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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. dunno, do you experience one or more of the following symtoms more than two times a week: mood swings, difficulty sleeping, sensitivity to sunlight, sudden cravings for raw meat, fear of pointy wooden things, an irrational hatred of the letter "T" Remember, only your Doctor can diagnose Vampirism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i sometimes have mood swings, but about 10 seconds later it swings back. ._. Im isomniac (I dun have a coffin. xD) I'm photosensitive, and sometimes want to eat the hamster over there. <.<;... Pointy wooden things give ya splinters. I dun like them. ;-; And dont see anything wrong with Ts.]
  2. *does a jig next to Arkcher doing a stupid dance* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> - 'accidentally' kicks Kat off elsewhere- =D
  3. Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Make that one story happen more. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;; GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A Eason? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Reason. Whatevo. (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) KICK YOUR LEGS UP IN THE AIR! (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) DO IT LIKE YOU JUST DON'T CARE! (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) EVERY WOMAN, EVERY MAN! (Dum!) KICK IT! (DUM!) KICK IT! (DUUUUUUUUUUUUM!) WHOO! *grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<) And now I'm done. >_>;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're supposed to do it like you just don't care. And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person. Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff. Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD) Muhahaha.
  4. [Now just out of curiosity, How would a solid biological structure be immune to mirrors? if mirrors could not see them, then neither would anything else as light would not reflect off of them. That never made sense to me. (And yes, the hypnosis and other stuff does in fact make more sense than this) Vampires are 'da spiff. =o] [Heeeeey, If vampires can speak fluent romanian, Maybe if Kat were to siz Raith on to O-zone, Then they could sing Numa Numa with better pronounciation! (I have a techo remix version where tehey annunciate(sp?) a LOT better. It actually says Dragostea Din Tei as opposed to Llama's Squat and Stay or whatever they think it is.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [XD *fell out of chair laughing at "Llama squat and stay." I suppose Raith could sing Dragostea Din Tei. That would be pretty entertaining. I thinkg James would sing it better though, him being a male like the origional person and all. I'm allergic to garlic. Am I a vampire? o.o Oh, and have I already said how absolutly hillarious the whole Audrey situation is? Because if I havn't, then I should.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Well thats what it sounds like it says! Yes. James would do it better. =o But Raith can do that really high voice in the background toward the end of the Maia HEE things. o_o Yes, You are. =o I think you did, yes.] [And to keep it from sounding like im a pimp or something creepy. whatever those are called that pick up chicks a lot, (I think its a pimp. o_o I thought it was a term for acne. xD Thats real attractive.) Im adding some guy characters for a more even mix. >.>]
  5. [i'm should! But first I have to get out of the habit of calling her "Genocide".] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [And I bet you'm should, too. .... genocide? o_o]
  6. There are several things I would change on the boards if it were up to me (Not lowering security of course, as that seems to be one of the first priorities. xD) But mostly decoration, and administration (to find people to do it, and have more helpers and active peoples. Though i'm sure HK and HW are a lot more active than I think they are.) But, well, it... isnt. xD... Though I am making a new message board. =D Hurrah. (The other one isnt working so well, I hope this one'll work better. >_<)
  7. [Haha, That sounded like Crisco. Haha. But it isnt. I think is should be. Kat, You should call Kris Crisco now. xD]
  8. [Hurrah for Lexxy-man. =D IC posts!] [i shall have Val come back later, upon him seeing some major dark activity off this way. Dunno when, just... later.] [Khanailoa's around here somewhere. =D Being sneaky and devious. maybe.] [Lexxy-man, Are you gonna RP as Sinvalj, or is Horatio gonna be evil for you?]
  9. [Now just out of curiosity, How would a solid biological structure be immune to mirrors? if mirrors could not see them, then neither would anything else as light would not reflect off of them. That never made sense to me. (And yes, the hypnosis and other stuff does in fact make more sense than this) Vampires are 'da spiff. =o] [Heeeeey, If vampires can speak fluent romanian, Maybe if Kat were to siz Raith on to O-zone, Then they could sing Numa Numa with better pronounciation! (I have a techo remix version where tehey annunciate(sp?) a LOT better. It actually says Dragostea Din Tei as opposed to Llama's Squat and Stay or whatever they think it is.]
  10. Arkcher


    Zomfg, The pirates are invading or something.
  11. Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Make that one story happen more. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;; GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A Eason? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Reason. Whatevo. (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) KICK YOUR LEGS UP IN THE AIR! (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) DO IT LIKE YOU JUST DON'T CARE! (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) EVERY WOMAN, EVERY MAN! (Dum!) KICK IT! (DUM!) KICK IT! (DUUUUUUUUUUUUM!) WHOO! *grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<) And now I'm done. >_>;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o
  12. [im postin another chapter! =D! And i'm still like. 2 paragraphs into chapter 8. >_<] Chapter Seven “And you are telling this to us… Why? Do you expect us to help you? Not us. He and I are staying together, but alone.†Audrey interrupted Serena. “I am getting to that… You two may or may not know much about vampires…†Serena glanced over at me, Her eyes met mine in a strange, forceful way that I could not describe. Immediately I felt her presence stronger than before- “No. We do not.†I said, without thinking much of it, but it felt as if I either had no alternative option or I did not have control over my saying this. Serena smirked deviously, “I see. Both of us being the prime darkness creatures of earth, We have powers superior to humans. I will expand on that later, but you may or may not know, our werewolf and vampire ancestry, both contained contentions and constant warring between the dark creatures and the light humans. Previous allying and combination of power is what has kept our kind alive- We must again rise to unison in strength, and fight back against the humans’ attempt to bring us down…!†Audrey perked an eyebrow at this, and commented. “You want us to help you fight? For what? Why?†“You have not much of a choice on the matter. You two are going to help us- and just as you desire, Audrey, You two will be together.†I did not find this very pleasing really… “Why do we have no choice on this?†“A number of reasons, Two would be that, we would not rise to your aid when you need it if you do not help us. The other reason is, Vampires have a unique power, often mistaken for making us superior to werewolves, for obvious reasons we do not agree with this. This power, I will demonstrate what I can do…†Serena smirked, and turned her disturbing gaze over at me… It was very strange, It seemed as if a connection established between us there and then…? I found myself unable to turn my eyes away from her captivating gaze, As I felt a form of telepathy transmitting between us, as Serena developed a devious grin, a smile that knows… The smile that knows just what someone is thinking, Reading their mind like an open book.. I felt her looking for weaknesses and obedience triggers, as moments later, A mental command seemed to transmit from Serena to Me. After she found out what to do in my mind, I realized that she can now directly prompt my mind to do commands she wills me to do…! “Well? What is it?†Audrey was growing more and more impatient with Serena, Unaware of what she had just done. [Vampire Hypnosis is BAD. o_o I've read in some 'articles' or fanfics, short stories or other things, that eye contact with vampires can establish a hypnosis connection. And then I figured it might work with Werewolves too. =D]
  13. The post needs to be sensible. No random posts to random topics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, see, The post doesnt have to be entirely random. I pick a topic and give the award to some people inside, regardless of what their post contains. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am trying to keep a million posts from showing up in the posting contest that make no sense whatsoever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd try to help if I could, but all I could do was just not post there. xD
  14. The post needs to be sensible. No random posts to random topics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, see, The post doesnt have to be entirely random. I pick a topic and give the award to some people inside, regardless of what their post contains.
  15. I will also make a new award to give out to people, Of course, In honor of ML/Biggest Fan of Fuzzy. The Stupid I-went-to-a-topic-and-got-this Award! For whomever goes to a random topic, and posts there. I give these out randomly.
  16. LaRaey you make me maddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddmadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddmadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddmaddm admadmadmadmadmadmadmadmadmadmadmadm0-0 61118[/snapback] Riiiiiiigggggghhttttttt
  17. Is who what now? o_o 60992[/snapback] Skwerl Hugger Will. I couldn't take long enough to type the whole name. I was...doing.........something. 60997[/snapback] Suuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee xD 60999[/snapback] No I was really pretending. I was doing nothing. *dramatic music plays* 61001[/snapback] Yes.
  18. Is who what now? o_o 60992[/snapback] Skwerl Hugger Will. I couldn't take long enough to type the whole name. I was...doing.........something. 60997[/snapback] Suuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee xD
  19. Is who what now? o_o
  20. Welcome to HampsterDance Boards. Do you like stories? Check out Werewolf and some of the other stories in the Stories forum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How handy.
  21. [Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws. I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...] [Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.] [Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*was definetly NOT in the process of hacking into Arkcher's compy to read anything he hasn't posted yet* >_>] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Of course not. (Whaddyou think Colleen/Serena is doing right now then? -demonic cackle- =D I also noticed in this part of the story, I'm the only male character thats been added it so far. o____o;) Uh. Yeah. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i don't [i]think[/i] they're doing anything. I know. I mean, that's what I would say if I had hacked your compy and read the story. >_> *munches her Taco Bell nachos innocently*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-burns teh nachos- >D]
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