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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [it's still good. *laughs at Arkcher's problem with fangirls*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Oh shuddup. <.<]
  2. [u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Over there. <.<;;] [being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;] ['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;] [but'choo CAN'T.] [cuz She's in italy right now. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [o_o.... Wai?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Exactly.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but Italy is cool! It has like the... best ice cream EVAR. <.< EEVVVVVAAAAARRR.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but if I conquere it, then I'll have the best ice cream ever! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [=o Zomg, She's right!]
  3. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This way is south.
  4. Chapter Ten The Hunters Phyro bided his time as the count of prison guards decreased, ferocious roars and cries continually sounded throughout the corridor. A few minutes of doing this, A familiar crashing noise echoed around, followed by screams of very familiar voices… Phyro parted his wings, to make a small space to peek through, to see what was going on. Falling debris, stones and other miscellaneous objects were falling and being launched about here and there, with three cat-human hybrids running around uncontrollably, in a mad panic. “Anzi!†Phyro called out, mainly to get her attention, as he jumped down from on top of one of the cages, now visible. “Phyro!!!†She replied, and ran over to him, and promptly glomped him. “Now, as glad as we are to see each other, Would you be so kind as to get off of me?†“No.†Anzi replied, grinning. “Anzi, We need to get out of here, preferably before more guards come and find us.†“Anzi, He’s right. Get off.†Phyro effortlessly pried Anzi off of him. “Hey! What are you doing?†Anzi demanded of Phyro. “Anzi, stop goofing around. We really need to go soon, before more guards come.†Phyro, however, Was not paying attention to what they were arguing about. He was preoccupied looking over a familiar creature inside the cage he was on top of- An ally of the Torrask’s. Another creature that was hunting him down… “Right, Phyro?†“Of course. Come on, Anzi.†Phyro stepped off toward a large hole in the wall, that resembled one that Nika would have made, and only heard one set of footsteps. Phyro turned around to see Anzu and Qill gawking at him in disbelief, and Anzi, swaying in her position, in a swooning manner, with an intoxicated grin on her face. “See? I told you he loved me.†Anzi spoke to her sisters, as Phyro slapped his forehead upon realizing he had done something incredibly stupid, by not knowing beforehand what he was agreeing to. [No, This definitely did NOT happen to me. <.< Not even last week. -cough- Of course not.] Phyro then strode off, out the convenient hole in the wall available to them, in hopes of Anzi, Anzu and Qill following him. After waiting outside for a short moment, Anzi came out in a rather romanced manner. “So, Are we going back to you guys’ Treehouse?†Anzi awoke from her swooned behavior. “Are you kidding? No! We can’t go back there now! Cats never return for their dead! And besides, The Bounty hunters know where it is!†“You have a point there…†A long moment’s silence. “Well… Now what?†“Obviously, We find a different place to stay!†‘Wander around like a lost kid like I always do…’ Phyro thought to himself, as he mindlessly wandered away from Anzi, who was rejoining with her sisters. “Anzi, I really don’t think he meant it. He wasn’t listening.†“Shut up! At least I’ve been able to keep this guy for more than twelve hours.†Somewhat offended by this, Qill stopped walking, and stared at Anzi. Fighting back tears, memories flooded back to Qill about her not-too-distant past, and her previous relationship. [its time for stuff I made up! =D] Upon meeting the cat of her dreams, Qill had done everything she could to get a successful relationship out of her new fiancé. And being cooperative, He had agreed to marriage, which was the best thing, in Qill’s mind, that had ever happened to her. Only come to find that in his mind, the benefit was someone to give him attention, and the financial merge. Qill had truly loved someone, who didn’t care, let alone love her back. The two had been divorced within twelve hours, leaving Qill very heartbroken, and her ex to be no different, which saddened Qill even more. Since then, she has been aggressive and loathsome to males and romantic relationships. [All too common.] Amid their revisiting of memories and past happenings, The meaningful moment was interrupted by a strange change of atmosphere. The air seemed somewhat lighter… “Something’s coming!†Phyro spoke as he strode along the ground toward them, though more of easily bouncing off the ground, as if the gravity had been lightened considerably. “What?†While floating an inch or two off the ground, Phyro explained, “Do you remember seeing that weird black creature in the cage next to me, back at the prison?†“So?†“Yeah.†Anzu and Qill answered, but Anzi was caringly looking Phyro over, paying close attention. “Another one is near. I don’t know how, but they have some way of altering the gravity within about five-hundred feet radius of their location. Being near one… well, They just mess with Gravity a lot.†As he finished the last few words, The gravity harshly increased, and Phyro slammed into the ground uncomfortably. “One of the bounty hunting creatures that apparently want me dead.†Qill struggled to stand up. “I’ll make you dead right now!†She drew her sword and staggered over to Phyro, while he and Anzi were pinned to the ground from the increased gravity. “You’re with us. They want you dead. So, Less trouble for both of us if I kill you right now!†“QILL! Don’t do it!†Anzi cried out, desperate. Phyro, too, struggled to stand up, but ended up in an uncomfortable kneeling position. “Hey, I’m not complaining against Qill.†Anzu said, comfortably sitting down, but under pressure as well. “What did I ever do to you?!†Phyro shouted at her, not seeing the point of his early death. Before Qill could respond, The gravity intensely lightened on Phyro, at the same time a large, metallic black creature jumped out from behind a building, and rammed into Phyro’s back, forcing him into Qill’s body, knocking her back. This creature then jumped upward, upon having altered gravitational setting, and landed on the roof of one of the buildings to watch below what was happening. “Hey you!†Qill shouted, and grabbed Phyro by the back of his shirt. “Yeah you!†She pointed at the black creature on a rooftop. “You want him? Take him! I’ll even kill him for you if you want!†Resembling somewhat a spherical mechanism with biological features, the creature waved one of its limbs about as the gravity in the area changed direction, sending Anzi hurdling off towards a random allyway, as she flailed her limbs around madly trying to grab on to something. Qill had then risen up into the air, supported by the gravity of the area, with a firm grasp on Phyro, with a sword in her other hand. Just as Qill was about to draw her blade closer to Phyro’s neck, The gravity changed once more, pulling Phyro and Qill away from each other, as if Phyro was being defended by the gravitational creature. “What?! I want to kill him!†“Why do you want me dead? I saved your life!†After saying this, Phyro tried to recall if he had actually done so. Nika had, perhaps… “You? You saved me? No! That girl had saved me, not you, loser! I hate you! You had lead those bounty hunters right to us!†“I lead Nika to you, and don’t even know those bounty hunters! And if you keep this up, I’ll kill you, too!†Phyro shot back at her, which was responded to by rather displeased swinging of limbs and swords, as Phyro was being dragged along the ground by gravity, to follow its manipulator, which was leading Phyro around the corner of a building, out of sight. At the same moment, Anzi came running back toward them. “Wheres Phyro!?†Anzi demanded, looking around wildly. Boredly, Anzu pointed around the corner where Phyro was dragged off to, as Anzi sprinted off in that direction to find Phyro suspended in mid-air, unable to move from the gravity. “Anzi! Get over here!†Phyro called out, somewhat panicked. Anzi then madly swung a sword of her own at the gravitational creature, only to find it impervious to her attack. “WATCH OUT!†Phyro called out, as Anzi closely avoided being hit by a rather large staff of an additional creature, that resembled more of a humanoid, with mechanical properties but resembled a biological creature in ways. [Jeez, The point of this chapter was to be about two pages so I could climax to a better part of the story. XD Now its five pages and I haven’t gotten to what I was trying to get to.]
  5. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere...
  6. [u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Over there. <.<;;] [being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;] ['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;] [but'choo CAN'T.] [cuz She's in italy right now. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [o_o.... Wai?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Exactly.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but Italy is cool! It has like the... best ice cream EVAR. <.< EEVVVVVAAAAARRR.]
  7. [u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Over there. <.<;;] [being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;] ['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;] [but'choo CAN'T.] [cuz She's in italy right now. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [o_o.... Wai?]
  8. [u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Over there. <.<;;] [being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;] ['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;] [but'choo CAN'T.] [cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]
  9. [Huzzah! She's not esploded! *huggs her* n_n] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yaaaay.]
  10. and hermione saves the day. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, Trevor teh toad is saving the day. Hermoine is. um. the new headmistress of Hogwarts or something.
  11. [i dont think any major characters die in this story. o_o Except Eyten/Phyro's relatives, or Anzi's siblings. But they werent in there long enough to be liked. o_o]
  12. [As to prove the thingy didnt die, I'll post the next chapter for Kat.] Chapter Nine Salvation Phyro shielded his eyes for a moment, until he realized he was falling from about 40 feet in the air. He found himself falling along side a human girl, who appeared to be unconscious, and had long black hair, similar to that of the beast that was in her place seconds before. Upon awakening from her inactive state, This girl immediately spread out large, black wings, again, similar to that of the beast that was once there, as she grabbed Phyro’s hand, and caused the both of them to stop falling. After a rather awkward moment, The two stopped falling, and landed on the ground among a quiet, night city. “Thank you for helping me…†The girl commented with a bow, as she then looked up at Phyro, he being about a foot taller. Phyro gestured a ‘your welcome’ in ways. “Eh… Might I ask how you ended up being the large black… creature you were not too long ago…?†“That is my other form. I need this,†She pointed to the sparkling stone, now on a string around her neck. “in order to stay in a human form. That knight had taken it from me.†“… Right.†She got a facial expression of realization, “Oh! How rude of me!†She bowed once more. “I am Nika… What is your name?†She asked with a smile. She didn’t seem bothered by the fact he was abnormally large, draconic, or an apparent outlaw. “… Phyro.†“Well… Phyro… When I had found you, You were tied to a tree in a rather distant area, almost dead. I had helped you out as best I could, until some bounty hunter knights had come and captured both of us. Might I ask, What were you doing chained to a tree?†“Trying to stop them from getting… some of my other friends.†“Well, Do you need to go somewhere?†Phyro thought for a moment. “Probably, but-“ She clasped her hands together, pleased. “I can take you there!†She then sat down on the ground. “Now, Where is Probably?†[i bet some 'a you were reminded of that one alien lady on that one show. Teen titans or whatever its called. o_o] After a moment of trying to tolerate Nika’s unusual behavior, Phyro commented, “Well, Where would captured… outlaws… be taken? Or rather, Those knight bounty hunters that were after us…†“We were just at the prison. The one we were locked up in?†She looked rather annoyed. “Alright, Can we go back there? I’ll need to get some people out.†“I can take you there sure, Can you help me up?†Without really thinking about it beforehand, Phyro took Nika by her outstretched wrists and effortlessly pulled her up, he being rather muscular, and she being very light. “Right then. Let’s go. … Can you fly?†“Unskillfully. I’ll do what I can.†“Just practice often as you can. Follow me, then…†With that, Nika expanded the large black wings that she somehow kept hidden behind her back, and flew upward and off northeast. Phyro kicked himself off the ground to try and get a better start, and unstably followed Nika as best he could. In a rather loopy manner, Phyro swayed occasionally off course, but made his way toward where Nika had lead him to. “Right… We need a way to sneak in here… I’ve an idea.†With that, Nika, being rather prepared for such situations resourcefully, pulled out somewhat rusted handcuffs, a leash of sorts, and handed them to Phyro. “Put these on.†Obediently, Phyro did as he was told to, as Nika put on a large coat to cover her wings and identity, as Phyro intentionally scratched himself in various places, folded and crumpled parts of his wings that he didn’t use often enough, inasmuch it appeared that he was a captured outlaw of sorts. “Perfect.†Nika then ‘harshly’ lead Phyro into the prison doors, leading a ‘reluctant’ Phyro behind, as she asked one of the Prison Guards which way it was to the Outlaw Prison. Upon receiving direction, She then opened the double doors and strode through them, with Phyro close behind. Nika gasped, and covered her eyes. “What is it?†Phyro whispered to her. “Look!†She waved her hand in a roundabout manner. “They’re all dead!†Phyro beheld the scenery around him, seeing large and small cages full of various creatures, none of which were moving. A majority of them looked broken and injured, most of them showed no signs of life. Phyro looked down at Nika, who was now crouching down in fear. “Come on…†Phyro nudged her. “Just ignore them.†“You are just like the people who run this place!†Nika pushed Phyro’s hand away from her body, and with small tears running down her face, she ran off further down the corridor, fixed straight ahead, not looking at anything else. Phyro sighed, rather annoyed once more, as no one really understood him. Such carnage and macabre was all too familiar to Phyro- He was used to seeing it. --- Anzi gasped, and looked up. “Phyro?!†Much to her dismay, she instead saw a human girl approaching them, looking rather displeased. “Oh, Hanging time, Right?†“What?†“Aren’t you going to hang us?†Nika sniffled. “No…†“In that case…†Anzi jumped up and shook the bars of the cage that imprisoned her. “Get me out of here!†She yelled, possibly too loud. “Anzi, Stop it, You’re going to get us killed earlier.†“Anzu, We’re getting out of here.†“You said than ten minutes ago, and look where we still are…†“Shut up. … Out, please.†“Okay…†Nika approached the cage, and unlocked it, about the same time the doors to the room they were in had opened… “Eh, We… We were just leaving…†--- While inspecting the various caged creatures, finding himself somewhat interested in them, Phyro was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice… “What’re you doing here? Identify yourself!†Phyro sighed, not necessarily wanting this to happen. “No one you will remember...†With that, Phyro jumped upward, covered his body with his large wings, and faded from view within a second. “What the...!†Alarmed, the guard set to run off elsewhere and report an intruder, but a blast of flames coming from Phyro had pretty well immobilized him. Now on top of one of the cages, Phyro hid himself from view upon hearing vigorous activity in the next room. He heard multiple sets of footsteps rushing into the room, and recognized voices of distinguishable guards of the prison, all inspecting the scenery carefully. Though it was rudely interrupted by a loud crashing noise, followed by several cries of fear from the guards, a beastly roar, which Phyro could only assume was another prison break. [Jeez, I gotta stop making chapters so long.]
  13. i am the potter puppet palls. *bother bother bother bother...* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nakie time! >D -does wierd jig-
  14. I am snape, Teh potions mastah. >D
  15. -pokes Honey- Um. You can have that one horse back now. I dont have much of a need for it as Val (RPin' character I used teh horse for) got keelingyoudeaded by... some stuff... of doom. or something. So he got died and the horse is wandering around in circles with nothing to be doing. So. Happy birthday. -hands you a big black horseh- ^-^
  16. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i has the solution!] [Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.] [You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Then when I have just had suger and coke and its 3:00 in the morning and I am sleeping over at Spot's house, it is just plan scary, yes many a weird comments are said like 4 example:We're the elfanso quadruplets-me and spot Where is the other two-some dude We are the other two-me and spot good times!!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Good times, baaaad oldies.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [random quote-do you promoise on a chicken leg] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [._. Maybe.]
  17. [Aww. It's esploding. I liked it. ;_;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [it didnt die]. o_o]
  18. Chapter Eight] Imprisonment Upon taking out three of the bounty hunters by now, One of them, being rather frustrated with the outcome of this battle, jumped up and slashed at Phyro with a long sword. He let out what sounded like a half human scream and a half dragon roar, as he gripped the wound and came to the ground, But did not stop fighting back. He continued slashing with one hand as he gripped his would with the other, until one bounty hunter had smashed the hilt of their sword into Phyro’s head. He had fallen over, rather defenseless now. Distracted by Phyro’s cry of pain, Anzi looked over at him, covering her ears, where the nearest bounty hunter did likewise to her as they did to Phyro- The fell over, severely weakened. Upon the painful tearing off of a wing, Qill let out a high-pitched screech, which was put to a stop by Anzi’s unidentified sister’s head smashing into Qill’s, knocking them out out. Blades of grass were burning before Phyro as he persisted, very weakened, but not defeated. Before he could do anything about it, Phyro found himself chained to the tree their house was built upon. He struggled against the grip, though he progressively weakened, until he could barely move anymore. As a last stand, Phyro shot out one last shot of fire at Xilgo, who effortlessly dodged it and used the last arrow in his crossbow, and shot it at Phyro. His arm severely wounded now as well, Phyro let out a pained screech, which turned out more of a draconic roar. His various cuts and wounds, that were no longer accessible to his hands, bled until Phyro had passed out from blood loss… Silence… Void… Darkness… Phyro’s eyes flickered open as he phased in and out of conscience, only seeing darkness before him, Phyro attempted to focus his eyes. He heard heavy breathing, no more than three feet away. There was a pair of large red eyes, watching him. Phyro sighed, and commented to it, “Just kill me now.†Having multiple unbeatable forces against him, And now a massive creature of unknown nature was staring at him, more than likely another bounty hunting creature. Though to Phyro’s surprise, The eyes turned in confusion. Phyro tried to adjust his eyes for the light setting, and after a moment or two, He saw a rather large beast in front of him that somewhat resembled a black lion, but with… feathered ears, rather massive paws, a rather long tail, and a steel collar chained to the wall around its neck, as if it was imprisoned along with him. Phyro tried to back away, or at least shift to a more comfortable position, only to find he was well-chained too. He did, however, notice that he was well-bandaged, as if someone had brought him here. For what reason, Phyro did not know, but it seemed he was placed with this odd beast for a reason. The creature had stepped closer to him when it saw him move, but slowly stepped back into the shadows. The beast was apparently trying to draw Phyro’s attention to something… Which turned out to be an arrow on the ground. It was splintered and bent, and had small bloodstains on it. The beast had picked up the arrow in its mouth and dropped it near Phyro, as if expecting him to do something with it. It then growled and roared as if trying to say something. This was apparently not a natural creature… It had then grabbed at the chains that bound Phyro to the stone wall, and tugged on them. It pulled harder, and harder… Eventually a large booming crash, and the chains that were attached to Phyro had snapped. Though to his surprise, The beast did not attack. “And what do you want me to do with the arrow?†Phyro asked, but then realized that the beast apparently could not speak. The beast sat down, and pulled at the chains around its neck. Upon realizing what it may be trying to tell him, Phyro grabbed the arrow, and inched over to the base of the chains. The beast sat there and watched him encouragingly. Phyro began trying to pick the lock with the arrow, assuming that was the only thing left to do. After a short moment of trying to unlock it, The arrow did not help. Phyro tossed it aside and used his remaining claws to try and get the lock off. The large beast impatiently pulled on the chain again, while Phyro was working with it. His claw had broken off. “Hold still, will you?†Phyro said, as the beast sat down on the ground again, creating a loud thud as it did so. After another five minutes or so, A loud click broke the silence of the room, and the lock came free. The beast anxiously stepped away from it, and let out a loud victorious roar. Phyro stepped back, unnerved. He wondered if he did the right thing or not. The beast flicked its ears comfortably, and turned around so its back was turned to Phyro. The beast roared again, growing impatient. Upon Phyro’s confused reaction, The beast turned around, nudged his arm, and turned its back toward Phyro again. He figured it wanted him to mount it. Phyro jumped up, and climbed on to the large, furry beast’s back. Previously concealed wings erupted from the beast’s back, as it lowered its head, slammed into the wall, creating a large hole in it. It dashed out, roaring, at full wingspan. Phyro, startled, grabbed at the beast’s neck and grasped on so he wouldn’t fall off. The beast flew around, high above the ground, as if looking for something. Phyro, too, glanced down, to see him about 50 feet high. The beast then abruptly stopped in mid-air, and descended in a dive, straight for one of the buildings. Phyro grasped harder, trying to stay with this creature. At the last second, the creature pulled up and landed on the top of a building, as it then smashed its head into the roof, creating a large hole in it. The two jumped down, as several humans were inside, doing what, Phyro did not know, but a few of them were then trampled. The beast lead Phyro to a large cage, which contained a small sparkling entity, Phyro could not quite make out… Phyro noticed the beast was shielding him from several weaponries, being fired at them, with the creature’s wings. As it did this, it used its head once more, to break the nearby cage, containing the sparkling entity of sorts. Upon grabbing it in its… muzzle, The beast reared back and flew out of the hole it had created earlier, as Phyro once more, thought if he had done the right thing by releasing the creature. The creature reared back once more, in mid-air, tossing the sparkly thing up in the air, so Phyro could catch it. Upon doing so, seeing apparent value in it, The beast pointed with a clawed hand at an indent in its back shaped like the oddly shiny stone. Phyro put it in- A perfect fit. It was a key to something, as the creature Phyro was riding on began to… well, change colors. Within moments, It appeared that the outer texture of the beast had shattered…? [Zomg explosions of doom.]
  19. [My absence yesterdya will be made up for 'cuz I finished like. chapter fourteen yesterday. <.< I was wirting like. a lot.] [And wrote some of tehWErewolf thingy. =D]
  20. I have one of those... its like. orange black and green and says This IS my hallowees costume!!!' And when people read it, they think it says 'This is Mr. Halloween Costume' and think im really wierd.
  21. Chapter Seven Bounty Hunters The Torrask had come to a halt in front of the house, and looked as if it were to climb up the ladder to the house, but Anzi and her sister, Phyro supposed, had caught up to it. The large reptilian creature glared at the two oncoming felines, and stood in an attack-ready stance. Both Anzi and her yet unnamed sister had slashed at the Torrask in unison, though their blades hit, they did not cut. The Torrask liquefied itself and reformed into an undamaged shape. “That won’t work against them! I’ve tried everything, I don’t-“ “Shut up!!†Anzi called after him, as she and her sister both oddly gestured with their hands until large blasts of sub-zero ice had discharged at the Torrask. The effect completely froze the Torrask, but also Anzi and her sisters hand’s were frozen in place. Within seconds, the two began trying to break off the ice, while they did not realize the Torrask had again liquefied, and slithered out through the ground and cracks in the ice. “I don’t think you can stop it!†Phyro’s vocalizing caught the Torrask’s attention. Phyro cursed, and hid behind the wall, evading sight from the window. But within seconds, The sapphire liquid had slithered up the wall and into the room Phyro was in. Phyro made a dash to the other side of the room, though the Torrask, half-solidified, had grabbed at Phyro’s leg. Clinging to the floor, Phyro dug his claws into the wood, and tried to pull himself out of his nemesis’ grasp. The first time Phyro was glad to see Anzi, she had dove through the window, and began smashing her ice-covered hands into the Torrask’s solidified body parts, until the ice had broken. Her sister followed, and did likewise. Upon not doing much damage, The Torrask glanced at them, annoyed. Not long afterward, Anzi’s eight brothers streamed through the door and surrounded Phyro and the Torrask that had attached itself to Phyro’s limb. Closely evading various attacks from the cats, The Torrask slithered away from them, out the window and off in the distance. “Hah!†Anzi struck a victorious stance, standing near Phyro, rather helpless on the ground, having nine hostile felines now surrounding him. “That’s not the last you’ll see of it, Anzi, I assure you.†“Sssssooooooooo, We’ll just kick its butt again!†Anzi replied encouragingly. Phyro sighed, “I don’t think any of you know what they’re capable of, are you?†“I wouldn’t mind listening.†Anzi’s still unidentified sister commented. “You saw that it had liquefied, right?†She nodded. “It’s commonly a defensive move. With which, they still control their bodies, so they independently slither around. Defying gravity along the way. It had slithered up the wall of your house here, likewise, It is capable of going up someones leg or something, making its way towards its victims head, where it will access any available opening it finds. It prefers ones mouth. From there, It has two options… Kill the victim there and then, or tamper with its mind into controlling it to the Torrask’s will. Controlling motions and actions and such.†Few of the felines looked interested. “They also have ineffective psychic abilities, enabling them to weaken their opponent for easier access. This is rarely used, and isn’t very strong. Either way, Torrask’s can move rather fast, regardless of environment. Older, more experienced Torrask’s have the ability to shapeshift, into complex or simple shapes, though they are always identifiable by texture and color. They are mostly muscle, and have collapsible exo-skeletons, and are surprisingly strong for their size.†Anzi imitated the sound of snoring. “What an enemy to be hunted by…†Anzi’s sister commented, “And that isn’t the only thing that wants me dead.†“And why do they want to kill you?†“Who cares?†Qill commented, offensively. “If I knew, I’d tell you…†Annoyed by Anzi’s uninterested behavior, Phyro reached up and whacked the nearest body part within reach. “I’m awake, I’m listening.†Anzi changed stature. Qill looked rather annoyed. Phyro had attempted to do likewise to Qill, of the whacking of hand, but she had caught his wrist first and dug her claws into his wrist. With her other hand, She snapped her fingers and her eight brothers growled threateningly. “Wanna try that one again?†Qill smirked. Phyro expressed his annoyed mood to Qill silently. He then took advantage of a gap between the massive cats, and exited through it and left the room, agitated. “Hey, Person! Don’t leave!†Anzi chased after him. “Anzi, There are ten hostile beings in there. I have to need to stay here if they want to kill me. It’s more than two, A threat to me.†Phyro had lead Anzi outside, as he picked a direction at random and strode off that way. Anzi squinted from the light change. “Well, You can’t stay out here forever…!†She said, trying to convince him to stay in her house. “No. I can’t. Nor can I stay in there.†“Umm…. What are those?†Phyro turned around, to see Anzi pointing up in the sky. “Pr… Clouds. Ever heard of them?†“Clouds look like people, now? Wait a minute… BOUNTY HUNTERS!!†Anzi dashed inside, and spread the word to her family. Phyro spotted ten flying black images in the sky, hovering overhead, as one of them led the others downward, descending rapidly. In a panic, Phyro hid underneath the Treehouse, and concealed himself behind his large wings. “I saw one of the Katastophy’s around here. ‘Must be in that house.†The nine then infiltrated the house, as Phyro listened to resistant fighting back, screams, swords crashing and impacting various objects. Phyro focused his attention toward his wings, He had trained himself over the years to sit completely still, and his wings would take in the environment and eventually grow to camouflage with the surroundings, rendering him very hard to spot. After a few moments, ten bounty hunters came out of the now silent tree house. It appeared that quite a battle had taken place, many of them had scratched armor and their weapons still drawn. Three of the hunters had large sacks, of sorts, which were moving from inside, Phyro could only guess they contained Anzi and her two sisters. “Xilgo, Why didn’t we kill these ones?†“I can’t kill a woman, You know that. Besides, They have a price on their heads. We’ll come back and get the dead ones after we get these three locked up.†Somewhat worried for their safety, Phyro found himself creeping along the ground, eventually swiped at one of the sacks making a large slit in it, big enough to spill out the contents. Qill tumbled out of the cut Phyro had given her, and immediately began thrashing around in a frenzy. Taking advantage of her distraction, Phyro released Qill’s sisters, and uncovered himself, and began torching the nearest Bounty Hunter. It let out a cry of surprise, and immediately threw himself to the ground and tried to extinguish the flame. “Get him!†Six of the bounty hunters ran over to Phyro, while the other four tried to handle Anzi and her siblings. A familiar sound, a large blast of ice encased two bounty hunters in ice. Phyro jumped off the ground, attempted to fly upward, occasionally slashing with his claws, kicking at one of them, dodging a sword, and blowing fire at his adversaries. [before I hit 4½ pages, I’ll stop this chapter. xD]
  22. [OH. Now i get it. Now your last two or three posts mase sense. xD] [Phyro's being hunted by various creatures, Torrask's being one of them, yes. They arent Tacos.]
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