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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I didnt think he really died, but did take into consideration He did need to get out of Moldy-Voldy (Nickname I gave to Voldemort.) 's way for the big shoot-out and the OK corral, aka, conclusion of story, being between Harry and Moldy-Voldy. So something needs to happen to Dumbledore sometime. in order for there to be an expected conclusion. That, and (Take into note, I only read about a paragraph of the first post. I'll probably read it tomorrow when im real bored.) Rowling said 'There will be seven books', And did not specify if she planned on eight or more. We know that there will be at least seven. And if Harry can use magic and stuff out of school sometime (Forgot when that legal age was.) then he can get back at Dudly and people he dun' like. legally. Im just rambling, mostly, so you need not pay too much attention to my post. Anyway, I also think that like in the third book/movie of HP, Scabbers was of somewhat great importance and turned out to be an animagis or whatever they're called. I think... Trevor the toad is an animagis. =D I have my doubts that toads live at least six years. Can't be more than that. So Trevor is probably gonna have some significance or other, I'm thinking... And since Harry's prophecy (What about Neville's prophesy in the ministry of magic, huh? Anyone look at that?) stated there were two kids born on the same day and one of them was cool and the other wasnt or something. So if its a 50/50 chance of Harry or Neville being supa-spiffy, and will take out Moldy-Voldy in the end... My theory is that the seventh book will be titled: Neville Longbottom, and the Chamber of Commerce. or something. with Trevor on the cover. killing Moldy-Voldy while Neville is getting pwned by death-eaters or Malfoy-people. and Harry got killed by then trying to take out Horcruxes.
  2. [i was wondering when you mensioned being hunted by them... And yes, you used them in the Werewolf thing (Which you need to write more of. Did you forget, or is this one replacing it?), but it's okay. They coo', homie.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Mensioned? Hunting? Where? What does that have to to with RP archives? (I found it, BTW. I forgot to scroll down some more and thought it ended in the middle of the archive file. >_< It made me feel dumb.)] [Yeah. Thats when they're most defined and described. aaaannnnndd I needed some kind of creepy critter to use. so Torrask's worked.] [i didnt forget. Half the time when i'm trying to write this, I have the WErewolf file open, occasionally looking at it and absolutely nothing comes to mind of what to put next.] [until about two days ago, I figured out what i'll do next, but dunno what after that.] [Hehe. You called me a Homie.]
  3. [That's what I was reminded of when I was reading it. I still find that completely hillarious...] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [its CREEPAY. <.< I wants to shoot them sometimes.] [bTW, In addition to the Audrey person, I'm adding one of the other hopeless flirts who is of somewhat importance in Werewolf Four. or Five. forgot which. But you havent read that yet, ssooo...]
  4. [Nearly everything is awsomer than flio flops. u_u It's awsomer than a grilled-cheese sammich!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yes, flip flops aren't all that awesome. But Flip the Hamster's flips are like. Unbelievably awesome.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Oooooh! You said Flip's flips! I read it and thought you wrote "flip flops". XD] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. And you were the one that said Flio Flops. o_o;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [...Shut up.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [<.< No.]
  5. Seriously now, That is better than average for MS Pain(t). You get two Blue Awards. =D
  6. [-screams- =o Continuity error! I seem to be missing an RP archive. ... I get to make stuff up! =D]
  7. that just died. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> due to a/an <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lack of some
  8. Chapter Six Torrask’s “I don’t have time for sleep, for all I know any of the bounty hunters after me could be in that village not too far away!†Upon Phyro saying the words Bounty Hunter, Anzi and Qill both looked rather alarmed and looked around, as if expecting to see one charging after them. Upon not seeing anything out of the ordinary, Phryo heard form behind him, “Don’t scare me like that, Jeez…†and Anzi commented, “Seriously now. You’re in a house full of outlaws. I think we know how to handle ourselves.†“… Either way…†Phyro looked around himself. “Do you suppose there’s a different room I could stay in?†“It’s here or outside. Unless you want to try with my brothers there…†Anzi smiled tauntingly. Phyro looked rather displeased, but tried to hide it. Though his attempt failed… “Brutus! Get in here a minute!†Within seconds, A massive male cat-human person had come through the door to Anzi’s room. “Can you bring in one of the other beds from the back room?†“I thought you had an extra one in here already…?†Brutus commented in a gruff, deep voice. “Ah, That’s right. Well, Come here a moment…†Anzi led him to a corner of the room. “Can you stick this in the wall, in a securely fashion?†Unquestioningly and obediently, Brutus took the spear Anzi handed to him and forced it into the wall about seven feet high. “Perfect! Thank you!†Anzi hugged him, as he left the room. She then picked up one of the additional beds in the room, and put it in the corner. “Qill. Curtain.†Qill reached under her bed, and pulled out a long curtain and tossed it to Anzi, who then draped it over the large spear. “There! Another, room for you, Phyro.†[Where the original content of that happening was: Anzi:hehehe...*poofs another bed way over on the other side of the room then poofs a wall*Happy?Another room! Yup. o_o; I thought my little edit was a bit more realistic.] Phyro’s eye twitched at the persistence of Anzi at getting Phyro in the same room as a bed, and her. He reluctantly walked over to the ‘room’ that Anzi put together for him, and sat down on the bed there. Anzi giggled admiringly, “Well, Be grateful you’re cute, or I would have probably killed you.†She then walked out of the room for whatever purposes she had. “Fluffball!†Qill spoke between coughs, as she smirked and turned the page of a book she was reading. Ignoring her, Phyro intentionally scorched parts of the wall near him to make his mark, and felt more comfortable with the scenery. Qill had sighed, and continued reading, as Phyro listened to a muffled conversation in a nearby room. “Who is that freak of nature in your room, Anzi!?†When a quieter, more familiar voice spoke, “A really hot guy I found in the village.†A brief silence. “Aah, You… You tend to frustrate me, Anzi…†A discomforted silence took the environment for a moment. “I need to go kill something.†The deeper male voice spoke, and then the sound of doors opening and closing took place, and the silence was then broken by another turning of a page by Qill, who was apparently used to such conversations between Anzi and her brothers. Phyro was musing with the thoughts of what might this family’s history contain, Why are they in this misused treehouse, where are the parents, and why are they all, as Anzi put it, ‘A family of outlaws’… What had they done? Might they have had some part in what had happened in Phyro’s history…? His thoughts were broken by his eyes detecting swift, but familiar movement he saw out a nearby window. It had familiar shades of blue, but this was not comforting to Phyro. Phyro though, was apparently not the only one who had seen it. Qill then threw down the book she was reading, and darted through the door, and shouted, “INTRUDER!!! My guess is a new bounty hunter! Somebody get Brutus!†A crash of wooden objects, followed by alarmed cries of cat-like voices. Anzi came rushing into the room where Phyro was, who was looking out the window in alarm. “Anzi! Do you know what it looked like?†“How am I supposed to know?†A deadening thought came to Phyro’s mind. “If it’s one of those Torrask’s… That’s one of the creatures trying to hunt me down! I’ve a well estimation that its capable of taking out your whole family here…!†[This is the first (maybe second.) RP that I used Torrask’s in. I use them often.] “Not if I can help it!†The shadowed figure zoomed by the window once more, this time both Phyro and Anzi saw it move by. Anzi then hurriedly pulled another female cat-human out by the leg from underneath Phyro’s bed. “How did you get there?!†“Thing in window! Must kill!†Anzi explained in a few words to a cat-person that looked very similar, if not identical to Anzi. The two then crashed out through the window, drawing swords from inside their clothing that could conceal several items. The two began chasing after it. “GET AWAY FROM IT!!!†Phyro called out of the window, louder than he thought he would have. The two ignored him and continued chasing after the intruder.
  9. [Nearly everything is awsomer than flio flops. u_u It's awsomer than a grilled-cheese sammich!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yes, flip flops aren't all that awesome. But Flip the Hamster's flips are like. Unbelievably awesome.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Oooooh! You said Flip's flips! I read it and thought you wrote "flip flops". XD] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. And you were the one that said Flio Flops. o_o;]
  10. [before I hit 3½ pages, I figured i'd stop the chapter. xD] Chapter Five The Katastophy’s The mysterious figure in the distance was mostly a silhouette, the light differences between the direct sunlight and the blackened shadows could not let Phyro make out a visible image. As the approaching entity drew nearer, Phyro’s heart sank upon the thought of he was probably sighted. Though to his surprise, This being walked behind a building, out of view from Phyro’s position. Relieved, Phyro loosened tension and silently sighed. "Hi!" Alarmed, Phyro turned around to see a feline-like face peeking over the corner of the building a figure had disappeared behind a short moment ago. "I'm Anzi, what’s your name?" 'She', judging by voice and appearance as she sociably approached, asked inquisitively. His alarmed behavior led to small puffs of smoke occasionally tracing from his nose. Finding this highly attractive, in addition to draconic body features, and high muscle mass, Anzi became rather flirtatious. "... Phyro." He uncomfortably admitted. "Well..." Anzi spoke in somewhat a different tone of voice. Phyro shifted positions, discomforted. “What are you doing around a place like this?†Phyro’s mind raced for an excuse to get away from the weird cat-lady, and figured he’d just tell her the truth. It was convincing enough. “Retreating.†He attempted to turn around and walk off, but Anzi was too fast for him to do so. “Retreating, now? Do you live around here?†“I doubt it. … And yes, retreating. Due to common sense. I believe you would too, if you were hunted and constantly being tracked down for homicide purposes.†Innocently, and supposedly caringly, Anzi inquired. “Hunted…? By what?†Annoyed, Phyro replied, “You don’t want to know.†Anzi smirked, an idea had come to her head. “Well, If you’re being hunted, Then you’d best hide!†She then carelessly grabbed Phyro by his left wing, and began dragging him off toward where she had come from. “You can stay at my place!†Judging by her flirtatious behavior moments before, Phyro wasn’t so sure he thought highly of this idea… “Hey hey, Easy on the wings. Your little clawed hands aren’t doing them much good.†Wordlessly, Anzi used her other hand to grasp Phyro’s left arm, and continued ‘dragging’ him along with a gloved hand. “How well do you get along with other boys?†“Who said I did?†Phyro decided it best not to harm a female person, regardless of relationship or situation, and tried to cooperate. A split second of silence, about enough time for a grin to take over Anzi’s feline-like face, until she said, “So you don’t, huh… Well, I guess you’re gonna have to stay in my room!†Having no objection to this, Anzi continued leading Phyro along, as the whole Dragging concept wasn’t working out so well. Phyro’s facial expression changed to that of discomforted, upon not knowing what to expect, mainly… “I do hope you don’t mind sociability or large houses…†Anzi commented, while leading Phyro to a large ladder that led upward to a very massive treehouse. “What’s with all these questions, might I ask?†“I happen to have a big family.†The first thing that came to mind was a large room full of over-flirtatious Anzi’s, though before dwelling too much on the thought, Phyro shook his head and stood before Anzi. “Come on now.†Anzi continued leading Phyro up the ladder, into a very large front room, which contained multiple large male cat-humans, resembling Anzi in some ways. They all in unison had glared at the intruder than Anzi had brought into their house. “Don’t mind my brothers, They happen to be very territorial.†Anzi spoke in a quieted voice as she hurried along, with Phyro’s wrist in her hand, leading him off to the right. Phyro’s last glance at the room behind him was at a human-cat similar to others, except for the fact it was much bigger than the others, and strangely enough, had a pair of wings. One being torn while a scar was very visible on one of this being’s eyes. It had growled fairly intimidatingly at Phyro as he passed. The attempt at dragging Phyro along restarted, as Anzi lead Phyro to a smaller room, having a smaller, female cat in it. “Must I be dragged this whole time?†“No, But you may have a concussion now.†Confused, Phyro asked, “What?†“Well, You’re still talking, so you’re not dead yet.†Anzi made a motion with her arms that would have thrown something, but Phyro was a bit more massive and heavy than she had anticipated. She had ‘thrown’ Phyro toward one of the three or four beds in the room. “Sleep now, You probably need some rest.†“I don’t really have a need for any rest right now.†“Yes, You-“ Anzi was interrupted by a thud, followed by loud laughter coming from behind Phyro. Evidently, The other cat person that was in the room had fallen over laughing. She had sat up after a short moment, and looked at Phyro. “Tiny winged fluffball is Anzi’s new boyfriend!? Ahahaahhhaaa!†Rather enraged, Anzi spoke loudly enough to be heard over the laughter. “Qill, He’s not my boyfriend!†“Nor am I fluffy!†Phyro added. Qill sat up straighter to reveal four wings larger than Phyro’s. She struck a boisterous stance. “Tiny wings!†Phyro rolled his eyes and turned around to face Anzi. “I’ll take care of Qill for now. I really think you need some sleep.†[Anzi are teh creepy sometimes.] [And yes, Katastrophy is that cat-persons family name. Which is expanded on next chapter. This one turned out much longer than I thought it would.] [And this whole flirty-dealie was NOT my idea. It was the other person. Probably because she knew I had all those idiot girly people after me when I didnt want a girlfriend. >_o]
  11. Im probably gonna do with that whole drssed up as Val Hawyn thing again. That cloak is fun to wear. It goes all Fwoooosssshhh. And this year, I might get pictures. I keep forgetting to. Ooh, Maybe some pictures with me wavin' that sword all around and maybe throwing some knives but that might be bad cuz if it hits something thats alive it could get pwned. Anyway. <.< I can put that costume on any time I feel like, its just nobody is around here anymore that'll take a picture of me in stupid poses. You should make a halloween costume based on an RP character. Its fun.
  12. Inferno is a rather hard-to-overcome character in SoulCalibur2. o_o
  13. *hugs* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> so, what do you think of the flying spaghetti monster religion? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That needs to die. Its very stupid. Overnight, Im gonna duct-tape some wings on or something and chase down the flying spaghetti monster and EAT IT.
  14. Becaaaaaauuuuuuuse. <.<;; Because yellow text is hard to read unless its highlighted. (Cheater.)
  15. I put it together with aaaa.... program I can't mention due to security purposes of the board here. <.<;;
  16. *out-ninjas kat* seriously, i am, like, a cat. i was sitting on a 3 foot wall outside the school, talking to "Jane," when my friend decided to be stupid and come over and push me off. I landed on my hands and feet. so then i pulled my friend off the wall. he wasn't as graceful. XD You see, i our school, after you eat lunch, there is a place outside where you can go to chat with your friends. You can't out-ninja Kat's mad ninja skillz. They're just too mad. So if she fell off of a 10 foot wall she'd land on her feet. True dat. that is easier, you have more time to react. Yeah, but also, my feet aren't already only a few inches from the ground, anyway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no you misunderstood. time for a piccy! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But...if you fell that way, then the only conceiveable way for you to land on your hands and feet is for you to do like I drew in the high-tech diagram down here. Landing with all of you body weight on your hands after a three-foot fall isn't all that bad, especially if you're tall enough to reach the ground behind you without actually having to fall off the wall. On a ten-foot wall, however, inobody is tall enough to reach the ground behind them while still seated on the wall, thus all of your weigt would be put into your arms and hands. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A-like-a this-a? ;D Stick figure animations are fun.
  17. Is AW:DS good? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the statement A&W Soda is a Dumb Soda is a good one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I meant Advance Wars: Dual Strike. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well then specify these things next time.
  18. [Like what? Still cool, by the way.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [situation of a bunch of raving idiots coming and burning down your hometown. <.<;]
  19. [Well, In a situation like that, fighting back would indeed be necessary. o_o;]
  20. Chapter Four The aftermath Possibly five years later… Having lost track of time, due to what he highly suspected to be a case of Amnesia, Phyro, A human-dragon hybrid, approached a forest edge, to see open space ahead. Having had a case of Amnesia, being his only sensible explanation for what happened to him, Phyro had forgotten any title or name he used to have. Combining the words Fire and Pyro, His new title was created, as he searches the world for his identity. Through his travels, He had been seen by mortal humans several times. As a result, He has multiple bounty hunters after him. Under constant pursuit, Phyro could never stay in one place for more than three days. Piecing the information he has gathered together, For still unknown reasons, One of the more determined bounty hunters had commissioned magicians and chemists to procreate new species’ of creatures, all of which were formidable opponents. Having matured over the years, Phyro stood at 6’4, now at age fifteen. The broad muscular wings protruding from his shoulder blades now had plating that Phyro made for that purpose, getting tired of holes punctured in them and various scratches. Custom ore-made blades covered the far ends, lightweight, sharp, allowing him to slash at opponents with them, also enabling him to fly without too much difficulty. The bright sun shone overhead and put a blinding light in Phyro’s eyes, causing them to contract, as he stepped out of the treetops’ shading. Upon his vision adjusting to the change of light, Phyro saw a hill in the distance, at the foot of it was a small village. Phyro stopped to think for a moment, “What might I need from a place like this?†He could try and get some weaponry. Armor would help. He wouldn’t mind having some, well… cooked food for once. Toying with the possibilities, Phyro smirked and continued into the village area, upon seeing size-limited smokestacks, which were a sign of a forgery of sorts. He could only hope this forgery’s stock was unique to others, as he desperately needed armor to defend himself, but any human found him hostile and would not work for him, only try to get rid of him, and the finished armors were only fit for humans. Phyro’s massive body was too big. He sighed, and snuck in through shadows of buildings, peering around corners, trying to maintain secrecy as he navigated through the cottages and various other structures. Phyro tried to hide his bright red eyes lest he draw attention to himself. [Here is where that RP dealie started. O_o] He glanced to the left, where the rather tall hill overlooking this village was, to see a shadowy figure at the top. Phyro pressed himself against the wall of the building and carefully watching this being from a safer location. It was coming his way. [Zomfg.]
  21. [And you know, This is still mostly just introduction. The RP this is based on doesnt start until late-Chapta Four, which im almost done writing. <.<;;]
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