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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Ok, im quite sure most of you may have noticed my lack of activity on this board. Havent posted any animations for a long time, havent RPed for a long time, havent updated stories for a long time... stuff. Too many things have happened for me to name to explain why i havent been active here. So... Im getting back on track. Mostly what it was that was taking up so much of my time was my so-called 'online friends' outside of this message board. Im a pretty good spriter (pixel art for gaming), i've shown my works in a few places (I'll probably show them here sometime. I cant imagine what they'd be used for here, though.) which lead to some requests. Some of my friends had asked me to make them some sprite sheets, ssssoooo I did. Then they wanted another one. Another one. Another one. A different person wanted two. Someone else had an idea. Someone else wanted a revision of their sprite sheet. Another request. This all happening in about three days. After I finish the sprite sheet and give them to whoever requested them, they completely ignore the copyright tag on them and dont give me credit for my works. They must figure its okay since they talk to me online sometimes, which in their mind, constitutes a friendship. no. I've been spriting my butt off for months, and very rarely did anyone credit my works properly when they'd use them in animations, comics etc.. Similarly to storywriting. but much more tolerable. Some of my friends asked for some short stories for me to write them. I do, aaand once I send it to them, they unnapreciatively say thanks, and I never see them online ever again. I dont even know whats happening to them. Also... Im making message boards and websites for everyone, and spend weeks on end trying my best to make a website or board for some of my friends. They either demand more of me (while im writing and spriting for the same people) or say i didnt do well enough. As i may have mentioned previously... uh... sometime... While talking to my friends online, they often come and just talk about their problems and how depressed they are. And from what they tell me, im good at cheering them up, talking them out of suicide, (its happened about 5 times now.) or just being there as someone to talk to. But, alas, nothing can end well. The conversations usually end in disagreement over SOME topic, be it religion, political, personal opinion, whatever, but I end up being put down and rather offended after being insulted a bit. And this is just stuff that happens on my computer. I do have a life outside of it. Well, I just told you i wasnt going to name stuff that led to my actions, but i did anyway. Well, now you know. These so-called friends of mine had ticked me off for the LAST time. I wont go into detail about what they did this time. But, as payback, I have deleted myself from almost all of my message boards, blocked/deleted people on IM lists, finally snapped back at those who were aggressive to me, and altogether cut myself off from their presence. I've lost all tolerance for these idiots. So, this says a few things... One, This board has rarely to never had anything i've disapproved of. (These few situations have been resolved by Horatio.) The friends I have here have ALWAYS been good to me. I dont know what i'd be doing without this board, really. Two, I need to be more careful with choosing friends, moreover, change my ways of how I handle my compy works. Three, Im restarting my social life altogether, excluding only this message board. Yeah, even offline. My family's movin'. Four... well, now I have a lot less things to do. and NO things to do that I wont get any benefit from. I can get back to storywriting for you guys (Who positively comment on them, and remain optimistic about them regardless of how mediocre they are) and sprite for myself at my own pace. Some other stuff too. But im a lot less stressed out now. Im just rambling on now, but assuming that you were bored enough to read all that, thanks for doing so. I feel better. Imma go write stuff, now. =D I havent written the werewolfiness or MF for a long time.
  2. I haavent dealt with attachments here for a while, but... From what I recall, thats the only error message I have received or heard of form other members. If I remember right, that just means that your file is too big. I could be mistaken.
  3. Wow, petting kitties. Reminds me of someone. Who is weird in a negative way. Luckily, you are a good weird. Yay! =D Petting kitties is like... what keeps everyone stable. If kitties werent around to be petted, the fabric of the universe as we know it would implode. like... time-space continuum disruptions and all. Simplified, we wouldnt be able to fry our eggs in the morning for breakfast if it werent for the kitties.
  4. I miss having absolutely nothing to do. Im always spriting, writing, making/managing message boards/websites, drawing and animating stuff, petting kitties (Most important. kitties rool.) and fixing everything with ducttape. Its insane.
  5. Hey! Your character and me have the same name! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why yes, and for some strange reason she uses a claymore despite the fact her ninja star throwing, stick-whacking, and even punching skills are much better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *awards Lexxy Man 500 gold dubloons* and some of those cheap dollar store chocolates. Pfft. Whatevs. Those are 100% dubloons. 100% EDIBLE dubloons! They're 100% delicious! But I got some real ones back hear if you want, Lexxy Man. -cough- Theres a dashy thingy between Lexxy and Man. so its Lexxy-man. Do it right. -pwns a DDR pad- >(
  6. Hey! Your character and me have the same name! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why yes, and for some strange reason she uses a claymore despite the fact her ninja star throwing, stick-whacking, and even punching skills are much better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *awards Lexxy Man 500 gold dubloons* and some of those cheap dollar store chocolates.
  7. Ooh! Ooh! Wha'bout having a nickname of somethin like... like... "'Da not-as-little-as-other' Dwarf Hamster!!! of death!!!" or something. Or just... Second-In-Command guy. Initialized, that'd be the SIC guy. thats just sick. ... boss.
  8. Yes. MAAAAFIAAAAAAAAAAAAH. -runs around swiping candies on occasion-
  9. Yeah. Its too cool to stop. S'pecially right there of all places.
  10. Blue is my favorite color, but for what the character is doing, i'd say red is best fitting.
  11. Here is your first question... TBFOF cannot see the Clickable Smilies (emoticons) properly. What is the problem? (See his topic in the Admin forum.) That... I could answer if I was an admin of theboard here, Which I dont expect to happen. I dont think I can get that, as... i havent access to anything that could fix it. But that happened to some of the members on a board that i AM admin of, and i still couldnt figure out what was wrong. Though answers to the following questions would help the situation: Did TBFOF install any anti-virus software recently? INstall anything... internet-related, for security? can you see other images on the board? (post reply, new topic, forum markers, etc.) what is your favorite color? what is the approximate velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut? Have you tried resetting the board cookies on your computer? (Reply if'n you dont know what the computer cookies are. They dont involve chocolate or sugary goodness in any way, though.) and have you checked for the emoticons on other computers that are networked the same way yours is? (provided you have multiple computers and a networking router) AYO DAWGGG MUH MAN LEX HAZ SULVD DA PROB 4 MII. DANKZ 4 YO TRII DOH. ... Whats really depressing, is that I understood that. ._. You know what else is depressing? | (4|\| 7'/|>3 4|\||) |234|) |-|4XX0|2 1337 1||<3 3|\|61|5|-| Okay, uh... -squits- I can tnke and twohundred-thirty-fourD haxxors leet like ngllslsH? Thats about as good as I could get it, really...
  12. Here is your first question... TBFOF cannot see the Clickable Smilies (emoticons) properly. What is the problem? (See his topic in the Admin forum.) That... I could answer if I was an admin of theboard here, Which I dont expect to happen. I dont think I can get that, as... i havent access to anything that could fix it. But that happened to some of the members on a board that i AM admin of, and i still couldnt figure out what was wrong. Though answers to the following questions would help the situation: Did TBFOF install any anti-virus software recently? INstall anything... internet-related, for security? can you see other images on the board? (post reply, new topic, forum markers, etc.) what is your favorite color? what is the approximate velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut? Have you tried resetting the board cookies on your computer? (Reply if'n you dont know what the computer cookies are. They dont involve chocolate or sugary goodness in any way, though.) and have you checked for the emoticons on other computers that are networked the same way yours is? (provided you have multiple computers and a networking router) in regards to the swallow, is it African or European? And... what size is the coconut? Baby or fully grown? To answer both of those questions: Beef stew.
  13. Here is your first question... TBFOF cannot see the Clickable Smilies (emoticons) properly. What is the problem? (See his topic in the Admin forum.) That... I could answer if I was an admin of theboard here, Which I dont expect to happen. I dont think I can get that, as... i havent access to anything that could fix it. But that happened to some of the members on a board that i AM admin of, and i still couldnt figure out what was wrong. Though answers to the following questions would help the situation: Did TBFOF install any anti-virus software recently? INstall anything... internet-related, for security? can you see other images on the board? (post reply, new topic, forum markers, etc.) what is your favorite color? what is the approximate velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut? Have you tried resetting the board cookies on your computer? (Reply if'n you dont know what the computer cookies are. They dont involve chocolate or sugary goodness in any way, though.) and have you checked for the emoticons on other computers that are networked the same way yours is? (provided you have multiple computers and a networking router) AYO DAWGGG MUH MAN LEX HAZ SULVD DA PROB 4 MII. DANKZ 4 YO TRII DOH. ... Whats really depressing, is that I understood that. ._.
  14. [... Could you, by any chance, mean the shwartz?] [Or pre-haps, weinerschnitzel?] pre-haps... before the haps? [... Do I still get a typo award for doing it on purpose? O_o] Just take one of those you stole and award it to yourself! [it wouldn't count, though. He didn't get any real ones.] [Yeah it would. I remember you gave me one or two real ones. then I got carried away and stole the rest of them. regardless of real-ness.] [Regardless of realness? So you now have a stack of imaginary Typo Awards? Contgratulations.] [some are imaginary, some are clones, some are just fake, and 1 or 2 of them are real. ssssoooo yeah.]
  15. Here is your first question... TBFOF cannot see the Clickable Smilies (emoticons) properly. What is the problem? (See his topic in the Admin forum.) That... I could answer if I was an admin of theboard here, Which I dont expect to happen. I dont think I can get that, as... i havent access to anything that could fix it. But that happened to some of the members on a board that i AM admin of, and i still couldnt figure out what was wrong. Though answers to the following questions would help the situation: Did TBFOF install any anti-virus software recently? INstall anything... internet-related, for security? can you see other images on the board? (post reply, new topic, forum markers, etc.) what is your favorite color? what is the approximate velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut? Have you tried resetting the board cookies on your computer? (Reply if'n you dont know what the computer cookies are. They dont involve chocolate or sugary goodness in any way, though.) and have you checked for the emoticons on other computers that are networked the same way yours is? (provided you have multiple computers and a networking router)
  16. Oh yeah. a LOT of oddities and stupid information. I never realized what ingredients went in to ducttape or WD-40 until 2 campouts ago. Speaking of that matter, im only 1 badge and a project away from Eagle rank. -parties-
  17. Just cuz I felt like posting again, imma make this here nerdular nerdence center, all or most of your questions regarding pocket PC, Palm OS, Lappies, Compies, aaaand probably gaming, are answered here. So. If your compy broke, i'll try to fix it all the way from here through the message board, horatio, and your confused self. Or just tell you whats wrong with it. whatever. yeah. Ask nerdular questions here!
  18. [... Could you, by any chance, mean the shwartz?] [Or pre-haps, weinerschnitzel?] pre-haps... before the haps? [... Do I still get a typo award for doing it on purpose? O_o] Just take one of those you stole and award it to yourself! [it wouldn't count, though. He didn't get any real ones.] [Yeah it would. I remember you gave me one or two real ones. then I got carried away and stole the rest of them. regardless of real-ness.]
  19. [... Could you, by any chance, mean the shwartz?] [Or pre-haps, weinerschnitzel?] pre-haps... before the haps? [... Do I still get a typo award for doing it on purpose? O_o]
  20. [... Could you, by any chance, mean the shwartz?] [Or pre-haps, weinerschnitzel?]
  21. I wander in and interrupt this discussion to bring you VERY useless news. Earlier today, i put my headphones on. They arent on anymore though. ... jus'... so you know...
  22. [Oh wait, what now, you're compiling the posts into stories and stuff? I dint know that. ... but then, i havent been in this topic for a long time.]
  23. Spring '06 already happened though. or at least here in Texas. only 2 weeks of winter, 'rest of the year is like 98F summer.
  24. Boss! Da Arkcher man is purloining da stock! Oh, Snap! I've been found out! You'll never take me alive! -jumps out a window- *pushes a trampoline beneath the window* *screams to - Kat -* Arkcher will be on his way back up in a minute... be prepared to grab him. *grabs him when he comes back up* Don't make me get Lee to call in the koalas. 'Cause I will. Death Koala's! Oh Em Gee. er... boss. *swipes most of the Twix away* Get back to work. e_e;; ... Work on what? What do we do in this mafia aside from have connections? boss?
  25. Boss! Da Arkcher man is purloining da stock! Oh, Snap! I've been found out! You'll never take me alive! -jumps out a window- *pushes a trampoline beneath the window* *screams to - Kat -* Arkcher will be on his way back up in a minute... be prepared to grab him. *grabs him when he comes back up* Don't make me get Lee to call in the koalas. 'Cause I will. Death Koala's! Oh Em Gee. er... boss.
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