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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws. I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...] [Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.] [Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*was definetly NOT in the process of hacking into Arkcher's compy to read anything he hasn't posted yet* >_>] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Of course not. (Whaddyou think Colleen/Serena is doing right now then? -demonic cackle- =D I also noticed in this part of the story, I'm the only male character thats been added it so far. o____o;) Uh. Yeah. o_o]
  2. I think I know who claws is, that theory was on what he is <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ah. o_o It's all good. .... This does give me an idea though, I could have Claws based off'a people I knew like all the other characters. (With the exception of course, of Artemis and her two helper-people. Those are just 3 supa-spiffy names I wanted to use. o_o) Hmm. Now i'll have to think of a backstory/history and character for Claws. I forgot to to that. ]
  3. [Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws. I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...] [Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.] [Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Being a hamster, my Mac Spamolater reads and edits any mail from those creatures that might eat me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [How handy.]
  4. [Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws. I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...] [Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.] [Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]
  5. Chapter Six Strangely enough, I did not fear it. As I looked it over, This was a female vampire, who appeared inexperienced but still a threat, From her facial structure I almost recognized her, A vampire, But not someone to be taken lightly. “My Vampire name would be Serena Chrisanti, but you, Brandon there, may recognize me better by the name of Colleen.†She was undeniably right, I remember my eldest sister Cassandra’s friend, Colleen, Whom I never cared for much, mainly because of her choice in partnership. Colleen would always put herself in the wrong group of friends that would mislead her into doing something wrong, despite she knew what the consequences would be, or so I thought. She also had a strange preference toward the opposite gender, She always wanted a daring bad-boy who had been in prison at least one year or something, but who was somewhat a daring, thrilling criminal. This lost her a lot of respect from her friends; She was always somewhat a loner, for obvious reasons… “I do not know how informed you two lovebirds are on current events, But in short, Recent happenings were that Humans, The most annoying creatures in existence, Had done their human-like business, trying to gain superiority over the dark creatures such as yourselves. Dalhood, is one prime example. The second worst occurance was not two days ago, Humans had put together a blood bank, which would normally be used for replacing any lost blood in a humans body. Vampires, such as myself, invade these blood banks when they are least or not occupied, and get a helping of blood for ourselves, and left before we were spotted. Humans had discovered this, we have yet to know how, but humans had tried capturing any creatures within a few miles of the area, and have a blood bank with concealed firearms, weapons and traps all around it, luring us into their trap…†I listened with light interest, Audrey seemed to be losing a lot of patience with Colleen, and wanted to get back to me. “This was planned worldwide in all regions, And wiped out at least 2/3 of Vampire population… In desperate attempt to get back on our feet, Vampires had gone massacring cities and towns, Biting and converting all of the inhabitants… We are rising to power again to show these weaklings what we are really capable of…†[Very short chapter. o_o;] [And yes, Colleen is that much of an idiot. Though from what I've heard, she's starting to get over this, and look at the brighter sides of better companionships. Huzzah. =D] [i'll post another chapter tomorrow. maybe. o_O -is starting chapter 8- e_e]
  6. you dont have to make one for me if your over loaded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That, And I cant think of something for yer avvie. o_O; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hint hint skwerlz hint hint <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah but it'd be boring if it was just a squirrel sittin' there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> how bout an evil skwerl eatin some one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> >) I am intrigued. -starts drawing mah own sprites- =D
  7. [i was gonna write Raith into a DIFFERENT story. Specifically about Vampires. =D (No thats not the title. xD) ]
  8. =D HAwt time. Lookit this. And gimmie a dollar. (No, I didn't edit HHam into the picture or anything. Of course not. <.< >.> -runs- ) I found teh Laura! =D
  9. [Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]
  10. Chapter Five My eyes widened slightly at hearing Audrey's last comment. “You… Never… What…? No!†She drew closer to me. “Oh, yes! I am staying with you at all times, and you cannot deny it!†“Not if I can help it!†I turned around and broke into a dash, and scanned the area ahead of me. Kris and Kate were still obediently, but rather cluelessly standing where I had instructed. “You two can go ahead and eat there if you need to. I will be back later.†I briefly stopped and informed the two wolves what to do, before Audrey interrupted me again. “I will make sure he gets back, He is not going to miss this dinner!†I broke back into a dash, and ran as fast as I could. Though Audrey was apparently an older and more experienced werewolf than I- She speedily caught up along side of me with ease as I careened as fast as I could through the wooded area. Audrey steered herself toward me in another tackle-hug attack, As we both collided into the ground and rolled along the forest floor, until Audrey brought our rolling to a stop, by pinning me to the ground. “Do not try and resist my love for you- we are together always from this point on, like it or not.†My running had worn me out slightly; I weakly struggled against Audrey’s grasp, while panting. I could only watch in fear as she drew closer to me, ‘affectionately’. Her vaguely romantic gaze had met my reluctant eyes. “For better or worse, I will love you and will always be on your side.†She was about to draw even closer, when this awkward ‘romantic’ situation was interrupted by an unfamiliar, Rather dark and cold voice had cut into the moment… “And yes, for worse, you two will be together.†The two of us looked up, to see a dark figure standing not too far away. Audrey reacted, very annoyed. “And who do you think you are? Get out of here.†A human-like being stepped from one of the darker parts of the woods, revealing a very pale body, but clothed entirely in black. As I looked over this being, I vaguely, but instinctively recognized it as a Vampire…! [w00t for teh Vampy-ness! =D] [No, its not Raith. I was gonna use her but then remembered i'm supposta use only characters I used to know. Or do know. people that are real and all. o_o;] [so, Audrey and Vampies are the main storyline here. And yes, The title does have to do with the storyline. And you can have LP's 'somewhere I belong' song in teh background if yeh want, This being where I got the idea. somewhat.]
  11. *wonders if Lexxscrapham knows what a terrible story teller Horatio is* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [You better than some people i've seen. I would say Im worse, but everyone would disagree. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i've never seen Horatio write something. She's good at storytelling, though, like when she did that bio of deh Horatio hamster when he died. ;_;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah, Thats what first came to mind when I said that. o_o]
  12. Because, You could gimmie a pair of Claymore/Lightsaber-chucks for a copy of teh werewolfy books. =D (You'll prolly get one free. If I get Claymore chucks, You could get the whole set! =o) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gives Arkcher one pair of lightsaber-chucks and a pair of Claymore-chucks* They better be autographed, or something... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> w00t. <.< Okay, A few options you have now... You could wait a long time and you get the whole set of teh wolfy-books, Or you get the ones that are published already, but you get it immediately. o-o or maybe somethine else happens. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll wait for the box set that's, like, ruby-incrusted, or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or the set that comes with a free dollar and a new Claymore. =D
  13. [-almost posted another chapter- ;-;! Im posting faster than I can write, again...]
  14. you dont have to make one for me if your over loaded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That, And I cant think of something for yer avvie. o_O; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hint hint skwerlz hint hint <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah but it'd be boring if it was just a squirrel sittin' there.
  15. you dont have to make one for me if your over loaded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That, And I cant think of something for yer avvie. o_O;
  16. I wouldn't mind keelyoudeading an evil flirt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [w00t, You used teh word right. o_o] [Naw. Not yet. Maybe in part 4. o_o Shes too important here. like. The other less-significant part of the storyline.]
  17. I'm primitive! >D And humble, too. Cant forget that.
  18. Are you sure the two little guys are getting along? You can feed them some cheese, raw carrots, raw broccoli, ham, turkey, chicken. They will store their food, get in their wheel with their little pouches stuffedd and some will drop out while they are in the wheel. Find some different types of hammie food. Do NOT buy any food from Wal Mart as it is usually moldy and can kill your pets. Tomorrow, I will give you the names of some of the food that my two little blueberries love. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The two are getting less and less aggressive with each other, more tolerant and patient. They are improving, more than I expected. I feed thems a Hamster food mix with seeds and... wheat or something. and seeds. They seem to like it. I get this from PetCo. Now just out of curiosity, Will it be good if I were to fill their food bowl with wheat? We have plenty of wheat in storage that we can give them, if that'll work...
  19. And that's why you're in my mafia! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No it isnt. o_o
  20. Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But what if it was like... Um. I think it was Joanna. =o (Not MW. That one person I talks to on a IM. How handy. =D) Who made the robots.
  21. I try, I shall hit the button now. Voila.. and this is what pastes. Cellar Door Society. --The name of a project for english. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You need to paste it immediatly after you print screen. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did It work, I dont get it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Try pasting it into Paint or equivelent program. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't have paint, What else could I use? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're more than likely to have pain(t) but if you're unable to find it or whatever. dont. have it. Then any other art program will work. like. PSP. Photoshop. CorelDraw. Adobe. Stuff like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Moneylover, remind me... what kind of computer do you have? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not ML. o_o
  22. Chapter Four I glanced at the other wolf, who was 'ferociously' devouring its part of the human. I noticed something familiar about its facial structure, manner, and spontaneous strategic ways, spur of the moment ideas. Though, as I looked at this wolf with a hint of interest, the wolf I beheld did the same, apparently recognizing me. "... You there... I have a, rather, strange question." I knew what was coming. I gestured for the wolf to continue. "Are... Have y... Is... is your name, by any chance, Brandon?" I smirked. "Yes. It is." This wolf's eyes widened with disbelief, shock and, oddly enough, relief. "And would yours, by any chance, be Audrey?" I did not expect her reaction to be anything like this... I could see the expression of relief and satisfaction in her eyes, as she dropped the bloody human, and sprung upward, leapt toward me in an affectionate and careful way, after a strange motion I could not describe, she finished in a position with her arms around me, in a, dare I say it, cuddling hug. This would also be considered a 'glomp'. This confused me more than anything else, really. Werewolves are not loving creatures! Their previous forms are at least capable of such emotions, but apparently Audrey kept this feeling. "Oh Brandon, I have waited for so long, so many long years, just to see you again..." I stood confused, speechless and rather disturbed, lacking a better explanation. This could only remind me of 'fond' memories I had with Audrey, back when I was twelve years old, and still lived in Texas. I could tell from when I first met Audrey, that she liked me, but in ways I did not expect. She was very transparent, I guess one would say, she was too shy to admit she liked me, and tried to hide it, but it never worked. She would always act differently when she knew I was around, when we both went to a church activity, and she knew I'd come, she'd wear different clothing, and try to act more helpful and friendly, and do all this when she was aware of my presence. As time went by the progressively acted more flirtatious and affectionate. "Oh Brandon... Do not leave me alone again...!" Me, being a werewolf, could not comprehend this action- I stood motionless, struggling for a reaction. Audrey apparently saw my struggling, and released her grip on me. "Is something wrong? We are together now, That is all that matters.†“A… Audrey, Do you not remember about, well, dare I say it, Jalen? "... Who?" "Audrey, I was already married to someone else!" She was silent for a moment. "Then where is she?" I detected a hostile tone in her voice; She was planning something rather sinister, from the looks of things. "...She... Is… Well, Dead." Her facial expression changed to a deviously pleased fashion, "So then..." Her instigation sense was tensing, More than what would be considered comforting. "I take it you have not wed again? You seem to be alone." She smirked, and drew hear head closer to me. "And after all, I am always here for you. Available and open." [This line has been in fact been used against me. >.<] "... Audrey, You really cannot hide your feelings toward me. You have not changed much from so many years ago." "Brandon, Over the time we have been separated, I have regretted more than anything else in my life, I regretted telling you how much I loved you, until My parents dragged me out of town for a week, The whole seven days that you were leaving in. I refuse to let that happen again- I will never leave your side." [Zomfg Audreys. =o] [i was gonna have MW here. But MW probably wouldnt do that, Audrey probably would, I was gonna have MW come and like. Chase off Audrey or something. I dunno. Still havent thought of a place to put MW in. I will eventually though!]
  23. Get over there and start reading! Don't waste your time on the posts that begin and end with the [ ] !!! That should get you caught up really fast! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes.
  24. Samus, the little hamster, Is getting increasingly lighter and thinner. Like an anorexic hamster. That, and my other hamster that used to be quite fat, Is also getting skinnier, lighter and, well, weaker. As far as I know, They have plenty of food thought they frequently waste it, by stuffing their pouches full and then dumping it all out in theit tubes or in the wheel where the food falls through the air holes, and all over the carpet. Anything that can be done about this? The two do tend to huddle together underneath the water bottle. It drips on top of them sometimes and they get all wet. Which of course calls for water refilling, but hey. So is there any fattening food I can get for the hammies...? Or influencial tricks to get them to stop wasting food and just Eat it?
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