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Guinea Pigs

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I was just wondering if any one has guinea pig. If you do, Describe him/her!

Mine is mostly black with some black and brown. His name is dexter and he is the sweetest thing ever. :D:D:D

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I used to have three. But they all died. >_o;


One was brown, a few spots of pink, and some rather grand patches of white...

One was white, with a few pink spots... and had untamable hair, it stood up EVERYWHERE. no matter what we did, its hair would always stand up.

One was boring and all brown. That was Wally. He could fly. He was a ninja. HE was overweight and had a huge nose. He was so cute and hilarious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How old is the mean one? Try just petting it when it is in its cage till it trusts you. Then take him out of his cage and pet him for a while. Then try holding him with your arms crossed across your stomache supporting him. and petting him. And never touch their feet, and I mean NEVER! They Hate It Very Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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it's actually really young. it bites everyone, my causin said that at the store it was fine but when they brought it home like 2 weeks ago, it got really evil and bit everyone. like some physco gerbil from you know where

It is really, really scared. If they want, I can tell them how to stop the biting and have a great pet. :D

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SleepoverFanatic52 Posted Nov 19 2004, 02:06 PM


Horatio because of all the work she does.


All the moderating of our post, and posting alot to make people feel better. There is probably more, but don't give me a hard time for complimenting someone.

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