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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [Just so you know. Im like. half done with the next chapta. -nods- I havent forgotten. e_e]
  2. [Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?] [Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-raises hand- Can I have a stupid name mishap award? o_o]
  3. [Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yes. ._. Go away.]
  4. [Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [He should join the mafia. They could protect him.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [What about you?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-fwap- Im in yo' mafia too, person! >(] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*fwapped* Blarg! x_X Hey, if you're in the mafia, then you shouln't fwap you Da Boss! I should shoot 'choo, fool!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but if you do, You'll only have 2 people on yo' Mafia. o_o]
  5. Chapter Twelve Phyro’s Injury Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door. “Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?†Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise. “Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.†Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it. He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’ Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world. --- Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her. Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself, “Finally, Destruction-boy left…†Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill. “Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?†Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written. “What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!†Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around. After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’ She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up, “Phyro?†She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle. Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…! Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal. Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless. Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands… Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace. Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home. Anzi eventually made her way back to the building. “Are you okay?†Anzu asked, “It’s his blood, not mine.†“Is he dead?†Qill anxiously asked. “Not completely…†Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason. Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together. “Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!†Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle. Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended. “I think… his arm… goes like this…†Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain. Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him. “There. Now what?†Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro. “Are you alive?†An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response. “Good! Now, you get some sleep!†Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head. “… Pervert.†Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing. Anzi sighed, “He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.†Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building. “I need a shower,†Anzi walked over to an old tattered door. “Tell me when he wakes up.†She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would. A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up. “Hey, You’re up!†Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained. “Not all the way…†Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority. “So… How is Qill?†Phyro asked Anzi. “See for yourself, moron.†Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more. Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet. “I’m alright!†“Are you sure?†After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds. “No…†Anzi grinned. “Oh, That’s what I thought.†“You make that sound like a good thing.†Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on. Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what. “What are you grinning at?†“Oh, Nothing…†Anzi said, still smiling. “Wow, I stink…†Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying, “… at fighting.†And continued grinning innocently. “What?†“I broke a fang to save you.†Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however. “What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!†“Poisoned?! What!†“Yeah!†Anzi panicked. “Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!†Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her. “Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?†She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them. [Qill be teh dumb. >( ]
  6. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This way is south. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way has already been written. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way I was speaking of for converting audio formats would be going on a Google search or whatever other kind of search engine you feel like (There might be some media or software engines somewhere...) and look for Audio Converter. It should be able to cram an audio file into a different format. which is good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you. In return I will answer one of your questions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How's about this: I've got an MP3 Player expansion for my PDA that i'm trying to get hold of on eBay. 32MB Memory and maybe some other things, plays MP3s and wont skip and all. So, How high will the bids go within the one or two days of the auction ending? (The Buy It Now feature is about 35 Moneys, i beleive that would get to about 28 Euro or so. So the bidding couldnt go much higher than that.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -pokes the quotes for TGHL-
  7. do you know what it means? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No idea. and TGHL, No need to answer the question, the auction ended tonight. =D and I won. w00t.
  8. (SR388 is the homeplanet of the species Metroid. -nods- )
  9. [Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [He should join the mafia. They could protect him.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [What about you?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-fwap- Im in yo' mafia too, person! >(]
  10. which mutated into... a marshmellow of.... sticky, yummy explosions. Of much doom. which caused economic... skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> of planet SR388.
  11. which mutated into... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a marshmellow of.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> sticky, yummy explosions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of much doom. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> which caused economic... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> skyrockets in the
  12. My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =o Zomfg, Kat posted in this topic! of doom!
  13. [Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [He should join the mafia. They could protect him.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?]
  14. Because Horatio laughed at you too. and because Freebird is a strange phrase. I wasn't laughing at Lexxscrapham, but at the no-talent acrobatic groups calling themselves bands, imagining the stupid looks on their faces. ..... So? XD You were still laughing at him. No, I was not laughing at him. I am laughing at the people on the other side of the fence. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You laughed at something. o_O
  15. Because Horatio laughed at you too. and because Freebird is a strange phrase. I wasn't laughing at Lexxscrapham, but at the no-talent acrobatic groups calling themselves bands, imagining the stupid looks on their faces. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ..... So? XD You were still laughing at him.
  16. Because Horatio laughed at you too. and because Freebird is a strange phrase.
  17. [Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [He should join the mafia. They could protect him.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]
  18. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This way is south. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way has already been written. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way I was speaking of for converting audio formats would be going on a Google search or whatever other kind of search engine you feel like (There might be some media or software engines somewhere...) and look for Audio Converter. It should be able to cram an audio file into a different format. which is good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you. In return I will answer one of your questions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How's about this: I've got an MP3 Player expansion for my PDA that i'm trying to get hold of on eBay. 32MB Memory and maybe some other things, plays MP3s and wont skip and all. So, How high will the bids go within the one or two days of the auction ending? (The Buy It Now feature is about 35 Moneys, i beleive that would get to about 28 Euro or so. So the bidding couldnt go much higher than that.)
  19. which mutated into... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a marshmellow of.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> sticky, yummy explosions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of much doom.
  20. Chapter Eleven Empty Recollection “The LehnVak! The… The one with the stick! Whatever you do, don’t let the staff touch you at all!†“Right, I got it…†Anzi replied, and began whacking it in various places very unskillfully with her sword. “Nevermind him, Get your siblings to take care of the NuvKhal, the… the Gravity freak. [Look, I made these names up when I was ten. <.<] I’ll distract the LehnVak.†“I don’t think they’re gonna help…†She glanced over at Anzu, who was sitting down reading a book once more. “Ah look, but Qill is coming to help!†Anzi announced, as Qill came rushing over to them with her sword drawn. Though instead of attacking their adversaries, Qill began slashing and attacking at Phyro. “Hey! What are you doing?!†“We want you dead!†Qill shouted at Phyro, whom tried to slash once more, but the staff of a LehnVak had come in Qill’s way, as her sword collided with it. Within one second, Her sword had disintegrated into nothing. Qill yelled in frustration, and jumped up on to the LehnVak’s back, and began scratching and biting it. “Give me my sword back!!†she persistently demanded, as all that Phyro could do was watch as the LehnVak had swung its staff around uncontrollably, and hit Qill on the side, knocking her off. Having seen what the staff had done to Qills sword, and heeding Phyro’s warning, Anzi was very displeased about this. “QILL!!!†Anzi lunged at the LehnVak, stabbed a large opening in what was presumably its head, as blood and sparks of electricity had splattered out. Afterward, Anzi did likewise to the NuvKhal, though she estimated wrongly and did not take it down. “Jeez, You can’t find its weak spot…?†Phyro walked over to it, pried open a sheet of metal and ripped out a lime green… object. The NuvKhal promptly fell over, defeated. Anzi was already over at Qill, checking her over if she was okay. “Phyro! What happened to her?†“She isn’t hurt, as you can see, All the staff does is disintegrate inanimate objects or drain the life force and energy out of a living entity. Qill is severely weakened, and is mostly stunned right now. When she wakes up, she’ll find that she no longer has skill or strength in what she used to. We either get it back from this LehnVak, or re-train Qill.†Anzi sniffled. “So… So she isn’t dead?†“No, she just needs a day or two of rest.†Phyro glanced down at Qill, with a blank stare on her face, as she lay completely still, sprawled about on the ground. “How did you get there?†Phyro commented to Anzu, who was now at Qills side. Phyro apparently just did not see her before now. Anzu mournfully picked up Qill’s motionless body and put it over her shoulder, and walked away. Anzi sniffed again. “Come on. We need to go. Now.†“Now it’s a good idea…†Phyro muttered to himself as he obediently followed Anzi, following Anzu into the city. Without saying a word, Anzu and Anzi walked into an empty stone building with few windows. “Just out of curiosity, do you know what is in here or where we’re going…?†Phyro asked, as it appeared they had walked into a random building. “This is the house where we grew up…†Anzi spoke in a hushed voice, a tear rolling down her face. Anzu had placed Qill on a table, and sat down next to Anzi, and hugged her sympathetically. Phyro did not know how to react to this situation, as far as he knew, He never had a loved one to lose. “This place must mean a lot to you. It would not be any better for this place to be destroyed by my hunters… I had better leave.†Phyro silently walked out the door, and looked up at the dark nighttime sky. This city was so silent and inactive. It made him wonder if anyone really lived here anymore… Did he used to live here? ‘Why does everything want to kill me…?’ Phyro thought to himself as he wandered around the city, occasionally sitting down in a dark allyway, and persisted in his trying to remember his past.
  21. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This way is south. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way has already been written. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way I was speaking of for converting audio formats would be going on a Google search or whatever other kind of search engine you feel like (There might be some media or software engines somewhere...) and look for Audio Converter. It should be able to cram an audio file into a different format. which is good.
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