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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Weeeeee, Im excited now. Very, VERY likely i'll get a DS today... With the accumulated cash that i've gotten over the past few months, combining that with the $50 my crazy aunt send me and my siblings each christmas, and a $25 gift card will give me about $90-95. One of my friends has a discount card for a game store 'round here, wich takes 10% off of the $110 DS that im trying to get. I might need to borrow a dollar or two, but i'll probably have a DS by tonight. =D
  2. [That's doesn't sound fun. ._. Good luck with the compys. We can wait. <5] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Dude, whenever you do the <5 thing, i keep imagining an emote. the < being the happy eyebrow thing and the 5 being some sort of demented smirk.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Erm...no. It's <3, only cooler.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i know, i just keep looking at it like the wierd thing. thing. thing thing thinger.]
  3. [You have odd clothing. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i agree.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Playboy? -thinks for awhile- Is MK a man?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.] [Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Haha! Arkcher married a guy! Oh, and yeah. *chuck a Type Award at Arkcher* Merry Christmas.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ooh, thats a new one. a type award.
  4. >_o; This is pretty sad... Yesterday, one of my friends was getting some card out of his wallet, when I happened to be glancing over at him, and saw a Gamestop discount card, which it turns out to be what will take 10% off of the purchase altogether, but its registered to Paul, and not me, so we arranged to, today, see about going to a gamestop and getting me a DS with my limitted funding and Paul's card. So, last night, i had one of those really wierd dreams that has a link to my recent obsessions. Link, from Wind Waker, was sitting down in a rather pleasant scenery with a handy tree, when he gets hit in the back of a head by a flying book. (What the...) He turns around and is hit in the face by another careening random unnamed book. He looks over toward his castle to find mutliple books catapulting in his general direction. So, he gets his shield, and covers himself and runs over toward the castle to see what the heck is going on. So, after he goes in to the castle gates, Link navigates through the castle area until he came to the local Gamestop, to find paul in it. Link then buys a DS with a portion of his 5000 rupees, using pauls discount card. After he goes prancing off with his DS, i woke up. Something wierd like that happened when my PDA thing was coming in the mail...
  5. [You have odd clothing. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i agree.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Playboy? -thinks for awhile- Is MK a man?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.] [Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]
  6. [*cries for Arkcher* I am so sorry. If I was rich, I would buy you a super computer... NEW ! What would be cheaper, and just about as good, would be some parts for one. (I.e., processor/CPU (being a central processor unit. They're very handy.) some RAM (randomly accessable memory, the stuff that holds your clipboard, operate auto-save if your computer fries and you didnt save a file, and how many programs you can run at once) ) But, uh... I have new computer parts of everything except CPUs and RAM. Some really awsome RAM cards would be, say, $50. A good processor would be about the same price, methinks. You needn't not try and spend moneys and stuff on me though, you have enough on your hands as is.] Ummmm, well nuts and seeds can get a bit pricey! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -poke- Do hamsters like wheat... thingies? My sister keeps givin' meh hamster a small handful of those little wheat bead things. I dunno what they're called.
  7. [That's doesn't sound fun. ._. Good luck with the compys. We can wait. <5] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Dude, whenever you do the <5 thing, i keep imagining an emote. the < being the happy eyebrow thing and the 5 being some sort of demented smirk.]
  8. [*cries for Arkcher* I am so sorry. If I was rich, I would buy you a super computer... NEW ! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What would be cheaper, and just about as good, would be some parts for one. (I.e., processor/CPU (being a central processor unit. They're very handy.) some RAM (randomly accessable memory, the stuff that holds your clipboard, operate auto-save if your computer fries and you didnt save a file, and how many programs you can run at once) ) But, uh... I have new computer parts of everything except CPUs and RAM. Some really awsome RAM cards would be, say, $50. A good processor would be about the same price, methinks. You needn't not try and spend moneys and stuff on me though, you have enough on your hands as is.]
  9. [A bit of bad news... As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly. So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff. But... This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit... Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back. How many of you have I confused so far? Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously. And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made. yeah.]
  10. [You have odd clothing. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i agree.]
  11. Yeah but... What if I get a DS? =o I has about 5 rather bloody stick figure animations, though as usual, it consists of a few dots and lines that are flung here and there. I dunno, i just figured some people would find that objectionable. moo.
  12. Yay i found this topic. (And voted. for MK. cuz she's cool. <__< ) So um. Whaddo I do now.
  13. I won? I thought Kat won or something. O_o; I nominate Schimmislick.
  14. I don't really know why i like him... I just Looked at him one day and i felt weak at the knees and got a Weird feeling in my Stomach. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought that was when you saw me. o_O;
  15. Chapter Eighteen I watched in disgust at the other wolves as they all panicked about the impending doom of our species. Several mentions of Claws, Artemis and Apollo were heard, as uncontrolled discussion flew in all directions. Why did none of the several wolves in this immediate area really do anything about this? "Save your breath, wolves. Seriously, Think about this... Why not take action? I'd have thought one of the wiser, more experienced wolves than I such as Chris, maybe... eh, I dont know who you are. My point being, Why was I the first to think of this? Calm down, we'll devise a plan and take action for once!" An awkward silence broke over the small group of wolves I was among. "We will show our adversaries that we are not a force to be taken so lightly. These vampires must have _some_ flaw on them that we can take advantage of... Chris, Koy and I have found a way to take down Torrasks...but I have yet to see one of these Human attacks..." "Uh, Brandon..." One of the wolves not fifteen meters away had commented to me, but not a wolf that I recognized. "You, not seeing a human attack, will soon be remedied." This wasnt a comment I was looking forward to hearing. Emerging from the walls of trees came two incredible mechanisms that appeared to be designed for off-road travelling, moreover, destroying of natural life forms it may come across. But do we attack... or flee? Whichever action was truly necessary, I had best gather as much inforation about these mechanisms as I can while I'm at it... The best way I could think of to do this would be approaching the mechs from behind, so I followed this plan and used the given diversion and escaped the terrain, edged around to behind the mechanism, and scanned its appearence for any structural flaws? There were none. Visible vulnerabilities? None. Vital cords or hinges? All of them appeared to be inside... Well, my best assumption was to go for the head; Attack the operating human. I leapt up a good twenty feet, and crashed onto the top of the mech, and saw a dome of Transparisteel, poorly tinted, which showed sign of a human inside, just over the edge. I raised my arm in preparation to strike at the transparisteel, when my wolf ears detected communication between the two mechanisms... "C-23, Theres a wolf on your unit. Put your defenses up, I'll shoot him off for you. Over." "Roger that. ... Take him out. Over." I turned my head to see large guns pointed toward me, and felt infrared analyzer locking on to me as a target. I immediately leapt up into the the air, putting a dent in the metal below me... but I had waited a split second too long... [Oh noes, another cliffhanger. Just so you know, My current compy doesnt have MS Office, so I dont have a spellchecker. I corrected a few typoes here and there, to this and the next chapter are a little wierd.]
  16. [Aw sweet. I just got a fairly cool idea for like... a part 8 in the series here. Speaking of which, the USB connections project isnt working so well on my compy here, i'll be using a lappy to upload the next chapter.]
  17. [THE ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL?!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [My wedding ring in fact does become very important, but not in this Story. XD] Later that Night... "HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!111111111oneoneoneone" laughed Monkeylicious as she and a Couple others were at MK's house laughing about the weddingrehearsal. "Hahahahahaha" Muttered VSH. She didn't like it how the others were making fun of Arkcher and Mushroom_king. "Ha Ha... Arkcher like MK..." said Honey. "Ys uf cors!!11" said Monkeylicious. "You guys shutup!" yelled VSH. " Arkchr nd Mshrm ng sitn in a tre. K-I-s-s-I-N-G" and the others laughed, making VSH very very MAD. "SHUTUP!!!!" She yelled. MK, who was upstairs playing Gamecube, didn't hear it. Then Arkcher walked Through the door as Monkeylicious was singing her song. He bliushed a Deep red and ran upstairs. " Ha Ha..." said Dog Lover. "Look what youv'e done now, Genius!" said VSH. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Eh, 'Bout then i'd have put the hunting tips on some of my arrows and loaded up my bow and gone back to them to show them exactly why they really should shut up soon. >D I swear, these hunting tips arent archery accessories, they're like sharpened phillips screwdrivers. Should I shoot a deer with one, the fragile bands on the side that keep some of the blades down breaks upon impact, the agility of the arrow and the tip on it would put a hole through the deer's body about the size of a CD. It'd probably put a nice hole in about five consecutive people and still be going if I shot one. -demonic cackle-]
  18. [i did, I just put this one over it.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-parties for no apparent reason- n_n]
  19. [...I sort of know how to change the skin on Winamp. ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Kat's a jenius. like. totally.]
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