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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. For some reason, the way you're holding the burger strikes me as odd. I dunno. ... So? >_>; Maybe the way your siggy is colored strikes me as odd. OOH. Snap.
  2. [Aaaaand right as I put the chapter up, Horatio signs off and half the members and their grandma's sign on. Pff.]
  3. [YAY. Update. I havent done this in so long, i forgot the little code format I used. uuuh. yeah. I think i know how to work this thing...] Chapter Nineteen [Yay! So far so good...] “So much for your plan of massacring all the Humans, eh Serena?†Audrey commented with a smirk, watching Serena pace in front of her, occasionally glancing at nearby buildings, already drained of all life. Serena shot a glare at Audrey, unquestionably conveying the message to keep quiet. Audrey was less intimidated by Serena now that it was quite apparent that the vampires themselves were rather frightened. Needless to say, Audrey was as well, but watching the vampires fret about this was amusing to her. “This isn’t right… The whole idea of vampires killing the humans was for the purpose of revenge. We aren’t getting anywhere just watching these creatures beat us to the humans…†Serena thought aloud, still angrily pacing back and forth. “… Sooo… What are you going to do about it?†“I’m going to kill you myself if you don’t shut up.†Serena snapped back at Audrey, who thought about that statement for a moment. Serena was planning to get Audrey killed? Audrey opened her mouth to ask what it was that Serena was planning to do, but she decided against speaking again. A few minutes passed by, before the silence was broken by another Vampire. “Serena!†She and Audrey looked off to the side, to see a male vampire approach. “Serena, One of the other wolves among us has given us rather useful information…†“I haven’t the time for this, Just get to the point, Armand.†“… The wolf has told us that there is a small group of others who have confronted one of these creatures before, and have successfully destroyed a small number of them.†“It is no surprise to me that Humans were not strong enough to take them on, I’m sure that we can, though. Lets get moving.†â€No, Serena, There is more. … Despite they have been able to take out a select few of these creatures, it was not easy. Werewolves are indeed vulnerable to their attacks, but vampires would be little to no better than Humans at confronting them.†Serena thought for a moment. “We already have werewolves working for us; We can use them to take down this new adversary. They’re expendable… We can always get other wolves to help us.†Overhearing this, Audrey’s eyes widened somewhat, at hearing that she and others would just be used as a fighting force for the vampires, and they would more than likely die. Audrey had a mixture of feelings, being hateful, frightened, mournful… Without giving it much thought, Audrey stood up taller than the two Vampires. “I will not allow you to just use us as pawns under your control. I refuse to sacrifice myself for you and your cowardly actions, demons!†Serena’s eyes turned toward Audrey, with a disturbing luminous glow to them. The two stared at each other for a moment, and Audrey stepped back, and sat down on the empty roads of Bismarck. After giving Audrey a rather aggressive glare, Serena turned back to Armand. “We’ll hunt down these wolves. We’re going to take out some humans, And we’re going to get them before these creatures do, And those wolves had better help us out. Armand, Spread the word, we’re heading northeast to the forestry, most likely where these wolves are.†Armand nodded, and strode back into the silent city to announce the decision. --- I was hit, a brief spray of bullets hit where I was standing shortly before my lunge. I had a minor wound, but a wound nonetheless. I lay in a rather crumpled heap in the forestry ground, unable to do anything but hold my wound and watch the other werewolves scatter and try to handle the situation. About thirty seconds had passed, the more stubborn and arrogant werewolves were still present, watching very closely for any vulnerability or flaw in these mechanisms. The two came to a stop, facing the group of some odd eight wolves, all rather put off. It was quite clear that the mechanisms were preparing for an attack, though I had no idea what they had in store for us. Without warning, the two turrets on the mechanisms discharged what appeared to be a constant stream of flames…! Pyrotechnics triggered, and flames spewed everywhere, catching parts of the terrain on fire, which wasn’t such good news for wolves like myself, injured or killed, stuck on the ground. After every able-bodied wolf evacuated the area, leaving the human mechanisms behind, who then inexplicably began putting out the fire they just started. This goes to show that I still have yet to learn what it is the Humans are trying to accomplish… A few minutes had passed, the human-operated mechanisms had left. I struggled to get to my feet, ignoring some pain in my limbs. I stood in a rather awkward position, until I felt something… Something happen inside my body. It could only be a chemical release, It felt like adrenaline at first, but within a few seconds, I found the pain in my limbs had eased. It was still there, but not very strong. I assume this is something that my werewolf body can do now since I’ve aged. I looked about myself, in the rather disturbing part of the forest. I was apparently the only sentient wolf in the immediate area. There were about ten werewolves dead or unconscious here and there, with burns in the forestry and bullet holes in trees and wolf bodies. This is undeniably something that the werewolves can hold against the humans. [Yeah, okay. I know there are a few logic flaws (like Serena isnt ruler or leader of about anything, Armand wouldnt have asked her for guidance) and lack of explanations, but this is the abridged and very unrefined version of the stuffs, see... The really cool version of this mess is gonna be like... published and overpriced so you doods hafta gimmie a buncha money, see... aaaand yeah. Or just like 5 ducks apeice. i dunno. i'll worry about that when... i have a unabridged, perfected and refined version to work with. ... yeah. For once I didnt leave you's guys at a cliffhanger or really suspenseful part. Now its just intriguing. Oooooooh.]
  4. YEAH! YEAH!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!!! [Oh my. Well, Its good to know that I have at least one enthusiastic fan. xD] [ *waits with a smile on my face * [Well i was doin pretty good writing this chapter till I came across one of those big Writers Block things again. Them'r so annoying.]
  5. LOL That is soooooooooo good!!!!!!!!! Haha. That reminds me of TGS. Sooooooo goooooooooooooooood. I think my friend and some presidents just flew by...
  6. YEAH! YEAH!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!!! [Oh my. Well, Its good to know that I have at least one enthusiastic fan. xD]
  7. PHENOMENAL !!!!! I am glad I don't have to judge! All the entries are fantastic! Bwahaha. Thanks. Flash artwork really isn't that good when put up against other artwork though I loved it! I think it is just as good! At least I didn't play with any pyros or kill any arkchers to get that fire started. Otherwise I'd have been disqualified, or something or SOMEthing. =D
  8. Okay i finished it. S'a photo of me after applying madd photoshop/MS Paint skillz. ... with a big honkin burger. Yaaaaay! =D -ahem- Liek berger? =D ... S'my little... quote... thing. catch phrase. I think its hilarious. Shuddup.
  9. I was gonna make something like that of myself. but i didnt. Imma go do that.
  10. I had that MP3 a long time ago... i dunno if I still do. I think I decided that the singers voice, regardless of it was in korean, sounded terrible. o_o; ..... -throws a poptart at j00- D= I like that song... I have "Happy Birthday to Me!", though, which is the song for There She Is!!! step 2. *goes into bullet time and dodges the poptart, catches it, and eats it* Maybe if I go listen to it again, it'll be cool. And I just remembered, that Yeah, Mike is a stupid name for a werewolf, but as I specified earlier (i think...) About 90% of the characters in this series are all people I know or some friends. Mike is one of the guys I was... 'off and on' friends with. He was admirable when he wanted to be, so he lost brownie points rather often. Shortly after I added him in there, i thought about it, and decided it wasnt such a great idea. The some odd 10% of the characters that arent people I know are the expendable Dalhood workers. And a few wolves here and there.
  11. *psychic * No, no....... No guy on earth is that smart. Its sheer coincidence. xD Its why guys are so proud of themselves when they luck out and do something that didnt really put off their girlfriend.
  12. Yeah, Its hilarious when you dig up really old topics that havent been posted in for 2+ years, bump them and everyone gets to see what a nerd they were back then. xD
  13. Thats a lot like my little opinion on the matter, see that lengthy post I made a while back in here, 'cuz I've never dated anyone or do that whole makey-outey thing. and MAybe i'm just used to the idiots I lived with back in Dallas, but I like the lady-types around here in X, Texas. (Yeah, man. X is where i live. apply mad algebra skillz.) uh. yeah. ... im out of stuff to talk about already. Yeah, I did read your post, I was just too lazy to reply. You know, a lot of Mormans here were dating before they were 13. I live pretty close to that place where you guys think the Garden of Eden is, so there are quite a few Mormans here. gah. It sickens me when they dont take any standards seriously. If you have the patience, you can watch them rather closely and find their lives fall apart from it. S'pretty depressing, but its their own dang fault.
  14. I had that MP3 a long time ago... i dunno if I still do. I think I decided that the singers voice, regardless of it was in korean, sounded terrible. o_o; ..... -throws a poptart at j00- D=
  15. Yeh Whayyou want. <__<; I was just trying to make you do some work. I see......
  16. Yaaaaaay. o_o; Any of this bumping helpful? Yeah, it is. Thanks.
  17. Thats a lot like my little opinion on the matter, see that lengthy post I made a while back in here, 'cuz I've never dated anyone or do that whole makey-outey thing. and MAybe i'm just used to the idiots I lived with back in Dallas, but I like the lady-types around here in X, Texas. (Yeah, man. X is where i live. apply mad algebra skillz.) uh. yeah. ... im out of stuff to talk about already.
  18. Not really, I already found the files on my compy that had all this mess on it. Oh wait a minute. i think this is one i didnt have. -runs off to check-
  19. [so okay, doods. After an hour or so of rampages through various compies, I found the small archive of werewolf stories. So I have about 80% of the wolfiness I wrote. (Im missing the lycanthropal hierarchy and theory, and full explanation on Torrask's.) This including part 7. yeah. i started writing it already. Its too cool, i couldnt wait. shut up. In celebration of this I wrote a majority of the next chapter. So yeah, its like... almost done, so expect the first wolfy update ina long time here pretty soon. Hopefully today. =D]
  20. My sisters do that. Its kind of funny to watch. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* My Freind Jackrabbit tried to kiss me once! But I didn't let him. Well, I let him kiss me on the cheek. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* ... Yay?
  21. [Oh yeah, about all this mess... its still there.] [That stack of harddrives with numerous stories on it... D= I've tried every harddrive in there, and the three i was quite sure might have my stories, dont even have operating systems in them. So they formatted without telling me. or just werent properly cared for since harddrives are kinda fragile, see. So. About two years or storywriting went down the drain. it made me sad. On the plus side, i still have MF, WW and two other stories up and going. So the more successful and important ones are still up. Except for one really cool one I only had one chapter for but it was gonna be the coolest thing ever. that one died, too. But, uh... Now I think about it... I dont recall seeing WW1 or 2 on my compy here. D= -rampages through compy searching for them- ]
  22. [update!] [i've decided that you've been on the edge of your seat for long enough, so um. I've bumped this topic, aaaannnddd nnnoooowww Im gonna go and do something completely un-related to writing chapter nineteen, because i already have it ready, you know... uh... yeah. -preeeow- ]
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