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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. AD&D only has what you refer to as "type one" and "type two" werewoves, with only "type one" being able to infect humans, (infected nonhumans typically express type five symtoms, exepting transformation, depending on DM's whims) although it also has several other were-s (rat, boar, & bear, being the most common, although any common animal could potenitally have a weretype.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been making more and more progress in finding out about lycanthopy effecting creatures other than human, also having were-othercreatures. Though I could try taking your suggestion of a vampire-werewolf. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What would whoever it bit turn into? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Werewolf, werecat, Wererabbit, weresquirrel, wereskunk (yup. o_o) Werebat, Weremouse... Whatever it was before only in more of a lycan' shape. And from that point, Any human it bites becomes what the other thing... was... o_o I still cant decide how the were-other-critters would come about. <.<
  2. =D! I just got a brilliant idea for what happens now in Chapter 8. n_n
  3. AD&D only has what you refer to as "type one" and "type two" werewoves, with only "type one" being able to infect humans, (infected nonhumans typically express type five symtoms, exepting transformation, depending on DM's whims) although it also has several other were-s (rat, boar, & bear, being the most common, although any common animal could potenitally have a weretype.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been making more and more progress in finding out about lycanthopy effecting creatures other than human, also having were-othercreatures. Though I could try taking your suggestion of a vampire-werewolf. =D
  4. Never heard of it. Forgot all about that... o_o Since they're still weakling humans, I never figured they'd have much improvement. Possibly a few visual features (a bit more hairy than others, usually sharper teeth, off-color eyes, ect.) But thanks anyway. =D
  5. Arkcher

    Arkcher Talk

    I got into the habit of using =D recently. I blame DA. Before ;-; I used to use i_i It was kinda hilatious. I used to think T_T was crying. but. it isnt. o_o It looks more like an angry clown to me than anything else. xD
  6. EDIT on Omega wolves: OMEGA's are the scapegoats of the pack. They are continuously picked on and looked down upon. They are the last in line for everything and get the raw deal everytime. They are the lowest of the low and not very trustworthy. However, they are still accepted by the pack and are an important part of its structure.
  7. I just felt like posting these notes and such on the Werewolf stuffs I have. If anyone has better rescource, Do tell, as some of this may be inaccurate. This was taken off of -cough- a lycanthrope RPG. thing. Not mine -cough- sssssoooooo Yeah. <.<;; Have a look. Note that this does not entirely cooexist with my werewolf series. Two seperate things here. Bits and parts of this are based off of that series. Concerning the Werewolves' physical abilities... Here are the stages of werewolves that I have thus far: Human TF (Transform) stage Werewolf Young Werewolf Basic Werewolf Post-Embryonic Werewolf Advanced Werewolf Mature Werewolf Werewolf Master Elder Werewolf Retiree Werewolf Describing these now, would be as follows. Human, well, Self explanatory. Your a human, not yet a werewolf. TransForm stage Werewolf would be in the process of changing form a human to a werewolf for the first time. Young Werewolves would be when their transformation is completed, And they discover their incredible new body. Basic Werewolves have produced more werewolf blood in their system, They are stronger, faster, over all more capable than Young Werewolves. A Post-Embryonic Werewolf is beginning its maturity stages, Their muscle mass increases, they are stronger, their senses heighten immensely, And they begin their form of being able to effectively defend themselves. Advanced Werewolves are mere steps away from being at full power- They are still learning however... They must continue to grow and experience the lycanthrope ways. Mature Werewolves are at their prime. They are incredibly strong, Very agile, They have unbeatable senses, They are excellent hunters. Werewolf Masters are when they begin to grow progressively weaker, older and less effective. Their experience and wisdom remain- They are usually the ones who are the Alpha leaders of the pack. They are to be respected by all, They are however still strong, but the Mature werewolves can still do things more effectively. an Elder Werewolf would be too old to defend themselves, though are occasionally handy to have around the pack with you. They usually have wisdom to share with everyone, and often help out with leading the Alpha wolves in the packs. Retiree Werewolves, well, Can't really do much. Others have to take care of them, Being too weak and old to do much. Too old to work, They frequently participate in varied games or activities, upon having nothing else to do. Of course, On the condition they are capable of such. Regardless of stage, (Post-embryonic, mature, master, ect.) All Werewolves are at a capability/transformation level. Read below: Depending on how much lycanthrope serum was in a beings body, They have different transformation ways. Type 1: Most common, The human was bitten once with the full ejection of the serum. The werewolf bit the human, ejected the serum fully, you get it. This wolf has the capability to be a Human or a Werewolf, changing at will. Type 2: Common, But not as common as type 1. The human or werewolf (werewolves that get bitten have the serum added to what they used to have) was bitten twice with the full ejection twice. Same as before, The werewolf must bite the victim twice in order for type 2 to take effect. This wolf has the capability to be a Normal Wolf or a Werewolf, Changing at will. Type 3: Rather rare, usually seen twice or so in a lifetime. (As in, two seperate Type 3 wolves in ones lifetime.) The wolf was bitten a whole three times in order for this to take place. This wolf is always a lycanthrope, no matter what. Cannot transform. Type 4: Really quite rare, Very uncommon. This wolf had been bitten four or more times. This wolf is very unpredictable- Changes from feral wolf, to werewolf randomly. No control over when the transformations take place. The wolf is somewhat insane- Frequent homicidal rampages, Occasionally will not react to the situation as necessary. Constant uneasy breathing, The thick fluid of Lycanthrope serum is clogging their blood system, They are either immensely strong, or strangely weak. Type 5: Considering their lifespan of 15 minutes at most, These are very rare. The thick serum of Lycanthrope, is causing blood clots and heart failure, brain damage and muscle spasms, occasional hallucination. The wolf was bitten six times or more for this to happen. They have at most 20 minutes to live after the sixth bite. They are literally insane in their short life, frequently destroying everything in sight. They uncontrollably change from human, feral wolf, to insane werewolf. They die before they cause too much trouble. --- Some of us may or may not know what this whole Alpha, Beta, Gamma stuff is in werewolves. I'll describe them to the best of my knowledge. anyone who needs to correct me, Do tell. ALPHA wolves are in charge of everything. They keep the wolves in line, make sure they are following any rules set (if any) And administrate everything, in short. They do have the power to kick you out of the pack and abandon you perpetually, Though they also have the ability to accept wolves' requests to join their pack. BETA wolves are, well, second in command. If the Alpha's are killed off or aren't around for whatever reason, The Beta's take charge. Alpha's could trust the Beta's with anything, Though if the Beta were to betray anyone... Thats more than likely one of the last things they'll do. They have an important position and must respect that. DELTA (Isnt that some airline industry? somethin like that?) wolves are the left-hand helpers of the Alpha's. Delta's will take care of what the Beta's and Alpha's do not. They're still important however. GAMMA's are usually Advanced Werewolf level or higher, They dont have many responsibilities, Not much is to be expected out of Gamma's. They often help with the less important things in Pack houses. OMEGA wolves are just there. They dont do anything important, This being the least trusted of wolves as they have no responsibilities. This is usually where Basic Werewolves or higher are places. HUNTING FIGHTERS are the main fighting force of the pack. They are agile, skilled, strong, And importantly, rather intimidating. They are the defense of the pack, And usually kill off any betrayers. Again, They are the fighting force of the pack. They make the most kills in battles. They are not someone you want to mess with. BROODS (lacking a better word) are too young to defend themselves, And are dependant on the Delta and Gamma wolves. They are taught against trusting the Omega wolves, Though the Brood wolves have a tendency to wander off out of the adult wolves' sight. Live or die- They are lone wolves from that point on. Broods have the young wolves, pups, if you will, and the Transformation Stage Werewolves on up. I'll add more later. like. Mannerisms and physical descriptions.
  8. [Meh.] [They didnt go to a dungeon, they were still in the town square place thing. where they were before. Ryukai has swords out. =o Zomfg.]
  9. Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was. [Now I cant think of something to post. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on." Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business. [There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes." Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar... "Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Then they'll just go that way then break off into the woods, or something! I dunno where we are...] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Okay then....] [After an hour of walking and occasional discussion, POOF the Naomi and the Ryukai are within eyesight of Naomi's homeland castle thing. now Post. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [NO!... Oh, fine. >_>] After a long time of walking, Naomi and Ryukai finally find the city gates of Naomi's home town [i forget what I named it. It shall henceforth be known as Brige.]. "C'mon." said Ryukai, walking towards them. It was nearly dawn. "Wait." said Naomi. "I'm wanted. I can't just stroll in." she changed into a small tabby cat and walked next to Ryukai. As they stepped out of the bushes and such, a guard called out, "Who are you? What is your business here?" [Ryukai, GO!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yew RPed me without askin'. Zomfg. Oh well. <.<] [big post now. cuz I got some ideas. =D] Ryukai's attention turned to this guard, inquiring of his identity and doings. His mind raced to think of something, "I'm... Faolan, With nothing more to say on that, I'll tell you that i've been comissioned by the kingdom of... eh... Halsing..ting...worths, Not very close to here, probably havent heard much of them, But anyway. They've sent me to... uh... Investigate. a... An assumed murder case. A runaway usurping case, something to that effect." Ryukai made something up on the spot, Occasionally nervously glancing at Naomi, nearby. "I'm sorry then Faolan, We can take care of things ourself." "I'll help you out then." "Why are you so persistant?" "Why does anybody do anything. Shut it." "Do not make us use force. Leave now, We have private cases of our own." "As do I." "And yours would be?" "I can take care of things myself." The guard struck a vaguely intimidating stance, ready to 'use force' to get 'Faolan' out. "Do not disrespect the royalty of Brige." "I'm royalty -cough- of Hal...what was it called... Halsing... Place." Ryukai hesitated, "Final warning- We will use force to get you out." "Ah, Just give me a minute..." Ryukai bode his time... The guard advanced toward Ryukai. "Leave now." "You know, I have other business here other than to investigate." "What would that be?" "To test if the town security can handle their jobs. From the looks of things, It isnt going too well." "Leave now." "In fact, I'll check to see if the guards can withstand attack..." With that, Ryukai reached behind himself, Grabbed one of his more massive, heavy swords, struck a battle stance, And before the guard could resist, Ryukai swung upward, but did not use the blade- he slammed the handle into the helmet's weak spot, Though if the helmet were not there, it would be enough to knock the guard out. While the guard regained his senses, Ryukai put away the sword, And grabbed a small knive, Made a very agile swipe at the guards neck, barely penetrating his body, not likey to draw blood, But Ryukai then used the knive, and stabbed it into the guards body, But located where he knew would not kill him. Another smash to the head, The guard was severely weakened and knocked out. Ryukai grabbed the limp body and tossed it aside, out of sight. "That didnt go as well as I had hoped..." Ryukai spoke, 'inderectly' to Naomi. As the two tried to sneak their way toward where Naomi led, (Assumedly. is this RPing your character?) Another guard inside the kingdom area had stopped the suspicious characters. As soon as Ryukai knew he was in their sight, and in danger, He changed his 'identity' again to the village idiot/drunk. Ryukai unstably made his way over to the advancing guard, Eventually ran into him, resting against the armor, as he said "You... You know what I... I think of you... you metal... metal metal men, You.... I think you... You're fat, oh gawsh." He pushed himself away from the guard, and waltzed around the area briefly, Fell over on the ground, And continued moving his legs as if he were running. Ryukai eventually got up, with the confused guard nearby, Ryukai spoke rather loudly to him from a close distance, "See the thing about my... my... The thing is... My ancestry... Has a lot of those... metal metal men in there... dooooowwwwwwwnnnn in the muddy... furry... flaming pits of the ancestry pits..... And they tend to.... get fat... a lot like you. Do I know you?" Ryukai reached behind himself, Pulled out a weapon and swung it around blindly, "Yaaeeh, I'll... I'm take.... I'll take you all on, fat metals...... metal... men..." Ryukai glanced down at Naomi. "Whats... Whats this dumb cat doing here?" With that, Ryukai kicked Naomi off to the side and swung the sword up in the air, Accidentally let go of it as it flung threw the air. "I think....." Speaking to the guard again, Ryukai unorientedly approached. "I think you guys... need.... more fat metal metal men patroll.... patrollllllllll.... Get these @&*$ cats out of here...." He gestured something odd, and then kicked his feet around as he did to Naomi. Wordlessly, The guard, unamused, grabbed Ryukai by the arms and began dragging him off toward the main castle. He gestured for Naomi to follow, as he looked up at the guard again... "I'mm... I'm going to.... Wow its cold outside..... But you metallllll..... Muuuuop..........." Ryukai stopped talking, And thrashed violently against the guards grip, Eventually broke off, And drew two swords. [im running out of ideas. Im gonna go sleep now. xD]
  10. Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was. [Now I cant think of something to post. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on." Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business. [There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes." Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar... "Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Then they'll just go that way then break off into the woods, or something! I dunno where we are...] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Okay then....] [After an hour of walking and occasional discussion, POOF the Naomi and the Ryukai are within eyesight of Naomi's homeland castle thing. now Post. o_o]
  11. Arkcher

    =o Its 1AM!

    I do EVERYthing online. o_o I have school online. xD I live on my compy.
  12. Arkcher


    Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dun worry. I wasn't hinking. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cos' BlindBeard be a zombie Pirate now, and she be needing her brains for nourrishment, and ye be the nearest source of brains, excepting me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But then the Me will be a zombie thing too and there'd be twice the demand for brains, And there'd be Kat and I chasing YOU around. -shakes head- Not a wise idea.
  13. Oh yes!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But you're not kat. Or are you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I'm not - Kat -... but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a.k.a. Kat, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -steals teh iPod and.... eats it or something. o_o- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *looks at Arkcher and sees his stomach bouncing to the beat* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Squishy just does that anyhow. o_o; (Yes, I name my body parts. I have 9 psychic spleens!)
  14. Oh yes!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But you're not kat. Or are you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I'm not - Kat -... but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a.k.a. Kat, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -steals teh iPod and.... eats it or something. o_o-
  15. Arkcher

    =o Its 1AM!

    Is shocked!!!!! Why so early? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 'Cuz.... stuff......
  16. [Only like 2 or 3 people ever comment on my stories no more. >.>;; I think Horatio and I are all you're gonna get for a while. Continue anyway. xD] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I looked in the queue and read your post, I realized that Hoops has a spycam on your computer Arkcher... *heads to next post* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Zomfg. Spycams. =o
  17. Arkcher

    =o Its 1AM!

    Its 1 in teh mornin and im gonna go off to sleep. cuz im real tired x_x
  18. [Only like 2 or 3 people ever comment on my stories no more. >.>;; I think Horatio and I are all you're gonna get for a while. Continue anyway. xD]
  19. Oh yes!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But you're not kat. Or are you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I'm not - Kat -... but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a.k.a. Kat, right?
  20. Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Make that one story happen more. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;; GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A Eason? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Reason. Whatevo. (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) KICK YOUR LEGS UP IN THE AIR! (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) DO IT LIKE YOU JUST DON'T CARE! (Dum, dum, dum, dum!) EVERY WOMAN, EVERY MAN! (Dum!) KICK IT! (DUM!) KICK IT! (DUUUUUUUUUUUUM!) WHOO! *grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<) And now I'm done. >_>;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're supposed to do it like you just don't care. And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person. Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff. Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD) Muhahaha. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;; But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, I sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or so you think. .... Where? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What do you mean, "Where?"? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Where did you sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little... ...? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In that one part that I havn't posted yet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well hurry up and post it then! o_o
  21. Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was. [Now I cant think of something to post. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on." Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business. [There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes." Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar... "Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o]
  22. *gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o
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