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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [i like mythical quest thingies.] [i just dunno who to give the tenth position to ] [Do MK. She'd be an interesting character if nothing else. oh wait. she's already there. I dunno. >_<; In a situation like that, i'd either make up a character or use one from a different story (or one from real life) and put them in there. It'd save you a decision online. I dunno. You do whatever. Fitting awsome story.]
  2. [i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. ] [You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know. ... but I dont. MS WORD HAS DELETED ITSELF D= Now i dun have anything to write the stories on. It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office- This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing! I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about. I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ] You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200. [i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.] Do you know how to change a logic board? [No, but i bet I could figure it out. if not, i can find out online.]
  3. [i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. ] [You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know. ... but I dont. MS WORD HAS DELETED ITSELF D= Now i dun have anything to write the stories on. It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office- This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing! I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about. I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ] [Noooooooootepaaaaaaaaaaad. ] [Paaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiint. ] [Oh wait, I get it.] [No no, These files were created and editted with Office, and now that the program is missing, i cant even open the files with Notepad. i think so anyway. Either way, I wouldnt want to risk it 'cuz if I opened it with Notepad, all the boldings and italics and cool texts would go away. and i'd be sad.]
  4. That is so true. o___o; I come here about five times a day, at least, and im always rather dissapointed to find either there are no new posts, or Horatio hasnt come to mod yet. Lemme see if I can come up with some... ... when you come to this topic to find out how many of these are in accordance to your behavior ... when you wander around and look at name abbreviations (TGHL, MW, MK, etc.) and try to say them phoenetically (tuh-gle, moo, mm-kuh, etc.) ... when, despite you know its against board rules and you figure no-one will see, you put information in your board profile ... when you wonder why nobody seems to give a care about the boards original purpose in regard to the Hampsters ... when you try imagining a little blonde hamster with a Mac Lappy crammed in its cage full'a pooplets and such ... when you, more than just once, look online to see how could a spectral brownie be genetically engineered ... when you wonder why you havent been given an administrative position on the board yet (And then realize there are more than just a few reasons) ... when you take common parlance and inside jokes from this board and use it on other websites/boards (Only to have everyone look at'cha wierd.) ... you end up cackling ridiculously loud at your computer monitor, drawing everyone in the house' attention to you ... when you have started multiple stories/other topics, but stopped half-way for reasons even you dont fully understand ... when it just makes your day like nothing else to see that every forum has been updated and Horatio is still online Yeh im done. And for the record, every one of those is in accordance to my daily activity. I have no life, I know. xD
  5. [i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. ] [You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know. ... but I dont. MS WORD HAS DELETED ITSELF D= Now i dun have anything to write the stories on. It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office- This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing! I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about. I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ] You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200. [i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.]
  6. [i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. ] [You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know. ... but I dont. MS WORD HAS DELETED ITSELF D= Now i dun have anything to write the stories on. It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office- This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing! I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about. I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]
  7. [Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]
  8. [D= This is fitting awsome. It's like... Cooler than my attempts at making a HD story. xD]
  9. [-LOBS PICKLES AT j00 >-] [i'll continue sometime. Keep bumping and i might see the topic when im not doing something.]
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Actually, That's your hair. And a suit! and a tie. Just more proof that you were at a Tea Party. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* ... ._. I was just there as the burger-holding etiquette instructer, okay? Those kids didnt know which way to hold 'dem whoppers.
  11. Yeah, man. And I have a yellow head now. =D
  12. [Yeah Emm-Kaayyyyy Wha'you'wan. <__<]
  13. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though. Very cool idea! I like it. Let's do it! Now, let's talk about the way your holding that burger. That was some big huge burger I got at Applebee's once. I forgot what it was, but it was pretty good. Muh dad said it was hilarious (He has a wierd sense of humor.) and asked if anyone had a camera, and I remembered I had that digital camera in my backpack (which goes nowhere without me. Since i dont have an official compy, my backpack and its contents go wherever I do. =D) so my sister or someone took that picture, and... I guess i decided to hold it with like 3 fingers, so I did. ... so you could see the whole thing. yeah, thats it. Then i ate it. ... and it kept falling apart. I don't know why I find it so funny. x_X You're just holding it so proper. It looks like you're at a tea party, or something... And how do you know I wasnt at a tea party or something? OOH. SNAP. ...So are you admitting that you were at a tea party? ... <__<; Not necessarily. I'm just... asking how you know i may or may not have been participating in the tea party. supposing one was there to begin with. uh, yeah.
  14. 1. .................... Pizza? 2. Go check, I cant see them from here. 3. One of those tinted variety that you cant really see through but still lets sunlight in. 4. I see two mistakes, but didnt look very hard. It should be (if im thinking right) True or false: There are two mistakes in this sentence. Unless, of course, you were trying to say mis-stakes, (Queen of Lean Beef.) then it wouldnt be mispelled, but it would be improper grammar.
  15. [Yaaaaaaay, i kept writing stuff.] Chapter Twenty After choosing a direction at random, I followed it through the forest terrain, fairly disoriented. I found that I was in an area completely new to me. I had explored this immediate area multiple times, and knew my way quite well, but I had never seen this area before… I stopped walking, stood up tall and scanned the area for signs of familiarity. It was rather quiet, nothing out of the ordinary… My ear twitched at picking up a sound off south, southwest of me. I turned to look, but didn’t see anything… It sounded like hurried footsteps making their way toward me. I continued staring in the direction of the sound, ready to take action as needed. In the distance, it appeared to be a werewolf, running rather fast toward me. Something about its characteristics seemed familiar, I apparently knew this wolf. “Brandon! … Brandon, Turn around and run!†It was definitely a werewolf, judging by the voice, it was female. She apparently had identified me already. I half-turned around, ready to move wherever I may be led. … Audrey? I changed stance again, and tried getting her to calm down and explain what’s going on. “Audrey, What is going on? Why are you running?†“We have got to get out of here, Serena… no, Not just Serena, those vampires have no regard to the sanctity of life.†Audrey commented while tryin to stop herself. “They are just behind us, they came from Bismarck in search of some werewolves that know how to kill some rather grotesque blue creature…†Rather vivid memories came back to me of Chris, Koy and myself all killing off a Torrask. “… I am one of them!†“Then we have to get out of here, They want to send you to go and get revenge on these creatures for the vampires! They do not care if you live or die in the process, Come on!†Audrey grabbed my by the arm and pulled, trying to get both of us to run off. I pulled back against her grip. “Are you sure about all of this, Audrey? That seems very unlike vampires, for them to do that…†I glanced away, and looked back at Audrey who visibly had tears in her eyes now. “I am scared for you, You must get out of here! They’ll be here at any time now! Come on!†She pulled once more, this time stubbornly running no matter what my response would be. I didn’t have any reason not to comply, so I followed Audrey, and started off running. It must have been fifteen seconds pass by, until the two of us were rather startled by a voice from behind us… “Running? From us, the creatures of the night?†In a slight panic, Audrey and I stopped and turned around to see Serena about five feet away. “Come on, Running from us wont do you any good…†I directed my attention to avoiding direct eye contact with Serena, remembering what happened last time I did so. In doing so, I noticed that Serena was not the only vampire that had… followed us. Perhaps thirty vampires, at least one werewolf to each vampire, stood behind Serena. “… And what do you want with me now?†I asked, focusing on Serena’s neck rather than about anything else. “Word has reached my ears that you know how to kill a certain creature… that has been causing problems for all of us.†“And what makes you think that I know how to kill them?†“You already told Audrey. You might as well have told every vampire we have here.†I stood in a rather aggressive stance, not very pleased with the vampires. Serena laughed quietly. “What, You think you can fight me?†The vampires would not have gone to these lengths to find me, had they not needed me as Audrey had said. It was quite apparent that my life was in danger. A rather low growl began in my throat, as I continued glaring at Serena, fixed on avoiding direct eye contact. I tried strategizing in my mind how would I kill a vampire… but… They’re already dead… Then, in as short as one second, the two of us lunged at each other, both unafraid to kill the other. I, the more massive body, slammed into Serena and ended up pinning her to the ground. My mind raced for what to do next… If they’re dead, I can’t kill them. … so lets bring them to life, and then kill them! In a rather feral fashion, I opened my jaws wide, and bit unnecessarily hard on Serena’s shoulder, with the intention of injecting lycanthrope serum. I stepped away, leaving several vampires awestruck, and Serena twitching on the ground oddly. I honestly had no idea what would happen…
  16. ha. im a whale. your probably lighter then i. oh and to explain the 2468 diet.. its how many calories you eat that day 200.. 400..and so on. Yeah, Im a lot lighter. Only 250 pounds. S'not much. well.. are you trying to loose? Half-heartedly. I'd go for more of losing body fat than losing weight, since muscle mass is heavier than fat, you gain weight by working out but lose a lot of body fat. So, once I find a place to do so, imm'a go working out all the time. w00t.
  17. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though. Very cool idea! I like it. Let's do it! Now, let's talk about the way your holding that burger. That was some big huge burger I got at Applebee's once. I forgot what it was, but it was pretty good. Muh dad said it was hilarious (He has a wierd sense of humor.) and asked if anyone had a camera, and I remembered I had that digital camera in my backpack (which goes nowhere without me. Since i dont have an official compy, my backpack and its contents go wherever I do. =D) so my sister or someone took that picture, and... I guess i decided to hold it with like 3 fingers, so I did. ... so you could see the whole thing. yeah, thats it. Then i ate it. ... and it kept falling apart. I don't know why I find it so funny. x_X You're just holding it so proper. It looks like you're at a tea party, or something... And how do you know I wasnt at a tea party or something? OOH. SNAP.
  18. ha. im a whale. your probably lighter then i. oh and to explain the 2468 diet.. its how many calories you eat that day 200.. 400..and so on. Yeah, Im a lot lighter. Only 250 pounds. S'not much.
  19. Tsh. Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.
  20. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though. Very cool idea! I like it. Let's do it! Now, let's talk about the way your holding that burger. That was some big huge burger I got at Applebee's once. I forgot what it was, but it was pretty good. Muh dad said it was hilarious (He has a wierd sense of humor.) and asked if anyone had a camera, and I remembered I had that digital camera in my backpack (which goes nowhere without me. Since i dont have an official compy, my backpack and its contents go wherever I do. =D) so my sister or someone took that picture, and... I guess i decided to hold it with like 3 fingers, so I did. ... so you could see the whole thing. yeah, thats it. Then i ate it. ... and it kept falling apart.
  21. Yaaaaaaay. I vote we should make a new one'a dese. Maybe cooler. and less OOC spammin'.
  22. Wonderful! If had any say, you would be hired immediately. *hands Lexxy the Mod CP* Hooray for Lexxy-man. Yeah, im all over the place in {deleted}, too. But not {deleted} 'round in Furc, considering I still dont have a stable enough internet connection to be on furc otherwise i'd get kicked off every fifteen minutes and perhaps glitch up dreams and servers. -is reminded of Sbemails- =D DELETED!!!
  23. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though.
  24. Yeah, Its hilarious when you dig up really old topics that havent been posted in for 2+ years, bump them and everyone gets to see what a nerd they were back then. xD When I was getting the posts put back together from that RP, I kept looking at what I had written, either as part of the RP or in brackets and I was all "...AHAHAHAHAH- *kills self* x_x" I was so stupid. XD Yeah... -patpat- Dun worry, you still are. ^-^
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