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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. People simply have to be contradictory of themselves. If TGHL was involved, He'd blame Bush for being too contradictory and the word Abbreviation is Bush's fault for being stupid. Speak no more of this matter. <.< >.> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it me or does Bush ejactulatorise a lot of riduclatory words for no intellirefic reason? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> By assumption of what you're trying to ask, i'd say No. But I would suggest using a spellcheck next time- I see three horrible typoes here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes. I see them too. When you put those carpets on your toilet, do you have to vacuum? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It would indeed be wise. Carpeted toilet seats are prime breeding grounds for a variety of creatures. Microscopic elephants, for example.
  2. People simply have to be contradictory of themselves. If TGHL was involved, He'd blame Bush for being too contradictory and the word Abbreviation is Bush's fault for being stupid. Speak no more of this matter. <.< >.> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it me or does Bush ejactulatorise a lot of riduclatory words for no intellirefic reason? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No political questions. If I light my thumb on fire, will another one grow back? If you're Piccolo, then Yes. o_O
  3. [OH EM GEE! You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i dont care about that ' " thing. And BTW, the Italic didnt work on the quotation mark. >D]
  4. [i did it for ya!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yay.]
  5. Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it. I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have 100 Evil world domanation plans. Many involve bringing back te 80's. I have 900 Doomsday weopens. Oh yea. I have the How to be a Vilin book. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> An ebbil villain who can't spell domination or villain? What is this world coming to? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The persistant lack of intelligence strikes again! -panicks-
  6. People simply have to be contradictory of themselves. If TGHL was involved, He'd blame Bush for being too contradictory and the word Abbreviation is Bush's fault for being stupid. Speak no more of this matter. <.< >.> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it me or does Bush ejactulatorise a lot of riduclatory words for no intellirefic reason? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> By assumption of what you're trying to ask, i'd say No. But I would suggest using a spellcheck next time- I see three horrible typoes here.
  7. [To make up for the big absence of storywriting here, i'll post Chapta 12 now. ._.] Chapter Twelve [Note: I had to think of some way of avoiding having to introduce this character properly, so I had that part in Chapter 11 as an excuse.] I stood on the outskirts of this clearing that the wolf inhabitants seemed to fond of, with a new 'friend' I guess one could say, Out of earshot for most but still in eyesight of the group. "Well… I am not quite the best person to ask of the matter, but I will tell you what I know of these Torrask's." He had agreed to explain what was happening, to keep me on guard. "Torrask's are likely to be the most dangerous creatures that I know of, but-" "I know that much, just what are they capable of? What do they do?" I interrupted him. "Well, Torrask's are a truly intimidating symbiotic creature, which appear to be an oversize blue lizard. Noting they are symbiotic, They possess the ability to liquefy themselves. Once in this form, Most werewolves and humans have named this substance 'Torce'…†“This sounds vaguely familiar. Continue.†“Well, Torce is what Torrask’s are composed of, inside. Torce is mostly muscle, but in a liquid form. With a highly distinguishable color, and is frequently found near trees.†A strong fear struck at my heart as I realized that there is a Torrask in our presence- I saw some Torce in a tree, near the base of it, and in bits and parts of the forest ground. Maintaining a calm sense about myself, I commented. “Hold that thought for a moment, do you know fighting tactics or how to defend against these Torrask’s?†The wolf in front of me got a facial expression of realization as well, It appeared he recognized these signs as well. His eyes widened as he and I looked around ourselves, Sure enough, There was in fact some Torce dripping from some leaves and on the ground. “Nothing. We have no weaponry here that can harm them.†“Shut up about that, What vulnerabilities do they have?!†“Extreme thermal conditions and supersonic sounds. Hypothermia means death for Torrask’s. Like I said, nothing we have here can harm them.†Realizing such helplessness I possessed before these creatures, I looked off to my left to see a Werewolf much like myself, inexplicably flying through the air in a manner as if a powerful attacker just unwillingly threw it. I stepped aside, as the wolf careened through the air and crashed into the ground, and instantly lost consciousness. An eerie silence loomed over the crowd of wolves, All attention drawn to the southeast end of the forest clearing, which contained one fear-stricken werewolf, too overwhelmed to move. Before this wolf stood a large blue lizard of sorts, independently standing on its hind legs. At most 2â€8 tall, A menacing glare shot from its bland, plain optics. The wolf in front of me and I could only watch in terror, overwhelmed by the sensation of fear in our bodies. A very familiar scent loomed in the air, Though a unique form of fear. This which was usually invigorating, fear from humans, seemed deadening, a decomposing feeling seemed to weaken all wolves around me. Thoughts raced through my head, what should I do, how to respond, How can I hinder this nemesis? I did the first thing that came to mind- Howl. If I reach a high enough tone, It may distract or damage this Torrask…? I raised my voice as loud as I could; in as high a tone as my vocal cords can reach, and sounded the piercing screech through the forest. I can only assume I cannot reach a high enough pitch, as it appeared to be merely an annoyance to this Torrask. Its attention drew over to me, I forced all the effort I could use into screeching louder, though my efforts were in vain… An odd striking sensation impacted my body from the Torrask before me, and I lost orientation, eventually Consciousness. Though in my last moments of sense, I heard odd squeak noises from the Torrask, I assume, and the rustling of Wolves…? [Oooooooh Noooooo. o_o;]
  8. [Aw poop. Chapta 13 is missing. ;_; -writes it again-]
  9. [=D You wanna voulenteer to write Chapta 13 or something?]
  10. People simply have to be contradictory of themselves. If TGHL was involved, He'd blame Bush for being too contradictory and the word Abbreviation is Bush's fault for being stupid. Speak no more of this matter. <.< >.>
  11. [And. I decided the beggining of Chapta 13 may need de-creepy-ifying by Horatio, and is possibly creepier than some parts of part 1. o_o Maybe. Havent written it yet, so. yeah.]
  12. [Hurrah! And why is chapta 12 creepy? o.o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Cuz. there are Torrasks. o_o]
  13. Arkcher


    *commits sinful acts of piracy* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -whacks TGHL for his sinful acts of piracy- >( Un-yarr.
  14. [Oo guess what. Im almost done with Chapta 12 and im making some story art. =D like. drawing scenes and/or characters. o_o;
  15. [*awards Arkcher 50 points*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [WOOHOO! -buys Typo awards with them- n_n] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Err...now you gotta post it. .____.;;;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No I dun. =D -writes chapta 12-] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [...Now that's just un-called for. >_>;;;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Or is it? ]
  16. I would suggest that you start reading in the beginning then you will understand and be able to join in. Read the first post, and the stuff between that and this post are unimportant, so just start RPing. xD Arkcher, I thought if Mushroom_king read the posts in-between, she would be better prepared to join in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Read the topic title. Unrestricted. This best suits ADHD people. Continuity has no name here. MK can come in any time and just RP. o_o
  17. I would suggest that you start reading in the beginning then you will understand and be able to join in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Read the first post, and the stuff between that and this post are unimportant, so just start RPing. xD
  18. [Dun dun dun! Chapta 12 is getting creepy e_e]
  19. [Yall are gonna shoot me if I dun post this, so heres chapta 11.] Chapter Eleven Still anxiously awaiting the place of gathering that the wolves have spoke of, I strode off toward the southeastern direction once more. Even still, some thoughts had gone through my mind of where Kris and Kate were, and how they are faring with the werewolf world. What if they came across a Torrask? Got captured by a Vampire? Killed by humans? Anticipation only grew, as I quickened my pace toward the area ahead. Eventually, A short minute or so, A clearing came in view, brimming with active werewolves. As I drew closer, there was much traffic of coming and going wolves, and as I was within earshot of most wolves, They seemed rather aroused and disturbed by the presence of the Torrask’s. I looked about the surrounding scenery to see an unfamiliar, unnatural content about the environment. A small amount of the forest was oddly wet- I have no memory of rain any time recently. First thing to come to mind for blaming was humans, but they may not have liquids such as this... Cerulean water? I ignored this and continued on, but could not help but think about Torrask's. Blue, Liquefiable, An enemy of Werewolves. The other group of lycanthropes had left to decrease the number of wolves, less attention to draw to our adversaries. Nevertheless, I still had an unacheived objective in mind. Find out about Torrask's, and locate Kate and Kris. Moments went by, I acquired nothing. I was getting nowhere, and decided I had best do something about this myself... --- David awoke from a brief nap, Propped in one of the more comfortable positions he could find in his office chair. He glanced about, somewhat startled, Then saw on his office desk, a device indicating a distress signal. Intrigued, He pushes the button to expand on the matter. On the screen nearby, Two armed combat soldiers had their communication system on. "General, We were patrolling the area's you had assigned us, And if you may recall, There was an odd industrial plant of sorts off northwest of here…" "Get to the point, soldier, I haven't all day." General David boomed back into the microphone, "Well, sir, Look at what we found!" The soldier then turned the camera toward a massive, smoldering crater, surrounded by smokestacks and fires. Oddly enough, It seemed to be encased together in a huge… barrier of sorts. Translucent mist of unidentifiable color had surrounded the wreckage that was once Dalhood. David's eyes widened, as he cursed unnecessarily, "What happened over there?!" "We don't know, sir, But we did see some Lycanthrope activity nearby. That, and what looked like four lycanthropes rampaging about within this barrier." "It's those ******* wolves again, They got Dalhood… …" He began grumbling to himself with an unneeded cursing term between every few syllables. "That's it, then… You two have firearms…? Go kill those wolves. I'll have some construction teams start working on a mobile destruction unit. We're taking out those lycanthropes once and for all, men!" With that, David angrily shut down the communication, without waiting for an acknowledgement, and dispatched some of his construction workers to work on a new design of weaponry. He was second-in-command on a very powerful fighting force, and commanded the secondary fighting forces of an army patrol. Along with international allies, their troopers partrolled all parts of the countries, as a last resort to stop illegal alienation and constant law-breaking. [David is indeed one of my friends around here who has a tendency to overuse profanity. o_o; He doesnt need a free copy of this.]
  20. Which one? Oh wait. you cant mention. Chris the Ninja-Pirate came anyway and went and demolished some posts on this topic, then prances off. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Flip bit him for doing that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Chris whacked Flip with a katana for biting him and then continued prancing off.
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