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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause. just read the rules, and make a character. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]
  2. [i told you, if you need me to die, go ahead. It's your story. Oh, and I already used my phycic powers to read the rest of the series. ^___^ *finally heard "Somewhere I Belong", like, three days ago. x_x* Har har!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [The LP song or the story title? xD] [No. You dun get keeled this time. <.<;; for either of these keelingyoudeadings. Your somewhere else.] [i thought it was mad ninja skillz? o_o;]
  3. [Find the Rules post on the first page, (Toward the bottom, i think. unless it was all mixed up again somehow.) and it would be wise to read the IC posts before now so you know what you're joining into and whats happening. So you can act accordingly. Otherwise much confusion shall ensue.]
  4. Then some smilies from various message boards invaded and ruled the world for a few seconds.
  5. [Okay. =D] [And Horatio, its the Dorsal Frontial half of MW that gets keelingyoudeaded.]
  6. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D] [Yay for brackets.] [Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]
  7. Then that neo guy on Matrix or whatever movie it was came and threw CDs at people. =D Then ran away never to be seen again. maybe.
  8. Or lookit this! It da CheeseMastah! Cheesie.bmp Yay.
  9. How bout this? jackishere.bmp =D w00t.
  10. *runs off to check email* If I can't find it, would you please resend it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i have a new computer, My old '98 one isnt much good. I don't have the email on my old or new compy. We get to hope you have it around there somewhere.] [if not, I can try and just make a new one. like. re-type stuff.]
  11. [im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.] [And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.] [And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D] [i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]
  12. [OH EM GEE! You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i dont care about that ' " thing. And BTW, the Italic didnt work on the quotation mark. >D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i didn't try to italicize the question mark. o.o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i think he meant the ", Kat. XD] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Whoa. I forgot all about you, too. Im supposta add you back in there sometime. You havent been seen for like. something-many times.] [Ooh Ooh. MW, Do you want some form of relation with a Torrask? =3 I need someone to do that. and that might make a good character re-introduction.] [so you know, You'd be like. half-keeled from a Torrask and then somebody finds the solution and everythings happy for the next five seconds until Vampires come and keel everyone again.]
  13. [shweet idea for a new RP character. thats about it. I can have Val appear over there and help keel Dimearsh dead or something. No wait. Sinvalj. The one thats ebbil, not you.]
  14. You be-ith Arkcher? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um. <.< >.> Of course not. No.
  15. [WOOHOO! I finished Chapta 13. and that creepy part I talked about earlier is probably in Chapta 14.] Chapter Thirteen “Serena! There you are… Serena, Have you tracked down some aides yet?†Serena Chrisanti was being addressed by a vampire superior, as many disoriented and confused werewolves followed dependently behind many vampires. “I should have two, but as of right now, I have one good wolf, The other was too obedient. I demonstrated the power of control, It followed my command too well and escaped. I do have this highly loyal werewolf aide along my side.†“That will suffice for now, Serena. But be warned; If the wolf refugee you speak of spreads the word about our syndicate, There may be a rebellion against us, that can be overpowering. And, well, you know… about the… well, effective method of attack, vulnerability, what they can use against us…†“Understood. I will have my aide assist in tracking it down, after this genocidal assault.†“Genocide?! No, We’re simply planning on killing off a fraction of population until things are back in perspective. Any planned genocide to kill all the humans certainly wouldn’t be made by a Vampire. More than we realize at times, we are highly dependant on them.†Serena was silent for a moment. “Let’s just get on with this. I don’t remember the last time I bit a human…†“Just what I mean, We are dependant on their blood. Now let’s get going.†The vampire turned, and strode off briskly to the head of the accumulating crowd of Vampires, all being well concealed by shadow, with the occasional shine of moonlight visible in Werewolf fur. “Maintain your stealth, And strike all humans!†A familiar voice sounded clearly, but not loud enough to draw attention of many Humans. A shuffling of bodies, and a massive army of Vampires and wolves marched into Bismarck, North Dakota, and ended the lives of any who got in their way. --- I was aroused from my inanimate state by familiar voices, one of which I recognized as Chris, apparently discussing a Torrask matter. I weakly sat up, and looked about myself. “Whoa… You are up! I must say I did not expect to see you active any time soon.†Chris commented, as he and another werewolf turned and approached me. “There was a Torra- “Speak not their name, Chris!!†A loud voice interrupted Chris’, as Michael disgruntledly stood nearby, in a stance that looks like it meant he was ready to attack Chris, though strangely enough, he appeared weak, starved and insanity-driven. “… There was an incident. Neither Mike or I thought you would live through it.†“And as I said earlier, Torrask’s are not a force to meddle with.†“Do not summon their presence, Koy! You saw the senseless wreckage. You saw the remains of that place. I do not think you want to draw their attention here, do you?!†“Calm down, Mike.†“Anyway, Brandon, It does not look like there would be any other survivors of that attack other than yourself and Koy here. Others might have retreated, but…†I was silent for a moment, and realized something… Where did Kate or Kris go? Were they among that crowd of wolves?! “I… I will… Be right back.†I stood up, and darted off in the direction I assumed was that of the clearing I was at earlier. “Brandon, No! It is likely there are still Torrask’s there!†“SHUT UP, CHRIS!†Michael boomed from behind, silencing the addressing of Torrask’s. “Koy, He cannot survive alone going back!†Chris took one step to follow me, but Koy stopped him, “We have no weaponry that can harm them! If we go, There will be more chance of casualty!†“Koy, I need some excuse to get away from Mike here. Let us go.†“I agree.†The two then ran off to follow me. “Do not leave me here unguarded and vulnerable to them! Get back here!†Michael cried out, then resorted to following as well. Our group of four then departed for the clearing… [Ooooooooo.]
  16. [You get a dollar. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How bout two? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [You have enough dollars already.]
  17. Because you have nothing to do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> darn ok, why do i have nothing to do?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cuz if you had something to do, you'd be doing it now, i'd bet.
  18. *innocent look on face* Moi? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or the Sheena-phantom.
  19. And the super-long siggy with small changes for you to moderate all over again!
  20. [Taken care of. >=D I know where Kat and Kris are, and there are vampires over there. Now to decide what happens with the wolf peoples and that Torrask. <.<;; -sits and thinks stuff up-]
  21. [Chapta 13 is taking a long time. and I still have yet to point out the significance of the Vampires, and let them do stuff (Bet'choo forgot about thems, eh? ;D ) Nor have I found Kat or Kris. <.<;]
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