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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. This reminds me of the time I got all mad at that homeschool math software stuff (Temptation to delete it is killing me. ) so I drew a picture of me stabbing the compy dead with my sword and various knives on teh wall and also various explosives and dynamites strapped to the compy. It was amusing. I might post it here. (if I havent already. <.<)
  2. [u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Over there. <.<;;] [being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;] ['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]
  3. [May need some moddin'.] Chapter Three The Pursuit A surprise attack, all that Eyten could guess this was a part of. Eyten’s eyes opened to a massive fire burning in what used to be the roof of his home. Like the morning before, He jumped up in a frenzy calling out random words. Now in a mad panic, Eyten ran out the door of his bedroom and out the door of his home, to see, again, what he had most dreaded seeing… Armored humans were invading with various weapons, surprise attacking all of the draconic beasts they found. Burning down buildings, stabbing through the carapaces of draconic skin, and shooting down refugees with flame arrows. Eyten holding responsibility for this event, sprung into action. He snuck up behind a random human, with claws extended, and with a simple quick motion, brought his right hand up to pierce a long claw through the underside of the humans jaw- cutting through flesh and ultimately slicing the jugular vein of this human’s head. Being taken out by internal bleeding and otherwise fatal conditions, Eyten left this human for dead, and continued strategizing for his next target. A swipe of claws- a throat is cut. A blast of fire, A human is scorched. A simple closure of knuckles, a neck is snapped… Heading for his fifth target, Eyten realized something… There were many draconic humans such as himself, that appeared to be missing. He looked around himself, He estimated at least fifteen were in some way, shape or form brutally slaughtered. Though the casualty count of humans was higher, Eyten realized there was not much chance of him surviving alone… Eyten turned around in somewhat a panic, to see a well-armored human before him, seconds away from striking. He saw a massive sword rapidly coming his way… Thinking fast, Eyten moved his right hand in the path of this sword. Impacting it at the right angle will slow it down, moreover, if he directs the slowed blade in the right direction, or rather, toward thicker parts of his carapace skin, he would take no damage. Doing so, Eyten moves his right hand in the path of the blade, edges it in the correct direction, and it forced into the lower part of his thumb- He took no damage. “Your edge is dull.†Eyten commented tauntingly as he jumped up and kicked the human in the armor, forcing him backward. Once on its back, This human could not do much. Eyten used the broadsword in his hand, lifted it up, and smashed it down toward this human in, well, vital areas. Hearing a loud smash, Eyten inspected this blade- There was now a large crack in the center. He could not use it for much longer. Eyten ‘carelessly’ threw it behind him, to hit a human that was approaching. Regardless of who it was, It was hostile. Eyten looked around himself- There were still humans there. ‘Aah, How many of them are there?!’ He thought to himself, and figured it best to retreat. He then found himself darting along forest terrain with a bloodthirsty human chasing after him. Taking consideration he used to be one, He decided it best not to continue killing off all humans. He had a bad enough reputation, in his mind… Amid his distracting thoughts, Eyten carelessly took one flawed step, and… His ankle was entangled in tree roots, causing him to trip, fall… This would cost him time. His body rapidly descended. Eyten’s eyes widened in increasing fear upon what lay before him- Stone. His fast descent led to his smashing the front of his head on a rock- Immediately, Blinding pain rushed through his body, Which would have been more than he could bear, had he not have been knocked out soon afterward. [Which is bad, you know. <.<;]
  4. [Hey look, It's up tonight. But its shorter than usual. o-o;] Chapter Two Negativism “EYTEN!!!†He was immediately awoken by a booming voice unfamiliar to him, as he sprang up in a frenzy from his bed. “What?! Where? I’ll take ‘em all out! They won’t get my… my… archery set… Wha… What are you doing here?†Eyten blankly stared at another dragon-human in his bedroom doorway, and mused what he had just said. “Eyten, What did you do yesterday that may or may not have invoked the wrath of humans upon our little village here?†A distinctive fear he hoped would never come had struck at his heart. “I didn’t do… any… …Why do you ask?†“Your father whom has not been mutated as yourself has informed us that a neighboring village…†Eyten closed his eyes in despair upon hearing these words. All night long he had dreaded this, and indeed it had come. “… had seen one of us and found them hostile, as ‘One of us has killed its inhabitants’. By using fire. Upon further inquiry, your father found out this death had occurred at the time you had mysteriously disappeared for a moment or two yesterday. And get this- your father’s wanting for information has invoked those humans to send bounty hunters and warriors to come and remove us from this region by force. Killing or evicting, Nothing good is coming out of this and pretty much the whole village sees that you have cost us our location, if not more.†A moment’s silence, as Eyten gathered all this information and pieced it into logic, having just woken up. --- The remainder of this day did not go well for Eyten. Absolutely no one seemed to like him anymore. Regardless of what he was doing, all he received was rejection and denial. “You know, I do have a logical explanation for all this.†He persisted in trying, but no one would listen. Rather displeased, Eyten retired that night to his bedroom, and contemplated the recent events that have cost them so much… Until stress had overcome until he had fallen asleep. Only for another rude awakening in the morning- But this time… It was not one of his fellow dragon-human hybrids…
  5. Oh. Poor you. Yay! More people! Ah. Like Sumer and Indus Valley? er... Zoroastrianism sounds like a fun religion to study! Ahura Madza sounds very interesting! (I studied te ancients in world history last year.) Poor Me. Until I see hard physical proof, I will remain that way, foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Until you see physical proof?! With that kind of attitude, You aren't going to get anything! It is a test of faith! Seriously now. You can't expect everyone else to do all the work in order for you to know what's right or wrong. Pursue the truth. If you get down and pray to God, You not knowing if it is there, It will show faith to him that you don't physically see God, you pray to confirm his existance. Do it properly, I assure you, You will get a sign of some way shape or form. If not, I'm just wasting your time, being nothing out of the ordinary. Oh, again. You people are a waste of my time. (Not All) Adios. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then why do you remain here?
  6. [u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]
  7. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!! okay. *grabs all cupcakes* Muahahaha they are all mine. >:^D -stuffed the grenade in one of the cupcakes- >D Now nobody shall have some! *chucks cupcake mush at Arkcher* Meanie! ;_; *uses mad ninja skillz to help MW make more that are GRENADE/EXPLOSIVE/ANYTING BUT BEING EATEN PROOF* XP *jumps, opens mouth really, really wide, intercepts cupcake mush complete with icing, and lands back on my feet with pouches bulging, happy* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Itching yourself all the while, right?
  8. [ Yay. Everyone likes teh story.] [im about half done with Chapta two. Might get it up by tonight.]
  9. Aloe Vera works. o_o; You could also use a fingernail of sorts and stab at the itchy place rather than scratching, it works for me. >.>;; Dig a fingernail into an itchy spot till the pain overcomes any itchiness. Then it feels fine for a while. Tried that. Have you seen a hammie's nails? I put one of those sharp little talons on the itchy spot, the blister broke and the liquid inside the bump now spread all over the place and now I have more bumps in the spot where I started out with one. Aloe vera??????? I will cut a few of my plants now. Do I need to eat the gel or put it straight on the bumps? (And don't say eat it.... that is some very vile gel) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Eat it?! EAT it?! Never heard of Aloe stuff supposta be eated. Apply the bottled gel stuff or aloe stuff straight from the plant (Which is far more effective) on to your poison ivy stuff.
  10. Aloe Vera works. o_o; You could also use a fingernail of sorts and stab at the itchy place rather than scratching, it works for me. >.>;; Dig a fingernail into an itchy spot till the pain overcomes any itchiness. Then it feels fine for a while.
  11. Is AW:DS good? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the statement A&W Soda is a Dumb Soda is a good one.
  12. [i just remembered one major detail- Eyten is ten years old at this event. o_o; when. when it all starts.]
  13. Oh. Poor you. Yay! More people! Ah. Like Sumer and Indus Valley? er... Zoroastrianism sounds like a fun religion to study! Ahura Madza sounds very interesting! (I studied te ancients in world history last year.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Poor Me. Until I see hard physical proof, I will remain that way, foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Until you see physical proof?! With that kind of attitude, You aren't going to get anything! It is a test of faith! Seriously now. You can't expect everyone else to do all the work in order for you to know what's right or wrong. Pursue the truth. If you get down and pray to God, You not knowing if it is there, It will show faith to him that you don't physically see God, you pray to confirm his existance. Do it properly, I assure you, You will get a sign of some way shape or form. If not, I'm just wasting your time, being nothing out of the ordinary.
  14. Your the Greatest, ]No one's said that about me before.... You guys rock. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh Yeah. I'm soooo jelous. Jeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllloussssssssssy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> TBFOF. Grow Up will you. I've never seen you so immature. You're acting like a bratty 5-year-old toward MK who really needs positive feedback and positive thoughts in this topic. I saw the post where you lamented about all the things that happen to you around your place. If you want this kind of attention drawn to you, You're free to make your own topic. But until then, You're only losing respect and friendship posting like that. Your approval ratings that I just made up have dropped immensely.
  15. Chapter One It begins... Eyten strode with ease through his muscle-packed body of draconic proportions back toward his cottage, or what remained of it, at its roof had been accidentally burned down several times. However, His was not the only roof that was scorched. He looked off to the northwest, now being not twenty feet away from his home, to see two humans walking toward their village. A thought hit Eyten almost immediately- He and his people were all draconic. If these two people saw this, well… Nothing good would come out of the result. But what could he do? If he goes off to scare them away, they will tell the governing areas about this and there will be warriors and bounty hunters on Eyten’s village. Eyten will not have enough time or stealth to tell everyone to hide. If he hides himself, The other people don’t know about this… Eyten’s mind raced for what to do, until his draconic part of his mind kicked in… Just kill them… If they are both killed, Neither of them can tell the surrounding areas. Eyten smirked deviously, and made use of his muscle build and sprinted across the terrain toward the two humans, Who now looked rather fearful. Eyten lunged, extended his black claws, and struck. By stabbing in vital areas, one human fell while the other one attempted to run. Eyten would not let this human escape, for the sake of the remainder of his village. He ran after this human, sprinting as fast as he could, but the fact this human had someone a head-start could not be helped. Eyten turned his attention away from this human, to the scenery for a split second. Another village was coming into view. If Eyten chased the human into the village, Who knows how many people would see him. He had to chase down and kill this human immediately- But in a way that wouldn’t draw attention do him. But how?! Eyten noted the distance between him and this human- Within three feet. Eyten reached out a vicious clawed hand, it was just beyond his reach. Eyten then put both his legs together and kicked off the ground as hard as he could, and lunged through the air, in hopes of grabbing this human… He felt something touch his fingertips- He immediately curled his hand into a grasping fist, expecting to grab human flesh, but a small piece of cloth was all he had grabbed, while his clawed hands pierced into his palm- where human flesh should have been. Eyten saw one last thing he could do- Fire. He took a large breath in, and released it, along with secreted substances available to the insides of his mouth- combining with large fixtures of breath, created a large flame. A massive fireball discharged from him, which burned anything within at least six feet of it. This human fell to the ground, lifeless or exhausted Eyten had no time to confirm. He was more occupied with the distance between him and the village, and the fact that his discharge of flame brought some audible vocalizing with it. He had made quite a roar in the process of torching, and more to the point, His fire had created a large smokestack from burnt grass and other such things nearby. Having no reason to stick around for the aftermath of a large pillar of smoke and a scorched human, Eyten used the energy remaining in his body to sprint back to his village and hide at all costs.
  16. Has you people run of out questions again?
  17. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i has the solution!] [Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.] [You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Then when I have just had suger and coke and its 3:00 in the morning and I am sleeping over at Spot's house, it is just plan scary, yes many a weird comments are said like 4 example:We're the elfanso quadruplets-me and spot Where is the other two-some dude We are the other two-me and spot good times!!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Good times, baaaad oldies.]
  18. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. To hold the table down.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Plus clone cookies don't taste too good.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [its true.]
  19. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. To hold the table down.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.]
  20. Arkcher


    Yarr, Thar'b teh Children.
  21. Arkcher


    Yarr! Booty! Avast! Peanuts! <.<;
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