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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. feeling very, very cow poo-like. in cowboy boots. and a hat... that greatly resembled... A big pineapple.
  2. feeling very, very cow poo-like. in cowboy boots. and a hat... that greatly resembled...
  3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> feeling ver, very <{POST_SNAPBACK}> cow poo-like.
  4. The Hoops person gimmie a Hoops Award for humorous comments. i think.
  5. And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with... unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King but it ate my computer's harddrive...
  6. And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with... unwanted body hair. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The hippo's name <{POST_SNAPBACK}> was Larry King
  7. [i dunno. Was a sorta wolfy-like thing with blue stuff around its head and foam around it's mouth and weird eyes what you were goin' for?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [More of a very angry wolf with traces of torce around its mouth, not necessarily entire head, and small amounts of foam in teh mouth. <.<;; and untidy hair.]
  8. [shouldda just thrown the hilt at Sinvalj. If it hit, the remaining shards of very sharp shard broken-ness would be very keelingyoudead-ish to Sinvalj.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i don't think there was any remaining shards.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [The swords just whacked into each other. The blade would not be entirely seperated from the hilt, unless this magic stuff is stronger than I think it is. Or the swords are held together with duct-tape adhesive.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [ well, it's hard to think of an analogy, but you know how when you hold two magnets near each other, sometimes they pull together and sometimes they push apart, but in either case with more force that either magnet could produce alone? now, you know you know how if you try and suck up something big with a vacum cleaner, it starts working harder? now, imagine trying to suck up another vacum cleaner, if they both were made out of magnets. not really a good image, but it should give you some idea of the forces involved, without a big discussion of metaphysics.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [o_o Whatevo.]
  9. I vote for teh Lexxy-man. =D
  10. [The... The rabid wolf thing should have been written better. <.< Now I think about that, I've probably given all of you a very strange visual image. xD]
  11. [um... H'loo. Theres a new chapter. <.< -waves-]
  12. [w00t big long chapter.] Chapter Fifteen "Serena... ...What are we doing here?" "We're getting back at the Human for all they've done to us, And you're helping." Serena explained to the somewhat frightened Audrey, as they progressed across the unusually dark streets of the Human city of Bismarck. "But what ab-" "Silence..." Serena snapped, and pointed her attention off to the side... "A human...!" Serena silently moved ahead of Audrey, and crouched down to the lycanthrope beast, to eyelevel. Her sparkling orange optics shone disturbingly into Audrey's simple amber eyes, as Serena used her hypnotic gaze, and prompted Audrey to do as she was told… Unwillingly obedient, and now mindless and controlled, Audrey used her lycanthrope stealth, and crept along the paved ground, toward unsuspecting humans, casually walking and talking in a small group of three. Audrey’s legs kicked off the ground, the beast lunged through the air… The shadows prevented the humans from seeing anything coming. A loud Thud noise, and there were only two humans walking along. Confused, the two looked around, bewildered. In reply, One human received a punch in the head- Enough force to take a full-grown tree down in half. Bones broke, blood splattered, the human fell lifeless before the destructive beast. “Audrey, Hold on a moment…†The thought of Serena’s voice rushed through Aurdrey’s head. Telepathic communication… “Simply knock this one out. We’ll preserve it for later.†With that, Audrey fought against her will, and struggled against the vampires overwhelming influence. Her futile efforts were brought to an end, when her massive arm reached to behind this human’s neck, as she squeezed on the back- simply knocking it out. --- “Well, I am sufficiently disturbed…†“Agreed. Let us depart.†The trio of werewolves turned around, and hurried out of the clearing in a short matter of seconds. I looked around myself, noting something was wrong but not sure what it is…? “Hey… Where did Mike go?†“…†We all looked about ourselves to find Michael was nowhere to be found. Through the silent forest, We pieced together what could have happened… Mike is horribly afraid of Torrask’s, and we’re near a point of Torrask significance. Could be have freaked out and run away or something? Six ears all perked up at detecting a sound nearby- The three of us looked around, to see nothing. I scanned the scenery intently, until my eyes saw what would be easily overlooked… A feral wolf stood not ten feet away…? “Whooaaaa…†Koy spoke in a shocked tone of voice. I glanced at him, as he was backing away in a frightened manner before this wolf… I looked it over more closely to see there were traces of Torce around its head- most leading to its mouth. A rather disgusting foam was coming from its mouth in a slow manner, as its crazed eyes uncontrollably rolled around, not necessarily looking at anything… Following Koy’s action, I backed away rapidly as well. “Chris. … What is it?†“A Torrask got hold of that wolf, that’s what. Depending on how experienced the Torrask is, it can be very easy to tell its controlling a creature.†“What do we do with it?†“You remember those scout camps we went to way back when?†After a moments hesitation, Memories of endless weeks of 110+F weather and mosquitos and various other discomforts came to me. I nodded before dwelling on these experiences too much. “We get the Torrask out.†“What does that have to do with BSA, and how do you expect us to do that?!†“Weaken the body to the point where it can’t easily fight back, and do a Heimlich maneuver to get it out.†“You sure that will work?†“You have a better plan?†“I thought the Torrask infests and controls a body’s head, not lungs.†“You also remember how to treat Rattlesnake bites?†I nodded. “Torce is about the same in this case, so keep blood from circulating too much and keep it on a slope, facing down.†I rolled my eyes, “Whatever. Do you plan on helping?†“I would be surprised if just the three of us could take it down.†I worriedly looked at the wolf, which looked ready to strike down and kill anything in its path. “Ready… Get him!†The four wolves lunged all at each other, and attacked. [Aaaaaaa.]
  13. Oh! You were talking to me? *has innocent look pasted all over my face* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Horatio, There appears to be a glue plastered about your head. o_o]
  14. You do realize that now that you've reminded people of this topic, you will be required to make avatars again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didnt make them then, I probably wont make them now, either. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, but people will still bother you about it. XD <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... So. <.<
  15. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i has the solution!] [Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.] [You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]
  16. I keeled Over laughing at that. Have a Ultimate Pizza Stacker award. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> w00t a big pizza award. =D
  17. You do realize that now that you've reminded people of this topic, you will be required to make avatars again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didnt make them then, I probably wont make them now, either.
  18. [i saw that typo at the last second. so dont comment on it. <.<;; You know what I meant.]
  19. [Oh yeah. MW. <.< I keep forgetting to add you in. xD] [Though heres some good news for Kat- I'm almost dont with Chapta 15 already. o_o]
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