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Alli's Thoughts--i am alli. so what?

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i've been thinking, and have come up with a few key points that really hit home for a lot of us.



first off, never ever doubt what you believe in. there are two kinds of bravery:

one kind shown in those who have blind faith, and that shown in those who have none at all. i think that it's dangerous to have no concept formed of an afterlife, so to speak. i also think it's dangerous to expound on your faith. it's important to persist when trying to talk about it, but you should try to talk at a p[oint in time where they'll listen.


second, this isn't really pertaining to much, but like some of us have said in this place, i, too, know the feeling of depression. frankly, it stinks. big time. in middle school, i was one of the most teased and made fun of kids in the city. i swear, i would cry almost every day. my mom got counseling for me, it was so bad. *rolls eyes* i never hurt myself physically, but i admit i entertained the thought. for three years, i suffered, convinced high school would be better than this. anything would be. (high school is way better than middle school) anyways, my life was a living h-e-double-hockeysticks, if you know what i mean. i never cussed (i find that quite lame, cussing) in school, even when i wanted to. luckily, in seventh grade, i found an outlet: writing. poetry, short stories, long stories (i'm on page 279 in my series books [i number them together as one book as well as seperately] and am on 119 in the specific one im working on), excerpts... anything. even songs, a little bit. good thing i discovered my passion for writing, or i might not be talking to you all.


third, schools are trying to make us conform. DOWN WITH CONFORMITY!!! I find it stupid. they've banned unnatural hair color and dog collars, as well as wallet chains of all things! puh-leeze. people are scared of an uprising of individualists. wise up, folks, that's not going to happen.


on another topic, i tend to sound cynical sometimes, and it's because of my middle school life. unless you know me or are in my creative writing class, i am very shy. but here, it's easy because i don't see you. i blame it on middle school, because, before, even though i was shy, i was open to my classes.


also, my writings on abuse and young champions are all too real for many people. in a sense, it's the downfall of future scientists or doctors or teachers, or even presidents. how many authors, like Dave Pelzer, author of The Child Called It series, write about their painful childhood or what inspired them to write? I can count them on two hands. Given those hands would have to be polydactyl (six fingered), but that's beside the point. there aren't that many.


finally, i am a normal teenage girl with normal ideas. but, what exactly is normal? I learn differently than other kids, but yet somehow i managed to pull of mostly Bs this grade period. I got an F in Biology. anyways, abnormalcy is the norm, as I like to say.


As i come to a close, think about this: How many girls like me will you meet in a lifetime? one? two? we are individuals, no matter what the people in charge say. I am the only one like me, and each one of you is the only one exactly like you. physically, we may be gangly or heavyset, tall or short, peach or brown (or anywhere in between), blond or brunette, but no matter what we will always be unique. so what if you have an identical twin? i'll bet he or she doesn't like the same foods as you. who cares about physical appearance? it's the personalities we show that make us appealing. some of the prettiest girls on tv are worthless rats, yet that quiet boy or girl in the back of class could be the most interesting person on earth, if you would just go say hi. so think about this as you live your lives, and remember:


you are you, and i am me. we are our own, so let it be.


okay, time for bed. hope you like this!

Edited by Horatio
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i've been thinking, and have come up with a few key points that really hit home for a lot of us.

first off, never ever doubt what you believe in. there are two kinds of bravery:

one kind shown in those who have blind faith, and that shown in those who have none at all. i think that it's dangerous to have no concept formed of an afterlife, so to speak. i also think it's dangerous to expound on your faith. it's important to persist when trying to talk about it, but you should try to talk at a p[oint in time where they'll listen.


second, this isn't really pertaining to much, but like some of us have said in this place, i, too, know the feeling of depression. frankly, it stinks. big time. in middle school, i was one of the most teased and made fun of kids in the city. i swear, i would cry almost every day. my mom got counseling for me, it was so bad. *rolls eyes* i never hurt myself physically, but i admit i entertained the thought. for three years, i suffered, convinced high school would be better than this. anything would be. (high school is way better than middle school) anyways, my life was a living h-e-double-hockeysticks, if you know what i mean. i never cussed (i find that quite lame, cussing) in school, even when i wanted to. luckily, in seventh grade, i found an outlet: writing. poetry, short stories, long stories (i'm on page 279 in my series books [i number them together as one book as well as seperately] and am on 119 in the specific one im working on), excerpts... anything. even songs, a little bit. good thing i discovered my passion for writing, or i might not be talking to you all.


third, schools are trying to make us conform. DOWN WITH CONFORMITY!!! I find it stupid. they've banned unnatural hair color and dog collars, as well as wallet chains of all things! puh-leeze. people are scared of an uprising of individualists. wise up, folks, that's not going to happen.


on another topic, i tend to sound cynical sometimes, and it's because of my middle school life. unless you know me or are in my creative writing class, i am very shy. but here, it's easy because i don't see you. i blame it on middle school, because, before, even though i was shy, i was open to my classes.


also, my writings on abuse and young champions are all too real for many people. in a sense, it's the downfall of future scientists or doctors or teachers, or even presidents. how many authors, like Dave Pelzer, author of The Child Called It series, write about their painful childhood or what inspired them to write? I can count them on two hands. Given those hands would have to be polydactyl (six fingered), but that's beside the point. there aren't that many.


finally, i am a normal teenage girl with normal ideas. but, what exactly is normal? I learn differently than other kids, but yet somehow i managed to pull of mostly Bs this grade period. I got an F in Biology. anyways, abnormalcy is the norm, as I like to say.


As i come to a close, think about this: How many girls like me will you meet in a lifetime? one? two? we are individuals, no matter what the people in charge say. I am the only one like me, and each one of you is the only one exactly like you. physically, we may be gangly or heavyset, tall or short, peach or brown (or anywhere in between), blond or brunette, but no matter what we will always be unique. so what if you have an identical twin? i'll bet he or she doesn't like the same foods as you. who cares about physical appearance? it's the personalities we show that make us appealing. some of the prettiest girls on tv are worthless rats, yet that quiet boy or girl in the back of class could be the most interesting person on earth, if you would just go say hi. so think about this as you live your lives, and remember:


you are you, and i am me. we are our own, so let it be.


okay, time for bed. hope you like this!

Sorry to hear about Biology, but you are outstanding in everything else. :D


You have great thoughts with quite a bit of insight.

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i've been thinking, and have come up with a few key points that really hit home for a lot of us.

first off, never ever doubt what you believe in. there are two kinds of bravery:

one kind shown in those who have blind faith, and that shown in those who have none at all. i think that it's dangerous to have no concept formed of an afterlife, so to speak. i also think it's dangerous to expound on your faith. it's important to persist when trying to talk about it, but you should try to talk at a p[oint in time where they'll listen.


second, this isn't really pertaining to much, but like some of us have said in this place, i, too, know the feeling of depression. frankly, it stinks. big time. in middle school, i was one of the most teased and made fun of kids in the city. i swear, i would cry almost every day. my mom got counseling for me, it was so bad. *rolls eyes* i never hurt myself physically, but i admit i entertained the thought. for three years, i suffered, convinced high school would be better than this. anything would be. (high school is way better than middle school) anyways, my life was a living h-e-double-hockeysticks, if you know what i mean. i never cussed (i find that quite lame, cussing) in school, even when i wanted to. luckily, in seventh grade, i found an outlet: writing. poetry, short stories, long stories (i'm on page 279 in my series books [i number them together as one book as well as seperately] and am on 119 in the specific one im working on), excerpts... anything. even songs, a little bit. good thing i discovered my passion for writing, or i might not be talking to you all.


third, schools are trying to make us conform. DOWN WITH CONFORMITY!!! I find it stupid. they've banned unnatural hair color and dog collars, as well as wallet chains of all things! puh-leeze. people are scared of an uprising of individualists. wise up, folks, that's not going to happen.


on another topic, i tend to sound cynical sometimes, and it's because of my middle school life. unless you know me or are in my creative writing class, i am very shy. but here, it's easy because i don't see you. i blame it on middle school, because, before, even though i was shy, i was open to my classes.


also, my writings on abuse and young champions are all too real for many people. in a sense, it's the downfall of future scientists or doctors or teachers, or even presidents. how many authors, like Dave Pelzer, author of The Child Called It series, write about their painful childhood or what inspired them to write? I can count them on two hands. Given those hands would have to be polydactyl (six fingered), but that's beside the point. there aren't that many.


finally, i am a normal teenage girl with normal ideas. but, what exactly is normal? I learn differently than other kids, but yet somehow i managed to pull of mostly Bs this grade period. I got an F in Biology. anyways, abnormalcy is the norm, as I like to say.


As i come to a close, think about this: How many girls like me will you meet in a lifetime? one? two? we are individuals, no matter what the people in charge say. I am the only one like me, and each one of you is the only one exactly like you. physically, we may be gangly or heavyset, tall or short, peach or brown (or anywhere in between), blond or brunette, but no matter what we will always be unique. so what if you have an identical twin? i'll bet he or she doesn't like the same foods as you. who cares about physical appearance? it's the personalities we show that make us appealing. some of the prettiest girls on tv are worthless rats, yet that quiet boy or girl in the back of class could be the most interesting person on earth, if you would just go say hi. so think about this as you live your lives, and remember:


you are you, and i am me. we are our own, so let it be.


okay, time for bed. hope you like this!

Too bad about Biology. I feel the same way about people, though.

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Too bad about Biology. I feel the same way about people, though.



eh? oh.


welcome to my club...



hey, i'm finally able to talk to the guy i like (Mike)!

his stepbrother is in so much trouble if he tells mike i cried during pokemon:the first!


ash dies. shut up.

i know you're laughing!



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My heart leaped at that part too. And your thing about personalities is quite true. I am overweight :(:(:( , but i still have friends and am one of the nicest kid you'll meet. And i agree with your stand on cursing.

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eh? oh.


welcome to my club...



hey, i'm finally able to talk to the guy i like (Mike)!

his stepbrother is in so much trouble if he tells mike i cried during pokemon:the first!


ash dies. shut up.

i know you're laughing!


<_<  :blush:

Aer you arguing with yourself? :lol:

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My heart leaped at that part too.  And your thing about personalities is quite true.  I am overweight :(  :(  :( , but i still have friends and am one of the nicest kid you'll meet.  And i agree with your stand on cursing.

I cannot understand why people look at overweight people and judge them. Most of America is overweight and this is now extending into other parts of the world. :blink:

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Yes... *kicks Ronald McDonald*

It is not just that. Society is trying to pack too many things into one day and by the time kids get home from all their activities, it is easier for some parents to fit dinner in by grabbing it on the road or picking it up and taking it home. Fast food in general makes life easier, but is not as healthy as if you had a chef in your home who's only job was just to prepare your meals. The world is speeding up and the sit down family dinner hour is departing the social scene. :(

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It is not just that.  Society is trying to pack too many things into one day and by the time kids get home from all their activities, it is easier for some parents to fit dinner in by grabbing it on the road or picking it up and taking it home.  Fast food in general makes life easier, but is not as healthy as if you had a chef in your home who's only job was just to prepare your meals.  The world is speeding up and the sit down family dinner hour is departing the social scene. :(


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i agree.

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and besides that :)....


-What do you (people in general) do when you go on a computer or watch tv?? Grab something to eat, and usually larger proportions than a serving.


-People have decided to eat the super-sizing for 25 cents more, when their meal already has enough calories to feed a small country.


-The usual mothly go out dinner has turned into an every day thing.


-There are more opportunites for kids and teenagers to choose what types of food they eat. Some of my friends in Oklahoma have Papa John's pizza, McDonald's fries, and other items to choose from. There are ice creams, little debby cakes, and other stuff for people to get obese on. It's OK to treat yourself to something every once in awhile, but on a daily basis with no exercise, something may turn wrong.


So...what can you do to make sure you don't become obese? Excersise on a daily basis, even 30 minutes is good. Make sure you eat the serving size, and try not to eat the fatty foods.


I'm not saying this to be mean or what not, being over weight causes diabetes, artheritis, and other effects. Do your best to stay in shape! And if you aren't...I'll be praying that God will give you the strength.

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and besides that :)....


-What do you (people in general)  do when you go on a computer or watch tv?? Grab something to eat, and usually larger proportions than a serving. Thats what normlly happens... but when I do that I find myself somehow managing to eat less... hm...


-People have decided to eat the super-sizing for 25 cents more, when their meal already has enough calories to feed a small country.Doesn't apply to me.


-The usual mothly go out dinner has turned into an every day thing.Glad my family isn't like that.


-There are more opportunites for kids and teenagers to choose what types of food they eat. Some of my friends in Oklahoma have Papa John's pizza, McDonald's fries, and other items to choose from. There are ice creams, little debby cakes, and other stuff for people to get obese on. It's OK to treat yourself to something every once in awhile, but on a daily basis with no exercise, something may turn wrong.Glad I get my yucky home lunches instead of buying... dde that stuff at the cafeteria is GREASY.


So...what can you do to make sure you don't become obese? Excersise on a daily basis, even 30 minutes is good. Make sure you eat the serving size, and try not to eat the fatty foods. I guess that's all P.E. is good for.


I'm not saying this to be mean or what not, being over weight causes diabetes, artheritis, and other effects. Do your best to stay in shape! And if you aren't...I'll be praying that God will give you the strength.I'm likely to get diabetes anyways because it runs in my family. My mom and her mom have diabetes.

Since I'm a decent weight for my age this doesn't apply to me but I feel like checking myself.

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-What do you (people in general) do when you go on a computer or watch tv?? Grab something to eat, and usually larger proportions than a serving.

-  Don't usually do that.  And when i do, i eatr less breakfast, dinner, lunch, whatever.


-People have decided to eat the super-sizing for 25 cents more, when their meal already has enough calories to feed a small country.-  Same thing as MW said.


-The usual mothly go out dinner has turned into an every day thing.- That is more like a 4 monthly thing for my family :lol:


-There are more opportunites for kids and teenagers to choose what types of food they eat. Some of my friends in Oklahoma have Papa John's pizza, McDonald's fries, and other items to choose from. There are ice creams, little debby cakes, and other stuff for people to get obese on. It's OK to treat yourself to something every once in awhile, but on a daily basis with no exercise, something may turn wrong.-  Mabey i should pack lunches.  Everything at our school is nasty and greasy.


So...what can you do to make sure you don't become obese? Excersise on a daily basis, even 30 minutes is good. Make sure you eat the serving size, and try not to eat the fatty foods. -I do that in gym, and sometimes my parents will make me go on a 1 1/4 mile walk.


I was thinking, mabey i have that fat virus thingy that we are hearing about. :(:(

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  • 6 months later...

I'm actually underweight. I need to gain twelve pounds by december, or I won't be able to donate blood.

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-What do you (people in general) do when you go on a computer or watch tv?? Grab something to eat, and usually larger proportions than a serving.

-  Don't usually do that.  And when i do, i eatr less breakfast, dinner, lunch, whatever.


-People have decided to eat the super-sizing for 25 cents more, when their meal already has enough calories to feed a small country.-  Same thing as MW said.


-The usual mothly go out dinner has turned into an every day thing.- That is more like a 4 monthly thing for my family :lol:


-There are more opportunites for kids and teenagers to choose what types of food they eat. Some of my friends in Oklahoma have Papa John's pizza, McDonald's fries, and other items to choose from. There are ice creams, little debby cakes, and other stuff for people to get obese on. It's OK to treat yourself to something every once in awhile, but on a daily basis with no exercise, something may turn wrong.-  Mabey i should pack lunches.  Everything at our school is nasty and greasy.


So...what can you do to make sure you don't become obese? Excersise on a daily basis, even 30 minutes is good. Make sure you eat the serving size, and try not to eat the fatty foods. -I do that in gym, and sometimes my parents will make me go on a 1 1/4 mile walk.


I was thinking, mabey i have that fat virus thingy that we are hearing about. :(:(

Fat virus? Why haven't I heard of that?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm actually underweight. I need to gain twelve pounds by december, or I won't be able to donate blood.

make that fourteen.

*DARNIT! complains*

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I like apples, but not if they aren't crisp!

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  • 2 weeks later...

again and again, I try to win the war...

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  • 4 months later...

I have made my decision!



I just haven't decided on what my decision was about.

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  • 1 year later...

yay dead topic revival is fun and annoying...

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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 years later...

good grief this must be one of the oldest topics on here that I started. 2004.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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