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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. OREGON TRAIL \o/ I think you need to get a motorbikes. cause you keep having dreams about them. and watching movies about them.
  2. Ah, i see. First thing that had come to mind was Zelda OOT, with that 7-year gap in time and everything. ;/ Couldnt figure out how that could be associated with relationships.
  3. Awesome idea o: I'd love to participate, but any camera at my disposal are low-res poor-quality dim-colored cheap little things D: I might get a functional one in the next few months, so I'll definitely join in when I can. Unless you want to open this up to non-photographic contributions... which has its ups and downs, I'll leave the decision to someone else.
  4. well theres not much to watch/stare at/lurk. :x
  5. D: but the art of lurking is spread across a whole board. or forum. and it refrains from posting.
  6. BIRDS AND THE SUN WAS ALMOST DOWN FROM THE TOP OF THE SKY Sonny must be that little kitty that lived in the doom apartment? D: Ones that grow up in bad circumstances seem to be the most awesome. And sometimes [not always] the same can be said for people.
  7. duuuuuude those fruit-scented markers are AWESOME.
  8. I forgot to mention that he has some friends in high places, and there are several good leads available. We'll recover from this in less than 2 months, I deem. The half-written plan is that by 2 or 3 weeks, by the end of March, he'll choose which one is most awesome and we'll move there. Even if its just on the other side of town. so This wont be a lasting incident. He's a... process engineer, i think you call it. Major in chemistry, minor in geology, so he's worked with cement/concrete plants, made custom ceramic bricks for steel factories, and does some management work so he signs the piece of paper that says 'your bridge wont fall over :­D' With the right resources, he can pretty much make any sort of rock/sand/stone stuff with many different attributes, like being lightweight and being able to withstand some 1,000C degrees. or being like, nigh-on indestructible. Granted, its not very cheap, but he can do it. I guess there are just plenty of structures already built, and construction joints that need that kind of concrete are going downhill, or something. This isnt the first time thats happened. ... the.. the laying off. so What he's looking forward to doing is working with ISO, something like the International Standards Organization so he'd go to everyone elses cement plants and survey their machines and products and make sure everything's fine and dandy. He likes travelling, so that'd work well for him. but yeah, he's got some good leads, somewhere up in Tennessee was offering like 90k a year. which would be nice. Also: Katman's dad earns like 300 awesome-points for covering for everyone with 3 jobs. And it didnt snow here. D: at all. I think they forgot Winter was supposed to happen.
  9. Oh, so some bank around here decided to be awesome and hand out a $125 deposit bonus for opening an account. so now i have me a debit card with about $150 ducks in it. -dances- ... i think thats all.
  10. The past 3 days or so, I've been rather sick, to the point where I can't really string together a coherent thought. [Texting took about 8 minutes.] and since I can't think, I cant do ANYthing and it is SO boring D: I've gone through about every video game in the household, as they require minimal involvement, to the point where I've lost interest. [Probably a good thing though] but I can't write any stories without it involving professional photography of pencils, epilepsy, spontaneous conjoining of people [like, like all of a sudden POOF you guys are siamese D:< ] neon-colored and glowing whips, or oreo cookies. These subjects have been on my brain-dead mind for some time. but instead of make a thread to complain, there are some other recent events of potential interest. A week ago, my dad got laid off solely due to economic issues, so we're without income and living off of savings indefinitely while we're in a mad search for another job. Its pretty likely we'll be moving [again! :­D] which is fine with me as long as we go NORTH. i swear, it was like 78 degrees a few days ago. In february. I dont like Texas. But, this time will be more time-efficient than others, cause... well, we're leasing this current house [see my Dial-up incident] and we need to be out soon anyway. -stare- ....... seems like something else happened recently. I'll... post later if I remember what it was. slso: this post took about 7 minutes. probably because i was just staring at the monritor half the time. dont do the drubugs, chilluns. [... not to imply that i have, unless nyquil counts]
  11. One time Stewart and I went to a bar, and then decided it was a stupid idea and left. We bought nailclippers in bulk at wal-mart. Good times.
  12. Granted, its in Peru. I wish the economy wasn't terrible.
  15. I think you need to delete the poll, and make a new one, rather than change the questions D: [That cool black pointy thing is my cursor, so you know] I had to completely remove it, get out of the topic and then open it again. Thenks!!!! Would you please vote now? Also I have a question... what do you know about Bots on your computer to use to get into a website over and over again? I've voted, thenks. You mean like the bots we see in the active users part of the main page? or bots that simulate a user for one of many purposes? Thank you for voting! I want a bot that simulates me for access to one website only. Only thing I know offhand about bots like that is that they can be copied and produced and used to overrun a server, but thats... probably not what you're wanting to do. but Offhand, thats all I've got. I'll take a look in to it though. but what exactly is the objective here, creating a mirror bot so your IP couldnt be traced [as easily]? I guess Im overthinking it, but the only uses that come to mind are malicious ones D:
  16. I think you need to delete the poll, and make a new one, rather than change the questions D: [That cool black pointy thing is my cursor, so you know] I had to completely remove it, get out of the topic and then open it again. Thenks!!!! Would you please vote now? Also I have a question... what do you know about Bots on your computer to use to get into a website over and over again? I've voted, thenks. You mean like the bots we see in the active users part of the main page? or bots that simulate a user for one of many purposes?
  17. I think you need to delete the poll, and make a new one, rather than change the questions D: [That cool black pointy thing is my cursor, so you know]
  18. so I just browsed the New Posts, saw this topic, and read the title as 'Fest Briends of Coratio Hlub'. D:< DYSLEXISC UNTIE
  19. Definition of 'Stingy' cause I didnt remember how it was spelled, and that way just looks funny. Looks like Sting-ey, not Stinge-y.
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