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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well. So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet. A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.) Whatev. Im still rambling. XD] [Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.] [Ooh. Looks like something might be done Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.] [Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...] [Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.] [because... Like... Who wants group madness?] I am thinking on how this could work.] [i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...] [You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.] [Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...] [And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.] [There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.] [i hope I made enough sense XD] [And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD] [You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.] [its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.] [i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.] [its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take live fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more. And point out your typoes. ;D]
  2. [Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well. So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet. A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.) Whatev. Im still rambling. XD] [Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.] [Ooh. Looks like something might be done Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.] [Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...] [Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.] [because... Like... Who wants group madness?] I am thinking on how this could work.] [i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...] [You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.] [Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...] [And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.] [There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.] [i hope I made enough sense XD] [And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD] [You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.] [its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]
  3. Jeez, I'm like... going delerial thinking of the possibilities as i'm writing the rest of this. >__>;
  4. Uh, he 'rebooted it' and now you dont have the files? Rebooting is to turn off your compy and turn it back on. Reformatting is erasing nigh everything on the harddrive, putting an operating system (Windows) back on and getting it to go again. In which case, everything is lost. which would kind of... be bad. I'd do a search for the files, (That option should be in the Start menu, near the bottom right, assuming you're running XP) and make sure you have all file types and searching in all available areas. Or you could just... ask him. If he tells you nonsense computer nerd words and all, either have him translate or you could try telling me to interpret. That reminds me of one of my harddrives I had a while back. I got a different PC and physically lost the harddrive somewhere. I think I found it, it wasnt marked, but when I tried to get it running, there were no files anywhere on it. D= whatever. Ask him if he reformatted the computer or what. Ha. He told me he rebooted it, but he actually did reformat it, since everything it gone, and we had to buy new stuff for it. Thanks for explaining, though. Gah. I'm really, really upset. My brother's a moron. XD If he told you he rebooted it, I think he's... not as cool as he thinks he is. I'm just arrogant, so I can get away with saying I'm awsome. n_n Well, not much can be done about it. (Except for pwning your brother. You know where he sleeps, right? -devious grin- ) Just try re-writing the next post. S'too cool to let something like this get in your way.
  5. Ooooo. Ladies man. *nudge nudge* ♥ Lee Yeah, but I dont much care for The Denzel. These codenames are hilarious. XD
  6. Uh, he 'rebooted it' and now you dont have the files? Rebooting is to turn off your compy and turn it back on. Reformatting is erasing nigh everything on the harddrive, putting an operating system (Windows) back on and getting it to go again. In which case, everything is lost. which would kind of... be bad. I'd do a search for the files, (That option should be in the Start menu, near the bottom right, assuming you're running XP) and make sure you have all file types and searching in all available areas. Or you could just... ask him. If he tells you nonsense computer nerd words and all, either have him translate or you could try telling me to interpret. That reminds me of one of my harddrives I had a while back. I got a different PC and physically lost the harddrive somewhere. I think I found it, it wasnt marked, but when I tried to get it running, there were no files anywhere on it. D= whatever. Ask him if he reformatted the computer or what.
  7. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died. They buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! Now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the Boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroom_king spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickle that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads, then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. But it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. Alas, they were slimy, smelly slugs and cow poo that just died. due to a lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese and some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. Which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids and they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house, when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises while blood was turned into Soda that tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. This caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. Rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed that killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems. And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient Roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a :ninja: . Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies tried to murder MK's massive signature and smiley. Everyone hates the orange marching mosquitos that drink OJ and like to sing "Body Language" by Invision CodeRed which is not the best song or the smelliest. Some Squashed Flies destroyed the hat of assorted feces and chocolate goodness. Emily the Strange returned with Chickens fried in poo and covered with spam. Looking for a way to poo, they ate her. The beast and Dr. Hoogeywackawoowoo and her little dog too caused volcanic eruptions. Space and time were torn asunder by faceless Children with meat grinders, purple combat wombats and pogo sticks made of rotten, weezing Stick figures which smelled like Dior's Pure Poison. MK's massive signature which occupied three-hundred-eighty-two-million handicapped parking spaces, Gerald Scarfe Animations, MGM studios and Stephen King's imagination, and a monkey. The monkey died. We had monkey kill Stephen King who narrowly escaped by eating his own poisoned sunflower seed and Peter Griffin. MK's signature died and everyone rejoiced. Mk killed everyone except for Trent, TGHL and Horatio and us Hampsterdancers. Yeah, man. We decided to form The Mushroom Army. The boy with Immovable hair isnt very great.
  8. [Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well. So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet. A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.) Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]
  9. ['j00 read that topic where we nicknamed that idiot Sue? It was pretty great. and depressing at the same time.]
  10. Yeah, but what of the small childrens? D= Will SOMEone think of the children?!
  11. Wow, I'm fickle. About ten minutes ago, I was doing another random statement thing at her. As I was leaving, I told her 'LETTUCE!' 'What?' 'Lettuce!' 'What about lettuce?' 'It's just lettuce, okay?' 'Im so confused!' 'You better beleive it.' mmhmm. That, too. she was like, the whole subtle flirtitude the rest of the night. n_____n
  12. [Yeah... I forgot to mention that I came up with a title for this part of the story a while back. out of boredom, i came up with 'the Dawning of a new Hiccup'. partly due to hilarity.]
  13. oh, great. Brianrietta has been absent from meetings for about three days for unknown reasons, and now The Denzel is getting all flirty on me.
  14. [seriously, Pom-pom. Im gonna finish this. Im like, so gonna finish it, you dont even know im gonna finish it.] [Yeah. ...... yeah.] [... yeah.] [im gonna like, try makin some of it up right now. to get me on my way. ... yeah.] Arkcher sighed, leaned back in his chair, trying to think of what to write next. His concentration was soon interrupted by Mega Wolf, running into his room. "Arkcher! You're still a computer nerd, right? Yeah, you are now if you werent. Something wierd happened to Kat's compy!" Arkcher turned and stared at MW blankly for a moment. He then pointed at her and laughed. "Ahem. ... Yeah, i'll... go take a look." Arkcher stood up, stretched, shook his head, and walked out of his room to follow MW down the staircase. They came to one of the living rooms, and saw another computer desk, covered in DuctTape, with a PC (also covered in tape) and Kat standing nearby, looking rather worried. The monitor displayed Kat's desktop, nothing looked out of the ordinary. "Arkcher! My compy is all wierd now!" "... Define 'wierd'." "Well, watch it! It might do it again!" Mega Wolf and Kat stared at the computer silently, expecting it to do something. Arkcher did likewise, but lost patience. "Whats it going to do?" "Shuddup and watch!" Another short moment passed, before the monitor bounced up in the air, and a sound of rushing air came from the PC. "Seeeee?! It did it again!" "... W'l Thats interesting." "It looks like it has the hiccups!" Arkcher looked over at Hamster Luver, who as on the other side of the room, watching them. "Kat's computer... has the hiccups." "Well what else could it be?" Arkcher looked at the computer again, the same desktop was still there, with the various claymores in the wallpaper. He intently watched it closely again, waiting for it to 'hiccup'. When it did, Arkcher noticed a small rectangular grey window appear on the monitor. "It's... doing something...!" Arkcher stepped closer, put his hand on the keyboard, and waited for it to 'hiccup' again. It did, while the monitor was still in the air, Arkcher hit the Screenshot key, opened MS Paint, and looked at what happened. A small error message was in the display, it read '*hic* Aaaugh.' with an OK button just below it. The message seemed to go away shortly after it appeared. "... It definitely has the hiccups. ... How could a complex circuit get the hiccups?" "Maybe its a virus!" MW suggested. Arkcher thought about it for a moment, and agreed. That was the only explanation they had so far. "Kat, Gimmie that ducttape." "What? Oh, you mean Sue? Yeah, theres still a little bit left of him." Kat grabbed the roll of tape and tossed it to Arkcher, who taped the monitor down to the desk to keep it from jumping in the air. "Imma take a look at it..." Arkcher tossed the now tapeless roll of cardboard off to the side. Kat and MW ran over to it, and set it on fire. "DEATH TO THE SUE!" They chanted while jumping around the small flame while it lasted. "There is something wrong with you guys." "Hey, its not our fault, You're writing this mess." "... Pffuh. Whatever." Arkcher looked at various things on Kat's computer, sparing the details of what. THe monitors desplay wiggled around periodically, in accordance to when it would hiccup. Arkcher couldnt shake the thought of why would a computer get the hiccups? "Nothing looks wrong... Kat, How do you fix hiccups on a person?" "Uh, Something like... drinking a lot of water, or eating a lot od peanut butter, or... I dunno, beat it to death with a claymore." "Or stick the hiccups in the meat grinder!" MK suggested from the other room. "On the contrary, MK, That solution does not solve everything. A lot of them, yes, but Hiccups dont fit in Meat Grinders." "And why not?" MK asked as she stepped into the room. "You remember your supposedly sanity-proof Meat Grinder?" MK Nodded. "Same basic thing, I guess Hiccups are like Sanities, so you cant put those in your meat grinder. Maybe a different one..." "Wait a minute... If Hiccups are like Sanities, then TGHL should be able to take care of them...?" Kat commented. The group thought about it for a moment, and agreed to find TGHL. [A bit trippy, but its better than nothing. ._.]
  15. whip clothing strainer make a quilt mask hat drying things use it to scrub put it down on mud so you can walk there blocking the sun fashion accesory tear it up into a sweat band holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay [adding more. We all shoud try to add more!] Blindfold Tissue/hanky Rope 1337-|-|4}{}{0|2 Boxing gloves Bandages [Oh, and I answered your first question.] ... Leet hahos? People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing. [i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.] leet haxxor... I forget the second x >.< and I can't find a better x... Maybe I'm just unimaginative. Anyways. [Well, true, however larger sizes are only bad when it comes to weight and protability. If you went on a planet with a higher grevitational pull... That would hurt. But otherwise they may be an overall better option.] X= \\// //\\ >< v ^ (<-- Not really, no.) aaaand some even bigger Ascii things. Some letters you just cant do. XD
  16. XD This is probably the first time this has happened... Im about 2/3s through the first part of one of the stories I planned to put on here, and other sites, but while Im writing it, I noticed that its affecting me. like, paranoia about a rather realistic part in this story. Absentmindedly, I ended up writing whatever came to mind, wrote a rather intense situation, actually scared myself with it, closed MS Word and had to go pwn stuff on SSBM to get my mind off of it. Perhaps I shouldnt post it here if i'm freaking myself out with it. Should you wonder what it is, Its... In Beta form right now, im in between deciding if i'm going for first-person perspective or one of those just of choose-your-adventure thing where it says you do everything. Whatever. Im writing it out as the You do everything kind of way right now, 'seeing how it turns out. But after a strange, unknown-at-the-time set of events led 'you' to be in a rather rural area, with no sign of civilization anywhere. After wandering, 'you' find a sign telling you which towns were nearby, and deciding to go to the nearer of the two listed, 'you' start down a nearby road, aching and fatigued for unrevealed reasons. Some feral wolves catch your scent and end up chasing 'you' down the road, so upon freaking out, 'you' find the nearest shelter, in this case, a small house along side the road. Regardless of whats inside, its decided to be better than pushing your luck with some ravenous canines. 'You' find the front door to be unlocked, to go inside and hide from the wolves. Come to find out that the house isnt very comforting; there are bloodstains in various places, unpleasent scents but no sign of bodies or sentient life form aside from 'yourself'. Upon exploring the house, its found that it was once a bachelors house, some odd 35 years old person, who you eventually find the body of, crammed in a closet supposedly to hide it. Various papers and items throughout the house lead you to beleive that the dead owner of the house knew some things about people that didnt want him to know it. After seeing some things written in blood on walls and such, textual cries for help, delerial statements, 'no' found everywhere, 'You' decide its rather creepy and hope the wolves have left and go for the town some odd two miles down the road. A few steps from the door, 'you' reach out to open it, but youre startled by a knocking on the door from the other side. Thats it, very summarized, omitted details make it much more creepy. I dont know if I can even continue writing it. XD For all 'you' know, it could be some homicidal maniac who was involved in this mess. and knows where you are. Ooooooo.
  17. We can save it. Yes, yes! Duct-tape shall preserve it! -begins covering everything in sight with ducttape- Colour is important... what colour is your duct tape? Pink. =D I have pink ducttape all over my monitor here.
  18. [And yet, I remain here undevoured. and not-messy. ... Perhaps I shouldnt have pointed that out to you. >__>; -flees-]
  19. We can save it. Yes, yes! Duct-tape shall preserve it! -begins covering everything in sight with ducttape-
  20. whip clothing strainer make a quilt mask hat drying things use it to scrub put it down on mud so you can walk there blocking the sun fashion accesory tear it up into a sweat band holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay [adding more. We all shoud try to add more!] Blindfold Tissue/hanky Rope 1337-|-|4}{0|2 Boxing gloves Bandages [Oh, and I answered your first question.] ... Leet hahos? People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing. [i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.]
  21. I'm able to take comfort in the knowledge, though, that Im still not necessarily searching for 'the one'. Imma do that later. Its no big loss. And, since nothing ever really started... It cant be considered a relationship ending.
  22. holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay XDDDD! Thats fitting hilarious. uh. Yeah, the wording and all. thats hilarious. You get an award. I dunno which, so i'll make one up now. You get... a... ThingThingThinger Award. s'what i'll call it. For humorous statement. yeah. you get it now.
  23. Is that meant to be an tag or a tag? Or both? Snap. Uh, well. mm. see, about that, uh... it was... the Italic tag. it looks prettier than underlining. =D Arg! ;_; That's not good! It makes me sad. D= But. There may be a way around it, see... What im thinking, or hoping is the case, is that Brianrietta is just confused about it. A few weeks ago, I absentmindedly cheered when one of Brianrietta's friends walked in the room. The guys who follow me around as if they're my friends (I dont care for them much, but whatever. I dont have anyone else.) got the idea that I liked this friend of Brianrietta's. But such is not the case. So, this friend person, whom I will nickname The Denzel, also got the idea that I liked her. Physically, yes. but I cant stand her personality and attitude though. I wouldnt be able to tolerate being with her for more than like ten minutes. She's more of the arrogant, im-cooler-and-hotter-than-all'a-yous-people attitude. I dont like that. Looking at stuff about her (websites and xangas, for example) she has more than just a few guys after her. Even if I did like her, she'd have much better alternatives. Whatever. About everyone thinks I like The Denzel, so Brianrietta, rather can trying to do something about this, is giving up on me and is going elsewhere to finish up school and possibly find a guy to be all flirty-cute at there. The only solution I can think of this, assuming this is true, is to actually do something on my part, you know, telling Brianrietta how cool she is. and. yeah. n_n -stares off into space-
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