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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. MK, thats an interactive flash file, and unless both of you have Flash (like, the program that makes the animations) then you cant download it and/or email it. You'll have to send a link to Horatio where you saw the... i guess its not an animations, its a Flash interactive. I saw it to, i forgot where.
  2. Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD) Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots. I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members. This weakness is coming back. Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back. The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return. No. Im sticking to my idea in the first place. Im not going back. Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back. Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion) Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.) For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something. Preeeeow.
  3. Now you have me stumped. I thought the vore went at the end of a word, representing the members of a group, such as herbivore. *inquiring minds want to know* well,the exact definition can vary by person, but in general: Vore is eating. thanks to internet, there is a quantity of Art and literature portraying eating, and related acts.(for example: throwing people in meat grinders) Vore at it's simplest is probably summed up in this quote from the Hitchhiker Trilogy: I only learned about Vore myself a few weeks ago, and have thus far found it somewhat fascinating. like this web page listing what seems to be every time something, or someone gets eaten in a movie. compete with a brief description of the scene. if you really want to know more, you can go look it up yourself. Expanding on the aforementioned Vore art, its usually Nagas (snake-human hybrids) eating elves or something to that nature, but it can vary to herbological plants and such dousing some critters in acids or eating them by some means, such like that. But from most all of those that I've seen, vore art involves graphic violence and/or lack of clothing. I highly reccomend AGAINST looking for it. Thank you for the advice. Being non-violent, I think I will stay right here and not search for graphic pics. Horatio's so smart, You dont even know hes smart. O_o; random comment for whoever might could read it. -flies somewhere else-
  4. Now you have me stumped. I thought the vore went at the end of a word, representing the members of a group, such as herbivore. *inquiring minds want to know* well,the exact definition can vary by person, but in general: Vore is eating. thanks to internet, there is a quantity of Art and literature portraying eating, and related acts.(for example: throwing people in meat grinders) Vore at it's simplest is probably summed up in this quote from the Hitchhiker Trilogy: I only learned about Vore myself a few weeks ago, and have thus far found it somewhat fascinating. like this web page listing what seems to be every time something, or someone gets eaten in a movie. compete with a brief description of the scene. if you really want to know more, you can go look it up yourself. Expanding on the aforementioned Vore art, its usually Nagas (snake-human hybrids) eating elves or something to that nature, but it can vary to herbological plants and such dousing some critters in acids or eating them by some means, such like that. But from most all of those that I've seen, vore art involves graphic violence and/or lack of clothing. I highly reccomend AGAINST looking for it.
  5. Oooh, some not-necessarily-computer-related things I knew that Horatio dint! Lexxy-man, you go ahead and explain, I cant do that well enough without having some sort of comparison between Windows OS'.
  6. I figure that TB nor I have any chance of winning since we have no votes, ssssooooo YAy vote for Kat. else be PWNED. =[
  7. Ooh look, more questions. Not really, no. Stiny! Get me a danish! Who said it was on my head? My head IS a cardboard box! They dont taste real' great, but they're pretty nutritious. Lotsa iron. enough electricity to get your heart goin'. Stiny! Keep flushing those toilets! ... I guess you could, on the condition your dont turn it on. (or crank that handle or however its operated.) Go look. How should I know? ... yeah, kinda. Stiny! Who spilled coffee all over my death-ray plans? Cheese r teh goodxorz =B .'Lo.. ?olleH Naw. If i were stoopid then... uh... Preeow! -runs away- Dem berries usually tastes wierd. Fine. ... Nope. I really dont. Usually it does. i cant say. Go for it. The muffin man?! =o A really, REALLY tall one, matey I r be teh yaaaah.
  8. [Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"] [Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ] [Next time I'm in a fatasy game, I'm gonna make a request to the GM that we fight a dragon, just so I can say that.] [... And then lose some weight. xD]
  9. [Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"] [Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ]
  10. Chapter Twenty-One The end draws near... “Yes, you’ve pretty well realized you can change into a dragon. This can come useful for me…†“Not if I can help it!†Phyro cut him off in the draconic language again, and threw Tahmores against a distant wall. “Accaia Artemis!†Tahmores cried out as he flew through the room, heading toward the wall. Very shortly after this was incanted, a beam of very bright moonlight shone through the window, and in front of Tahmores’ path. As the light touched Tahmores, his body instantly transformed into that of a werewolf, massive enough to endure the pending impact, and durable enough to last a long combating fight, easily foreseeable in the near future. “Phyro! Phyr- Oh my…†Anzi called out as she entered the room along with Ashitakaze, Diego and Karaast, upon seeing him in the form of a rather large dragon. As he turned his attention over to her, his mentality of anger had dispersed; He was comforted and calmed. Resulting in nothing supporting his dragon shape. Phyro felt dizzy as his body began downsizing, and becoming more of an elf. Within rather short seconds, he was no different than he was before. He immediately saw that this was not to his advantage; Tahmores stood some thirty feet away, in the form of a lycanthrope. Analyzing the situation, Phyro looked at the room around him, somewhat disoriented and confused. His train of thought was interrupted by Anzi hugging him affectionately. “This is not the time for reunison, Anzi. We’ll celebrate later.†Phyro whispered to Anzi. “Have you seen Arranay?†Anzi asked to Phyro, as the two realized that the Draenno were not well acquainted yet. The two turned their heads’ over to the trio, all of whom looked confused. “One of you is a disguised shapeshifter. We can either find out which one by force, or you, Arranay, can expose yourself.†Anzi announced as she approached the Draenno. They looked among themselves, expecting each other to do something. “… Are you-“ “That will have to wait, Phyro.†Anzi interrupted Phyro from asking them something, with her eyes still fixed on the trio. Upon seeing no response, Anzi pulled up her left sleeve and showed them her full shoulder. “One of you should have a darkness scar in this area. Whoever does is not of us.†Diego and Karaast willingly rolled up their sleeves, visibly showing their shoulders, while Ashitakaze looked for a reason not to do so. “Arranay, give it up. We have you this time.†“I beg to differ, Anzi…†The disguised Arranay shifted into her standard form, and approached Anzi. “I find that I have the upper hand this time.†She taunted with a smirk, and motioned to behind Anzi, who then turned around to see a werewolf, inches from striking Phyro who had his guard down. “NO! Phyro!†Anzi shouted, trying to get to Phyro and protect him, but Arranay immediately grabbed one of Anzi’s arms, and put a knife to her throat, at the same time that Phyro turned around, apparently not knowing beforehand that the beast was so close. He jumped backward, and caught Tahmores’ arm that was heading his direction rather rapidly. “Phyro, Watch out!†Karaast cried out as he and Diego ran toward Phyro to aid him in taking on the wolf opposing him. “No! … Help!†Arranay pressed the blade to Anzi’s neck, to get her to remain silent, or die right then and there. “Diego, Get Anzi!†Karaast commanded as he joined in with Phyro in trying to fight back against the werewolf. Diego discharged a shot of fire, carefully aimed toward Arranay’s head, which still had Anzi captive. In response to this, Arranay pulled her knife away from Anzi in a motion that would have cut her throat, as the two divided and threw themselves to the ground. Arranay had made a half-hearted attempt to kill Anzi there, though her blade had apparently just slightly penetrated Anzi’s neck, not enough to hit vital parts. Nonetheless, Anzi kneeled on the ground with a hand on her neck. Arranay immediately vocalized an incantation of sorts, loud and clear, as if to call someone. “Silence yourself, Traitor!†Diego shouted at Arranay whilst lunging at her to forcibly keep her down. His tackling impact knocked the wind out of Arranay, who was then rather shaken by a sudden impact, but fought back by shape shifting at random trying to shake Diego off of her. Phyro pushed back at Tahmores’ arm to the best of his ability at the time, only to find that the werewolf was stronger than he was. Karaast tackled the beast down to try and buy some time for Phyro, though the massive wolf only stepped back a foot or so, unshaken, and grabbed the thrashing Draenno with a very sharp-clawed hand, gripping through his thick skin, and throwing Karaast off. While Tahmores was occupied with Karaast, Phyro swiped his own clawed hand at Tahmores’ head; To his surprise, Tahmores didn’t see it coming and took a cut to his eye, while howling in pain and stepping back, holding his head in one hand, his other arm flailing around uncontrollably. Not being one for giving up easily, Tahmores squinted his eyes, despite the bloody mess on the side of his head, and fought back, making a punch at Phyro’s abdomen, causing him to wince it pain briefly, Tahmores then grabbed at Phyro’s neck, lifting him high in to the air, squeezing unnecessarily hard, then forcibly threw him in to the stone floor, making a small crater in the solid rock, cracks running through it visibly. Anzi looked around, realizing she was in minimal pain, and obviously not dead yet. She saw Karaast and Phyro struggling immensely with a werewolf, and Diego trying to keep Arranay down by himself. In response to this Arranay would shift in to various creatures; Elephant, tiger, wolf, ape, her Elvin form, along with various other creatures, though Anzi analyzed the situation for which of these situations needed her help the most. A strange screeching sound echoed through the castle from behind Anzi, she immediately looked to see what it was… And saw a horde of Torrask’s coming their way. Anzi then stood up, deciding that she was the only one available to take this force on. She saw Arranay doing this multiple times; it shouldn’t be too hard… although she could have just commanded them to cooperate… Either way, Anzi readied herself for battle, in spite of the fact that her chances of victory are not looking well. Upon making an impromptu battle-cry, as she ran head-on with the opposing Torrask force, she instinctively dodged a flying puddle of Torce. She realized that she must keep her mouth closed at all costs. Anzi reached for her sword, but quickly realized that it was gone. ...This battle may be harder than anticipated. [Oh noes D=]
  11. Ok just kidding. >_< I've got an internet connection that kicks me off every ten minutes or so and resends information through the browser causing me to double-post fifteen times and lose connectivity all day. ._.
  12. Chapter Twenty The final rite “Alright, I think the Torrask in Phyro here is no longer needed. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.†Tahmores commanded as Torce, the substance that Torrask’s are made of (and is what liquefied Torrask’s are) began tracing out from Phyro’s unconscious body. The torce formed a Torrask, which then crawled away. Rather discomforted, Phyro awoke and opened one eye, finding himself in quite immense pain. He looked around himself to find that he was chained to a wall. A rather large, bulky human was standing freely in front of him. “Greetings, Phyro. I haven’t much a desire to go through lengths of explaining what you’re doing here, why you’re here, so on and so forth. Getting straight to the point, I need you to do just one thing for me…†“I can’t easily do anything right now considering I’m chained to a wall.†Phyro interrupted. “Exactly…†The man said, smirking. “All I want you to do is release yourself from that wall. Oh escape from this castle if you can, I just need you to free yourself of those chains.†Phyro found this a very odd request. “What do you want me to do that for?†“Honestly now, There’s no need explaining such things to you if you’ll just be out of here in a short time.†“Well, you’re going to tell me anyway!†Phyro demanded, putting himself as close to the human as he could, threateningly, just he soon realized he was only two feet away from the wall. The man quietly laughed at Phyro, said nothing, and watched him expectantly. Frustrated, Phyro took in a large breath, waited for a second for the man’s reaction, which was nothing. Phyro exhaled, ejecting a secretion from his mouth that created a very large flame. Once the fire dispersed, Phyro saw the human had just stepped back to avoid the flame. Letting out a loud cry of frustration, and pushed against the chains as hard as he could, using his arm’s muscle to full capacity. The futile effort left him tired, but more frustrated. A rather constant shout sounded as he struggled against the chains as hard as he could. His yelling changed into a rather intimidating dragon-like roar, as he ran out of breath, struggling and roaring. After about three minutes of this same thing, Phyro completely lost control, roared very loudly, sounding more like a dragon than ever. He pushed against the chains as hard as he could once more, to see that each chain link had snapped, as small pieces of metal flew in every direction. Feeling quite invigorated, Phyro lunged at the human before him, much faster than human reflexes, and curled his large fingers around the human’s entire body, gripping it completely. “I’ve escaped. Try stopping me now.†Phyro vocalized, but his ears heard different. In some entirely new language he had just spoken, though the same mentality had come across. Phyro’s eyes widened somewhat at this discovery, as he looked down in realization of what he just did. As opposed to the humanoid body he was used to, he saw a massive dragon body with dark green scales. Regardless of his remarkable new figure, Phyro felt a somewhat familiar sense of fear within himself; He seemed to have a fear for dragons, which is what he now was. Phyro’s best estimation of how big he was now would be some odd eighteen feet tall. (This would explain how he could pick up a human in the palm of his hand.) Apparently, this human wanted Phyro to be angered enough that he would break free of these chains, but the only way he could do so was to use his inner dragon. But… Why did this human want Phyro to be so powerful? He was obviously far beyond the control of Humans… --- Anzi focused her eyes, trying to see through the darkness, despite her senses were somewhat clouded by hunger and loneliness. The figure there was a large humanoid, it had large draconic wings, and apparently a long tail. It looked VERY similar to Phyro. “Phyro…? Is that you?†“Phyro? Who’s that?†Anzi continued looking at this creature, confused. Another creature very similar to this one peered around the broken wall, followed by a third Phyro that walked in. From shock upon a thought that had come to her, Anzi cursed and stepped back. “Phyro! They cloned you! Aaaaaugh!†Anzi began panicking and fretting around in her cage. “Calm down, cat-lady. You seem to know of one similar to us. Where is it?†“I don’t know, I was going to ask you.†“… What are you locked up for?†A different one asked. “I don’t know, really, my best guess is to keep me from interfering with whatever they’re doing to Phyro.†“That sounds like something the Defilers would do.†One of them told its allies, and walked over to the cage bars, grabbed two of them and pushed them apart with some effort, creating a large enough space for Anzi to fit through. As Anzi stepped through the space that the Phyro-person made for her, she noted an outstretched hand from one of the newcomers. “I’m Karaast. This here is Diego, That’s Ashitakaze. You are?†“Anzi. Thanks for helping me out.†Anzi replied, shaking the hand in front of her. “Uh… Do you guys have any idea what’s going on here?†“Phyro, as you call him, is, supposably, a Draenno like ourselves. Our best guess of what is going on, is that the Defilers’ underlings, or the people running this place, Are provoking Phyro to unleash his inner dragon, which, if harnessed, would give these the Defilers a power that could, over time, seize control of this world. We need to stop this from happening, save Phyro, and get out of here, and/or kill off these goons that are working for the Defilers.†“Oh. That explains that. … Just so you know, They’ve got a bit more manpower than you may have anticipated. Just the four of us may not be able to take on that epitome of testosterone, that shapeshifter and whoever else they may have hiding throughout this castle.†“… Admittedly, we had not taken that into consideration.†“That’s why you need the mind of a woman on your team.†“And now we do. Any second now, Phyro will have-“ Diego was cut off by a loud draconic roar toward the center of the castle. “Perfect timing. Let’s go.†[yay.]
  13. [um... no. That was this time, too. My family takes for blasted ever to do anything, like, move, so last august when we decided we were moving... just last week did we unpack the stuff in the house im in now. xD And we're still not done yet. for example, We have yet to find that big pack of toilet paper that was bought shortly before we moved. Oh the humanity of it all or something. anyway. Im on my f'real Lappy now, which is connected to ye olde internete here now, so I can update the story stuffs now! -parties-]
  14. Ok, Back on track f'real this time. I just now got the internet up and running in mah haus now, so I dont have to go to colleges and libraries to talk to people. Sorry for the absence, I should be here regularly now.
  15. No kidding. e_e It could all be a cunning plan of course, to make us more interested in the Revo at E3. Plus, look what stupid-copycat Sony did... AGAIN. Stole Nintendo's idea of a tilt sensor control and rammed it in their "new" same-as-the-PS2 style controller. Yup. This is more reason for me to not like PS2. ... boss. I already got over what a stupid name Wii is, cuz at first, I thought Gamecube was a terrible name. but it turned out to be very. uh. good. boss. This makes the... what, fifth controller idea that Playstation stole from Nintendo? I loathe them beyond beleif. Speaking of which... boss... The Wii's controller is to be called a Wiimote. i thought it was hilarious. Upon telling this to my brother, and telling him about the signature texts of gaming message boards (Wii are sick of you/Wii will rock you/Wii are better) he replied. "Ugh, This is getting Wii-diculous." AND OH MY GAWSH. Did'joo see the SSBB videooooooo theres a video about Super Smash Brother Brawl for teh Wii. Go search for it or something, its the coolest video in the universe. YOU GET TO PLAY AS META-KNIGHT. How cool is that. And, according to the japanese-english translators, there will be a "very robust 1-player mode" ... boss.
  16. [Ok, i last posted Chapta 19, but i've already finished 21 and im working on chapta 22. I'll update as soon as occasion allows. ... 'cuz... im MOVING. =o and we've mostly unpacked from in our house over there, but we dont have internet access yet. Once we do, i'll post the stories and stuff. right now im at the university public compies for usage of the public people of publicity. and this monitor is very small and the keyboard is in a different layout and its confusing.]
  17. ... Can I be close enough to 15? I'll be there in a few months. all I have to work on is stop posting content that needs moderating. xD
  18. [i found MF last night.... I was gonna post some stuff but didnt have anything to post. it made me sad.] [incredibly slow progress on the werewolf stuff. And while my lycanthropal knowledge expands, I have more things to talk about in it. And more lunar reference and stuff, taking up lexxy-mans suggestion. So the finished version is a lot longer.] [... LEXXY MAN! ;_; *sobs unconrollablly*] [O_o;; Jeez. Calm down.]
  19. Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3 Psh. Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer- O RLY? > Well!...You're probably right. ._.;; LOL You made me smile with your first line... you should have left him wondering! Haha. I heart O RLY. Arkcher did not reply to me with the proper responce of YA RLY >, so shame on him. He may deduct 50 dubloons. Ok fine. YA RLY > ... -deducts 50 dubloons from Kat- =D
  20. [i found MF last night.... I was gonna post some stuff but didnt have anything to post. it made me sad.] [incredibly slow progress on the werewolf stuff. And while my lycanthropal knowledge expands, I have more things to talk about in it. And more lunar reference and stuff, taking up lexxy-mans suggestion. So the finished version is a lot longer.]
  21. Ok not really. The next chapter is still in my Tungsten, i cant get it off until I get some PCs and networking set up. >_< I have some stuff to post, but I cant yet. (So you not-nerds know, my Tungsten is my PDA. I gots a $200 PDA that r teh coolness =B )
  22. Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3 Psh. Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer-
  23. An update on this matter: Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there. But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.
  24. I am sorry to hear that people you trusted to protect your work, had no regard for you or your creative talents. You did the right thing by your actions with the message boards and IM. You showed excellent judgment when it came to making a decision and following through. I know the situation has hurt your feelings, but hopefully you will learn from this experience and protect yourself in the future. You are a wonderful friend and a great addition to these boards! I enjoy reading your posts and hope I have the pleasure for a long, long time. yeah. Horatio is awsome and makes everything better. Thus, Dont think your actions go unappreciated. ... 'cuz they dont.
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