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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. To hold the table down.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.]
  2. Yeah. Digitally remastered. o_O; I could fix it up with PSP so it has parts of you peoples' avatars (custom ones I or someone made) so it isnt fixed with MS Pain. Paint. whatever.
  3. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay. *grabs all cupcakes* Muahahaha they are all mine. >:^D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -stuffed the grenade in one of the cupcakes- >D Now nobody shall have some!
  4. [Wee, People think its spiffy.] [This was originally the storyline for a RPG Message board I made (One of the first four, all of which failed miserably.) So once I get some character introductions, there'll be a standard and the message board this was based on, some people were writing fanfics about it. <.< You can too if you feel like it. once... once I post what happened to the peoples.]
  5. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O]
  6. *borrows a couple of Claymore's from - Kat - and some hand grenades from Cheesemaster* REALLY?!?!? Might you want to rethink that statement? *calls in the B-52's to be on standby* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -distracts Horatio with some Hamsta-treat stuff and sunflower seeds whilst I escape =[ -
  7. o_o; I never said you could have some. xD
  8. [w00t, the 1 and a half page introduction is finished. o_o;] The Meritorious Fire [i made a spiffied title! =D] Eyten Anhei awoke one morning, from his taunting subconscious persistently giving him the same nightmare. He sighed, sat up in his feather bed, and glanced out his window. Bright orange rays were breaking over the horizon; the sun would be visible soon. Knowing he would need to get up some time, Eyten sleepily turned over and stepped off of his bed. After getting a change of clothing, Eyten walked out of his bedroom door to see both of his parents up already. “Eyten, I was just about to go get you. Your mother here has apparently caught some disease… I need to keep watch over her for now, But meanwhile could you go on to, eh, what was his name… The village shaman, whatever his name is. Tell him to get here soon.†Eyten acknowledged, and glanced at his ill mother, who did not appear at the peak of healthiness. Eyten walked outside to see the usual folk hurrying to their next task, the usual hustle and bustle about the village. Self-sustaining, This small town contained no more than 35 people. Having lived here all his life, Eyten strode over toward where he knew the village shaman to be, in somewhat of a hurry to cure his parent. As he approached, He saw that most of the townsfolk were gathered around the shaman’s home…? Eager to investigate, Eyten picked up speed and approached. His mother was not the only one diseased. --- By the next day, there were only three people in this village that were not diseased. Eyten’s father being one of them, Another was known as Tahmores, The third is Anommess. Having received word from a nearby kingdom that this plague that has been spread across the land has a remedy- though if not acted upon soon, its victims may die. Anommess, being a rather agile athletic person, had found out what the cure was- Dragon’s Blood. Warriors from all around came and hunted down dragons in this time of need, and collected as much blood as they could… Eyten’s village was administered several liters of Dragon Blood, with which the remaining people anxiously drank as instructed. Even the three that were not diseased drank of it, just to make sure… Regardless of its fairly bitter taste, Everyone was quite pleased with the medicinal effect the Dragon Blood had on their bodies. Everyone had gotten back on their feet, but only for a short while… Multiple Dragons were slain to obtain enough blood to supply the kingdom this village was under. The several liters of Dragon blood that was given to this village was drained from the dragons head… Carrying with it, Traces of the Dragon’s genetic substances. DNA particles and all. This blood, with the genetic properties, acted as a serum upon these mortal bodies… --- The village’s inhabitants all grew strangely lethargic, less active, as their moments of human life slipped away… Three days later, The people awoke from their sleep, to find themselves in different bodies… Darker and thicker skinned, Winged, Tailed, Some scaled, Every person had at least one draconic characteristic. These dragon-human hybrids were something new. Fire-breathing, Enhanced senses, More combat capability, They were quite different. Their vain efforts to adapt to this lifestyle were brought to an end one fateful day… [so its a story based on the life of human-dragon hybrids and their misadventures in trying to fit in or make use of themselves. <.<; Fairly spiffy.]
  9. yeah, time for you to get more votes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It true.
  10. We have cupcakes downstairs fresh made tonight. >.> but with frosting that expired 4 years ago. (Seriously. It expired like may 21st of '01. And we still have it around.)
  11. [The problem with this RP is, (i forgot if I said this in previous post. o-o I'll say it again, if not.) This RP is not finished. A few years ago, I lost contact with the other person, while Neomailing on that one website is my only remaining way of trying to get this RP going again. Persistantly neomailing, This person has internet, and signs on once or twice weekly. And has responded on rare occasion.] [by the time I get the prologue up, I might have some communication established between us. <.< the... the other person.]
  12. feeling very, very cow poo-like. in cowboy boots. and a hat... that greatly resembled... A big pineapple. with fluffernutter ears... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and puppydog eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and arachnid limbs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> then it fell... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (dare I say?) In Cow poo. (XD!)
  13. [Demolish this vast writers block I've got and I might. <.<]
  14. Blued... really? How does that work? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Blue adhesive, apparently. But some genius did decide to put the G and B keys so close together, so blame that person. o-o
  15. My sister and I are still trying to get a ride to a pet store to buy a Hamsta-ball. The contents of the Hamsta-cage right here at the moment: A few tubes, A wheel, A loft room thing, and a spiral ramp thing. ... And of course bedding foodstuff and water. This, and Spider is a girl hamsta. Will that make any difference on the matter?
  16. That one hamsta known as Samus got keeled dead, and now Spider is less active and appears very bored. So. Do the cute little fuzzes known as Hamsta's get lonely? I'm pretty sure they do, but Spider is acting fairly sad now. Though one vital thing- Would a replacement hamsta be absolutely necessary, as we're on a rather tight budget right now. That, And if we got another hamsta, would they attempt to keel each other dead? =o
  17. And if it does? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *wonders if Arkcher has seen this yet* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seen what? o_o
  18. Well MK, I do respect you for keeping this negative attitude in one place, unlike the MyOwnMind person who seems to try and make everyone else misrable and depressed. o_O; Everywhere else you're a happy positive enthusiastic and spiffy person. You deserve a. thingy. for that. o_O; I just wish I had some way of helping you. The only thing I can think of to do is tell you how I get out of these kinds of depression-ish situations: Go to chat boards. Those things were IMs go up immediately in like. yahoo or some place. Neither of us will fit in among everyone else, so one of two things will then happen. One, You sit there and watch everyone socialize and talk to each other. Two, You could try and join in and talk to everyone. The first one is good for solace, the second is either solace or boredom remedy. Find friends online via message boards or chat rooms- Ones that share your interests. Roleplay! Write stories, or other fiction-oriented imaginative things. RPing and storywriting is mainly what I do with my compy. Sit down in my room and do nothing. Just sit there and stare at the wall or something. Eventually you get so bored you get up and want to do something fun, which then makes you un-depressed. Demolish something. I've got like 20 sets of Bionicles in my room there, Build stuff and then demolish it. o-o; Swing a sword around. I have four blades about the walls in my room (Broadsword, Rapier, Pocketknife and ducttape-sword. Made it mahself. =D) Provided you dont hit something, its fun. Put wierd clothes on! Theres a full-length mirror in my room (Its blued on, for some reason. My sisters randomly come in and look at themselves occasionally, and comment on how they want it in their room. but its STUCK. >D Muha.) with which I lookit myself with wierd stances with swords, maybe that big cloak, or after I put the time into it, wear clothes I made based on RP characters. (I made a Val Hawyn thing, and have a handy green tunic kinda like that Link person. Then a big hooded cloak thing that goes Fwoooiiisshhhhhh n_n) Maybe some other things. You could also talk to some wierd depressed people, which makes you gape in awe at why are THEY depressed, they're some goth person because their friends dumped them and moved or something. Then theres you who has about fifteen reasons for feeling down. People these days are wierd.
  19. [Last night, i was up till... um... a lot of late, digging up old files form my compy's first harddrive. (This is my third harddrive. that. that i'm on.) I found archives of one of my favorite RPs, from 4 or 5 years ago. It was very spiffy. -nods- I had planned to write it into a story like most RPs I do, But it. well, For the same reason I mysteriously vanished form this board, (moving, new computer, siblings moving out) I had a lot of things to do that werent on my compy and I forgot about the board here for a year or two. maybe four. The point being, I didnt write that story thing, and found the archives and rediscovered much spiffiness.] [This is my 2nd best RP ever, And will be put into a handy-dandy story thing here. =D] [so. Once I decide if it'll have sections, chapters or what, or write more than four words of it -kicks MS Word- i'll post some of it here.]
  20. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i has the solution!] [Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.] [You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o]
  21. Actually, I'm tied with Sheena. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. You... You're winning. <.<
  22. feeling very, very cow poo-like. in cowboy boots. and a hat... that greatly resembled... A big pineapple. with fluffernutter ears... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and puppydog eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and arachnid limbs.
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