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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Fire's pretty cool. And by cool, I mean Awesome. Fire isnt cold, at all.
  2. i only got to see the movie. :c -disappointedface- tangent time. I dont know much about the movie, but from what I've read about the game series, its a town under the influence of a great concentration of... evil, or magic, or some surreal force that isnt very fun to be around, and whenever it happens to cycle over where the character is, random objects come to life and start attacking you while the walls begin burning/melting/flowing with blood, usually corroding parts of the world to expose hidden areas or at least give it a very creepy effect. And then other nonsensical things happen solely for the purpose of creeping you out, and messing with the character psychologically; in SH2, by circumstance the main character ended up killing his own wife [for protection, or cause she was crazy, or on accident, i dont remember why] so whenever the Silent Hill area started tripping out, his wife shows up and is once again tangible and hes all happy cause shes there, until she gets impaled by whatever monster is around or burned by the melting scenery or theyre somehow seperated again. and that happens like very five minutes. And some other symbolic things that mess with your head, so on so forth. But thats what your bathroom-bleedings reminded me of, cause that sort of thing happens in that game series. ... Bearing in mind that this is all from memory, after i just woke up, and have a powerful headache [:c] so its probably not as accurate as it might be. but back on topic, Yeah you should. .... let us know.. how it goes D: but... a few posts ago, werent we avoiding this Beal character at all costs? I guess im unclear as to what changed.
  3. I rather enjoy clouds. I tend to lurk moar than most. Thats why Im here.
  4. ... AND SO DO I [/rickroll] Clouds are pretty nice But im not good at haikus. I hope i did it right.
  5. :3 silent hill much? That is pretty trippy. As for me, I dont know much about panic attacks, per se, other than stay away from what may have induced it... but as you said, nothing induced it. so Yes. this Beal chap doesnt seem to be cut out for the job. so I second Horatio's advising.
  6. Not to worry. One upside of this is that crazy people write cool stories. :­D -neck twitches repeatedly-
  7. [HURRAH BEEMO] [also: i thoroughly enjoyed this story, and it must be continued POSTHASTE]
  8. HURRAH now, write moar. cause we've been waiting since like June for this mess D:
  9. Expertly performed, Horatio. -applauds- ... If I remembered which awards I gave out, i'd do it for tha lulz.
  10. One left. Upper left corner. It's yours LifesEagle. Top left, middle right and bottom right were open. Arkcher took the bottom right, Hiro the middle right and yours would be the upper left. Is that okay with you? I thought we were only allowed one apiece, so Im pretty sure Im just one person. Used to be schizophrenic, but we're okay now.
  11. UNTIL NEXT TIME DONT GET ELIMINATED [/contribution] Glowy-boy, is there a reason you cant take one yourself? o: ... looks like theres one left. :­D if nobody else takes it STEP UP D:<
  12. Err, uhh... Didnt see Arkchers Posts...I'll wait till I know which faces are left to respond o_o;; :x I didnt even remember which one I had. S'been a while.
  13. Well, that's true. How time passes. Now this board already exists more than six years. Who remembers the board before this one? For the people who don't know it: the software was not compatible and all accounts/posts from the former board were lost when there was the update to this one. Leguan. Leguan. I just read your member title and signature. You're really He-Man?! o_o Speaking of... HampsterRegular? I thought it was Hampsterdancer or something. When did it change? Don't know. HampsterRegular = posts go up without moderation. HampsterDancer = still needs moderation. HampsterModerator = ... the one who does the moderation. lol amidoinitrite lol soundsgoodtome, soIguessyou'redoinitrite lol Horatio, you're silly. :­P
  14. Well, that's true. How time passes. Now this board already exists more than six years. Who remembers the board before this one? For the people who don't know it: the software was not compatible and all accounts/posts from the former board were lost when there was the update to this one. Leguan. Leguan. I just read your member title and signature. You're really He-Man?! o_o Speaking of... HampsterRegular? I thought it was Hampsterdancer or something. When did it change? Don't know. HampsterRegular = posts go up without moderation. HampsterDancer = still needs moderation. HampsterModerator = ... the one who does the moderation. lol amidoinitrite
  16. excuse me while I turn in to E.T. for a minute. HAVE AT YOU
  17. Classic. Arkcher's got the idea. I love the intense expression on your face! Serious archchurr is serious. D:< What are you aiming at, out of curiousity? That flying Eegul over there. ... waaaait a minute. Don't you dare or I'll fly over there and bite your arrow in two! You could always poop on his head. EXCUSE ME, I'm CIVILISED... ... I'll cover his house in it instead. Nice! Then you could get his friends to T.P. it after you fly off. I rule. D:<! its very intense.
  18. i maek jew a swaeter 11 dorra prease :­B
  19. Classic. Arkcher's got the idea. I love the intense expression on your face! Serious archchurr is serious. D:< What are you aiming at, out of curiousity? That flying Eegul over there. ... waaaait a minute.
  20. Classic. Arkcher's got the idea. I love the intense expression on your face! Serious archchurr is serious. D:<
  21. -lol'd at MKs post- Also: whipped this up in about 3 minutes. lol amidoinitrite
  22. [Ducks aside, you guys probably thought I forgot about this story, didnt you? DIDNT YOU?! D:< NEVAR] Back in the large room with a maze of sub-rooms, Nathan craned his neck high and looked over the collapsible walls for a staircase. Sure enough, one was located a few hundred feet northeast of them. “What are these…?” Nathan thought aloud, glancing in the small rooms as he passed. Most of them contained file cabinets or deskspaces, some with lab equipment. The openings to the rooms had color-coded borders, so this may be an archive of some sort. Up the staircase, led to a grated platform overlooking the rest of the room. Not far away was another door, labeled ‘DELTA-WING’. Their destination being this direction, and being delta-security intensive, they proceeded through, meeting only a visual warning and no further security. They found yet another short hallway with no distinguishing features, except for about five of the yet-unnamed creatures, glancing about the room, looking disoriented. Hearing the door open, they turned their attention to the two newcomers, and accordingly let out their small war-cry, and ran forward, scratching the floor with each leap. Nathan opened fire, hitting two of them before they could react. Just as described by Gauda, the abominations fell idle with just one hit. Denton followed suit, and struck two of the creatures, leaving one within its own attack range; it jumped up, about five feet high, before a final projectile caused it to explode in a spray of Tossina, blood and small portions of muscle, raining down on Nathan, who abhorred back in disgust. "You alright, Torrn?" Nathan wiped off the bits of flesh covered in blood, now with a rather disgusted countenance. "Yeah..." He responded, still taken aback. With one final shake, he proceeded through the far door, with the image of such creatures detonating burned in to his vision. A number of deceased researchers were sprawled about the next room, with an overturned desk and various components of medical research equipment, most of which appeared to be X-ray intensive. Otherwise, a select few doors were present, one labeled 'Delta Axis'. Harret certainly has its share of hallways and unused rooms. Where did Jared Mills get funding to make such a huge place? He was just a college professor… Through the next door was a perpendicular hallway, straight ahead was a Conference room. Nathan and Denton exchanged glances, and proceeded through, noting there was only one door this time, which locked itself behind the two men. “Hey, Torrn…” Denton stopped Nathan just as he was preparing to uplink. Denton motioned toward the door, specifically the red light by its control panel, indicating its locked state. Nathan stepped over to it, and assuredly, the motion sensor did not respond. “It did this in the other conference rooms, too…” “And we got out of them. So, We talk to Dieter, and we leave.” Nathan explained, annoyed, as he proceeded to open the link to Dieter. “… What?” Dieter asked, sounding concerned. “I felt so inclined to uplink to you. Got anything new?” “Not really. We’re picking up a few abnormal signals southeast of you, but until we can confirm its worth dealing with, I’ll just leave it alone and monitor some of the more important matters.” “Such as?” “You guys. Preparing some links to get in to the Delta computers once you restore connection. And a single bioform on another wing, I don’t know what it is yet. Too small to be a Carnefice, Way too big to be one of those little guys. … I dont know, Just get to your destination point, its not far.” The map marked once again where the Delta computers were located. “Alright.” “You’ll be going up a secured elevator to get there, but of course, I’ve eliminated its level of security. There's another conference room, located just before the computer room, so uplink after or during your restoration.” “Got it. Torrn out.” The screen turned off once more, and the door unlocked, and opened upon approach. They turned left down the narrow hallway, ignoring the ‘DELTA-BETA’ signs placed about. --- A woman spoke. It drew a young man’s attention away from his otherworldly realm of slumber, as he sat up straight to see his mother looking back at him from the passenger seat of a moving vehicle. “Look, Caleb! We’re almost back home.” She pointed out a landmark sign along the highway, signifying Orgonth Nevada, 32 miles away. Caleb yawned, and felt inside the front pocket of his hoodie and pulled out a cell phone, checking the time, and returning a few text messages, bearing the good news of his arrival. Having just woke up, Caleb couldn’t remember exactly where they had gone off to, how long, or why. He shook his head lightly, his thick, light blond hair ruffling, somewhat straightening from the crumpled mess it consisted of moments ago. He focused more attention on the road ahead of him, headlights illuminating the dark freeway before them. To the left of his vision was his father, who looked just as fatigued as his son did. Nevertheless, they all anticipated a well-deserved night in their own beds for a change. Caleb leaned back, as his father engaged in conversation with his wife, the exchanges being too quiet for Caleb to really pay attention to. She replied, this time Caleb tried to make out words from her statement, but to no avail. Further directing his attention to this, he sat up, and realized all sound around him was becoming muffled, and sounding like it was underwater. He looked out the window, senses askew, as the surroundings seemed to dim, fade to grayscale as time slowed down. A long moment passed, before reality came rushing back to him all at once by a screaming voice, “LOOK OUT!” His mother shrieked, pointing off road and grabbing her husband’s shoulder. Before Caleb could react, the deafening shatter of glass, and the force of the vehicle suddenly stopping threw Caleb against the driver’s seat harshly, as a deep growl accompanied screeching tires. The vehicle was rotating, though before they could determine which direction, gravity seemed to shift upward and throw the car in to a frenzy as it rolled along the ground, further smashing in windows and rattling the unsecured teenager around inside, leaving him in a daze once the vehicle made a complete stop, on its side. A short moment later, Caleb summoned all the strength he could muster to climb upward, open the door and pull himself out. He recognized the luminous red lights of cars nearby slowing, but the harsh sound of his heartbeat seized his attention. He put a hand to his forehead, to find he was bleeding profusely. A stirring caught his attention, as some unstable movement occurred on the other side of the overturned vehicle. “Mom? … Dad?” He glanced in one of the windows, the poor illumination displayed enough. The idle body of his father, face glistening with blood, clearly visible through the shattered window. An unsettling grunt grasped his attention once more, as an abomination of a sight emerged from behind the remains of their car. A huge, hairless creature with fearsome looking mandibles and piercing eyes slowly crawled in to the open, with blood splattered all about it, along with another off-yellow substance still flowing from open wounds. Caleb’s heart skipped a beat, as he stepped back in awe. He had never seen, nor dreamed that something like this could even exist! A strong fear instilled in his heart, as he stepped back again, the creatures optics fixing on this target. It loudly grunted as it limped toward him, causing Caleb to let out an audible cry of his own before stumbling on the uneven ground behind him, helpless. He turned his head to look behind him, and was immediately blinded by oncoming headlights, vehicles driving a little too closely, before slamming on their brakes and drifting to a stop, in short time several staturous men, resembling security guards, poured out of three utility vans, all shouting. The only real sentence he could make out was ‘Get the Carnefice! Contain it!’ before the massive creature turned around swiftly, swinging its large, thick tail behind it, the bladed tip careening right for his head- “AAH!” Caleb sat up with a jolt, heart pounding, as his real surroundings came to him. He was laying partly sprawled about in an office-resembling room, contents slightly askew. He put a hand to his head, trying to remember how he got here. … This is Harret. This place is the source of that strange creature that killed one of his parents, severely injuring the other. This is the place he would exploit, single-handedly uncover to all, provide a real explanation for his mother’s demise, and prove to his home town the real threats growing just outside their borders. Caleb looked up, and saw a large hole in the ductwork above him. He must have fallen through it, impacting him sufficiently to invoke this unpleasant flashback. Not losing focus, Caleb felt the floor around him, his hands meeting the barrel of a small pistol and the handle of a pocketknife that had escaped his hoodie pockets. Replacing these commodities, Caleb stood up, muscles sore, determined to get to the bottom of this, solve the case on his own. [sSBB style intro]NEWCOMER - Caleb Manés![/sSBB]
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