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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I don't wear Skirts or shorts. Ever. Unless I'm at a wedding. Or, more commonly, a funeral. O_o I'm pretty sensitive about my legs...I have really muscular legs, and I always wear pants because people make fun of me for it. But when i like someone, I get even more sensitive aout the way I look. Aaaaaanyway. Trent has been pretty depressed lately. People making fun of him and calling him a loser. *~*the Psychedlic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Go for it. It's right there in front of you, if its pretty visible that hes depressed, it'll really get him happier if a girl he likes will come and, like... be all cool. (Just dont take the approach Brianrietta did. -shakes head-)
  2. [o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun. so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]
  3. Does that mean you don't like Brianrietta anymore? ;_; Aww. It was so cute. Maybe she was just confused on how to tell you she likes you? x_X I dunno. But you should give her another chance. Eh, She lost a whole lot of brownie points, but I think from my... response (mostly just avoiding her uncomfortably and always finding something better to do) she got the message that I wasnt all for her appearance. I hope she knows thats not the way to get my attention. I still like her, but I think some adjustments need to be made. >__>; I agree, i think she just has it wrong how she wants to say she likes me too. and hope so. I think it would be more hilarious to just suddenly reveal that in a very public and awkward situation. Embarassment for all. XD That' be so hilarious. Now that i'm mostly over her stupidness of earlier today, I have another part of this still-unnofficial relationship to tell. ... since i forgot and just remembered. Brianrietta, The Denzel, and two other people, are all in their own little amoeba, of friends and whatever. Since we moved in, they got a liking toward my older sister, and made my sister the fifth member of their little group. Applying madd hacker skillz, I got on my sisters' lappy and got all of this amoeba's IM names. (Im so stealthy.) but I cant tell which one is Brianrietta. D= I can identify two of the four, one is The Denzel, the one that got... a large group of people confused for me having an obsession with her rather than Brianrietta. so, I have The Denzel, and one of the more useless members of that amoeba. I think I found which one is Brianrietta, but I cant be sure without being blatantly obvious that im hacking my sisters computer to find out about her friends. So, I have all their IM names... but only one of them even knows Im a computer nerd, let alone have IM myself. What would be the most strategic move? I dont even know, man. People are confusing.
  4. Regardless of forks and servitude, Im going back on topic. unhappily. Brianrietta lost like 50 brownie points, man. She had the stupidest outfit I've ever seen. her little scantily clad outfit led to actions, as well, so she was... acting up, and I think her objective was to wear something attractive to let me know that she wants some sort of relationship. If you want to do that, DON'T DRESS LIKE A *****. She had low-cut stuff everywhere with more bare skin than I'd ever want to see. What was covered looked completely ridiculous. for example, She was wearing a bra OUTSIDE HER SHIRT. That had to be the stupidest thing i'd ever seen. She was acting like a sex-obsessed little... >_o; ._. I'm unhappy. People are idiots. And its worse when you used to like them. Advising for the lady-types: Dont wear clothes like that. Especially if you want to get the attention of a guy. (Especially if its a shady character, not-so-very wonderful things could happen.) If they're someone you can respect, they lose respect for you as its nigh impossible to concentrate on ANYTHING ELSE. like... what you're trying to say to him. Jus' dont do that. just... no.
  5. Now, did she have any revelations about you after she saw clearly? XD just kidding arkcher, you're awsome. Arkcher needs a fork, 'cause he just got SERVED. Yeah, You gimmie that dang fork. -PWNS TEH KAT W/ AFOREMENTONED FORK OMG.- now j00 got served. or something.
  6. Now, did she have any revelations about you after she saw clearly? XD just kidding arkcher, you're awsome. Naw, She was still a hopeless flirt afterward. I think its funny. XD
  7. You had better post at least 10 per week! We love our Phoenix and miss when you are not here!!! No no no, TGHL should keep his goal to 10 by Christmas. That way, having a really low goal, you can overacheive like a bandit! =D (Tha overacheiver-bandit strikes again! D< )
  8. Yeah, it brings back memories of a topic called "The Pyramid Game." I think LifesEagle started it. The idea was to see how far you could quote something. On this board once you quote too many times it turns into gibberish though. :glare: LOL... that was great!!! I think we had about 32 or more quotes in one post in that topic. Here the limit is 10! That makes things so confusing. It is even worse when I try to answer two posts, separately, in the same topic, one right after another, it will always combine them into one post. That is worse. I need to answer the one post, leave the other one in the queue, go to a few different topics, then put the computer to sleep and then return and it will then allow me to post a reply not combining the two. On occasion, it decides to combine them anyway. Grrrrr! You could ask HK to raise the limit to... like... higher than 10. It's possible. and like, can be done, even. 'Might not get done this year, but it'll probably happen someday. XD
  9. Did she bat her eyelashes at you? XD No, It was more of that vacant stare again.
  10. *twitch* It's a good thing you aren't as short-tempered as me. I woulda exploded at somebody by now. XD Yeah, I found a topic here from a while ago (two or three years back) You exploded all over the place, man. it was hilarious. but pretty creepy. o_o; Talking to some of the doods on IM, they're telling me how much they dont like the staff and how I, despite I dont want to do a lot for them, would do a LOT better. so Some of them caught on that i dont want to do everything and a half, and think that I run message boards a lot better than others. I dunno, i havent really had a comparison... whatever, man. Im gonna watch them continue to wonder who Jackahoogie is. XD
  11. Eeeeee. This morning, I discovered that Brianrietta has some kind of optical issue, and her contacts (which I didnt know she had) wont work anymore, something to that effect, so she dug out some glasses from her backpack, put them on, commented that she could see much better now, and the first thing she looked at was me, across the table from her. >_>;; ...yay?
  12. [Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.] [and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]
  13. [XD That took me like an hour to -hic write, I was laughing the whole -hictime, i had to stop more than -hic just once...] [-hic I'll probably put another update in here some-hictime. and yay for an award -hic from Horatio. =D]
  14. "TGHL!!" The trio walked through the HD House calling for TGHL, occasionally stopping a member or unregistered user along the way, asking of TGHL's whereabouts. "Wait a minute, if TGHL steals Kat's compy's hiccups, wont he have this hiccup virus dealie?" MW commented. "Maybe. If he does, then, well... He's evil, so we wont much mind. If not, then oh well." Kat replied, and stared off into space, in deep concentration on matters that may or may not be this Hiccup incident. Arkcher continued walking, and started to sigh, but half-way through, he involentarily took in another breath, cringed, and let out a rather long, loud grunt. "... What was that?" "I have no idea. 'T felt like the biggest hiccup I ever had." "... Oh, snap. You got the hiccups from Kat's compy?" "Hiccups arent contagous from one bioform to another, let alone a mechanism to a bioform. I couldnt have gotten hiccups from a blasted computer-" Arkcher was cut off by another loud hiccup. Kat held back laughter ineffectively, within seconds, she and MW burst out laughing. "Yeah, I feel -hic- the love, guys. I really -hic- do." Kat continued cackling with MW for a moment, before she, too, was interruped by a large hiccup. A short silence followed, before Arkcher and MW laughed at Kat. Within a moment, the three of them were on the floor, laughing and hiccuping at random times, causing them to laugh harder. "WHAT are you guys doing?!" A loud voice interrupted their laughing hiccup fit. The three of them sat up, and saw MK, wielding a Meat Grinder, standing a few feet away. "We were laughing at -hic- Arkcher, because he has the -hic- ... He has the hic-hic-... Arkcher has the hiccups! -hic-!" "But I was laughing at -hic- Kat, becuase she has the -hic- Hiccups, too! -hic-" MK watched them all erupt in hiccups and laughter again. "Y'all are whack." "Wiggidy whack? -hic-" "No, just regular kind." "Its the compy's -hic- fault, MK!" "Whatever, You guys have your little lung contraction, there, I'm gonna go and listen to Pink Floyd and put Trent in this here handy Meat Grinder." A few minutes passed, before MW, Kat and Arkcher finally calmed down, continuing to hiccup every few seconds. They sat on the floor, rather tired from laughing so much. "What's going on in here, guys?" Horatio asked as he walked into the room. "Horatio! We have the -hic- ... Arkcher has the hic-hic-cups!" "We have -hic- I have the -hic- We all got the hic-hic- from Kat's comp-hic-y!" "Kat's computer has a hickey?" "NO! We got the -hic- hiccups from Kat's -hic- computer!" "How did you manage that, getting the hiccups from a computer?" "I dont -hic- know! I dont even know -hic- how KAt's computer got the hic-hic-ups in the first place!" "You run Windows, dont you?" "Ye-hic-ah." "Mac's dont get hiccups..." Horatio commented, and then hiccupped himself. "AAH! Horatio has -hic- the hiccups, too!" "Oh no! -hic- The hiccups are -hic- contagous!" The four of them ended up laughing at each other just as hard as they were a few moments ago, but now with a small chainsaw-wielding hamster in their presence. "-hic- Are we gonna go and -hic- find THGH... TG... -hic- TGH... TLHG... -hic- Grimmy-boy? the hamster ruler person -hic- who is grim?" MW asked after another few minutes had passed. "Oh -hic- year, I forgot about that. -hic- We really need him now, -hic- though, This is getting rid-hic-ulous." "-hic- Wait, wait, there was a -hic- last minute... or previously un-hic-known thing, that we just -hic- figured out, Something like MK-hic-'s Meat Grinder could probably get -hic- rid of these hic-hic-ups." "How do -hic- you know that?" "MK -hic- said so a while back! S'like... -hic- yeah... that." "that. -hic-" "Well, now we -hic- need to find MK! Whe-hic-re did she say she was going? -hic-" "Something about -hic- sticking Trent's Pink Floyd C-hic-D's in the meat grinder... I dunno, -hic- but she went off that -hic- way." KAt pointed off down one of the hallways of the HD house. "WEll great, -hic- That's the one hallway in the hou-hic-se that has about fifteen exits in which-hic- MK could have gone." The four of them walked on down the hallway... "Well, we best -hic- start looking for her... M-hic-K!!!" [the dawning of a new hiccup... -hic-]
  15. After they've bided their time a while, I'm bombarded with requests and everyone expecting me to do everything for them again. >_<; And the staff they've gotten to replace me is terrible. The staff is openly flaming the members. and over-criticising, and pretty much abusing their staff power that they only got because they're some friends of one of the admins who wont take off their staff power. its CHAOS.
  16. x_x A lot of people's compys are being wiped, although in Horatio's case is was a messed-up lappy and in MK and Toto's case it was a brother. It's like an epidemic. S'like that Pork 'n beans conspiracy theory. only its HD doods' harddrives conspiracy. =o ... -goes on a backupping rampage- =D
  17. Oh yeah... Yesterday morning, Brianrietta and I kept throwing candy at each other. I think she likes that gross Three Musketeers thing. those are kinda sick. Whatever. It was fun. she was cackling like an idiot about the same as I was. n_______n; Im starting to think that this Brianrietta log is kind of boring to everyone else, but I'm still excited about it. Whatev. You just skip over reading my posts then. o_o
  18. The towelly questions still stand, yo. O_o
  19. [Fitting awsome. And you should keep writing it, and stop calling it rubbish, partly because thats a pretty wierd sounding term. Still good.] [... still as good as it was five minutes ago. =D]
  20. uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous. Stoopid peaple's. haha u iz a gud riter. XD Sew iz u. and horasho iss liek tha padre-burrito of tha messuj bord lolz. ... yeah. You heard me. Padre-burrito. (I corrected a typo just in time, I was going to say a buttiro.)
  21. Brianrietta was caught three times staring at me, and I ended up telling her 'Iceberg!' as she was leaving. ....... n_____n
  22. [Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well. So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet. A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.) Whatev. Im still rambling. XD] [Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.] [Ooh. Looks like something might be done Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.] [Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...] [Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.] [because... Like... Who wants group madness?] I am thinking on how this could work.] [i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...] [You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.] [Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...] [And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.] [There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.] [i hope I made enough sense XD] [And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD] [You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.] [its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.] [i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.] [its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take like fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more. And point out your typoes. ;D] [Et toi, Arkcher.] (And you, Arkcher.) [What? I see no typoes. You must be off your rocker. or something.]
  23. -cackle- I found an old topic. and it has an old story in it that MW probably wrote, and proof of n00bage. =D ... yeah.
  24. uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous. Stoopid peaple's.
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