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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [MK has a long... chapter post part dealie. Oh Em Gee. still good. You should continue. This ones a lot cooler than mine.]
  2. [Yeah. You have an RP to record and I have five stories to be writing. XD -nods- Its five active ones now. Over the past two or three days i've developed a handy-plan for another story, taking place in nowadays. It'd be the first one i've done to be in a modern time era. The other one will be about the same time, i dont know if I can connect them or not. Whatever. I've got MF, Werewolf, uh... Yet Untitled, Other Untitled, and something like The Test. Im not very great with story titles. 'cuz you have to stick with them the whole thing. ._.] Dun forget the HD house. Foo'. Oh yeah, that one, too. i forgot again. I did figure out what next to post, just cant think of how to put it into text.
  3. Wow. That is so amazing. You get a fish award for that one. w00t. I vote that this response was cooler than Horatio's. since this one gimmie some kind of award. -might could party- Yeah, Horatio. I cant remember the last time I saw you on the board here and you werent anonymous. Its just assumed by default that the anonymous one is you. But when no posts go up, either you're enjoying a break from it all, or its Toto or somebody. Perhaps I am stalking. naw. Thats my job. XD Now you have a partner in stalking! LOL Yay! Now i dont have to creep people out by myself. Yeah... now we can do it together! Hoo-hoo-hoo-ray. ... yeah. im.... im gonna go... place.
  4. ;_; yeah. Brianrietta is definitely older than I am. I discovered this morning that shes planning on moving within the next... six months or so. And guess where shes moving to. >_< To where I just moved from[/u]. Sh'going to some of the big huge school univeristy dealies to go to school there.
  5. [Yeah. You have an RP to record and I have five stories to be writing. XD -nods- Its five active ones now. Over the past two or three days i've developed a handy-plan for another story, taking place in nowadays. It'd be the first one i've done to be in a modern time era. The other one will be about the same time, i dont know if I can connect them or not. Whatever. I've got MF, Werewolf, uh... Yet Untitled, Other Untitled, and something like The Test. Im not very great with story titles. 'cuz you have to stick with them the whole thing. ._.]
  6. Wow. That is so amazing. You get a fish award for that one. w00t. I vote that this response was cooler than Horatio's. since this one gimmie some kind of award. -might could party- Yeah, Horatio. I cant remember the last time I saw you on the board here and you werent anonymous. Its just assumed by default that the anonymous one is you. But when no posts go up, either you're enjoying a break from it all, or its Toto or somebody. Perhaps I am stalking. naw. Thats my job. XD Now you have a partner in stalking! LOL Yay! Now i dont have to creep people out by myself.
  7. Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer: Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice? Different question for whoever: How many uses of a Towel can you list?
  8. Wow. That is so amazing. You get a fish award for that one. w00t. I vote that this response was cooler than Horatio's. since this one gimmie some kind of award. -might could party- Yeah, Horatio. I cant remember the last time I saw you on the board here and you werent anonymous. Its just assumed by default that the anonymous one is you. But when no posts go up, either you're enjoying a break from it all, or its Toto or somebody. Perhaps I am stalking. naw. Thats my job. XD
  9. So, Okay. Guys. S'like, I went digging up old stuff in my harddrive(s) and found Supra Archive of old HD stuff! I have records of my siggies as they've changed in the past few years. Yeah, i was bored and recorded them to my compy. shuddup. I'll probably do it again. Heres my siggy from... one or two years ago, in case you guys really wanted to see that mess: 8 Awards Bud List~ Anyone who reads this. That means you, too. Woohoo. -Me, on some other chat room -MegaWolf Arkcher: So do you know what it means? OR do you not know what you dont know that i dont know what i dont know/IDK means? Arkcher: I figured as much which is why i did this for confusing you and whoever else feels like reading this. Dunno who'd waste their time doing that of all things though. You sure seem to though. (in a good way i mean. of.. course. n_n;; ) Arkcher: Booyah, Wasting time and procrastination is what keeps the world running (literally, world leaders dont do squat o_O) And yeah, More people should have recorded siggy conversations more often. This does give you an excuse for a long siggy and something to put in it. Arkcher:I feel like procrastinating. Whee. Yeah... What should we do about it? I mean, if we keep procrastinating then we wont get anything done about people with siggy convos. o_o lazy people and their problems, I swear... Arkcher: You know who, eh? I feel like a villain from a rather popular book sieries now. Yellow text now. Woohoo. True dat, true dat. xD Im lazy too. Summer or winter, Im planted here on my computer with nothing better to do, trying to figure out this Comcast stuff so i cana ctually make my website, prowling websites for game sprites so i can make a sprite' comic online, (i dont have anywhere to put it though) Writing novels and hoping i'll get around to finishing them, wasting my time on this board and writing siggy convos, dreamweaving and creating new campaigns for StarCraft, making my own cheap message board and checkin' emails. Nothing better to do 'round here. n_n Wierd. -Some of Mastermind's Bud list My comments on this: The second (that i know) person thats put me on a bud list or has expressed feelings toward the fact i actually exist. Woohoo. (the other one is Otter. I feel like giving 'er an award for it, but i dunno. o_O) BTW, You spelled meh name wrong. n_n; MW is now the third. CheetaSpot! I forgot CS. CS is deh fourth. n_n; sorry. Woohoo. DELETED!! I gotta get some sleep. Lloyd-man must know that i figured out how to get a bonus on SSBM. We sat in his room for like an hour trying to figure it out on teh Gamecube. And i got it, Now if i can get around to calling him or something... Dude... Your gettin' a Dell. War against the Giyga's! (I may never outsmart this SNES. -kicks it- ) F-zeroX is only good for death races. e_e Ehheeehhehehehheheeeehh. (<-- crazed maniacal laugh) We are net piraaates who dont steal anythiiinnngg. we just sit at hoooooome and load Kazaa, And if you ask uuusss to steal anythiiiiinng we'll probably ignore you and then uh.... Do somethiiiinnngg. o_o I cant write parodies even if i tried. xD Wazzzzaaaaaaaaaa. ... True. I wanna go to sleep but im tired and hyper. and dont really wanna sleep. Thats when you just eat more sugar and tank of on more ginsyng. provided i spell it right and dont run out of pills. n_n;; Woowoo! xD! Woohoo! I found eBay again. Now i can continue taking over the world. n_n (and of course bid 1 cent above everyone else to make them frustrated. Sometimes i get what i bid for though. I think i'll get this starfox64 game. It ends in 4 hours. o_o Not a bad thing, i really want that game xD) Woohoo, I won 'da bid. It should get in the mail in about a week. (i think o_o) Now im excited e__e Yay MW, You spelled it right. Now we can give yeh a hug. not like we couldnt before, but yeah. how to hug a wolf, hmmm.... I dunno. Yes, in case you were wondering. Im using up as much room as i can to be the first person to exceed the 10000 character limit. It looks like im a way off, cuz i have 5390 (or so) letters in here... Heh. Maybe i wont? Im coming close to 5000 letters! Woo. I could downsize it a bit to take up less room on the boards... Mneh. Woo! I got the 5K letters in meh sig. -does wierd dance- I have a very colorful siggy now. n_n Wally is my overweight superhero Ninja Guinea pig who can Fly. All hail Wally. Wally can fly. He saves us all from the homicidal deer. Wally! 'The fudge happened?! Wally seems to have died, The Homicidal deer are gonna get us all now, theres no super-pig to save us... Wow. I was such a nerd a longtime ago. XD
  10. Wow. That is so amazing. You get a fish award for that one. w00t. I vote that this response was cooler than Horatio's. since this one gimmie some kind of award. -might could party- Yeah, Horatio. I cant remember the last time I saw you on the board here and you werent anonymous. Its just assumed by default that the anonymous one is you. But when no posts go up, either you're enjoying a break from it all, or its Toto or somebody.
  11. Naw you're good. If she was 30, or something, then there might be some problems... Yay. n_n ... yyyyeeeaahh.
  12. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle. Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards. That works, too. *waits to be stabbed* WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun. [My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...] [XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?] [Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. ] [Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD] [Actually, that one was you, too.] [..... Must you embarrass me? >_<;] [You asked.] [shuddup. You dont know that. ._.]
  13. [but she was BAD! =o Not everyone is cool. S'like, people who you think are cool really arent. I bet'choo thought Qill was cool at first, too. but she wasnt. Maybe some other stuff.]
  14. ['Nother update. ... cuz I got carried away with writing this one, now imma go work on werewolfin'. =D] Chapter Twenty-Three Where is he, per se? Karaast ignored the pain surging through his body as he persistently flapped his wings, flying through the air shortly after he had taken a beating from a Werewolf. His eyes scanned the scenery for signs of his target, which was complicated by the fact he was chasing a shape shifter; He could be looking for anything. No more than thirty seconds had passed before Karaast landed atop a building, panted, and tried to see or hear any sign of Arranay. She couldn’t have gotten far, with her lack of flying skill, not to mention carrying the weight of Phyro. But again, this is a shape shifter... Karaast sighed, his panting slowed as he caught his breath. Once more he listened carefully, but this time, he heard a short grunting noise, followed by a faint impact. Karaast promptly flew over to where he heard it. Arranay was found in her Elvin form, in a kneeling position that looked like she was stabbed...? Karaast unhesitantly grabbed her by her clothing, and lifted her to eyelevel. "Where is Phyro?!" Karaast demanded, a look of death in his eyes and small flames visible in his mouth as he spoke. "... Put... me down..." Karaast threw her to the ground, "I don't have time for this, Tell me where you put him!" "He... stabbed me..." "I will, too, if you don’t tell me where he is!" "He... left me here... ran over there..." She weakly gestured off to the side, Karaast wordlessly sprinted off where Arranay motioned. Arranay laughed under her breath, struggled to her feet, and walked the opposite direction of where she told Karaast that Phyro was. He was naive enough to believe her. “YOU LIAR!†Karaast’s voice boomed from behind Arranay a few seconds later. Startled, she turned around, to see that Karaast was sprinting back in her direction, with some very nasty-looking claws out. Before Arranay could react, Karaast lunged and slashed at Arranay, and managed to make more than just a small scratch behind her knees. She let out a screech of pain and toppled over, now immobile. “You tell me where he is or your life will come to an end here and now!†Arranay laid in a very discomforted stance, as vital muscles in her legs had been torn, not to mention various other wounds and cuts she had. She mostly sat there and cried and groaned. Karaast was growing very impatient, especially since she mostly appeared to be stalling him for time. “I don’t have all day, now.†She sniffled, grunted and tried to speak. “He… He went that way… Th… th-that’s all I know, he ran off…†She motioned to where she was walking moments before. “Wonderful.†Karaast stepped over to Arranay, “The way I see it… You’re in a lot of pain right now…†Arranay nodded. “… and If I just healed you, you’d join up with your werewolf friend and just come and cause trouble for us. Just know that I’m not the merciless dragon you may take me to be.†Karaast continued, and grabbed Arranay by her neck, who was indeed objecting to Karaast’s actions. Karaast extended his claws, they pierced through her neck. Karaast pulled out sharply and ripped out a few body parts, grabbed Arranay’s limp body with the other hand, turned around and threw it as hard as he could. The impact would finish her off. Karaast watched Arranay fly, she hit the corner of a building and bounced off to the side, landed with a thud and left a streak of blood on the ground some odd six feet long. Undoubtedly dead. He turned around, not proud of what he had just done. Karaast strode off to where Arranay mentioned, having two directions in which Phyro could have gone. He shouldn’t be far, he had taken quite a beating from Tahmores. … Come to think of it, He… did take the kind of impacts that could kill a human. Phyro needs to be found, he could die if not treated. Karaast took a breath, and called out Phyro’s name. He didn't want to take much time doing this; He himself was hurting and rather tired from fighting futilely and making his escape. [Lovely mental image. =D]
  15. HK and Horatio are... PARTNERS IN CRIME =o or... moderation.
  16. Arkcher

    Jesse's topic

    WHAT. IS UP. MY DAWG. =o uh. yeah. I just felt like saying that so I did. Um. You should go and join Kat's mafia. cuz she made one. -nods-
  17. Brianrietta told me this morning that she'll have her drivers license by early next year. I think that she's mistaken me for being old enough to drive. XD 'Not the first time its happened. So, She's at least 16 and im 14. Is that considered terribly out-of-the-ordinary in this relationship dealie that everyone but me seems to know about? XD
  18. Yaaaaay. Glowy-boy is gonna do something. >__>;
  19. ... you end up getting in a situation with your friends that results in you having to explain the whole Sanity mess. (I've done that a number of times...) ... you cant help but wonder Why isnt the rest of the world moderated? ... you also wonder if Horatio applies madd Mod skillz to other things or message boards... Hmmmm... ... you dig up your really old Hampsterdance CD's, dust them off and remember 'back in the day'
  20. ... And have you known of any mafia's to NOT turn against some of their members? whatev. If not the Mafia, we shall use teh skwerl army as MK suggested, she'll pwn you with a meat grinder, I pwn you with a sword or werewolf-itude. .... oooorrrr.... TGHL pwns j00 or something. I dunno. Finish or we'll -insert intimidating threat here- j00. >o
  21. I made a full analysis of my backpack a while back. From memory, it has something like 25.05 feet of ducttape on it, weighs 18.30 lbs, and... more items than I care to count. I think its funny.
  22. 13 ducks? that is a big backbpack. As seen in the... second-most-recent Homestar Halloween special, i think it was, when the cheat got the hiccups, At the end, SB was gonna give Homestar ten bucks if he stops breathing. Homestar went for it, but gave up. SB encouraged him by saying that ten is a lot of bucks. "Right right, A lot of ducks." Homestar spent the remainder of the cartoon trying to hold his breath for more than two seconds at a time to get ten ducks. So I use ducks as a term to replace currency. XD 13 ducks is $13. Whatev. Big backpack. it has ducttape all over it.
  23. MK. j00 didnt put your clique things of some Pink Floyd song names or something or other in your post. =o omg.
  24. Turning the attention back to myself as I've done in the past, I remembered something else with Brianrietta i think the day before that dance thing she was an obsessive flirt at. She mentioned her liking toward digging through peoples' stuff, usually their wallet and looking at the wierd stuff they keep in it. That day, she asked if she could see my wallet, while assuring me she wouldnt take anything from it or stupid things like that. I handed it to her (didnt have much to lose if she did take something. like $2 and some scraps of paper and an expired discount card. XD) and a few minutes later, she found my old ID card from when I was about 7 years old. She went on about how really cute I was, and affectionately put it back, and handed me my wallet back after a few more minutes. She told me I had $14.27 or so in there. I looked to confirm and saw that I had more money than I recall there being, I dont know if she put it there or if I just didnt see it, but whatever. Now I have like 13 ducks in my backpack. =D To back up her mentioning she liked digging thorugh peoples' wallets, she did that to a few of my friends while I was there. Uninterestedly, she handed them back their wallets and seemed mostly interested in mine. Brianrietta is wierd, man. This is the first time i've had a flirt on me and i've actually liked them back. O_o; I just know im gonna screw up sometime.
  25. [i see. Meh, good 'nuff. -throws a cookie at Horatio-]
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