.



Both of those things will be lots of fun. We have lots of people here who have electric guitars. As for the skateboard, I loved that as a younger hammie. :lol::lol::lol:

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Both of those things will be lots of fun.  We have lots of people here who have electric guitars.  As for the skateboard, I loved that as a younger hammie. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Yay! I'm so excited! I also want to go to the Green Day concert next year but they are sold out and I'm trying to bid on some tickets but they are way too expensive... heres hoping that I win that radio competion!

The weather here has been a bit stranger than normal, hot & sunny one day then pouring down the next. Oh well Melbourne's weather has always been crazy!



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Hello Lee!!!


How are you?  I know you have relatives in India, are they okay?  I have been worried about that.  How is everything else?  Great I hope.



Horatio :D

I didn't notice that post before...

Thank you for your concern Horatio, yes my relatives are okay. I think they are so lucky because they live close to the beach but the side of India they are in didn't really get affected.

The message boards seem so quiet latley...



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I didn't notice that post before...

Thank you for your concern Horatio, yes my relatives are okay. I think they are so lucky because they live close to the beach but the side of India they are in didn't really get affected.

The message boards seem so quiet latley...



I am so very relieved to hear this. Not knowing, had me worried. Things are a bit quiet but I think that is because it is after the holidays and we are getting back into our routine.

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I am so very relieved to hear this.  Not knowing, had me worried.  Things are a bit quiet but I think that is because it is after the holidays and we are getting back into our routine.

Yes, thats true.. except i am still on holidays! mwhahahahaha! today i patted a wombat and i held a carpet python! it was the coolest!



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Yes, thats true.. except i am still on holidays! mwhahahahaha! today i patted a wombat and i held a carpet python! it was the coolest!



Still on holidays!!!!!!!! Fantastic! That is what happens when you have Christmas in summer. :D

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Pack your little hammie bags Horatio, were heading out to Eden on Sunday! I hope you like long drives cause this one is over 6 hours! Last year I was in Adelaide (that took about 8 hours by car) and I could have met Matt Atkins, if only he wasn't in America...



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Pack your little hammie bags Horatio, were heading out to Eden on Sunday! I hope you like long drives cause this one is over 6 hours! Last year I was in Adelaide (that took about 8 hours by car) and I could have met Matt Atkins, if only he wasn't in America...



*packs bags*

I am all set! I will be on your doorstep very, very early Sunday morning. The drive will be great! I hope it is okay as I might be sleeping for most of the journey. :D

*is really excited*

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*packs bags*

I am all set!  I will be on your doorstep very, very early Sunday morning.  The drive will be great!  I hope it is okay as I might be sleeping for most of the journey. :D

*is really excited*

What a great holiday that was!

Eden was great, we went to the movies (and saw Spongebob Squarepants!), went to a theme park called "Magic mountain" and did heaps of other cool/fun things! It was short but lots of fun! I gotta unpack my bags now so that they are ready for my next exciting adventure!




PS. My dad thought my studded wrist cuff was a dog collar! LOL! :lol:

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What a great holiday that was!

Eden was great, we went to the movies (and saw Spongebob Squarepants!), went to a theme park called "Magic mountain" and did heaps of other cool/fun things! It was short but lots of fun! I gotta unpack my bags now so that they are ready for my next exciting adventure!



Glad to hear your holiday was fantastic! We missed you. Things were quiet here without you. Seems like quite a number of people went on holiday the same time as you did.

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It was funny! He was like "why did u buy a dog collar?"

LOL!  :lol:



Completely unrelated to the current conversation.... My brother wears a black vest, black shirt, black/red gloves, and dark pants all the time.... he looks creepy yet cool... As I said, completely unrelated. And as for that question from your dad, that sounds like if you heard it in person it would be hilarious and if you heard about it it would be just about as funny!

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Completely unrelated to the current conversation.... My brother wears a black vest, black shirt, black/red gloves, and dark pants all the time.... he looks creepy yet cool... As I said, completely unrelated. And as for that question from your dad, that sounds like if you heard it in person it would be hilarious and if you heard about it it would be just about as funny!

Really? cool! Is he a punk? how old is he?

*is about to fall over*




PS, yes It was hilarious! *falls over*

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Really? cool! Is he a punk? how old is he?

*is about to fall over*




PS, yes It was hilarious! *falls over*

sounds kinda gothy to me..... my brother ony wears pants with chains on them and skulls, and gothy shirts, and has a gothy room, yet says he isn't gothy at all....

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Really? cool! Is he a punk? how old is he?

*is about to fall over*




PS, yes It was hilarious! *falls over*

I'm not sure what category he would fall into. He's a rocker, I guess, seeing as he loves to listen to Japanese rock and pop songs(its not as weird as it may sound. the fact that he listens to Japanese music, that is). I guess he would fall in the cool person category. :lol:


He's 15.


And its scary how strong he is....


*wishes that I had a video or DVD of Lee falling over*

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I'm not sure what category he would fall into. He's a rocker, I guess, seeing as he loves to listen to Japanese rock and pop songs(its not as weird as it may sound. the fact that he listens to Japanese music, that is). I guess he would fall in the cool person category. :lol:


He's 15.


And its scary how strong he is....


*wishes that I had a video or DVD of Lee falling over*



It is possible that he might be a punk- rocker!

I dont think a Japanese rock band would sound that bad...

I'm 15 also! I'm the youngest out of all my friends which is very annoying...


*falls over again and makes a DVD of it for MW*



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It is possible that he might be a punk- rocker!

I dont think a Japanese rock band would sound that bad...

I'm 15 also! I'm the youngest out of all my friends which is very annoying...


*falls over again and makes a DVD of it for MW*



When's your birthday? His is on the 15th of July.


Woohoo! *keeps on repeating the DVD over, and over, and over...*

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I started school yesterday... I probablly wont be around as often...

The one thing I missed about school was socialising! Two peoples told me I look pretty :) I've only been back two days and I've already got a party to go to tomorrow. I missed my friends. My friend michael who had dyed his hair black (which made him look sooooo gorgeous... :wub: ) had to get it all cut off because our school doesn't allow coloured hair. I think that is stupid.

I have to do homework and right now I'm not so better go do it...



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I started school yesterday... I probablly wont be around as often...

The one thing I missed about school was socialising! Two peoples told me I look pretty :)  I've only been back two days and I've already got a party to go to tomorrow. I missed my friends. My friend michael who had dyed his hair black (which made him look sooooo gorgeous... :wub: ) had to get it all cut off because our school doesn't allow coloured hair. I think that is stupid.

I have to do homework and right now I'm not so better go do it...



*misses Lee already*


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I started school yesterday... I probablly wont be around as often...

The one thing I missed about school was socialising! Two peoples told me I look pretty :)  I've only been back two days and I've already got a party to go to tomorrow. I missed my friends. My friend michael who had dyed his hair black (which made him look sooooo gorgeous... :wub: ) had to get it all cut off because our school doesn't allow coloured hair. I think that is stupid.

I have to do homework and right now I'm not so better go do it...



What kind of idiot would think of the rule no coloured hair? :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...


Did everyone miss me? Of course you did! LOL :lol:

School is so boring <_<

I'm going to the Good Charlotte concert on Wednesday! I want to get Green Day concert tickets for March but they are like $400 on ebay...

I'm so excited! I have to go to two parties tomorrow. Too many parties I say! Every weekend I have to go to a party and I get invited to more when I'm there!

I hope everyone is good and well, I know I am :)

I'll visit again soon, I'm going to check out some other posts now...



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Did everyone miss me? Of course you did! LOL  :lol:

School is so boring  <_>

I'm going to the Good Charlotte concert on Wednesday! I want to get Green Day concert tickets for March but they are like $400 on ebay...

I'm so excited! I have to go to two parties tomorrow. Too many parties I say! Every weekend I have to go to a party and I get invited to more when I'm there!

I hope everyone is good and well, I know I am :)

I'll visit again soon, I'm going to check out some other posts now...



We absolutely, positively missed you!!!!!!!

Glad to hear that life is treating you well!

School is always boring! :lol: If it wasn't, they wouldn't be doing their jobs.


$400 for Green Day tickets???????? :o:blink::o



Please stop back in and say hello more often!

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Did everyone miss me? Of course you did! LOL  :lol:

School is so boring  <_<

I'm going to the Good Charlotte concert on Wednesday! I want to get Green Day concert tickets for March but they are like $400 on ebay...

I'm so excited! I have to go to two parties tomorrow. Too many parties I say! Every weekend I have to go to a party and I get invited to more when I'm there!

I hope everyone is good and well, I know I am :)

I'll visit again soon, I'm going to check out some other posts now...



At least you get invited to parties. :lol:

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yeah really.  only parties  i go to are the occasional b-day parties and the occasional holiday party.

I've only been invited to like 3 parties. 2 for one person and the other person just felt like inviting me. (even though I and other people picked on him. I was the only girl that showed up. XD)

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I went to the Good Charlotte Concert. It was wow. It was awsome. It was TOTALLY FANTASTIC!

I saw Benji!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! I was jumping up and down and screaming like a crazy person! I got photos! It was the coolest thing ever! I got a t-shirt! They played my favourite song, I almost cried! Ohhhhh, I wish I was still there! I got home after 12am! I wanted to get autographs after the show but it was too late at night... :(


I missed you guys! I feel strange today. Probablly cause the one event I have been looking forward to in the past two weeks has finished. At least I had a good time.


I hope I can go to the Green Day concert, my friend is trying to get me tickets.

I'm too hyped up to do anything else but talk about the GC concert.


I'll come back when I've settled down(that maybe tomorrow if i'm lucky)!


-Lee (Who was at Good Charlotte in Melbourne 2005!)

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You better be back!!! :D

Yes, I'm here. Not as hypo as before but I'm here. :lol:

It's the weekend :)

So happy :) :) :)

I can rest... no parties this time... ahhhhh...

So how is everybody going? Horatio? Mega Wolf? Cheesemaster? Everyone else?

I am






I need to go now and do other things... <_<



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Yes, I'm here. Not as hypo as before but I'm here.  :lol:

It's the weekend :)

So happy :) :) :)

I can rest... no parties this time... ahhhhh...

So how is everybody going? Horatio? Mega Wolf? Cheesemaster? Everyone else?

I am






I need to go now and do other things...  <_<



I'm okey dokey. Just bored. As usual. :lol:

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I'm scared.

I was upset yesterday and I found myself scraping at my wrists with a pointed bit of paper. It hurt but it made me feel good because it took my mind off what I was feeling sad about. I've never done it before! I'm scared, because I don't want to become one of those people who cuts their wrists. It left some marks but now they are gone... whats happening to me?

I'm really frightened :(



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I'm scared.

I was upset yesterday and I found myself scraping at my wrists with a pointed bit of paper. It hurt but it made me feel good because it took my mind off what I was feeling sad about. I've never done it before! I'm scared, because I don't want to become one of those people who cuts their wrists. It left some marks but now they are gone... whats happening to me?

I'm really frightened  :(



Stress, anxiety, life factors. Can you talk to someone about what is bothering you? Not so much what your actions were but the reason you felt the way you did. The cause of your stress and anxiety. If you cannot talk to your mother, then perhaps a teacher, guidance counselor, pastor or other person that you trust. Start the process to discover what is upsetting you. That should help.

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Stress, anxiety, life factors.  Can you talk to someone about what is bothering you?  Not so much what your actions were but the reason you felt the way you did.  The cause of your stress and anxiety.  If you cannot talk to your mother, then perhaps a teacher, guidance counselor, pastor or other person that you trust.  Start the process to discover what is upsetting you.  That should help.

Or she can type it to deh Horatio if she's more comfortable with dat.

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Stress, anxiety, life factors.  Can you talk to someone about what is bothering you?  Not so much what your actions were but the reason you felt the way you did.  The cause of your stress and anxiety.  If you cannot talk to your mother, then perhaps a teacher, guidance counselor, pastor or other person that you trust.  Start the process to discover what is upsetting you.  That should help.

It's nice to know you guys care about me :)

It wasn't one thing that was bothering me it was the little things, the little things really do count...

I don't want to tell my mum because she will get too stressed about it, she worries way too much. I think I will tell my best friend. She will be shocked but she will understand.

Anyways I don't think I will do it again! Today was also a bad day, someone stole my sketchbook. :( It has my name on it but it's my folio for Art and I need it. I'm reporting it to Student Services tomorrow so hopefully I will find it.

Hopefully I will go to the Green Day concert, I know that will cheer me up.

Okay, I have to go. bye!



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It's nice to know you guys care about me :)

It wasn't one thing that was bothering me it was the little things, the little things really do count...

I don't want to tell my mum because she will get too stressed about it, she worries way too much. I think I will tell my best friend. She will be shocked but she will understand.

Anyways I don't think I will do it again! Today was also a bad day, someone stole my sketchbook. :( It has my name on it but it's my folio for Art and I need it. I'm reporting it to Student Services tomorrow so hopefully I will find it.

Hopefully I will go to the Green Day concert, I know that will cheer me up.

Okay, I have to go. bye!



You can always talk to me. If you don't want it posted, I will delete the post.

The little things add up sometimes to be bigger than one big thing. It is like I have a mound of paperwork. If it was just one thing, it would be done. Nooooooo, it is a bunch of little things and they reproduce overnight. The longer it goes, the more stressful it becomes and the situation just snowballs. So I do know how the little things can get to you.


As for your sketchbook. I am so, so sad to hear about the loss of your most cherished hardwork. Unfortunately, I do not believe that you will see it back. The hardest thing is that it is required for class. The only thing I can think of is, not a remedy for this situation, but for the future. If you have a scanner, I would scan each page, as you complete them. If nothing happens to your book in the future, then you can scan over the other pages or empty them into your trash. If you had to reproduce your sketchbook, it would be from your computer, but at least you would have a copy. Sadly, there will always be people who steal, and art is something they steal quite a bit.


Have fun at the concert. You are young and need to enjoy yourself while you can. Too soon you will be an adult.


I am always here if you need me. If you do not want you post to appear, just write a note saying delete or do not post this. I will answer you so that you will understand, but not give away what you are saying.


Lots of love in friendship...

Horatio :)

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You can always talk to me.  If you don't want it posted, I will delete the post. 

The little things add up sometimes to be bigger than one big thing.  It is like I have a mound of paperwork.  If it was just one thing, it would be done.  Nooooooo, it is a bunch of little things and they reproduce overnight.  The longer it goes, the more stressful it becomes and the situation just snowballs.  So I do know how the little things can get to you.


As for your sketchbook.  I am so, so sad to hear about the loss of your most cherished hardwork.  Unfortunately, I do not believe that you will see it back.  The hardest thing is that it is required for class.  The only thing I can think of is, not a remedy for this situation, but for the future.  If you have a scanner, I would scan each page, as you complete them.  If nothing happens to your book in the future, then you can scan over the other pages or empty them into your trash.  If you had to reproduce your sketchbook, it would be from your computer, but at least you would have a copy.  Sadly, there will always be people who steal, and art is something they steal quite a bit.


Have fun at the concert.  You are young and need to enjoy yourself while you can.  Too soon you will be an adult.


I am always here if you need me.  If you do not want you post to appear, just write a note saying delete or do not post this.  I will answer you so that you will understand, but not give away what you are saying.


Lots of love in friendship...

Horatio  :)



Dear Horiato,

For the long and good post yu just osted, you get a Perfect Poster award for no mistakes!


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Dear Horiato,

For the long and good post yu just osted, you get a Perfect Poster award for no mistakes!

:lol:  :lol:

Hey, Thank you!!!!! I sure do appreciate that award.

*runs as fast as four little paws will carry him to the Trophy Cabinet and places the Award on the top shelf in the center*


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It's nice to know you guys care about me :)

It wasn't one thing that was bothering me it was the little things, the little things really do count...

I don't want to tell my mum because she will get too stressed about it, she worries way too much. I think I will tell my best friend. She will be shocked but she will understand.

Anyways I don't think I will do it again! Today was also a bad day, someone stole my sketchbook. :( It has my name on it but it's my folio for Art and I need it. I'm reporting it to Student Services tomorrow so hopefully I will find it.

Hopefully I will go to the Green Day concert, I know that will cheer me up.

Okay, I have to go. bye!



I understand about moms worrying waaay too much and stressing, my mom does that all the time. As for your best friend, you just gotta hope she doesn't direct you to your mom. You're right though, best friends should understand.


Good idea not to do it again. Anyways, it's unfortunate someone's cruel enough to steal an artist's sketchbook. Especially if it's needed for school. Who knows, maybe you just misplaced it or dropped it and there's hope for finding it. Good thing for Student Services to help you locate it! I cross my fingers for you to go to the Green Day concert, as I'm positive that will make you REALLY happy!


Be happier soon! It's great when you're happy!



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You can always talk to me.  If you don't want it posted, I will delete the post. 

The little things add up sometimes to be bigger than one big thing.  It is like I have a mound of paperwork.  If it was just one thing, it would be done.  Nooooooo, it is a bunch of little things and they reproduce overnight.  The longer it goes, the more stressful it becomes and the situation just snowballs.  So I do know how the little things can get to you.


As for your sketchbook.  I am so, so sad to hear about the loss of your most cherished hardwork.  Unfortunately, I do not believe that you will see it back.  The hardest thing is that it is required for class.  The only thing I can think of is, not a remedy for this situation, but for the future.  If you have a scanner, I would scan each page, as you complete them.  If nothing happens to your book in the future, then you can scan over the other pages or empty them into your trash.  If you had to reproduce your sketchbook, it would be from your computer, but at least you would have a copy.  Sadly, there will always be people who steal, and art is something they steal quite a bit.


Have fun at the concert.  You are young and need to enjoy yourself while you can.  Too soon you will be an adult.


I am always here if you need me.  If you do not want you post to appear, just write a note saying delete or do not post this.  I will answer you so that you will understand, but not give away what you are saying.


Lots of love in friendship...

Horatio  :)




*is about to cry* I have the best friends! Horatio and Mega Wolf, you are so kind!

I dont really want to talk about what was bothering me... they are just stupid things...

I wish you could tell my parents that I should be enjoying myself more! They are concerned about money and things and don't think I should be going out that much.

I'm really disapionted about my sketchbook, it had some really great artwork in it and still haven't found it...

Yep. Mums tend to worry. My Best friend won't tell me to tell my mum, she knows I won't want her to.

I really have to go, I got alot of work to do.

Thank you for your kind wishes! *huggles*



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*is about to cry* I have the best friends! Horatio and Mega Wolf, you are so kind!

I dont really want to talk about what was bothering me... they are just stupid things...

I wish you could tell my parents that I should be enjoying myself more! They are concerned about money and things and don't think I should be going out that much.

I'm really disapionted about my sketchbook, it had some really great artwork in it and  still haven't found it...

Yep. Mums tend to worry. My Best friend won't tell me to tell my mum, she knows I won't want her to.

I really have to go, I got alot of work to do.

Thank you for your kind wishes! *huggles*



*gives big hammie huggle back to Lee*


We are thinking of you. Do you have a scanner with your computer? From now on I suggest that you scan your sketchbook onto your hard drive or on a disk. This will at least keep a copy of what you have done and you could print out of a copy if anything was ever stolen again.


That just breaks my heart as I am sure it hurts so much for you.

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*is about to cry* I have the best friends! Horatio and Mega Wolf, you are so kind!

I dont really want to talk about what was bothering me... they are just stupid things...

I wish you could tell my parents that I should be enjoying myself more! They are concerned about money and things and don't think I should be going out that much.

I'm really disapionted about my sketchbook, it had some really great artwork in it and  still haven't found it...

Yep. Mums tend to worry. My Best friend won't tell me to tell my mum, she knows I won't want her to.

I really have to go, I got alot of work to do.

Thank you for your kind wishes! *huggles*



I would tell them that you need to enjoy yourself more, but I don't think they'd trust a typing crazy wolf. :P Anyways, I understand their concern with money, but every now and then is okay, just to get your mood up.

It's too bad people are cruel enough to steal art. Perhaps lets just think of this as a compliment for now. Maybe someone just LOVES your art and has decided to 'borrow it without giving it back'....

Yeah, I was pretty sure your best friend would understand about that. That's what good friends are for, right? ;)

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It hurt but it made me feel good because it took my mind off what I was feeling sad about.


Can I interject here? This is not a good way to think about things when you are sad. Taking your mind off of what makes you sad is only ignoring it and leaving it for later. If you truly don't want to feel sad about something, accept it and help to change it if you can, or at least try. Facing your problems is better off in the long run than just avoiding them.

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*is about to cry* I have the best friends! Horatio and Mega Wolf, you are so kind!

I dont really want to talk about what was bothering me... they are just stupid things...

I wish you could tell my parents that I should be enjoying myself more! They are concerned about money and things and don't think I should be going out that much.

I'm really disapionted about my sketchbook, it had some really great artwork in it and  still haven't found it...

Yep. Mums tend to worry. My Best friend won't tell me to tell my mum, she knows I won't want her to.

I really have to go, I got alot of work to do.

Thank you for your kind wishes! *huggles*



Mums? Aren't those flowers?

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*gives big hammie huggle back to Lee*


We are thinking of you.  Do you have a scanner with your computer?  From now on I suggest that you scan your sketchbook onto your hard drive or on a disk.  This will at least keep a copy of what you have done and you could print out of a copy if anything was ever stolen again.


That just breaks my heart as I am sure it hurts so much for you.



I would tell them that you need to enjoy yourself more, but I don't think they'd trust a typing crazy wolf. :P Anyways, I understand their concern with money, but every now and then is okay, just to get your mood up.

It's too bad people are cruel enough to steal art. Perhaps lets just think of this as a compliment for now. Maybe someone just LOVES your art and has decided to 'borrow it without giving it back'....

Yeah, I was pretty sure your best friend would understand about that. That's what good friends are for, right? ;)


Aw, you guys are the best!

Things have really turned around for me! I' m going to see Green Day! Woo!

And my sketchbook? Somebody had the nerve to dump it in the media room! I only found out because a teacher told me they saw one of my drawings in there. Some kids were looking at it... Luckily none of my precious art was ripped out or stolen, it was all there :) I'm so happy :) :) :) :) Mum made choc chip cookies :lol:


SSJ6Gohan: I know, it was not a way to escape from my problems and I will never do it again...


Moneylover: Mums are not flowers! Mums are mothers! Just like you guys say "Mom" we say "Mum". Haha, its weird...




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Moneylover: Mums are not flowers! Mums are mothers! Just like you guys say "Mom" we say "Mum".


Actually "Mums" were one of my "Mother's" favorite flowers, second to Roses that is.

*watches Lee look at her "Mum" a whole new way... as a Chrysanthemum*


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And my sketchbook? Somebody had the nerve to dump it in the media room! I only found out because a teacher told me they saw one of my drawings in there. Some kids were looking at it... Luckily none of my precious art was ripped out or stolen, it was all there :) I'm so happy :) :) :) :)

That is wonderful news!!! Now, please scan your sketchbook into your computer. Then write your name in giant letters on the front and the back. This way you have a record of the sketches. You can always delete the sketches after the school year is over. :D

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Aw, you guys are the best!

Things have really turned around for me! I' m going to see Green Day! Woo!

And my sketchbook? Somebody had the nerve to dump it in the media room! I only found out because a teacher told me they saw one of my drawings in there. Some kids were looking at it... Luckily none of my precious art was ripped out or stolen, it was all there :) I'm so happy :) :) :) :) Mum made choc chip cookies  :lol:


SSJ6Gohan: I know, it was not a way to escape from my problems and I will never do it again...


Moneylover: Mums are not flowers! Mums are mothers! Just like you guys say "Mom" we say "Mum". Haha, its weird...


Yay! Yer stuff is back! What kinda moron would steal it and dump it in another room o.O?

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Aw, you guys are the best!

Things have really turned around for me! I' m going to see Green Day! Woo!

And my sketchbook? Somebody had the nerve to dump it in the media room! I only found out because a teacher told me they saw one of my drawings in there. Some kids were looking at it... Luckily none of my precious art was ripped out or stolen, it was all there :) I'm so happy :) :) :) :) Mum made choc chip cookies  :lol:


SSJ6Gohan: I know, it was not a way to escape from my problems and I will never do it again...


Moneylover: Mums are not flowers! Mums are mothers! Just like you guys say "Mom" we say "Mum". Haha, its weird...


Then why does 'mom' say she's off to get 'mums' and come home with a bunch of big plants.

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That is wonderful news!!!  Now, please scan your sketchbook into your computer.  Then write your name in giant letters on the front and the back.  This way you have a record of the sketches.  You can always delete the sketches after the school year is over. :D


Yeah it is wonderful news, and since it's return I was happy enough to create two new artworks :)

Tomorrow we're off to Loch Sport for the long weekend so pack your bags Horatio!

I'm really busy at the moment, what with my bird jumping all over the keyboard and all... 3453erq2ee... hehehe she typed that!



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Yeah it is wonderful news, and since it's return I was happy enough to create two new artworks :)

Tomorrow we're off to Loch Sport for the long weekend so pack your bags Horatio!

I'm really busy at the moment, what with my bird jumping all over the keyboard and all... 3453erq2ee... hehehe she typed that!



*bags are packed*

I am ready!!! A holiday would be delightful!


I am so glad to hear that you created two new artworks!

*assumes that these two artworks are secure on Lee's computer*


BTW you have a couple of other Green Day fans. They should show up on the weekend.


*is able to read "bird-type", sends message back: 78efy9898gett899*

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*bags are packed*

I am ready!!!  A holiday would be delightful!


I am so glad to hear that you created two new artworks! 

*assumes that these two artworks are secure on Lee's computer*


BTW you have a couple of other Green Day fans.  They should show up on the weekend.


*is able to read "bird-type", sends message back:  78efy9898gett899*

The highlight of the holiday was when I bought two magazines and got two Green Day posters for my wall :) It was raining the whole time which was really boring :(


I know about those fans, they are nice people :) But some of them don't realise that Green Day is two words, not one. I get really annoyed when i see someone type "Greenday"! 4 more days till I see them!


BTW Pepper would type back but she is having an eating contest with that mysterious bird in the mirror...



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The highlight of the holiday was when I bought two magazines and got two Green Day posters for my wall :) It was raining the whole time which was really boring :(


I know about those fans, they are nice people :) But some of them don't realise that Green Day is two words, not one. I get really annoyed when i see someone type "Greenday"! 4 more days till I see them!

Spelling....., name recognition....., :lol::lol::lol: you are asking for quite a bit.


3 days to go, so I will be hoping that you have a great time! I was a little disappointed that they did not make the posters hammie size, but I guess that they know we hammies will only chew the paper into tiny pieces and that would not look to good for Green Day. Of course, it would make my nest look decorative! :lol:

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Spelling....., name recognition.....,  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  you are asking for quite a bit.


3 days to go, so I will be hoping that you have a great time!  I was a little disappointed that they did not make the posters hammie size, but I guess that they know we hammies will only chew the paper into tiny pieces and that would not look to good for Green Day.  Of course, it would make my nest look decorative!  :lol:

He He, mispell things all you want! lol! just spell 'Green Day' right! :lol:

i lik too tipe tings on mi komputor keebord. pobodys nerfect :lol:


*gently strokes Green Day ticket* Yes, just 3 more days... Simple Plan will be there too! I'm going to wear my Simple Plan badge! I love eBay! :D



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The Green Day concert was great. There was fire and explosions and stuff. I don't really feel like talking about it since yesterday my bird died. I was so upset, I cried so much I didn't go to school. Today we were going to the Moomba festival but now we are not. I miss my Peppy so much. We buried her with her two favourite toys and a snow pea (her favourite food). My poor little Pepper, I hardly had her for one year! Even my dad cried...

I'm too upset now.


-Lee :( :( :(

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The Green Day concert was great. There was fire and explosions and stuff. I don't really feel like talking about it since yesterday my bird died. I was so upset, I cried so much I didn't go to school. Today we were going to the Moomba festival but now we are not. I miss my Peppy so much. We buried her with her two favourite toys and a snow pea (her favourite food). My poor little Pepper, I hardly had her for one year! Even my dad cried...

I'm too upset now.


-Lee  :( :( :(


I am so sorry to hear about your bird. Pepper will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

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The Green Day concert was great. There was fire and explosions and stuff. I don't really feel like talking about it since yesterday my bird died. I was so upset, I cried so much I didn't go to school. Today we were going to the Moomba festival but now we are not. I miss my Peppy so much. We buried her with her two favourite toys and a snow pea (her favourite food). My poor little Pepper, I hardly had her for one year! Even my dad cried...

I'm too upset now.


-Lee  :( :( :(

Poor little Pepper. :(

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I am so sorry to hear about your bird.  Pepper will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

I know she will be... and I'll see her again someday.


It's hard to imagine just a few days ago see was jumping all over the keyboard, typing things. I really don't know what happened, she seemed so happy and healthy then one morning she was gone...



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sorry hahahahaha... i need to sleep cos i dont feel so good coS paRTYS THAT SERVE BEEEER R NOT NICE KIDDIES!!!!! DRIVE SAFE! B) and wear sunnies cos its reeeely hotttt




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The Green Day concert was great. There was fire and explosions and stuff. I don't really feel like talking about it since yesterday my bird died. I was so upset, I cried so much I didn't go to school. Today we were going to the Moomba festival but now we are not. I miss my Peppy so much. We buried her with her two favourite toys and a snow pea (her favourite food). My poor little Pepper, I hardly had her for one year! Even my dad cried...

I'm too upset now.


-Lee  :( :( :(

Awwww, Lee, I'm so sorry to hear that. I lost my grandma's dog a few days back. I grew up with it and lived with it for 3 years. :( I know what it's like. I'm so sorry to hear that.

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Awwww,  Lee, I'm so sorry to hear that. I lost my grandma's dog a few days back. I grew up with it and lived with it for 3 years. :(  I know what it's like. I'm so sorry to hear that.


Yeah, it's an awful feeling isn't it? I'm getting over it... recovering. And partying way too hard...


That reminds me... Horatio, did make this really wierd post yesterday or the day before? Because I remember writing something with one of my friends and I was... um... not thinking right because... never mind...



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Yeah, it's an awful feeling isn't it? I'm getting over it... recovering. And partying way too hard...


That reminds me... Horatio, did make this really wierd post yesterday or the day before? Because I remember writing something with one of my friends and I was... um... not thinking right because... never mind...



Shya. That was an odd post.

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Hey, just wanttted to let u guys no... I'M COOOOOOL... HAAHAAAHAAAA MY KEYBOARD IS STUCK ON CAPSLOCK                i'LL SEE U GUYS AT TONYS PLACE....  :D  :D  :D  :D 

sorry hahahahaha... i need to sleep cos i dont feel so good coS paRTYS THAT SERVE BEEEER R NOT NICE KIDDIES!!!!! DRIVE SAFE! B)  and wear sunnies cos its reeeely hotttt


This one Horatio. :lol:

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I may be guilty of that.... Or................... you may be partying too hard.  :lol:

Yep... no parties for me next weekend! It will be Easter and I'm going camping with my family in Eden, can't wait to try out our new tent! But there is this party that I'm really looking forward to on April 3rd, everyone will be there. Well, everyone important... Its going to be adult supervised so I won't be making any strange posts! :lol:

You may have noticed I havent been talking about any boys latley but that is because they have let me down so many times... I dont think they are worth talking about.

Anyways I'm happy today becaue I got another Green Day poster! It's weally big, I luff it :) I fink i will stop talkink like dis...

School for me tomorrow... *sigh*



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Yep... no parties for me next weekend! It will be Easter and I'm going camping with my family in Eden, can't wait to try out our new tent! But there is this party that I'm really looking forward to on April 3rd, everyone will be there. Well, everyone important... Its going to be adult supervised so I won't be making any strange posts!  :lol:

You may have noticed I havent been talking about any boys latley but that is because they have let me down so many times... I dont think they are worth talking about.

Anyways I'm happy today becaue I got another Green Day poster! It's weally big, I luff it :)  I fink i will stop talkink like dis...

School for me tomorrow... *sigh*



Is there any room left of your room walls?

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*is embarrassed* Yep, that was my strange post and yes, I was not sober!

*hopes everyone understands*



Yeah. I think I can translate it.


"Hey, just wanted to let you know I'm cool! Haha my keyboard is stuck on caps lock! I'll see you guys at Tony's place! Sorry, hahahahaha... I need some sleep because I don't feel so good because parties that serve beer are not nice kids! Drive safe! And wear sunnies because it's really hot! Ha!"


The first time I read it I couldn't understand it at all. You obviously had too much to drink and you, in a way, even said so in the post. It's understandable. Next time there's beer at a party, you might want to just not drink any. :lol:


But yes, it's understandable. *is still refraining from laughing at the Tony comment*

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Yeah. I think I can translate it.


"Hey, just wanted to let you know I'm cool! Haha my keyboard is stuck on caps lock! I'll see you guys at Tony's place! Sorry, hahahahaha... I need some sleep because I don't feel so good because parties that serve beer are not nice kids! Drive safe! And wear sunnies because it's really hot! Ha!"


The first time I read it I couldn't understand it at all. You obviously had too much to drink and you, in a way, even said so in the post. It's understandable. Next time there's beer at a party, you might want to just not drink any. :lol:


But yes, it's understandable. *is still refraining from laughing at the Tony comment*

Didja know why I thought that was weird? I was at Roger's place at the time not Tony's... :lol: Or maybe I was saying we should go to Tony's... Oh Well... I dont think it matters!

I dont actually like beer but I like other stuff... I think the taste is icky...

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Didja know why I thought that was weird? I was at Roger's place at the time not Tony's...  :lol:  Or maybe I was saying we should go to Tony's... Oh Well... I dont think it matters!

I dont actually like beer but I like other stuff... I think the taste is icky...

Beer is good for the hair I am told.


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