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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Boss! Da Arkcher man is purloining da stock! Oh, Snap! I've been found out! You'll never take me alive! -jumps out a window-
  2. -steals many candy- =D Phyro is over there guarding our supply of Micicles for bribing MW and Jesse with. jus' so you know he' doin' sometin, boss-man. while Im pillaging all the Twix bars. =D
  3. [Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.] [i didn't really have trouble reading it through the symbols.] [Neither did I, it's just annoying.] [-pokes Kat- D'joo see that before that post, there was another chapta?]
  4. [Oh, by the way, I've made some progress in repairing the broken storyline here. The next two (i think) chapters are done. ... ssssooo Im gonna post one of them! =D] [Wow, this chapters a lot longer that I remember it being.] Chapter Nineteen The inner dragon Phyro tackled down a Torrask, extended his claws and expanded his wings, and repeatedly tried to strike the Torrask underneath him, but it was too evasive and kept liquefying. Upon hearing a strange roaring sound to the left, he turned to see that Arranay had transformed herself into a quite large, full-grown dragon, in response to Anzi being attacked, and to better fight the opposing forces. Upon seeing this dragon standing high, roaring into the sky to make its presence known among its adversaries, Phyro seemed to lose balance in trying to keep a Torrask still, as he fell over, staring at this Dragon. He had no idea what was really happening, a completely new fearful sensation had overcome him, as if he had known this dragon was truly wicked. He continued staring at this huge dragon, a fear had awakened within him, and he truly did not know what to do. Though holding still long enough, just to look as something, with a liquefied Torrask right next to him, was one of the most costly mistakes he had done in his life… The worst that could happen just did, as the Torrask used its second most powerful weapon, and had slithered along Phyro’s body, and entered his body through his mouth. Once he had come to realization of what just happened to him, he realized that one of two things will now happen. One, The Torrask will kill him from inside of his body, or Two, the Torrask will seize control of his mind and control him to do the Torrask's will, whatever it may be. Phyro immediately stood up, gagging and choking, trying to stop the Torrask from taking him, and trying to get the attention of the fearsome dragon in front of him, or to get Anzi who was already hopelessly outnumbered and surrounded. Rather odd gurgling sounds came from Phyro as he tried to cry out for help, as he continued coughing. A brief flash of light followed by a screech of pain from Anzi indicated that a LehnVak had just struck her with its staff. Arranay was the last standing fighter in this group… Phyro tried to watch her fight on, but finding it difficult to breathe complicated this simple task. Everything began to tint to a blue color, as he watched Arranay change back into her elven form, now with the opponents behind her as if she was their leader. This was all that Phyro could see before he blacked out. Dead or alive, he did not know, but this was not a good situation. --- “Tahmores…†“Do you have him yet?†“Yes. And his pansy of a guardian.†“… What? Guardian?†“Phyro had some obsessive bimbo ‘guardian’ as she called herself, supposedly to protect him. Looks more like a passionate fangirl to me.†“I have no need for her then. Where is Phyro?†“Right here behind me. A Torrask has him controlled, this should ease things up a bit.†“Excellent.†“Tahmores… Are you really sure all of this is necessary?†“Arranay, we’ve been over this too many times already. What we do or how it is done is not mine or your decision. Disobedience of the dark ones cannot result for the better. We must convert to them or be forever destroyed.†“Yes, Arranay. Its foolproof. Need I explicate our plans once again to you?†“… What exactly are we going to do with this creature?†“Use it to establish a base of operations better than this ruddy old castle. Townsfolk nearby will find suspicious activity here someday, we need to move elsewhere.†“And this one draconian elf can build us a base alone?†“We’re using his inner power, which I assume is not yet known to him considering he’s not used it against us yet, to take over Central Baeluux, capitol of this region. If he can subdue that area, surely he can guard it for us while we build our headquarters.†“But what of-“ “All in good time. All will be explained to you, perhaps you can understand when it is done.†Arranay sighed in irritation, shook her head and turned around, and walked out of the room, signaling for Phyro to follow her. The Torrask inside made it so. Arranay strode along the corridors of a relatively small castle in which this, a dark operation was to take place. Phyro was an incredibly powerful entity, he simply did not know he had it, let alone how to use this power. Arranay thought to herself, if she understood right, Tahmores was forced by The Defilers, said to be the two most wicked entities to have ever existed, to use Phyro and his power as a weapon to dominate the kingdoms round about, rise to enough power to take control of the entire continent through warring and strife. Ultimately seizing the world, this would be one of many worlds that The Defilers have corrupted. Phyro, the key element for this operation, had been under heavy pursuit since his species was discovered. Even after hiring about a dozen bounty hunters, Phyro remained elusive. The Defilers had lent Tahmores a supplement of Torrask’s, and the resources to create the mechanisms known as LehnVak, LekoroVak, and Nuhvok-Kal. It took them some odd eight years to catch Phyro, but it has been done now, and this plan can take place and be over with. Arranay led Phyro to a large, durable stone and ore room that appeared to be a room designed for combat training, and improving on skills thereof and the like. Here, Arranay began to try and find the power within Phyro, find out as much as she can about it, and teach Phyro how to use it. --- An all-too familiar situation, Anzi sat down in the cold metal cage she was put in, trying to regain her lost energy and power that was absorbed from her. As far as she knew, she was in this cage awaiting an executioner to come and kill her, or perhaps she is just incarcerated to stay out of the way, so she wont stop these villainous people from doing whatever it is they plan on doing to Phyro. Hours passed, nothing happened. A few rats and mice passed by, just out of reach of Anzi, who was growing quite hungry. Was it some sort of isolation treatment or if she was just forgotten, Anzi didn’t know. Anzi could often hear draconic roars, on occasion it was followed by generic vocalizing of Phyro. No response ever came from Anzi trying to call back to him. It was some odd two days before anything really happened. Anzi looked around her surroundings, a dark room in a stone castle of sorts with a tiny window higher than she would ever have hopes of jumping to. Anzi grew excited upon hearing activity on the other side of the wall that divided her cage from outside. Brief scratches, occasional knocks and quiet discussion among about three people could be heard as they apparently tried to decide where on this wall, something should happen. After a few moments of silence as Anzi tried to decide if these beings were hostile or friendly, she decided to remain silent for the time being. A loud impacting crash noise caused her to jump, followed by another crash as the wall was giving way as the people outside were trying to break in. “Diego, Fire again!†A grunt of acknowledgement followed by a sound that was very similar to Phyro breathing fire. A few seconds later, Another crashing sound, and small fractions of rocks began falling from the wall. Another crash, a beam of moonlight had broken through small spaces through the stone. “One last time, Come on!†One last impacting crash, and several rocks came off of the wall, as a silhouetted figure burst through the wall. As it turned its head, quite eerie yellow eyes peered at Anzi from the darkness. [ Zomfg. Or rather, to use Kats words, Oh Em Gee.]
  5. ... Dont mind my commenting, but from what I understand, you dont... lose the ability to sleep. You might just have insomnia or something like that, or a constant state of physical irritation keeping you from getting to sleep, but uh... I dont think one can lose the ability to sleep. (Except for Metroids. All the other nerds on the board here who own Metroid Prime 2 will know what Im talking about. or should, at least.)
  6. [Ok, lets try that chapter again. see if it doesnt symbolize at me again.] Chapter Eighteen A dark scar Anzi looked away, still agitated. “Anzi, I’d never replace you.†“… really?†With a sniffle, Anzi turned back to Phyro, who immediately tried to think of a less meaningful thing to say, in order to avoid an awkward situation that could lead to that romantic thing that Anzi was so fond of putting the two of them in. “… Yeah.†Was about all he could think of to say. Arranay looked over at the two and silently gestured gagging. “Yay!†Anzi shouted with a tackling hug, of sorts, affectionately latching on to Phyro’s body. As Phyro attempted to pry her off of his body, he looked over to his right, to see Arranay dragging a dead Torrask along by its tail. “Hey, where’d that come from?†Phyro asked, pointing at the Torrask. “I went and killed a group of four of them while you two lovebirds were swooning with each other. ‘Made me sick, I had to go kill something.†Anzi promptly reached over and whacked Arranay. “We did nothing of the sort.†Arranay didn’t look at them, just continued walking and smiling. “… Ssh.†Phyro stopped walking, and looked toward the forest they were walking nearby. “Torrask’s. … Arranay, go get ‘em.†Doing as she was told, Arranay used her dead Torrask and swung it about herself to use it as a club of sorts, smashing the other Torr’s with it. It worked quite effectively; Torrask’s are quite powerful against each other. “Well, with that taken care of, we go where they came from and hope we find something. … Hey look, I found something.†Phyro said as he looked off in to the forest and saw some Torrask’s wandering around inside of it. He immediately darted off into the woods, faster than what would be expected of him. Arranay likewise changed into a cheetah, or something that looked like one. Anzi looked at Arranay in her feline form and noticed an odd set of spots forming an emblem of sorts on her left shoulder. Before she could be sure of this, Arranay had already run off. Anzi looked down at nearby Torrask’s, reluctantly turned one over on its side, to see a similar mark on its left shoulder. “…! PHYRO!!!†Anzi jumped into the nearest tree and lunged from branch to branch, tree to tree, making her way through the forest, trying to get to Phyro to tell him about this. She eventually came to a small clearing of trees that contained some odd thirteen Torrask’ in it, six LehnVak, Two similar creatures that appeared to be a greener version of a LehnVak, and one of the Nuhvok-Kal, the being that controls the gravity near it. At one end of this clearing was Phyro and Arranay, whom was still smiling as she always was, standing next to Phyro, who was trying to develop a strategy to take on this force. Should Anzi tell Phyro about Arranay’s Dark Scar now? If she did, Arranay would attack them making it two people against nineteen opposing creatures. If she waited, Arranay will still have a chance to attack or lead them into a trap. She could just stay where she is and hide from the situation, but what if Arranay attacks, seeing that Anzi isn’t there? Phyro would be taking these creatures on by himself! Anzi had no choice but to wait until after this battle was won, so she jumped out of the tree and began taking out the LehnVak’s by impacting their heads to where their… weak point was exposed. Something Anzi didnt consider, though, was that the other seventeen creatures would all attack Anzi as soon as she did this. And that’s what happened. [... Well, the preview post didnt show any.]
  7. [ I thought you had done that. ] [No, sometimes it does that when copied directly from MS Word. I'll try fixin' it.] [and Kat, there were just some kitty dots on her shoulder that may or may not really mean anything, if you think about it. But from about that point is where I pretty much started makin' stuff up as I went.]
  8. [Zomfg. There are creepy symbols on the chapter up there. and I dunno why.]
  9. Linkin Park - Papercut. its fricking awsome. =D I've noticed a lot of Linkin Park songs, specifically their lyrics, have a lot to do with at least one of my RP and/or storywritten characters. Runaway- Phyro Papercut- Ygzadril (or whatever he was named. You remember that really cool story I posted here a few years back and then stopped it? yeah. Papercut goes real' well with that.) With You- Myself, in the Werewolf stories Crawling- Val Hawyn aaaaaaaaaand some others. I had a big mental list of them a while back. I should write things down physically more often than trying to remember everything. Alternately, get one of those Penseive (I probably mispelled that...) things like Dumbledore has. That'd be pretty cool.
  10. [Does anyone even read this topic anymore? ._. ] [well, I guess Horatio does, considering he reads everything on the board. I'd hazard a guess that doing that could get pretty wierd.]
  11. AS DANG WELL YOU SHOULD BE, MW! Gnyaahaha. -runs away-
  12. Arkcher

    28 Days Later.

    I don't do violence. I dont care for incredibly descriptive and gorey violence. S'pecially seeing a visual image of it; In your mind you can water it down to your liking, if you just read it. Or if you were just high on caffeine. then imagine sugar and tootsie rolls gushing out of peoples' bodies as opposed to body parts. It puts a very humorous twist on things, try doing that while reading the demise of Jalen in WW part 1. xD ripping out Sno-balls and twizzlers out of people! Muhaha! SUGARY CONFECTIONS FOR ALL! yeah, im on a sugar high right now. o_o;
  13. [Okay, its hightime for another update.] [Now just as a pointless note: a LOT of stuff happened between the last chapter and this one in the RP archive; A lot of malconclusive, insignificant wandering around, fighting Torrask's and bickering over Arranay's identity. I saved myself some time and just skipped over it. It might be in the finished, published version of this. since... its NOT at prime condition when viewed for free at a message board. ;D] [Dont expect an update for a while after this, the next two chapters is where the whole thing just falls apart in a horrible conclusion to the story. Also, just as a side note, this will be one of something like 5 parts of a Series, each part of it in the same timeline but from a different characters' perspective. the... the other survivors from Phyro's village. considering you'd think some of them would have enough sense to not get killed off, or to run before that happened. Dunno how many for sure, but this isnt the end of the whole story.] [i'll shut up and post Chapta 18!] Chapter Eighteen A dark scar Anzi looked away, still agitated. “Anzi, I’d never replace you.†“… really?†With a sniffle, Anzi turned back to Phyro, who immediately tried to think of a less meaningful thing to say, in order to avoid an awkward situation that could lead to that romantic thing that Anzi was so fond of putting the two of them in. “… Yeah.†Was about all he could think of to say. Arranay looked over at the two and silently gestured gagging. “Yay!†Anzi shouted with a tackling hug, of sorts, affectionately latching on to Phyro’s body. As Phyro attempted to pry her off of his body, he looked over to his right, to see Arranay dragging a dead Torrask along by its tail. “Hey, where’d that come from?†Phyro asked, pointing at the Torrask. “I went and killed a group of four of them while you two lovebirds were swooning with each other. ‘Made me sick, I had to go kill something.†Anzi promptly reached over and whacked Arranay. “We did nothing of the sort.†Arranay didn’t look at them, just continued walking and smiling. “… Ssh.†Phyro stopped walking, and looked toward the forest they were walking nearby. “Torrask’s. … Arranay, go get ‘em.†Doing as she was told, Arranay used her dead Torrask and swung it about herself to use it as a club of sorts, smashing the other Torr’s with it. It worked quite effectively; Torrask’s are quite powerful against each other. “Well, with that taken care of, we go where they came from and hope we find something. … Hey look, I found something.†Phyro said as he looked off in to the forest and saw some Torrask’s wandering around inside of it. He immediately darted off into the woods, faster than what would be expected of him. Arranay likewise changed into a cheetah, or something that looked like one. Anzi looked at Arranay in her feline form and noticed an odd set of spots forming an emblem of sorts on her left shoulder. Before she could be sure of this, Arranay had already run off. Anzi looked down at nearby Torrask’s, reluctantly turned one over on its side, to see a similar mark on its left shoulder. “…! PHYRO!!!†Anzi jumped into the nearest tree and lunged from branch to branch, tree to tree, making her way through the forest, trying to get to Phyro to tell him about this. She eventually came to a small clearing of trees that contained some odd thirteen Torrask’ in it, six LehnVak, Two similar creatures that appeared to be a greener version of a LehnVak, and one of the Nuhvok-Kal, the being that controls the gravity near it. At one end of this clearing was Phyro and Arranay, whom was still smiling as she always was, standing next to Phyro, who was trying to develop a strategy to take on this force. Should Anzi tell Phyro about Arranay’s Dark Scar now? If she did, Arranay would attack them making it two people against nineteen opposing creatures. If she waited, Arranay will still have a chance to attack or lead them into a trap. She could just stay where she is and hide from the situation, but what if Arranay attacks, seeing that Anzi isn’t there? Phyro would be taking these creatures on by himself! Anzi had no choice but to wait until after this battle was won, so she jumped out of the tree and began taking out the LehnVak’s by impacting their heads to where their… weak point was exposed. Something Anzi didnt consider, though, was that the other seventeen creatures would all attack Anzi as soon as she did this. And that’s what happened. [Oh Emm Gee.]
  14. Arkcher

    28 Days Later.

    I dont plan on seeing it, considering its rated R. one of those violent profane movies. i hate those. >_<
  15. I was in it! So was Phyro. he needs a mafia. uh... yeah. dollar. of course. -grabs sugary confections and runs-
  16. Yeah, well.. uh... -steals all of your...... eggs...- I CLAIM THESE EGGS IN THE NAME OF SPAIN! *sticks a flag in one* And I claim the other eggs in the name of all TypoAward-kind! >D -crams Typo Awards in them-
  17. I can list a few things in this area that I really dont care much for, only found in you among the 3000 members here. I doubt it'd get through moderation, Im surprised even this got by Horatio. You know, this in itself is one reason why i really dont like you. Just coming in after an absence to insult us? This is the most ineffective way to make a good entrance, in my mind. Rather than being depressed all the time and complaining about how you dont have any friends and being a goth killing yourself every five minutes.... Why not... you know, do something about problems you may have, for example, try for once to get some friends.
  18. Yeah, well.. uh... -steals all of your...... eggs...-
  19. Its some sort of masky-thing! Hooray!
  20. Well, we were handing out free money, but it's all gone now. Sorry. Remind Arkcher of that old hammie saying... "You snooze, you lose." Yep. Oh, well. *builds herself a throne out of money* -has built a house out of Typo Awards- >D Hah. You mean those NON-EXISTANT TYPO AWARDS THAT YOU NEVER STOLE?! It looks nice... If they dont exist, and i never stole them, as you're implying, then the house of Typo wouldnt exist. And if it looks like as you said, it must exist for you to see them, therefore I have enough typo awards to build a house. HAH!
  21. I can only mourn with you upon these losses, but I do see something I dont really... want to tolerate. God is not cruel to anyone. He does, however, give us trials and difficulties in life. This is for our own good. An example would be that you need to wait for a bird to hatch out of its egg by itself; if you open the egg for it, it will be too weak in the world and will eventually die. Any trials we come to in life are rarely any sort of punishment or action of amusement. They are only for our own good, you must remember that. God cannot be cruel to ANYone. Away from that, now. I am sorry for these losses, I cant say i've ever had experiences like that, so I can't necessarily relate with you... But just keep in mind that you'll always have friends to be with on this message board.
  22. Well, we were handing out free money, but it's all gone now. Sorry. Remind Arkcher of that old hammie saying... "You snooze, you lose." Yep. Oh, well. *builds herself a throne out of money* -has built a house out of Typo Awards- >D Hah.
  23. [*doesn't raise hand* Of course, you're the author and know what's going on, so if you say it's a bad idea, then it probably is, but oh well! ] [Well, uh. that means. you're wierd.]
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