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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Ok, I need some of yous guys to tell me to not be stupid, otherwise I probably will. Sue/Debbie/Sally/Betty/Vega is on my IM list still, though Yahoo gives me the ability to stealthily see when hes on or not, but he cant see me. OOH. Every time I see him on, i consider taking off that stealth setting, talking to him and deciding there what im going to do. but when I think about it, i'll probably end up in the same situation I made this topic for. but i might not. I dont like living with the knowledge i've really displeased someone; I feel very obligated to apologize, but I dont know what they'll do if I try. I want to do something about this, as I know its not right of me to have just left them in an explosion of fury. Advise. And/or just tell me to not do something stupid. I will do something stupid otherwise.
  2. I spoke with the Veterinarian. Jalapeno peppers and other peppers will not kill your cat. He might have a variety of reactions from none, to one or more of the following: gas, diarrhea or vomiting. But, do not worry, it won't kill him. Yay! Curiosity so did NOT kill the cat.
  3. Whoaaaaaaaaa! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah.
  4. I had a stupid dream a while back (during a recent 'camping' trip that a few of you may be familiar with) which involved me sleeping in my tent, and Kevin, a relatively big hefty person, runs up to my tent with a big knife, slashes a hole in the side, jumps in and curls up and goes to sleep on top of all' my stuff. I sat up and amid other profane terms asked what the heck he was doing. Incredulously, he responded that it was the annual attack of the butterflies, and he had to take cover. Still half-awake (in my dream) I looked around to see one of the other guys that went on the trip with us, sleeping by the door of my tent. Annoyed, I told them to shut up while i finished sleeping. and when I woke up, the butterflies had never come and there wasnt a big hole in my tent anymore. I dont know how that could be interpretted or how something like that could have happened a few days later, but the dream I had last night could. MAH HAUS CAUGHT ON FIRE. D= Aaaaand a majority of it burned to the ground, while all but two of my family member stood outside, rather shaken by the fact that two of my older siblings probably died and all of my works and stuff were gone. I woke up with tears in my eyes, which made it kind of hard to see, but that also brought my attention to the fact that this house I moved in to has no smoke detectors. So, any unexplained absences in the next week (that last for a month or two) Probably means I lost all my stuff to a house fire. ;D Maybe I should look in to getting some of those smoke detectors...
  5. Jalapenos (and tobasco and stuff like that) is POISONOUS. You just dont know it yet. well, you might. Humans are just like 98.5% immune to it, the very little effect they get is their eyes watering and their mouths feelin' like their on fire for a week. or however long. And if you're like me, your stomach hurts for a day or two after you eat any amount of jalapeno. -shrug- Its wierd, but oh well. Supposing your cat is still alive, i'd say it doesnt have a long time left to live. Im just guessing, I could be wrong. (S'like one time my sister got the cat to lick the open bottle of tobasco once. That was hilarious. The kitty didnt like it much. and is still up and around.)
  6. 486 Awards???????? WOW!!!!!!!!! Actually, this has been bugging me since I saw how many awards you say you have (in your siggy), arkcher. You say in your siggy you have gotten 486 awards, but you actually have 485. Here's how I worked this out: I counted all the ones. 12 I added the 4. 16. I added the 64. 80. I added the 50. 130. I added the 10. 140. I added the 345. 485. So, yeah. According to your siggy you have 485 awards instead of what you say, 486. Eh, it's close, but I have the mathematical equiv. to OCD. So yeah. I had to mention that. Oh, btw, I'm half-canadian. Does this mean I have to be half-destoyed? Which side is the Canadian side, the right or the left? LOL The side that my heart's not on, I need that more then the other! LOL... Great thinking. I would never have thought of that. Although... Then again... I don't know how this works but if you chop certain kinds of worms in half both halves keep on living LOL... I guess you will just lose your Canadian side. Unless I'm one of the half-canadians that don't need to be half-destroyed. Or maybe Arkcher just hasn't discovered you yet! What? Whaddo I have to do with destroying Canadians? Psh, If you're talking about those little massacres I take in werewolf form, Those happen to those fitting americans. The canadians needn't be destroyed.
  7. 1. No, i drooled on your death ray plans. 2. YES. 3. It are 4:45. 4. Its jullyyyyyy because you asked why it was. 5. Sorry, no. 6. maybe. <__< 7. :ninja: BEHOLD TEH NINJA PWNAGE POWWAAAAA 8. How do you know it wasnt? Ooh! Snap! 9. IF it wasnt, the fabrics of the universe would implode and life as we know it would be forever DISRUPTED. 10 I bet Cheesemaster knows. He rules the cheeses. but if you really wanted ME to answer, i'd say No. its 42. 11. Not really, no. 12. I'll make a foil hat for you but not a newspaper one. 13. No. .... no. 14. Any relation to the Muffin man? 15. No. 16. gnirob eb dluow ti tnerew yeht fI 17. Green eggs and ham. 18. Never heard of it. 19. I r teh imposter =D 20. Invalid request; Error number 368: Not a question
  8. 486 Awards???????? WOW!!!!!!!!! It was TB's fault. Speaking of which, I havent seen TB around much...
  9. -raises hand- Do I count as one of the canadians that must not be destroyed?
  11. Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! > Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them. But... But its fun watching them dispair! D= ah whatever. Haha. You called a guy Sue. Haha Sue...you should have called him Debbie. nah, sally. THA EVIL BETTY >
  12. Could you try and better describe the problem here? What router do you have?
  13. I had a computer with the same problem. It was all depressing and stuff. I tried everything I could think of, and the only thing I had left to do was backup all the important files and reformat drive C. ... It worked, so either get a new computer or make a backup of what you want to keep and reformat C.
  14. Feeeeeeeee... FffeeeeeEEeeEEeeeEEEEEEeeeee... What're you doing? Fee! Isnt that the sound that um, eyeballs make? Feeee, FeeeEEeeeEEEEEeee! (In other words, topic re-re-rebumped.)
  15. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. Psh. Im like the biggest two-faced person you's guys have ever seen. Im not the same person IRL than who I am online. OOH. Not much of a difference, pretty much all there is is that I glare at random people and creep them out. (Where the creeping-out part is helped by my odd facial proportions; No matter what mood im in, i most always look mad about something. Its wierd.) Other than that, i cant think of much anything else... Aside from the occasional straying off from english to stupid-noises language at random times. When im talking to someone, on occasion I just blab in no real language and dont realize it until a few seconds afterward. ... Pirates! Grog! I guess I'm perpetually sad-looking. Like every day, somebody will go "Katie, and you okay?" and I'm all "Uhh...yeah? o_o;;" Grog backwards is gorG. I swear, I walk up to some of my friends to go and talk to them, and when i vocalize, the nearest one to me jumps. They later explain that they seriously thought I was going to punch their lights out or something. Jeez, i wanted to talk to someone who isnt 5-years-old. And they think im going to like... keel them. Pff.
  16. BROKE IN HALF. D= Iiiii dont much like Greenday. They's... have really annoying voices @__@;
  17. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. Psh. Im like the biggest two-faced person you's guys have ever seen. Im not the same person IRL than who I am online. OOH. Not much of a difference, pretty much all there is is that I glare at random people and creep them out. (Where the creeping-out part is helped by my odd facial proportions; No matter what mood im in, i most always look mad about something. Its wierd.) Other than that, i cant think of much anything else... Aside from the occasional straying off from english to stupid-noises language at random times. When im talking to someone, on occasion I just blab in no real language and dont realize it until a few seconds afterward. ... Pirates!
  18. Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! > Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them. But... But its fun watching them dispair! D= ah whatever. Haha. You called a guy Sue.
  19. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio This is what I hate. When parents think every sinle person on the Internet is a 50-year old pervert who's going to try and steal children. Sure, they exsist, But there not everywhere. And the perverts are definitely not here. I work very, very hard to protect everyone here. Well. thats... good. <___<; You win a brownie. Thank you!!! Do I get to eat the brownie I just won? *snatches it* Not anymore! *has no idea what just happened at lightning fast speed, only that my brownie is gone* Jesse-man, Horatio just won it, he never got it yet. He hasta send in some paperwork to Stupid Stuff (the business the brownie-men work at) and then they'll send it to him. On the condition that Horatio pays for shipping. (S'like eBay.)
  20. Yeah. =o Oh my fitting gawsh. Your username backwards is spooH ... yeah. And yours is Rehckra. .oitaroH ,trams os er'uoY
  21. Yeah. =o Oh my fitting gawsh. Your username backwards is spooH ... yeah.
  22. BUMPED TOPIC. D= the nerdular nerdence shall pwn you like some sort of mindless... pwning thing.
  23. Arkcher

    ISSUES. D=

    I felt like makin' a topic so i made one. Post here all mental issues you may or may not have that result in people saying you're really wierd. (Ie, taking all the pillows at a friends' sleepover and throwing them in the swimming pool, jumping in after them and rant ceaselessly about opening a transdimensional portal until someone pulls you out.) This can include odd mental issues that require medication to keep you from dying or something. Or paranoia, or... something... Just talk about stupid things of the aforementioned categories. To start stuff off, I'll post one of the wierder things I did as a kid. When I was about 5, whenever I or my parents had spare time, i'd ask to go to Wednesday's house. Upon anyone asking me who wednesday was, I wouldnt have any answer for them. I didnt know who Wednesday was, but apparently he/she was cool enough for me to go over to their house. This was a continuing issue for a month or two. I remember it making perfect sense to me, but everyone else just told me how wierd I was and continued doing... stuff. And nobody cared about fitting Wednesday. Except for me. I still dont know who it is, though. This among other things leads me to beleive that I was the wierdest of four kids in my family. Other things including not being able to pronounce Ketchup, signing furniture items with someone elses' name (with a sharpie) becoming unbeleiveable excited upon seeing some of my friends (I fainted a few times, from what i hear) and sometimes rolling down the staircase because it was fun. It hurt, but it was fun. Though sometimes it wasnt the staircase alone; the car, the couch, the desks, Whatever objects i had access to i'd fall off of them 'cuz it was fun. 5-year-olds are wierd, yo.
  24. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio This is what I hate. When parents think every sinle person on the Internet is a 50-year old pervert who's going to try and steal children. Sure, they exsist, But there not everywhere. And the perverts are definitely not here. I work very, very hard to protect everyone here. Well. thats... good. <___<; You win a brownie.
  25. Now you have me stumped. I thought the vore went at the end of a word, representing the members of a group, such as herbivore. *inquiring minds want to know* well,the exact definition can vary by person, but in general: Vore is eating. thanks to internet, there is a quantity of Art and literature portraying eating, and related acts.(for example: throwing people in meat grinders) Vore at it's simplest is probably summed up in this quote from the Hitchhiker Trilogy: I only learned about Vore myself a few weeks ago, and have thus far found it somewhat fascinating. like this web page listing what seems to be every time something, or someone gets eaten in a movie. compete with a brief description of the scene. if you really want to know more, you can go look it up yourself. Expanding on the aforementioned Vore art, its usually Nagas (snake-human hybrids) eating elves or something to that nature, but it can vary to herbological plants and such dousing some critters in acids or eating them by some means, such like that. But from most all of those that I've seen, vore art involves graphic violence and/or lack of clothing. I highly reccomend AGAINST looking for it. Thank you for the advice. Being non-violent, I think I will stay right here and not search for graphic pics. Horatio's so smart, You dont even know hes smart. O_o; random comment for whoever might could read it. -flies somewhere else- Occasionally I am a little smarter than the average hamster. Mmmmmmmm, Average hamster... -drool-
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