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Hi i'm back!


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<font color='#8D38C9'>Wonderful!  We are happy to see you have returned!  Please wander around and post everywhere you feel like it! :D</font>



Hey it's Em :P remember me? got lots to talk about, miss talkin to ya. hope everyhting is going well... please reply to me or something soon. Ciao'



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Hey it's Em :P remember me? got lots to talk about, miss talkin to ya. hope everyhting is going well... please reply to me or something soon. Ciao'



EMILYE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have we missed you. I have been praying that you are feeling well and everything is going great for you. My computer has been taking over by invading space critters. Very strange. I am so happy to hear from you. As soon as my computer comes back to earth, I will be writing more. Please let us know how you are.


Horatio :D

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EMILYE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have we missed you.  I have been praying that you are feeling well and everything is going great for you.  My computer has been taking over by invading space critters.  Very strange.  I am so happy to hear from you.  As soon as my computer comes back to earth, I will be writing more.  Please let us know how you are.


Horatio   :D



u remember me?... wow I'm suprised... I really miss chatting with you. *hugs* I hope u get ur pc in order soon, I'm lookin forward to chatting again :D Oh... miss ya, Ciao'

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u remember me?... wow I'm suprised... I really miss chatting with you. *hugs* I hope u get ur pc in order soon, I'm lookin forward to chatting again  :D  Oh...  miss ya, Ciao'

My computer has viri that have been sent by TGHL. It is acting so very strange. I have mail but cannot access any of it. I have Yahoo IM, but the computer does not want to connect to the internet. To moderate... I am using my boyfriends G4 powerbook mac. Nice!!! Giant screen and slick design. Anyway, the cable guy is supposed to come on Thursday. So until then I will have my hammie toes tied. :D So tell me how are you???????? We had a topic in Warm Wishes for you. Did you see it? :blink:

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My computer has viri that have been sent by TGHL.  It is acting so very strange.  I have mail but cannot access any of it.  I have Yahoo IM, but the computer does not want to connect to the internet.  To moderate... I am using my boyfriends G4 powerbook mac.  Nice!!!  Giant screen and slick design.  Anyway, the cable guy is supposed to come on Thursday.  So until then I will have my hammie toes tied. :D So tell me how are you????????  We had a topic in Warm Wishes for you.  Did you see it? :blink:



A LOT has happened since I've chatted with you last, it's been a long long time I know.... well anyways.... I moved, I'm no longer in PA... now I'm in Kansas... and I'm engaged! :D Very very happy now.... I was having problems with my mom, we weren't getting along so well, but I'm good now. So yea... lotsa stuff happened! You made a topic for me!?..... awwww *blushes* I feel so special.... I have to go check that out. Well, I'm gonna go check out that topic (see if it's still there) I hope you get everything back to normal with your computer and up and running soon. I missed ya SO much!

*Warm hammie hugs!* :wub:



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A LOT has happened since I've chatted with you last, it's been a long long time I know.... well anyways.... I moved, I'm no longer in PA... now I'm in Kansas... and I'm engaged!  :D  Very very happy now.... I was having problems with my mom, we weren't getting along so well, but I'm good now.  So yea... lotsa stuff happened! You made a topic for me!?..... awwww *blushes* I feel so special.... I have to go check that out. Well, I'm gonna go check out that topic (see if it's still there) I hope you get everything back to normal with your computer and up and running soon. I missed ya SO much!

*Warm hammie hugs!* :wub:



*returns warm hammie hugs*


Kansas?!?!? Say hello to Toto, she is right there with you.



How wonderful. I am glad to hear that you are very, very happy! I hope you are going to invite me to the wedding. Hamsters :wub: love :wub: weddings! When is the date? I love wonderful news. I think that I did something really dumb to my computer. A blonde hammie moment.

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EmilyE! I missed ya! Yay you're back! Wooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo!



*blushes* Awww *picks u up and gives ya big squishy hammie hugs* :D I mised you too! How r you doing? anything new happen lately with you? :D I'm so happy u remember me :D <see?

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*blushes* Awww *picks u up and gives ya big squishy hammie hugs*  :D I mised you too! How r you doing? anything new happen lately with you?  :D  I'm so happy u remember me  :D <see?

Hmm... new with me? Moved into new house. Uh... hmm... Dunno what else there is. :lol:

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Hmm... new with me? Moved into new house. Uh... hmm... Dunno what else there is. :lol:



:lol: cool! I moved to a new house too.... I love it here :D do you like your new home?

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I live in a row houde. WE have done a lot of home improvement. We fixed up our upstairs bathroom and mae a ne one downstairs. We have now fixed up our baement. We put tiles down, added an entertainment system, made a new closet, put in a window, and painted the walls kermit the frog green. And we painted our living room yellow.

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I live in a row houde.  WE have done a lot of home improvement.  We fixed up our upstairs bathroom and mae a ne one downstairs.  We have now fixed up our baement.  We put tiles down, added an entertainment system, made a new closet, put in a window, and painted the walls kermit the frog green.  And we painted our living room yellow.

Phew........ too many typos!!!!!!!

*enrolls Cheesemaster in Typing for dummies, Typing 101 and Typing with Spellcheck*


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I live in a row house.  We have done a lot of home improvement.  We fixed up our upstairs bathroom and made a new one downstairs.  We have now fixed up our basement.  We put tiles down, added an entertainment system, made a new closet, put in a window, and painted the walls kermit the frog green.  And we painted our living room yellow.

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My computer has viri that have been sent by TGHL.  It is acting so very strange.  I have mail but cannot access any of it.  I have Yahoo IM, but the computer does not want to connect to the internet.  To moderate... I am using my boyfriends G4 powerbook mac.  Nice!!!  Giant screen and slick design.  Anyway, the cable guy is supposed to come on Thursday.  So until then I will have my hammie toes tied. :D So tell me how are you????????  We had a topic in Warm Wishes for you.  Did you see it? :blink:

Were they really sent by Grim?

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Yep. Now I don't have to share a room with my sister. And instead of 1 bathroom there's 5 and I have my own.


Niiiiice! thats awsome :D I moved in with my fiancee so now it's like.... partly 'my' house.... which was hard to get used to, I've lived with my parents my whole life and never really had a say on how things were decorated.... I'm like... loving this :lol:

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I live in a row houde.  WE have done a lot of home improvement.  We fixed up our upstairs bathroom and mae a ne one downstairs.  We have now fixed up our baement.  We put tiles down, added an entertainment system, made a new closet, put in a window, and painted the walls kermit the frog green.  And we painted our living room yellow.


:o did you say...... :o KERMIT THE FROG Green!??? :o:wub::D

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No.  He was just kidding.  Anyway, my computer is happy now.  It was a modem problem with the cable company.  So now everyone can write me!    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



I'm glad it's fixed :D:wub::D

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Niiiiice! thats awsome :D I moved in with my fiancee so now it's like.... partly 'my' house.... which was hard to get used to, I've lived with my parents my whole life and never really had a say on how things were decorated.... I'm like... loving this :lol:

That's really great! I am sure that it will be beautiful when you are finished adding your touches. :D

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Niiiiice! thats awsome :D I moved in with my fiancee so now it's like.... partly 'my' house.... which was hard to get used to, I've lived with my parents my whole life and never really had a say on how things were decorated.... I'm like... loving this :lol:

That sounds like fun, getting to decorate your way instead of not having a say in how things look. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yah.  It is cool.  I picked out the color. :D


u do know I love frogs right??... :blink: heh

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That sounds like fun, getting to decorate your way instead of not having a say in how things look. :D



yes, so far it's very fun... getting to see MY paintings on a wall that I can actually call MY wall.... instead of my mom having all of them in her Kitchen and saying it's her own personal little gallery of 'MY' paintings >< I can finally have my paintings back :D ....I recently went shopping with my fiancee and picked out some rugs and other things that matched the bathroom perfectly and a bunch of stuff for the kitchen, and his mom came over the other day and looked around and was like, "Oh my gosh!.... This place looks like a home!" :D heh

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yes, so far it's very fun... getting to see MY paintings on a wall that I can actually call MY wall.... instead of my mom having all of them in her Kitchen and saying it's her own personal little gallery of 'MY' paintings >  ....I recently went shopping with my fiancee and picked out some rugs and other things that matched the bathroom perfectly and a bunch of stuff for the kitchen, and his mom came over the other day and looked around and was like, "Oh my gosh!.... This place looks like a home!"  :D heh

That was really a nice compliment! That means she really liked it! Great job. :D

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yes, so far it's very fun... getting to see MY paintings on a wall that I can actually call MY wall.... instead of my mom having all of them in her Kitchen and saying it's her own personal little gallery of 'MY' paintings ><  I can finally have my paintings back  :D  ....I recently went shopping with my fiancee and picked out some rugs and other things that matched the bathroom perfectly and a bunch of stuff for the kitchen, and his mom came over the other day and looked around and was like, "Oh my gosh!.... This place looks like a home!"  :D heh

That sounds sooo awesome!

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That was really a nice compliment!  That means she really liked it!  Great job. :D



:D Thank You! :D I'm quit pleased witht the way things turned out myself. ^_^

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