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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. ....Maybe. *shifts eyes* You' better. Else we sic teh Mafia on j00. boss.
  2. [Man, Im fickle today. I annoyed myself by leaving this unfinished, I ended up rewriting chapta 22, which I just posted a while back. See the rather drastic changes here, the not-so-very-great one and the pretty good one. Heres the f'real chapta twoty-two.] Chapter Twenty-Two Get back here! More effectively than she could have hoped for, Anzi ‘whacked’ one of the Torrasks heads, knocking it backward slightly, she reached back behind it during its temporary stun and grabbed the back of its head, and paralyzed it with its shared vulnerability to its upper neck like other reptilian creatures. Anzi quickly looked around herself to analyze the situation more fully, and noticed that this Torrask she had in her hands had a Torraskan Blade, as Phyro had once mentioned. Seeing how Torrask’s were effective weapons against each other, Anzi tried pulling the scimitar-resembling blade from the Torrask’s body, to no success. After biting it a few times, the blade came off, and Anzi had a weapon. One quite effective against her enemies, to boot. [A flaw there would be that by the time Anzi would have paralyzed that one Torrask, about three of them would have had the opportunity to have her killed by that moment.] A single swift horizontal slash ended up cutting four Torrask’s in half, as she continued fending the remaining hundred or more with the blade, mostly just swinging it around for fun in the process of doing so. Karaast responded by scrambling to his feet, and lunged back to Tahmores, who, as Karaast failed to see, was ready for the blow. Tahmores effortlessly swung his arm in Karaast’s path, knocking him off to the side once more. Tahmores let out a fairly loud roar, and slammed a fist again into the cringing Phyro, who let out his own roar, the familiar half-human, half-dragon sound. Phyro was still unable to move due to previous blows, Tahmores relentlessly kicked Phyro, picked him up off the ground, put a few more punches in, and threw him across the room, and turned around to attack the predictable Karaast. Diego managed to slash across Arranay’s face with his rather sharp claws, causing her to bleed more than a little bit. In reaction, she shifted into a Draenno herself, and promptly laid a well-aimed punch into Diego’s head, knocking him out. Arranay stood up, changed back to her elven form, waved her hand in the air, which was seen by Tahmores. It would seem that this was to signal something. Tahmores nodded, and watched both Karaast struggle to his feet once more, and Arranay run over to the crumpled body of Phyro, grab him carelessly, and run off in the form of a Draenno once more. Out the corner of her eye, Anzi saw Phyro being dragged along the ground by what must have been Arranay, no one else would be doing so in the careless and hurried fashion. “That’s MY job…†Anzi spoke under her breath, threw the Torraskan blade to her side, stabbing through the head of a Torrask about to attack her. Anzi immediately sprinted off after Arranay, thoughts running through her head of how much she loathed her… Karaast spat out the amount of blood that had come to his mouth, having taken damage sufficient. He kept his eyes fixed on the slowly approaching werewolf, while devising his next move. At the last possible second, he did so, kicking off the ground with the energy he had left to use, shot out a large stream of fire on his adversary to distract him if not more, and promptly spread his wings and flew over to Diego, picked him up, and flew after Anzi. Anzi thought of how Arranay had deceived them and got them to play right into her hands, how she had covered her ‘darkness scar’ after saying such was impossible, how she came and replaced Anzi by earning Phyro’s trust… This anxiety and tension only further fueled Anzi’s motivation, her speed picked up, and she came to a side-door of the castle, to see Arranay use the Draenno way of starting off flight, kicking off the ground with the familiar wingspan, Arranay soon rose out of sight. “Not fair!†Anzi shouted out, standing just outside the door, pointing at the ascending Arranay. A few seconds followed before Anzi felt an arm grab her from the side, and she found herself flying in the air with Karaast and Diego. Hurriedly, Karaast landed atop the very castle they escaped from, and dropped Diego and Anzi rather ungracefully. “Take care of him! I’ve got to go!†Karaast said, and turned around in mid-air and took of, surprisingly fast, in the direction of where he last saw Arranay. Anzi stood, rather shaken, looking at the writhing, injured Diego. She didn't have any medical tools or any way of healing him…! [queue chase scene! w00t!]
  3. [so, Okay. Guys. I went and bumped this topic to announce that I still havent forgotten about this story either. XD what, i have three or four going on the site here? jeez. If this is on the front page of the forum, i'll be reminded more often and actually update it. Im gettin there.]
  4. *~*THe Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*\ Like this post. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Shuddup. o_o; I was high. on duct-tape fumes. or something.
  5. Yeah, man. I made some of that supra-seasoning of death that makes everything taste like MSG and cayanne pepper. XD Din'choo read my 'board function get-arounds' topic in the Website forum? I use tabbed browsing on firefox, have the main tab on Search and each topic im reading (like 8 at a time usually) are in different tabs. Im almost always in the searching-for-new-posts page of the site. Or looking through old topics with the search egnine. Guys tend to do pretty stupid things to be all cool and try and impress someone they like, Hes probably doing that to get your attention. I suggest getting a 22" Machete, telling him that if he doestn cut his hair, you will. Seriously, There are 22" machetes at home depot. XD They're hilarious. they come with sheathes and everything.
  6. Fantastic. Mushroom_king will love it!!! Now can you make a really colorful version? I could try my hand at colouring it. It also needs a more... furry touch to it. It does look like a feline, but I really should put in a bit more fur. Oh, and I've done Arkcher as a werewolf But I still need to export it as an image (I finally discovered you can directly export scenes as images). When I'm not feeling lazy. (Sorry, Horatio, I just went and re-read this whole topic and decided to reply to old posts. Impule control is real' down today, you know? XD) That should be interesting. You should cease procrastination (or deligate it. tell someone else to procrastinate for you. or procrastinate something else.) and get that uploaded. Depending on how awsome it is. You should analyze its awsomeness ratio someday. I am trying to figure out how to work my program so that I can color it. You have it now?! I'm so confused! XD
  7. Fantastic. Mushroom_king will love it!!! Now can you make a really colorful version? I could try my hand at colouring it. It also needs a more... furry touch to it. It does look like a feline, but I really should put in a bit more fur. Oh, and I've done Arkcher as a werewolf But I still need to export it as an image (I finally discovered you can directly export scenes as images). When I'm not feeling lazy. (Sorry, Horatio, I just went and re-read this whole topic and decided to reply to old posts. Impule control is real' down today, you know? XD) That should be interesting. You should cease procrastination (or deligate it. tell someone else to procrastinate for you. or procrastinate something else.) and get that uploaded. Depending on how awsome it is. You should analyze its awsomeness ratio someday.
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Actually, That's your hair. And a suit! and a tie. Just more proof that you were at a Tea Party. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* He was at a formal dinner. That's why he's all fanceh. Yeah... Let's go with that... *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Actually, He looks like that in all my pictures of him. Except the one I drew a really long time ago. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* .... Wait a minute, You have pictures of me?
  9. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* OH! I L-O-V-E That! You get a Cloudy Aisha Ribbon. I'm a Brownie. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* Thanks-ness! *decides to store that award in his memory for the next time he edits his sig* A brownie. Okay, you'll be brown then! When I stop being lazy. I probably won't stop being lazy though. Yay procrastination! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Actually, I am Spectral, which means one half of me is Rainbow and the other is Black. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* ..... MK's pulling a michael jackson on us! D=
  10. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle. Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards. That works, too. *waits to be stabbed* WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun. [My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...] [XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?] [Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. ] [Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD] [Actually, that one was you, too.] [..... Must you embarrass me? >_<;]
  11. Yeah, Brianrietta was in Sbemail. That would just scare them away. XD ... but it kind of makes me wonder why they arent already cringing in pain at the sight of me, considering Im not the prettiest thing on two legs.
  12. LOL Aaaahhh, true love! Aaaahhh, True love! Get it off'a meee! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *Stops staring at Trent and glances at Arkcher* Gee, why does he have that True Love all over him? *Continues to stare at Trent, who is also staring at me* *Glances bac at arkcher* I should help him, but I won't. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Tsh, Some friend YOU are, MK. XD -grabs a handful of true love and throws it at MK-
  13. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle. Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards. That works, too. *waits to be stabbed* WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun. [My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...] [XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?] [Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. ] [Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]
  14. 1. Yeah, probably. 2. Yeah, probably. 3. If you really wanted to, go for it. 4. Yeah, i would. But this begs the question: Will you give me fifty ducks? =o 5. I thought you did! 6. Thats one way or finding out. If he likes you, he probably wont and or just cower in fear grinning like an idiot, if he doesnt like you, he'd probably punch you in the face. Up to you for running that risk. XD 7. Just selling boring old ice cream wont work. if you poison it though... That will both get a plan working AND hostilly take over the universe. 8. Im sure theres one somewhere, yeah. 9. That depends. If your self-esteem says so, then you must be awsome. If you an get your self esteem to do that, you've done something good for yourself if not others. BE HAPPY. 10. ?dooF 11. ?yhW 12. Yeah, probably. 13. See numbuh 6. Adjust as needed. 14. I doubt it. For all I know, you could be that Brianrietta person. and im some sort of Trentman. 15. I dunno, i've never heard that name before. 16. I think so. 17. Yeah, probably. 18. Yeah, probably. 19. Yeah, probably. 20. Maybe you do.
  15. Looks like the guests really like Horatio. I can't take the credit this time. They really like Arkcher!!! Yeah, well... What can I say, I'm just awsome that way. XD
  16. D= Theres a millions of them! yeah, im one of them though. It just looks like theres more that way, okay, shuddup. o_o;
  17. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died.they buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroomking spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickel that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads Then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. but it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG! and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. alas, they were slimey, smelly slugs And cow poo that just died. due to a/an lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese And some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids And they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises. while blood was turned into Soda. That tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. this caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems.And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a :ninja: . Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies tried to murder MK's massive signature and smiley. Everyone hates the orange marching mosquitos that drink OJ and like to sing "Body Language" by Invision CodeRed which is not the best song or the smelliest. Some Squashed Flies destroyed the hat of assorted feces and chocolate goodness. Emily the Strange returned with Chickens fried in poo and covered with spam. Looking for a way to poo, they ate her. The beast and Dr. Hoogeywackawoowoo and her little dog too caused volcanic eruptions. Space and time were torn asunder by faceless Children with meat grinders, purple combat wombats and pogo sticks made of rotten, weezing Stick figures which smelled like Dior's Pure Poison. MK's massive signature which occupied three-hundred-eighty-two-million handicapped parking spaces, Gerald Scarfe Animations, MGM studios and Stephen King's imagination, and a monkey. The monkey died. We had monkey kill Stephen King who narrowly escaped by eating his own poisoned sunflower seed and Peter Griffin. MK's signature died and everyone rejoiced. Mk killed everyone except for Trent, TGHL and Horatio and us Hampsterdancers. Yeah, man. We
  18. LOL Aaaahhh, true love! Aaaahhh, True love! Get it off'a meee!
  19. *waits for the next chapter of: Brianrietta* That part probably wont come for a while, so now we can all give sage advice to other doods and their relationship ish-shoes. But seeing the Brianrietta person every day or so has been pretty hilarious. I sit across from her at the table, and more often than not shes either very quietly saying something to her friends next to her, or staring at me. XD
  20. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle. Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards. That works, too. *waits to be stabbed* WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun. [My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...] [XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]
  21. [*helicopter flies over the forest with a net containing - Kat - and Kris, hanging from the bottom, suddenly the helicopter lowers the net onto the floor of a clearing in the middle of the forest*] [Yaaaay!] [*hopes Arkcher's Yaaaay! is a good Yaaaay!] [-has Yaaaayed for the purpose of being able to continue writing. in a not really sort of way.-]
  22. Oh yeah, Back on topic... XD I'm planning to go and work out some time, since im homeschooled and can do that while everyone else is off doing whatever, and do that whole beefing out thing. And then see what Brianrietta does. I think it'll be funny. XD (And maybe do something about this stupid case of acne i've got. Its pretty annoying, too.)
  23. I dont, but I definitely should wait till at least 16. (Primarily for the purpose of looking at how people in relationships end up, depending on what age they start at. Something ridiculous like starting at twelve years old, about 80% of them got engaged in some intimate relationship too early. It reduces as they start older, once it gets to 16 it ends up being some odd 15%. Im just going it safe.) I dont want to take any relationship seriously till im about 21. Theres nothing wrong with two people being all flirty and cute together for a while. XD 21 is a great age to wait for a serious relationship. You have lots of time to explore who you are and what you want to do before becoming serious. Exactly. After about 16, you have learned to control yourself more, and at that point, you explore the whole mess and... eh, Think of it as you date for practising at 16-18 or so. By the time you're 21, at longest, you'll know how to handle a relationship and all. Some people do not grow up until they are in their mid-20's! Again with the Stoopid Peaple's. xD Speaking of Stoopid Peaples... shouldn't you be studying????? Homeschooled, remember? I havent started school today yet. (One time I started at 10PM. it was pretty hilarious.) I remembered homeschooled, but I thought you started early. I just didn't want the 'teacher' getting on and making a post for me not to distract her pupil. Eh, I have a not-homeschool-related class dealie that starts at 6AM, so im all sortsa gettin up at 5, but after that, I start homeschooling whenever. In this case, it'll start... .... sometime.
  24. I dont, but I definitely should wait till at least 16. (Primarily for the purpose of looking at how people in relationships end up, depending on what age they start at. Something ridiculous like starting at twelve years old, about 80% of them got engaged in some intimate relationship too early. It reduces as they start older, once it gets to 16 it ends up being some odd 15%. Im just going it safe.) I dont want to take any relationship seriously till im about 21. Theres nothing wrong with two people being all flirty and cute together for a while. XD 21 is a great age to wait for a serious relationship. You have lots of time to explore who you are and what you want to do before becoming serious. Exactly. After about 16, you have learned to control yourself more, and at that point, you explore the whole mess and... eh, Think of it as you date for practising at 16-18 or so. By the time you're 21, at longest, you'll know how to handle a relationship and all. Some people do not grow up until they are in their mid-20's! Again with the Stoopid Peaple's. xD Speaking of Stoopid Peaples... shouldn't you be studying????? Homeschooled, remember? I havent started school today yet. (One time I started at 10PM. it was pretty hilarious.)
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