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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. 1. Sleeping is for the weak, better spend your time by plotting world domination. 2. Sheena like... probably took a super beans n bacon megarocket-ship and blasted off to go to the moon. 3. It wants you to know you have mail. Obliviously. 4. That might could be how you arranged your email... stuff. I dunno. Do you use Outlook/Thunderbird, or a browser-based email service? 5. Probably not, no. 6. I doubt it. 7. 9:22. Its passed bedtime for some children. 8. Who? 9. Ian r using some magic hair fertilizing things. Supposing Ian was bald at some point, the pidgeon poo did it 10. Oh Em Gee. -pwnshoots j00- 11. You dont necessarily need to be an admin. Just bribe HK to make another member group with Admin CP Access and put you in that group. It wont be an admin, but you'll be able to pwn like they do. 12. That depends on how cool you are. Are you cool? 13. ... Aaaaannndd...? 14. Its your own fault for clicking the link(s), sheesh. 15. If you did, you would go insane and strangle yourself or your cat with them. People dont like that. 16. -stikes manly pose- =D 17. SYSTEM ERROR- "17." DOESNT EXIST D= 18. ... ****, you're old. o_o; 19. yuppuh. 20. Why do you ask?
  2. Oh my gawsh. I ate some food last night, and it was ridiculously hot (like 280F) and I freaked out. Spittin' some beef and pork'n beans all over wouldnt look pretty, so I was like, still trying to eat it. aaaand I got a blister in my mouth. xD It was really creepy. And then it popped overnight whilst sleeping. now my mouth tastes like gross stuff and blood and all that mess. ... I dunno, i just felt like saying that. Just think of this as a question. Whaddyou say?
  3. 1. Egg? 2. Bacon? 3. WHYYYY havent I passed the 6K post mark yet?! ;_; 4. Why are there chains on my pants? O_o; 5. Moreover, How did they get there? 6. Is it secret? Is it safe?! 7. How many of you give a fudge? 8. Why must this Flash animating program be so complicated?! 9. Why arent you doing something else? Jeez. Get a life. 10. Yeah, man. I really really do. 11. Liek berger? 12. MK thinks she married me, but do you think that I actually married MK? OOOOOH. 13. Where are the chips? 14. Why must this PC be so terrible and awful? D= 15. is Breakfast really one of the meals of the day? no one knows.
  4. yeah! that team that did that thing that was that way! but you should this red-hairded nerd how you feel. but didn't you say something earlier about how you were waiting to 21 for some reason or another? Oh snap. o_o I forgot about that part. He said something about it having to do with his religion... In THAT case, Arkcher you should...uh...I dunno. ._. Good luck, man. *pats him on the back and wanders off* Yeah, man. The lady-type is just as much LDS as I am, so that would probably ease up tension there. BUT, Since you are all quitters (Yeah, man. just leave me here why dont'choo. xD) i'll just use my own judgement on this issue. What im guessing would happen, is from whenever until in 16 or so, we'd be the common pair of shy kids who everyone else either thinks is really stupid or ridiculously cute together, in the handy little way of not necessarily doing anything with each other except sit with each other and all. Or I can just be a dumb guy and keep feelings inside for years and years. ;D Ah whatever. I dont even know whats going to happen. I'll... just.... sit here.... aaaaaand... -preeeow.-
  5. [Heh. Thanks for commenting. In my wierd little opinion, I dont think I write very well. I can come up with some nice ideas and such for stories, but I have no real... education on the matter. For the record, I have NEVER taken an English class before. yeah. From what my parents tell me, I taught myself how to read. While they were caught up in everyone else and a half, I just started reading on my own after they were just trying to start teaching me how. (This was maybe 6 months before preschool years.) I dont remember it very well, so I cant confirm that myself. I just write stuff in trying to mimic what I see everyone else doing. I've been homeschooled all my life, and while reading all over the place, I guess I figured out sentance structure, grammar and maybe some other things. The same thing happened with computer nerdular nerdence. My parents never taught me any of that. I just figured it out at an early age, i guess. And then typing. I can type pretty fast, more often than not I go back to correct typos, but I never had any proper lesson on how to type. My siblings say its hilarious watching me on the compy, my hands are flying all over the place. Or as one of them says, 'I've never seen anyone able to type so fast using just two fingers.' Whatever. I dont care. It works, I just type how its comfortable.] [Enough rambling and digressing. i do that too much.] [Yeah, man. I dont think i've had anyone say they wished they could write like I do. -points at your siggy- Once i... get around to it, im gonna, like... post the next chapter.]
  6. Glowing Mafia Pirate-ninja-wurm. Of DOOM! Oh No! We've unleased a monster!!! But the conspiring cloned Horatio's could take it down. =o boss. *starts eating lots of cake and coffee* Ooh, Wha'bout some sort of CoffeeCake? boss?
  7. Glowing Mafia Pirate-ninja-wurm. Of DOOM! Oh No! We've unleased a monster!!! But the conspiring cloned Horatio's could take it down. =o boss.
  8. yeah! that team that did that thing that was that way! but you should this red-hairded nerd how you feel. but didn't you say something earlier about how you were waiting to 21 for some reason or another? Oh snap. o_o I forgot about that part. He said something about it having to do with his religion... In THAT case, Arkcher you should...uh...I dunno. ._. Good luck, man. *pats him on the back and wanders off* >.> See previous post.
  9. yeah! that team that did that thing that was that way! but you should this red-hairded nerd how you feel. but didn't you say something earlier about how you were waiting to 21 for some reason or another? Yeah. Thats why i havent done anything yet. ;D
  10. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and although you know you found it on HDMB, you have long since forgotten who said it. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and know it is from HDMB, and know either who said it or even where it can be found. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find yourself thinking about it even when away... You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you can't be kept away. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your day is not complete without it. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you're absolutely certain that someone from HDMB is near you/following you, everywhere that you go. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your parents got you your own computer because you were on too much. (These do not all fit me. I shall leave you to guess.) (Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ) Keelingyoudead was Arkcher's. *remembers his fondness for Linkin Park* >___>;.......... Well stop remembering it then!
  11. [i has found the CD! -waves it around- Now i shall continue. the... the writing.]
  12. -insert generic frustration noise here- Guys are such idiots. Like most other guys, we all end up having some 'unofficial' relationship with someone, its unofficial due to one or both people are too shy to admit anything. (I figure since you peoples havent a clue even what city im in, the aforementioned lady-type probably wont know about none of this. xD) And due to the guy is... a guy, and a natural characteristic in them is to hide emotions and feelings inside, until it ends up breaking them in one way or another. (But the feelings and everything kept inside isnt usually hid very well.) Its usually to maintain reputation. Like in my case. >_o; And lack of experience usually keeps the guys from wanting to do anything about this or the relationship, as they desperately dont want to mess it up in any way. The aforementioned lady-type is a computer nerd much like I am, which, beleive it or not, makes the first person i've physically met in my age group who has any nerdular... anything. Its hilarious. Shes an odd-looking red-hairded nerd. Bah im done with that mess. I'll take the typical masculine way out of this awkward situation and change the subject to something manly. Has any of you seen that footbal score with that one group that plays a game? I havent. I dont much give a care who won half-way across the country in a football game. Waste of time.
  13. D= The dawning of the Horatio conspiracy! Take cover! -hides in a nuclear... thing... that keeps you from frying in a nuke.-
  14. [i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. ] [You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know. ... but I dont. MS WORD HAS DELETED ITSELF D= Now i dun have anything to write the stories on. It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office- This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing! I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about. I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ] [Noooooooootepaaaaaaaaaaad. ] [Paaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiint. ] [Oh wait, I get it.] [No no, These files were created and editted with Office, and now that the program is missing, i cant even open the files with Notepad. i think so anyway. Either way, I wouldnt want to risk it 'cuz if I opened it with Notepad, all the boldings and italics and cool texts would go away. and i'd be sad.] [i know you couldn't open Word files, but at least you could keep writting. And you can use the board codes for fonts and such. *uses Notepad for all her RP bios* It's quite handy.] [Not to worry, I found some... other... word processor dealie on my compy. Without spellcheck. Im actively writing now, but things are gonna be horribly mispelled until I find the dang arffice CDs. >_< ]
  15. [but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D= Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]
  16. LOL I must be good!!! Now pick up your award... The Gold Star Award! sweet. =D ... Why, was it on the ground? As a matter of fact it was. Can you reach it? ... no. ;____; Ooh, And now lookit. 6 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes Active Users 2 guests, 2 members 2 anonymous members Arkcher, xMyOwnMindx thar like... 2 and 2 and 2. Yaaaaaaay.
  17. -raises hand- That was me. I forgot why or where it came from. Maybe it was Perducci's secret weapon/your doom, 'killingyouguy' as seen in Dangeresque3, Directors cut, Dangeresque twoo? (on H*R.)
  18. LOL I must be good!!! Now pick up your award... The Gold Star Award! sweet. =D ... Why, was it on the ground?
  19. Looky 'dat 'der! -points at front page- 5 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes Active Users 0 guests, 3 members 2 anonymous members Arkcher, Google.com, Mushroom_king, Glowurm Show detailed by: Last Click, Member Name Horatio is cloning himself! The world shall be overrun by modarating mac-owning blonde hamsters that wield chainsaws!! ... yeh im done. -goes off to sleep-
  20. D= j00 stole my old catch phrase. It makes me sad.
  21. 1. Possibly, but I'd only allow it if they left you with a computer and an internet connection. 2. He should have. *gives arkcher ice breath on the off chance he doesn't* 3. She should. I want to meet her 4. Dunno him/her. 5. Dunno her. 6. I've seen him/her post... After I came, too.. But I'm not sure if s/he will come back. 7. S/he posted a comeback thread too >.< S/he must come back if s/he posted a comback thread. 8. Dunno her. 9. Naww, It's easy. *ties you to a christmas tree using lights* See? 10. Me! 11. It's not divisible by 5 T.T Obviously not. 12. Erm... Do the funky monkey! *does the funkey monkey* There, back. 13. inspires ph34r. And it's blurrier, whereas :ninja: is reserved for ninjas and is sharper, too. 14. Got question? 15. Light side of the sun. 16. It's so shineh I like it. 17. Yes. Mwahahahahahaha. *cough* 18. Not if you plan to destroy the chocolate. If you plan on destroying/keeping all the chocolate to yourself, I will make sure you don't win. 19. Bwahahahahaha*cough* Yes. 20. *adds a t* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* 2. Just wondering, because Arkcher is a Mormon, and in one episode of South Park there was a Mormon with Ice Breath. *~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* 'Dem South Park doods are pretty wierd. I've only seen one or two of the shows, but from what I hear, they tend to poke fun at those wierd Mormons over there.
  22. [i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. ] [You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know. ... but I dont. MS WORD HAS DELETED ITSELF D= Now i dun have anything to write the stories on. It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office- This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing! I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about. I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ] You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200. [i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.] Do you know how to change a logic board? [No, but i bet I could figure it out. if not, i can find out online.] It is pretty hard from what I understand, but probably easy for you. If you find out, let me know. Ask about a Mac G3 Powerbook. Pretty old, but a great laptop. [This sounds like a job for... eBay searchin'!! =D]
  23. That is so true. o___o; I come here about five times a day, at least, and im always rather dissapointed to find either there are no new posts, or Horatio hasnt come to mod yet. Lemme see if I can come up with some... ... when you come to this topic to find out how many of these are in accordance to your behavior ... when you wander around and look at name abbreviations (TGHL, MW, MK, etc.) and try to say them phoenetically (tuh-gle, moo, mm-kuh, etc.) ... when, despite you know its against board rules and you figure no-one will see, you put information in your board profile ... when you wonder why nobody seems to give a care about the boards original purpose in regard to the Hampsters ... when you try imagining a little blonde hamster with a Mac Lappy crammed in its cage full'a pooplets and such ... when you, more than just once, look online to see how could a spectral brownie be genetically engineered ... when you wonder why you havent been given an administrative position on the board yet (And then realize there are more than just a few reasons) ... when you take common parlance and inside jokes from this board and use it on other websites/boards (Only to have everyone look at'cha wierd.) ... you end up cackling ridiculously loud at your computer monitor, drawing everyone in the house' attention to you ... when you have started multiple stories/other topics, but stopped half-way for reasons even you dont fully understand ... when it just makes your day like nothing else to see that every forum has been updated and Horatio is still online Yeh im done. And for the record, every one of those is in accordance to my daily activity. I have no life, I know. xD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Heh. I like the Spectral Brownie one. Topazia's Pink Floyd one is still my favourite though. ...when you give out awards to people in real life that are like the ones you give out here. ...when you hear about a king and think, "Hmm...I wonder if it's a guy or a girl?". *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Yeah, man. I've done that first one a few times. You feel pretty silly afterward.
  24. uh, MK... I think you're about the only one on this board who knows about that whole Linkin Park mess. xD Unless a few of you guys remember my brief obsession about that last year or whenever.
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