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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I feel like my brain is on cruise control and not going anywhere in particular. Just wandering aimlessly. Very scary. WE DEMAND A PENANCE FOR THIS LAPS! IN THE FORM OF A HUMOROUS PICTURE OF SOME SORT! THIS IS A SERIOUS SITUATION LOLIVADER WILL BE COMMANDEERING THE THREAD TO MAINTAIN CONTROL
  2. D: very odd. what exactly is happening when you try to upload?
  4. One day, I decided to put on a shark outfit, just to see how things go underwater. I think it was pretty convincing, it was even shiny with these big huge teeth. A few fish asked me what I was doing in a lake, rather than a sea, which made me hesitate- Why was I so stupid as to go jump in a lake, Sharks don't go in lakes... Ever since then all the fish and vegetative growths had been giving me real suspicious looks, it made me really nervous and insecure. I had to get out of there, just had to; A shark just doesnt jump out and leave a lake though. How can I convince them I'm legit? I thought to myself, 'What do Sharks do?' I saw a movie about that one time, called Jews or something like that. I dunno, It had a bunch of sharks. At least one. In there, it kept attacking boats and people at random. So, that must be what sharks do. And to my astonishment, there just above me was a boat! In the middle of the lake! "Score!" I thought to myself, as I shot straight upward at the unsuspecting boat, and its passengers. Upon impact, the boat tipped over, and several breadsticks and cats, accompanied by one human, fell out of it. Not wasting any time, they grabbed nearby blunt objects, such as claymores, knitting needles, stale breadsticks, Whatever they could find, and kept beating me to a pulp until I stopped fighting back. I had to explain my situation, as that was quite the awkward moment. I remained anonymous, hiding behind the guise of a shark. I convinced them that I was pretty insecure about myself, and we were pretty good friends after that and hung out with them for the rest of the day. We went to Chili's that night, and I had some shrimp. Thats what Sharks like to eat. The Waitress there asked what a shark was doing in their restaurant, which created a dawning moment of realization upon all present guests, as I became the focus of attention, everyone giving me those same suspicious looks as in the Lake. I swear, nothing but Drama ever since I put on this Shark outfit. -takes it off-
  5. It's a good day to do what has to be done by ME and help my brother to defeat the ENEMYS
  7. o: you have mac? I thought I told Arkcher I had a Mac... D: I dont remember any of that. Surely you remember me telling you I had iTunes? I remember telling you that, too. mm, yes. you ever get that working again?
  8. o: you have mac? I thought I told Arkcher I had a Mac... D: I dont remember any of that.
  9. D: ALRIGHT FINE ILL DO IT NOW ITS YOUR TURN I think I died at the "Fight to the death" bit... Wait, Lexx is a fox with tails and stuff? o__o Some vulpine resemblance, I cant remember what it was called though. not Fox, not vixen, but some other critter similar to it. I remember he said it once D:
  11. well, Things only seem to happen on impulse around here. Brianrietta showed up out of nowhere today and invited me to come along to go see a movie. Skipping a long process of deciding what we're going to do, We ended up meeting over at RPVF's place of residence. [i might add, that I have successfully warded her off. I'm pretty sure this move has worn off on Brianrietta as well though. Less drama for me now.] The next movie would be starting in ten minutes time, and the closest theatre was some 20 minutes away. Not a big problem though, we'd only miss the previews. We got there in time to see the movie Bedtime Stories, which was quite awesome. I had strategically placed myself along the seat rows that Dr. Cornbread and Brianrietta would be on either side of me, but this failed. The others were some seats away, and the closest person was RPVF. After the movie, we migrated back to RPVF's place of residence. Rice Krispy treats were eaten. It was enjoyable. We had little time for discussion before our respective parents had us divided, I was called back home cause it was late and RPVF was told to get to sleepin' cause it was like 12:30 and they had school the next morning. But in this little time, I was quite unhappy to find Brianrietta with more repelling qualities. She didnt maintain that sacrosanct aura that always made me skip a heartbeat. None of that bright, cheery look on her countenance. No more modest dressing or respectable demeanor. Undeniably, there have been changes, and not good ones, and I'm at a complete loss as to what to do. Any ghost of relationship aside, its really unpleasant to see someone go through that kind of a change. Especially when you thought so highly of them.
  12. Your secrets shall be revealed in SIX SEPARATE IMAGES YEAH WHATS NEXT, A MISLABELED MCR CD?
  13. y so srs? 'itunes problems' doesnt tell us much. Assuredly thats not my specialty, but provide as much detail as you can and I'll see if I can help you out.
  14. Arkcher

    Oh em gee

    DRIVERS LICENSE GET D:< You gained over 9,000 EXP DRIVER'S LICENSE has been placed in Inventory pouch 3 slot 12 You can now independantly drive a MINIVAN [lvl20] fun stuff. except I dont get the photo ID version for like 3 weeks, just the silly piece of paper. I just know that photos gonna turn out terrible D: and ill be stuck with it.
  15. D: though I havent seen or heard from MK since I posted that.
  16. Wow, that would suck if someone read that and didn't click three times. o_o yeah. But its a common solution, and a classic trolling tactic if you're talking to someone who doesnt know ANYthing about computers, cause they believe you. And then they sign on with their phone/laptop and start cussing you out. All the while you lol to yourself and then feel bad afterward. Srsly tho, i did exaggerate somewhat. That can be repaired with a reformatting or reinstallation of Windows, which is beyond the ability of anyone who doesnt know what System32 is.
  17. [so I ran in to a metaphorical brick wall, about six feet thick, and wide and tall enough to extend past ones line of sight. Dunno how I didnt see it coming, but on the other side of this wall is some delicious cake. You must eat it. what the next section contains in raw form. Theres like 8 things that happen about this point and Im at a loss how to do it. One of these is furthering the character introduction of Caleb and his Padré, and if you ask me Im not so awesome at working with characters properly. And after that pivotal point are several events that havent been properly strung together chronologically, so this update might take a while. so Ill stop rambling and keep trying to decide what goes in the next update.]
  18. theres a directory in most Windows-based operating systems, around C:/windows/system32 . since Microsoft is the polar opposite of Mac, the creators of iTunes, everything in Sys.32 is keeping Mac software from working properly. just keep in mind thats a vital directory and will crash your computer beyond repair if you delete it. Minor detail. so, just go delete the System32 folder, and make your computer just as functional as a Mac. Click three times between these two sentences for a super-awesome message.
  19. KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAWWW D:< -nondescript beam of energy goes FWOOSH-
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