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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [*awards Arkcher 50 points*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [WOOHOO! -buys Typo awards with them- n_n] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Err...now you gotta post it. .____.;;;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No I dun. =D -writes chapta 12-]
  2. they buried him <{POST_SNAPBACK}> in cow poo. (The previous two posts were ebbil. <.< I said so. Myeh.)
  3. EVeryone is crazy from my viewpoint. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes.
  4. Not likely, but I'd help you if I was in the neighborhood. I have some Molotovs in my closet if you'd like them. j/k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I prefer something distinctly more.... volatile. Ukranian Vodka for a start.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bah, Just open a few propane tanks, give a lighter to a 2 year old and have him prance around the tanks with it on while you run off. No need for all that alcoholic such'n such.
  5. Arkcher


    Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Avast! When be ye authorized to be makin' more piratey pirates? This needs th' approval of teh Cap'n TGHL. uh. Yarr.
  6. People who don't close their BB-Code tags.
  7. Which one? Oh wait. you cant mention. Chris the Ninja-Pirate came anyway and went and demolished some posts on this topic, then prances off.
  8. [*awards Arkcher 50 points*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [WOOHOO! -buys Typo awards with them- n_n]
  9. Thats not a flash image. Thats a GIF animation. o_o; I would say how simple and easy it is to make that, But I wont for the time being. xD Your on your way though, Keep animating, And you might get something really good going! (Im making a GIF animation, It has about 100 frames so far, And its about 30 seconds long. o_o; Its about 2/3 done. Pretty long animation. Its simulating the MetroidPrime battle with PhazonSamus and MetaRidley! For whoever has played Metroid Prime, They will know that part is awsome. So is teh animation ^-^ Fun time! (Samus is shooting Ridley with teh Missile-plasma beam, Flamethrower or something. I just got a Phazon Beam image and inverted it to red 'n white as opposed to black 'n blue. Phazon is pretty. n.n -hugs it- x_x -dies-) What animation software did you use for that?) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Archker..Have you finished this? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think i've worked on any of it since I posted that. But thanks for reminding me though! I'll try to remember to work on it tomorrow. 'cuz. its midnight and I should go sleep. Its hilarious cuz you mispelled mah username.
  10. but I already posted here! o_o; And. you. you need to stay here. o_o -nods- A lot.
  11. [*waves Claymore around viciously* Grr. Wait, why would anybody blame me, anyways? x_x] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Cuz. You post here a lot. in. in this topic.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [so do you!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Thats because im writing the story here. <.<]
  12. As in life, good things take time. I am sorry that you do not feel you fit in, but only you know what works for you. Friendships do not happen overnight, they take time. I do hope you continue to stop by and get to know everyone here as I think you would enjoy yourself. I don't delete posts unless you ask me or you write a very nasty post that cannot be edited. So, your post would not be deleted. As for trying and persuade you to stay, I would like to do that, but won't as I you have asked me not to. You seem like a very nice person and I wish you all the best. By the way, Arkcher just posted that he too is a Mormon and wanted to meet you. A bit too late as you probably have already disappeared by now. Thanks for stopping by and hope we see you again. I found the topic! w00t. now Just to satisfy some curiosity, as you speficied you were in the US, I dont recall if you specified which state. I met another LDS person with similar characteristics and usernames to you, and met elsewhere. Do you livein Alabama by any chance? And/or, used to live in Indiana? now Dont mind my asking, but Why're you leaving or at least considering it? And if you dont feel like you fit in here, ten what can we do to let you fit in? I never understand why people want to leave this board...
  13. Arkcher


    ARG! BLINDBEARD! WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CUT 'EM DOWN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -also eats watermelons- n_n I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Watermelon be good s'long as it's seedless. I despise them seeded ones. *kills more watermelons and eats the seedless ones* Hey, ain't somebody supposed to be teachin' ya something of some sort? x_x;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But the ones with seeds be more fun fer shpittin' seeds at'cher siblings or at passers by. And are 50 cents more expensive cost.
  14. [WOOHOO! Im writing Chater 11 and now its more than 2 paragraphs long! n_n Im so friggin brilliant.]
  15. Arkcher


    ARG! BLINDBEARD! WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CUT 'EM DOWN! *does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons* -also eats watermelons- n_n I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time. I sure hope you remembered your mother's birthday! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did, about 11 in teh mornin. OR rather, about when I woke up.
  16. Arkcher


    ARG! BLINDBEARD! WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CUT 'EM DOWN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -also eats watermelons- n_n I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time.
  17. Just then, Mega Wolf's hamster, Flip, ran over in a hamster ball to Samus and Spider's cage. She wanted to speak to them about cheese. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But cheese didn't like people talking about it behind it's back, so it walked off all offended. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And then got eaten by an egg.
  18. [*waves Claymore around viciously* Grr. Wait, why would anybody blame me, anyways? x_x] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Cuz. You post here a lot. in. in this topic.]
  19. [Ok, Theres a character introdutction i'm stuck at. I cant think of how to get this wolf person in here, So i havent forgotten! Blame writers block and/or Kat for the no story. (I'd reccoment blaming the writers block- If you try blaming Kat for it, well, she has a claymore, What more is there to say? O_o)
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