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Caution: Beware of Happy


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I've noticed a spontaneous jubilating sensation every few minutes. Happy whee hyper suger woohoo.


Notice: A plague of happy shall spread out through this forum now. All who read this should go bounce around ann happy-be, with all that GLEEEEEEE and woohoo n_n


-prances around like an idiot-


Ah im tired and its 11 at night. Imma go sleep. Night.

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I've noticed a spontaneous jubilating sensation every few minutes. Happy whee hyper suger woohoo.


Notice: A plague of happy shall spread out through this forum now. All who read this should go bounce around ann happy-be, with all that GLEEEEEEE and woohoo n_n


-prances around like an idiot-


Ah im tired and its 11 at night. Imma go sleep. Night.


I wondered why when I read the title and then looked at your name, I started to laugh. Now I know why! :lol:


*wonders just how much sugar Arkcher has ingested* :huh:

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I wondered why when I read the title and then looked at your name, I started to laugh.  Now I know why! :lol:


*wonders just how much sugar Arkcher has ingested* :huh:

*wonders what Katdacatis#1 is doing at 08H50 on a school morning...... wait... Veteran's day, schools must be closed today*

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No closings for veterans day today! I posted this the 11th. My posts usually take around 12-24 ohurs to show. Why is that?

On a second note-








You dont wanna know how much sugar I ate. *twitch, twitch* :wacko::wacko:

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I've noticed a spontaneous jubilating sensation every few minutes. Happy whee hyper suger woohoo.


Notice: A plague of happy shall spread out through this forum now. All who read this should go bounce around ann happy-be, with all that GLEEEEEEE and woohoo n_n


-prances around like an idiot-


Ah im tired and its 11 at night. Imma go sleep. Night.

*does a jig*

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My posts usually take around 12-24 ohurs to show.  Why is that?


*hangs Cheesemaster by his toes, letting his brie brain drain out of his skull*

No they don't! Most often, I get on three to four times a day. Early in the morning, midday, afternoon and evening. You need to replace your brain with another type of cheese. :lol:

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Somehow when I read the word "happy" on the home page, I knew arkcher surely posted it.

I dunno if i should feel happy or intimidated by this comment -eye twitching- Happy whee woohoo Sugarsugarsugermakesmehappy. (prozac works too)

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Ohhhhhhhhh, I see! :D

Oh, YOU see? What about the rest of us, what'jou take all the spleens and eyeballs out so we cant see?


But then, Hapy glee jubilation woohoo. IT makes sugar! Sugar makes the world go round. Beer makes it go square, So dont drink it or chirstopher columbus will be proven even more of a liar. Beer is evil. Cube-shaped planets should go away. like. To instanbul or something. or consantinople. New york works too. or johns house. whoever he is.


Stars are pretty n_n


Lets go happy. -goes happy- n_____n

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Oh, YOU see? What about the rest of us, what'jou take all the spleens and eyeballs out so we cant see?


But then, Hapy glee jubilation woohoo. IT makes sugar! Sugar makes the world go round. Beer makes it go square, So dont drink it or chirstopher columbus will be proven even more of a liar. Beer is evil. Cube-shaped planets should go away. like. To instanbul or something. or consantinople. New york works too. or johns house. whoever he is.


Stars are pretty n_n


Lets go happy. -goes happy- n_____n

*does deh Happy Jig*

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Alas, I thought it was good. You're always happy. How much of that Prozac are you taking?? My whold family used to take anti-depressions...cept myself. go figure.  :rolleyes:


Sheesh...I dunno if I could ever take those...just hearing all the side effects on the commercials makes me cringe...

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Alas, I thought it was good. You're always happy. How much of that Prozac are you taking?? My whold family used to take anti-depressions...cept myself. go figure.  :rolleyes:

Its all natural happy, really. I dont take any hyper-pills, no need to. Not if i got Sugar. n_n

Well sure its good. When i posted that, I was loaded on happy-sugar, obviously.

Not always im happy. -points to sig- X_o; Wasnt too pleased with myself when posting that. Now it just sounds spiffy, so i dont feel like changing it.

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Receiving Incoming message from an anonymous happy-type person (aka me, to myself)




So uh.... I have cookies. o_o; With some milky-type stuff, But the burnt cookies dont go well with it. So much for that idea f'er breakfast. Psh. Imma go see about some hot chocolate.

And add much sugar to it n_n


Happyhappywhee woohoo.

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Come on get happy now, come on, come on

Come on get happy now, come on get happy


It's a perfect time to get happy, get happy

It's a perfect time to get happy now...

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SSJ6Gohan Posted Today, 11:08 AM

  QUOTE(lexxscrapham @ Nov 18 2004, 02:49 AM)








An odd acronym...hm...






Socks that




Hand and


Silently on these






Nat, and



Hilarious! :lol::lol::lol:

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Oh yes!!!!!!!! I just love these......... TGHL, come here! :lol::lol::lol:

Yay! PTMYs!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk!!! an attack of PTMY's!! *hides under a dishcloth* tell me when there gone :unsure:

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:blink:  :blink:  :blink:

What a horrible thought!

:blink:  :blink:  :blink:

LOL!!!! :lol::lol::lol: i totally agree horatio

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Talk about super sugar, you ought to taste the bananas that grow in my backyard.  I could eat a million.  Those bananas have a very special super sugar. :D

eeek i dunt like banananaanananas

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:blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink: WHAT !?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

You have never had one of my bananas!  These are truly wonderful.  Not like the big bananas you find in the store!

LOL!!! sorry to shock u!! u grow bananas in ur back yard? i dunt think its possible to do tht here do u live somewhere where the weather is nice?

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LOL!!! sorry to shock u!!  u grow bananas in ur back yard? i dunt think its possible to  do tht here do u live somewhere where the weather is nice?

Of course! I live in the hurricane state... Florida! :lol::lol::lol:

It is also known as the plywood state for all the plywood people use to cover their windows!

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Of course!  I live in the hurricane state... Florida! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

It is also known as the plywood state for all the plywood people use to cover their windows!

they cover their winodws in plywood???? does it get dark indoors?

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they cover their winodws in plywood???? does  it get dark indoors?

Absolutely! How does the thought of living in a humid cave sound? :lol::lol::lol:

What is even worse is that some people leave the plywood up ALL hurricane season. Very strange for humans. Of course, us hamsters are nocturnal.

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Absolutely!  How does the thought of living in a humid cave sound? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

What is even worse is that some people leave the plywood up ALL hurricane season.  Very strange for humans.  Of course, us hamsters are nocturnal.


Cool, does that mean that when the plywood is up hamsters can wake up whenever they want? :)

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wow!! thats gr8!! congrats

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Absolutely!  We like when the plywood is up!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Sleep a little, play a little, whenever we want.  It is dark all the time now. :lol:

i bet hampsters are the ones tht like hurricane season the best!!!

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Why thank you so much Katdacatis#1!

*hands Katdacatis#1 a bunch of catnip rolled in sugar and then sprinkled with various toppings, such as jimmies, heath bar, etc.*

Geyhee...*melts* *Kat-blob smothers cantnip*

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LiTtLe ToO mUcH kOoL-aId PoWdEr In My NaLgEnE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LiTtLe ToO mUcH kOoL-aId PoWdEr In My NaLgEnE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You sound like you are in boy scouts! :lol: You should have seen this recipe: 3 gallons of water, 2 powerades dumped in, four of those things of tang, 1/2 cup of sugar, and alot of gatorade powder. During summer camp we shared a campsite with another troop, and they were selling this stuff for $0.25 a dixie cup. I spent a dollar on a full mug. I drank it in one heavenly gulp, and was shaking for ten minutes! Kind of hard to aim a bow and arrow that way.

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You sound like you are in boy scouts! :lol: You should have seen this recipe: 3 gallons of water, 2 powerades dumped in, four of those things of tang, 1/2 cup of sugar, and alot of gatorade powder.  During summer camp we shared a campsite with another troop, and they were selling this stuff for $0.25 a dixie cup.  I spent a dollar on a full mug.  I drank it in one heavenly gulp, and was shaking for ten minutes!  Kind of hard to aim a bow and arrow that way.


That sounds wicked!!!


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You sound like you are in boy scouts! :lol: You should have seen this recipe: 3 gallons of water, 2 powerades dumped in, four of those things of tang, 1/2 cup of sugar, and alot of gatorade powder.  During summer camp we shared a campsite with another troop, and they were selling this stuff for $0.25 a dixie cup.  I spent a dollar on a full mug.  I drank it in one heavenly gulp, and was shaking for ten minutes!  Kind of hard to aim a bow and arrow that way.

lol tasty!!! :D

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I've noticed a spontaneous jubilating sensation every few minutes. Happy whee hyper suger woohoo.


Notice: A plague of happy shall spread out through this forum now. All who read this should go bounce around ann happy-be, with all that GLEEEEEEE and woohoo n_n


-prances around like an idiot-


Ah im tired and its 11 at night. Imma go sleep. Night.

wow i found this topic...late so uhh ill jst say... happy...uhhh...happing(i made a new word!!!)

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You sound like you are in boy scouts! :lol: You should have seen this recipe: 3 gallons of water, 2 powerades dumped in, four of those things of tang, 1/2 cup of sugar, and alot of gatorade powder.  During summer camp we shared a campsite with another troop, and they were selling this stuff for $0.25 a dixie cup.  I spent a dollar on a full mug.  I drank it in one heavenly gulp, and was shaking for ten minutes!  Kind of hard to aim a bow and arrow that way.

Your telling me, Getting loaded up on Gensyng (i can never spell that right... ginsyng, gensing.. gah) and then trying to target test dont go well together.


Oh, Thnikkaman. It was hilarious one time at a scout camp i went to... My scoutmaster was so bored, we had little to nothing to do. The other two scounts and i (yes, a troop of four. pretty sad.) were armed with the scoutmasters baseball bats, large sticks and the like, As he was pummeling us with rocks on the ground and we'd try to defend ourselves with the sticks. This was after i had abuncha sugar though. n_n


And im almost a Star scout. Doo-doo-doo. n_n! ... just... need to be First Class another month of something, and there i go. on to Life scout. n_n

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I was in girl scouts until sixth grade, but I'm kinnda glad I stayed in (There were only four in my troop, too.) because we went horsebask rinding, only...we had no sugar at the time...

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I was in girl scouts until sixth grade, but I'm kinnda glad I stayed in (There were only four in my troop, too.) because we went horsebask rinding, only...we had no sugar at the time...

*stunned* a time wivout sugar!!!! :blink:

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I was in girl scouts until sixth grade, but I'm kinnda glad I stayed in (There were only four in my troop, too.) because we went horsebask rinding, only...we had no sugar at the time...

How did you survive wihtout SUGAR?! :o

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Heh, he is referred to by Jesse and I think he lost interest in DBZ a loooong time ago. I think.

I used to like it for a while... well, about a month... Then after looking at what happens in there except a bunch of constipated muscular people, (I swear, all they do is stand around and grunt, and then every few episodes something blows up...) It really isnt that interesting.

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I used to like it for a while... well, about a month... Then after looking at what happens in there except a bunch of constipated muscular people, (I swear, all they do is stand around and grunt, and then every few episodes something blows up...) It really isnt that interesting.


Yeah, it moves really slowly, like a soap opera! :P They spent 3 episodes alone for cell to transform into perfect form :blink:


And, yeah, they do seem constipated.

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  • 1 month later...

Whoo! I found this topic from down in the depths or cyberspace and un-sugarness!


I will now quote Kat:








Yup. 'Tis grand fun.

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Whoo! I found this topic from down in the depths or cyberspace and un-sugarness!


I will now quote Kat:








Yup. 'Tis grand fun.

Arkcher! Your siggy!!! Make it long!

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Arkcher! Your siggy!!! Make it long!

I copied my previous siggy and have it on my computer still in case i wanted to change it back. (C:\My Documents\HD Siggy Archive! :lol: !)

It took too long to scroll thorugh, so i got rid of it. I should get a new one. maybe.

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I copied my previous siggy and have it on my computer still in case i wanted to change it back. (C:\My Documents\HD Siggy Archive! :lol: !)

It took too long to scroll thorugh, so i got rid of it. I should get a new one. maybe.

i like your siggy as is!

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Whoo! I found this topic from down in the depths or cyberspace and un-sugarness!


I will now quote Kat:








Yup. 'Tis grand fun.



Oh yeah, and I want some Cheezits. I remember you saying something about Cheezits somewhere...so...yeah...just kindda thought I'd let ya'll know...that I want some Cheezits...





Oh, yeah, and I always eat straight sugar. That's why I'm always awake until 4:00 AM. *hisses at having to wake up early for school* Hiss. >.>

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Oh yeah, and I want some Cheezits. I remember you saying something about Cheezits somewhere...so...yeah...just kindda thought I'd let ya'll know...that I want some Cheezits...





Oh, yeah, and I always eat straight sugar. That's why I'm always awake until 4:00 AM. *hisses at having to wake up early for school* Hiss. >.>

when do you have to wake up? i wake up at 6:30-ish.

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when do you have to wake up?  i wake up at  6:30-ish.

I'm supposed to wake up at six, but I normally do at 7:30ish, leaving me about 10 mins. to get ready. That's why I shower at night and don't wear amkeup. And make is crusty feeling, so I don't think I would anyways.

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I'm supposed to wake up at six, but I normally do at 7:30ish, leaving me about 10 mins. to get ready. That's why I shower at night and don't wear amkeup. And make is crusty feeling, so I don't think I would anyways.

To make or not to make... that is the question.


If you feel comfortable not wearing make-up, then you will save your skin and lots of money!!! I think it is great that you do not wear any make-up!!! :D

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To make or not to make... that is the question.


If you feel comfortable not wearing make-up, then you will save your skin and lots of money!!!  I think it is great that you do not wear any make-up!!! :D

I hate make-up. A lot of my friends waste their time with it. It's like wearing an artificial face. I'd rather not be remembered at school for being that idiot who put on wwaaaayyyyyyyyy too much make-up. Hah. I can't believe there are so many 7th and 8th graders who put on make-up(only to end up looking like idiots! not that they realize it. :rolleyes::lol: )

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I hate make-up. A lot of my friends waste their time with it. It's like wearing an artificial face. I'd rather not be remembered at school for being that idiot who put on wwaaaayyyyyyyyy too much make-up. Hah. I can't believe there are so many 7th and 8th graders who put on make-up(only to end up looking like idiots! not that they realize it. :rolleyes::lol: )

I know. So many people look like they fell into a vat of icing when they put on make up...

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Oh, believe me, I'm completly lacking any self-confidence. I just hate how make up feels. x.x

i never said that just because you don't have makeup on means you have self-confidence. just that if you do have it on, it shows that you feel uncomftorble with how you look, which means you lack self-confidence. it is'nt a sure-fire thing. just one of my many theories.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
I've noticed a spontaneous jubilating sensation every few minutes. Happy whee hyper suger woohoo.


Notice: A plague of happy shall spread out through this forum now. All who read this should go bounce around ann happy-be, with all that GLEEEEEEE and woohoo n_n


-prances around like an idiot-


Ah im tired and its 11 at night. Imma go sleep. Night.


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I've noticed a spontaneous jubilating sensation every few minutes. Happy whee hyper suger woohoo.


Notice: A plague of happy shall spread out through this forum now. All who read this should go bounce around ann happy-be, with all that GLEEEEEEE and woohoo n_n


-prances around like an idiot-


Ah im tired and its 11 at night. Imma go sleep. Night.

Yes. These days. Sugar Highs with Horatio and Deedadededeadadodo. And Honey And Rachel. Nope. No more...Mear memories.

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when do you have to wake up?  i wake up at  6:30-ish.

I'm supposed to wake up at six, but I normally do at 7:30ish, leaving me about 10 mins. to get ready. That's why I shower at night and don't wear amkeup. And make is crusty feeling, so I don't think I would anyways.


I get up at 7:10, eat something, brush my teeth, get dressed, and brush my hair. That takes about 5 minutes. Then I grab a granola bar for lunch and my messenger bag, and head down stairs and come to the message boards for 20 or so minutes until 7:45 when I leave.

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I remember when I first got here, you were all yelling at me for acting like I was 8 or 9. :lol:

ALL????? I think not. I never yelled at you. :o


I didn't mean to put all. I think I meant Arkcher. He and I had a big argument. Then he said, "You better leave before this turns into anything more." :lol:

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I remember when I first got here, you were all yelling at me for acting like I was 8 or 9. :lol:

ALL????? I think not. I never yelled at you. :o


I guess it's hard for hamsters to project their voice :lol:

Squeaking works... but only if you are another hamster. :lol:

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I remember when I first got here, you were all yelling at me for acting like I was 8 or 9.

ALL????? I think not. I never yelled at you.


I guess it's hard for hamsters to project their voice

Squeaking works... but only if you are another hamster. :lol:


A mating hamster? O_O

:huh::huh: Where did that come from? :huh::huh:

We were talking about yelling and hamsters projecting their voice.

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I remember when I first got here, you were all yelling at me for acting like I was 8 or 9.

ALL????? I think not. I never yelled at you.


I guess it's hard for hamsters to project their voice

Squeaking works... but only if you are another hamster. :lol:


A mating hamster? O_O

:huh::huh: Where did that come from? :huh::huh:

We were talking about yelling and hamsters projecting their voice.


If they squeak. O_o That's why my hamster always did. -hides Jack from the other evil hamsters-


Or. I may just be tired and continue rambling for the annoyance(Spelling?) of Horatio.

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