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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. -bumsps topic- Im so evil.
  2. I appreciate this though, But not i have about five avatars. I probably wont use this, for the following reasons: Im not a hamster xD Im a werewolf/elf-archer I already made myself an avatar I already made a different avatar for myself Im making another one for myself And maybe for some other reason. Good art though! -will give you an award later. Must go now- Your an elf? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Arkcher= Elven Archer that keels stuff dead with arrows and stuff. Brandon= Me in like. 15 years or whatever that setting was, that was attacked by a werewolf and now is one himself. I dont use my Arkcher title anymore, thats just how everyone knows me on this message board. That, and the occasional (inactive) online username, are the remaining traces of Arkcher's existance. Though I could try digging up the old stories I wrote about Arkcher stuff. Written back in the age of my n00bage- I used chatspeak occasionally and it was based in a neopets setting. Yes, I used to be more of a n00b than all of you put together. After realizing this contradicts from ones intelligence, apparent or not, I stopped. I casually talk, RP, and write in the same manner now.
  3. MW, I say one of these could be removed so Horatios nominees can stay in. These peoples have been inactive for longer than I care to keep track of. <.<;;
  4. [w00t! I finished it.] Chapter Fourteen I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me. I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility… I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around… Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence. “You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…†Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me. Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight… The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this… There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing. “Oh… …†Chris spoke from behind me. “They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?†Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…? “Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.†I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans… I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…? I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…? Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?! But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?
  5. Arkcher

    Name Your Phobias!

    *decides to head back to the kitchen for more smoothies* What kind? Sunflower seed smoothies... a hammie favorite! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horatio, This reminds me... You and your hamstery-goodness or your spiffy vast moderator wisdom, could tell me... If a product is available to buy that would be SunflowerSeed Butter, as opposed to Peanut Butter. cuz. Sunflower seeds are very yummy. n_n And they would be good in a goo like Peanut Butter. So. Is there SunflowerSeed Butter at some health-food store or some brand to look out fore at wal-mart or wherever...?
  6. [i would help, only, I gots no idea what you were planning to happen, so I can't.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Right now theres a scene change away from me Chris and maybe some other people. I dunno where to change the scene to or if I should add on to the current scene. o_o I could just make that section a really short chapter.]
  7. That's why I'm taking a shower. in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola More poo. ... yup. And then we ran to the... boobah home base! The crowds went... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "TAKE A SHOWER!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ( ) Then you went <{POST_SNAPBACK}> to a store. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> with a bathroom. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and many watermelons.
  8. [update- I havent forgotten. <.<;; Im still trying to think of something to write. I do has an idea though. <.<]
  9. i already nominated mush <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your the VCoolest! After Arkcher. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I find it amusing how the peoples think im spiffy. <.<
  10. That's why I'm taking a shower. in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola More poo. ... yup. And then we ran to the... boobah home base! The crowds went... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "TAKE A SHOWER!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ( ) Then you went <{POST_SNAPBACK}> to a store.
  11. Who is this "Sturm" you speak of? And Arkcher, what are some tips for fighting the boost gaurdian in metroid prime 2 on hard mode? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To quote the commentary on one of my friends whom plays MP2 all the friggin time, "If I had a quarter for every time someone got owned by the Boost Guardian... I'd buy a **** load of gumballs." I promptly whacked him for cursing. If you can beat him in Normal mode, use the same tactics. Just get more Energy tanks (You can have like... six at that point. seriously.) and get high on caffeine or ginseng and mash the A button like theres no tomorrow. Charged Light Beam shots work real well, I forgot if you get Supa-Missiles around then, if you do, use those too. I can give you a list of Beam Ammo Expansions and Energy Tanks if you need. Cheap gaming websites tell you where every single one is. O_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> my problem is i keep getting hit by him when he is boosting around. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In Normal mode, when hes boosting around, you are in morph ball mode and run around like crazy and lay bombs all over the place. Once he gets hit by a bomb, he melts into that Jell-o Ing form. Then you plaster him with bombs again. You wouldnt beleive how many times I got keeled dead by that guy. Samus gets so dead she revives! using Kats theory on death.
  12. [shouldda just thrown the hilt at Sinvalj. If it hit, the remaining shards of very sharp shard broken-ness would be very keelingyoudead-ish to Sinvalj.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i don't think there was any remaining shards.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [The swords just whacked into each other. The blade would not be entirely seperated from the hilt, unless this magic stuff is stronger than I think it is. Or the swords are held together with duct-tape adhesive.]
  13. [shouldda just thrown the hilt at Sinvalj. If it hit, the remaining shards of very sharp shard broken-ness would be very keelingyoudead-ish to Sinvalj.]
  14. Oh, and What if petting that flaming dog will save its life? like petting it witha wet towel or petting it would prevent the source of fire to cease? =o
  15. I say Kat or Horatio but Horatio already won. But, If nothing else, I nominate Lexxy-man. cuz he 'da spiff. =D
  16. Who is this "Sturm" you speak of? And Arkcher, what are some tips for fighting the boost gaurdian in metroid prime 2 on hard mode? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To quote the commentary on one of my friends whom plays MP2 all the friggin time, "If I had a quarter for every time someone got owned by the Boost Guardian... I'd buy a **** load of gumballs." I promptly whacked him for cursing. If you can beat him in Normal mode, use the same tactics. Just get more Energy tanks (You can have like... six at that point. seriously.) and get high on caffeine or ginseng and mash the A button like theres no tomorrow. Charged Light Beam shots work real well, I forgot if you get Supa-Missiles around then, if you do, use those too. I can give you a list of Beam Ammo Expansions and Energy Tanks if you need. Cheap gaming websites tell you where every single one is. O_o
  17. Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then Yoshi came and ate Kat and maybe something else. =o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then Kat climbed back out and rode Yoshi into the sunset. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yoshi ate the sun. =o
  18. Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then Yoshi came and ate Kat and maybe something else. =o
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