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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [its hilarious cuz you just then remembered the Brackets.] [MAny thanks, and then as you can see, I usually only get feedback like that every once and again. Then in other topics everyones talking about how its the spiffiest thing ever. You get a SpiffyPerson award and an Arkcher award. Hurrah. =D]
  2. [WHOO! V>_<V] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yes, you do.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but I dont want to! ;-;]
  3. [WHOO! V>_<V] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]
  4. [Change of story plans in effect. Things are somewhat different now.] [but there are guy characters in here now! =D) Chapter Nine I scanned the scenery once more, and found that this mysterious black speed had left. It appeared it was too far away to attack me, I jumped on the opportunity and ran. This time, In my own will, I ran through the forest. I thought that if anyone were to know about these werewolf things, Since I’m still new to it all, It’d be Chris or Mike. Using an improved sense of memory and direction, I led myself toward some memorable landmarks that “Chris’ domain†was near. As time passed, I made my way into the Chris territory. As it came in to view, I saw what looked like Michael crouched over in a somewhat ball shape, And Chris sitting down, leaning against a tree, With a small pile of syringes next to him. As I approached, Chris apparently heard my footsteps and looked up at me. “Brandon! Good to see you.†Chris stood up, And walked past Mike, whom was mumbling something to himself. “Hey, Chris… I have… Got a few problems that I will need counseling on.†I got down to the point, avoiding a long introduction. “Hey hey, you have problems now? Take a look at Mike here! And if that isn’t enough, Look at all these holes in the ground.†Chris directed my attention toward some strange craters in the ground. “Where did they come from?†“I was digging for Syringes!†“Why?†“To give them to Paul, Whom still has not come by to get them yet! I am stuck here with some syringes and Mike is getting more and more insane.†“Well, What happened to Mike?†Chris’ eyes looked somewhat saddened, “All the information I can get out of him is all that he will say. Go talk to him.†Curious, I walked over to Mike, whom was rocking back and forth somehow, while sitting down in an odd position. “Mike…? Had something happened?†Mike’s gloomy eyes turned up at me… “I… I hear… … Them. Everywhere.†I paused for a moment. “Who? What?†“Toh… Torras…†“… Torras?†“NO!†Mike shouted, And jumped up from his position, on to his feet. He pointed at me, “Do not misuse their name! Do not… anger them…†Somewhat disturbed, I stepped away from him. “Chris… Is this all he does now, or something?†I whispered over to Chris. “That, And he usually talks more of the odd Torras. To quote directly, When we’re supposed to be sleeping in the daytime, He says ‘I hear… Them… Everywhere. I cannot sleep in the day. They may kill me. Kill. Absorb, Dominate, Usurp, Eat…’ And he does what he says- I have not seen him sleep since… well, hard to say how long ago.†I have Chris an odd look. “Though now I think about it, You had come here saying you had a problem. So what would it be?†“I was walking about the forests here, Until I had come to a part where more and more frequently there were cut down trees. The regressing trees kept decreasing, until a abrupt stop. There was nothing but cut down trees as far as I could see. The cut of the trees was that about the equal height of a werewolf’s arm. To make matters worse, When I turned around to leave, I saw a speedy blur of black whizzing about the scenery.†Chris returned the same odd look I had given him moments ago. “… Perhaps this speedy dark being is one of these creatures Mike is talking about?†[Dun dun DUUUMMM. o_o -goes off to write chapter 10-] [O_O -sees what time it is- I... im gonna go sleep instead.]
  5. Arkcher

    I'm evil.

    I tend to do that on occasion. Its highly amusing.
  6. that art website wouldn't happen to start with a D would it?.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did find you on that site. With subtle comments and hintings!
  7. Gaah. We should dedicate this topic to senselessly raising the post count of everypeople.
  8. Do these posts still go up instantly? x_x
  9. Arkcher

    I feel old

    Supa_Katie!!! -tackleglompclinghugglesnuglufftieyewtoachairandneverletyougo- n_n!!! In addition to what Horatio there said, (CheetaSpot and Cheeta_Girl were two different peoples. i think.) The Cheeta_girl person. seems to have mysteriously vanished. I do remember her, Take this as reassurance you arent as looney as you think. Yes! I may be one of the few people who remember you, But with a post count like that, I dont think people'd consider you a newbie. Welcome back! -continues tackleglompclinghugglesnuglufftieyewtoachairandneverletyougo'ing- n_n
  10. I drew a picture for U Horatio but it is not letting me put the picture up!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The picture may be too big...? Or the format is incompatible. Whats the pixelation resolution on the picture? (If you dont know how its determined, Mouseover the bottom-right corner of the drawing, And/or on the top toolbar, go to Image, then click on Attributes. For example, The width of the picture is 180. The height is 230. The resolution is 180x230. So, How big is the picture?
  11. The hamsters water bottle was empty. I dunno for how long, but I filled it up. Now they have yet to figure out I did something. x_x
  12. Really? And exactly how did you accomplish that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or bumped. Either one.
  13. Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun. Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant. What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness. Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him. Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing. [Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]
  14. [CHANGE OF STORY PLANS- See this topic for more details.]
  15. Linkin Park- a Place for my Head. One of the solacive 'offensice' songs I listen to whilst being ticked off. But im not angered right now. <.<; More of frustrated and tired >_<
  16. [Would you prefer hypnotic? I can edit if you want.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No. <.<; Its supposta do that. I said so.]
  17. [-posts Chapter 8 to prevent keelingyoudead-itude by Kat- e_e] Chapter Eight I felt as my facial expression changed to a fearfully amazed expression, as my shocked gaze turned from the rather demonic Serena, to Audrey who was still waiting for a response from either of us. A series of thoughts went through my mind at that point, All the horrid things Serena could accomplish with her hypnosis gaze… Though my thinking was rudely interrupted by a voice in my head, summoning me by name, Though in my fret to recognize what had happened, I found myself staring obediently into Serena’s eyes, as hers shone oddly brightly back at mine. “Brandon…†A voice called through my mind, as I responded to it as if it were my own thought… “What is it?†“Run. Run away from here, I see how much you want to be away from Audrey. Just run away from here…†As this voice, similar to Serena’s, had called through my head, Though before I realized what was happening, I found myself absconding, and dashing along the forest ground. Against my will, I went careening down the forest terrain, I heard Audrey’s voice calling me, Then a brief cackle from Serena, And as Audrey was about to call me again, She was cut off by a faint gasp, followed by an odd silence, as Serena linked Audrey’s mind to her own, just as she had me… With no apparent objective in mind other than to simply ‘run’ away from this location, I bounded across the forest… [This is where I got stuck writing and couldnt figure out what to di. <.<] As I sped across the terrain, My attention was turned to the scenery a bit more… As I looked ahead, I saw less and less trees. There were multiple clearings, sparse, thin trees here and there…? Somewhat alarmed by this unnatural clearing of trees, I tried to slow down. Strangely enough, I did. I found that I no longer had a need to run…? I stopped, looked around myself. There were trees broken, splintered, cracked and demolished, fractioned in pieces on the ground. I beheld in terror of this once magnificent forest, which was put to an end by senseless destruction of who-knows-what…? I stepped over the once beautiful living trees, and cautiously proceeded further into the demolished woods… A truly frightening sight to see, The trees were all dead…But… What could have cleared out a forest like this? They were not cut trees, Simply impacted, pushed over and knocked down… I came up to one of the stumps, And examined it closely… There appeared to be scratch marks on the wood… But as I looked it over, I found an easily overlooked detail… The trees were all demolished from the same angle. The trees had all been killed the same way. I put my hand up to the edge of the fractured tree, The location where it was punctured was easily within the height of a werewolf’s arm…? The cut was at my height… It appeared that some form of Werewolf had caused this to happen, With incredible strength… and had knocked all these trees down somehow? I looked up, And glanced about my surroundings. From behind me, I heard something move…? I turned around, To see… Nothing. I suspiciously looked around the scenery… As I looked, I saw something whiz by in a blur of black…? I turned my head- It was gone. Whatever this was, It was rather agile and elusive. [ZOMFG LOLZ EVVIL THINGZZLOLZZZZ] [im a n00b. =o]
  18. [*sits atop Arkcher's head until he posts it*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Now who said anything about me posting it?! >( ]
  19. [WOOHOO! I finished chapter eight! -parties- =D]
  20. And... Just what do you mean to say by 'Oh. really.'? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dun Know. Just never knew there were soo many...... werewolves. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just made this all up, really. with. with rescources. >.> -runs-
  21. *gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Err...yeah. I was talking about the cat. Not you. Nope. You can just turn around and pay no attention to me or the large Claymore in my hands right now. >_> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -puts teh Tipsy kitty on Kat's head- =D
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