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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Arkcher


    No... Im not. XD I can't find my floss anywhere. I think it got stolen. o:
  2. Arkcher


    I brushed my teeth. for the first time in like, four months. XD Yeah. ... yeeeaah. now theres a topic about oral hygeine. Go nuts.
  3. ['GONNA. UPDATE.] [if I post here often enough, I'll actually get around to doing it. n_n;]
  4. Too late! We now have Chucky Norris sausage. LOL Which will make the best. breakfast. ever. -runs off with sausage- n_n You aren't honorable to take that sausage! *steals* And you are? O_o
  5. Too late! We now have Chucky Norris sausage. LOL Which will make the best. breakfast. ever. -runs off with sausage- n_n
  6. Maybe it's because everyone is on holiday. Mushroom_king left last weekend, Vixen left this evening for a week of schoolies. - Kat - has not been around forever and Mega Wolf posts only occasionally, TGHL posts only a little... slow, slow, slow. I think I am going to go to sleep. S'real boring here without MK. .-. If you want, I can crank up her Meat Grinder and throw Johnny Depp in there for her speedy return! XD Trent, too. Trent Hawyn. they both need to be meat-grinded. And then put Chuck Norris in it and see what'll happen.
  7. Maybe it's because everyone is on holiday. Mushroom_king left last weekend, Vixen left this evening for a week of schoolies. - Kat - has not been around forever and Mega Wolf posts only occasionally, TGHL posts only a little... slow, slow, slow. I think I am going to go to sleep. S'real boring here without MK. .-.
  8. Ssssoooooo... Now that Horatio has a new lappy, why isnt everyone posting up again? S'like we're in a record low on activity. D= Or everyone is just on their vacation dealies. and will be back later. ... ._.
  9. HEy I'll have you know... that... I've been up all day. ... since like 10. but Im not asleep yet! XD
  10. Nevuhmind. MW posted today so all is at peace.
  11. You had better! I still have plenty of duct tape from Arkcher's closet to attach you to Campsoup1988. What? o_o; Wha'was you doing in my closet?! XD
  12. Yaaaaaay. We's gonna call it Adam or... um. Something...? My dad suggests the name Adam, too. 'cause in some frankesntein movie, that was a monsters name. He's really wierd about old movies. whatever. Or to just pronounce it the same and name is Atom. So it'll be Atoms Apple. ... yeah. I'd name it Adam. 'cause it was Samus' spaceship. and since lappies are portable, its a suiting name. Adam is his name and he is home!!!! Yeah!!! I am sooooooo excited!!! Adam Apple is home!!! A Mac Book Pro with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and 3 GB of Memory!!!!!!!!! Yee Haa!!!!!!!!!! Now to get the Wacom tablet on here and a couple of other things and I will be all set! I am one very, very happy hammie!!! Memory being harddrive or RAM? 'cause if its the HArddrive, thats ridiculously low. and its its RAM, thats ridiculously high. XD Remember to load fifteen and a half Firefox attachments, and then do a bit of process hacking and get Firefox to go about 3X faster. :ninja: Its really awesome how fast it goes. Now we need to decide if its Adam Malkovich, or Adam Zapple. RAM And it's Adam Z Apple! Yaaaaaay. ... wow. Thats a lot of RAM. XD and I was really excited to get 1GB of RAM. XD Okay... there is bad news with Adam being home. I do not want to study! This is really bad!!! All I want to do is be here with Adam. Of course, there is a line of hammies wanting to get their paws all over him, but I am hogging the keyboard. Tsh. You paid for him, didnt you? XD No, I didn't pay a thing. Zero dollars. Am quite surprised that Arkcher has not responded to me not paying any money for my new compy. O_o Why? Either you got some hysterical pirated sources online, or a bunch of warranties and insurances paid for all of it and now you have a really awesome lappy.
  13. No... I am just too lazy to log out and then log back in. Yeah, I can relate. XD
  14. Ssssooooo does Adam prevent you from going Anonymous? XD 'cause... you havent been anonymous for a while.
  15. Yaaaaaay. We's gonna call it Adam or... um. Something...? My dad suggests the name Adam, too. 'cause in some frankesntein movie, that was a monsters name. He's really wierd about old movies. whatever. Or to just pronounce it the same and name is Atom. So it'll be Atoms Apple. ... yeah. I'd name it Adam. 'cause it was Samus' spaceship. and since lappies are portable, its a suiting name. Adam is his name and he is home!!!! Yeah!!! I am sooooooo excited!!! Adam Apple is home!!! A Mac Book Pro with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and 3 GB of Memory!!!!!!!!! Yee Haa!!!!!!!!!! Now to get the Wacom tablet on here and a couple of other things and I will be all set! I am one very, very happy hammie!!! Memory being harddrive or RAM? 'cause if its the HArddrive, thats ridiculously low. and its its RAM, thats ridiculously high. XD Remember to load fifteen and a half Firefox attachments, and then do a bit of process hacking and get Firefox to go about 3X faster. :ninja: Its really awesome how fast it goes. Now we need to decide if its Adam Malkovich, or Adam Zapple. RAM And it's Adam Z Apple! Yaaaaaay. ... wow. Thats a lot of RAM. XD and I was really excited to get 1GB of RAM. XD Okay... there is bad news with Adam being home. I do not want to study! This is really bad!!! All I want to do is be here with Adam. Of course, there is a line of hammies wanting to get their paws all over him, but I am hogging the keyboard. Tsh. You paid for him, didnt you? XD
  16. Yaaaaaay. We's gonna call it Adam or... um. Something...? My dad suggests the name Adam, too. 'cause in some frankesntein movie, that was a monsters name. He's really wierd about old movies. whatever. Or to just pronounce it the same and name is Atom. So it'll be Atoms Apple. ... yeah. I'd name it Adam. 'cause it was Samus' spaceship. and since lappies are portable, its a suiting name. Adam is his name and he is home!!!! Yeah!!! I am sooooooo excited!!! Adam Apple is home!!! A Mac Book Pro with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and 3 GB of Memory!!!!!!!!! Yee Haa!!!!!!!!!! Now to get the Wacom tablet on here and a couple of other things and I will be all set! I am one very, very happy hammie!!! Memory being harddrive or RAM? 'cause if its the HArddrive, thats ridiculously low. and its its RAM, thats ridiculously high. XD Remember to load fifteen and a half Firefox attachments, and then do a bit of process hacking and get Firefox to go about 3X faster. :ninja: Its really awesome how fast it goes. Now we need to decide if its Adam Malkovich, or Adam Zapple. RAM And it's Adam Z Apple! Yaaaaaay. ... wow. Thats a lot of RAM. XD and I was really excited to get 1GB of RAM. XD
  17. Yaaaaaay. We's gonna call it Adam or... um. Something...? My dad suggests the name Adam, too. 'cause in some frankesntein movie, that was a monsters name. He's really wierd about old movies. whatever. Or to just pronounce it the same and name is Atom. So it'll be Atoms Apple. ... yeah. I'd name it Adam. 'cause it was Samus' spaceship. and since lappies are portable, its a suiting name. Adam is his name and he is home!!!! Yeah!!! I am sooooooo excited!!! Adam Apple is home!!! A Mac Book Pro with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and 3 GB of Memory!!!!!!!!! Yee Haa!!!!!!!!!! Now to get the Wacom tablet on here and a couple of other things and I will be all set! I am one very, very happy hammie!!! Memory being harddrive or RAM? 'cause if its the HArddrive, thats ridiculously low. and its its RAM, thats ridiculously high. XD Remember to load fifteen and a half Firefox attachments, and then do a bit of process hacking and get Firefox to go about 3X faster. :ninja: Its fitting awesome how fast it goes. Now we need to decide if its Adam Malkovich, or Adam Zapple.
  18. Yaaaaaay. We's gonna call it Adam or... um. Something...? My dad suggests the name Adam, too. 'cause in some frankesntein movie, that was a monsters name. He's really wierd about old movies. whatever. Or to just pronounce it the same and name is Atom. So it'll be Atoms Apple. ... yeah. I'd name it Adam. 'cause it was Samus' spaceship. and since lappies are portable, its a suiting name.
  19. If ever I came in posession of a PS3, I'd probably burn it. very publicly. ... or overcharge ridiculously for it. I cant decide which.
  20. I was bored. so I wrote down all of my made-up term things that I regularly use. As posted here for everyones... enjoyment, i guess. So in case you've ever wondered what Liek Berger really means... read on. --- Liek Berger Liek Berger (Lie-Eck Bear-Gir) common parlance, Often used as a greeting, can be used to break an awkward silence amid conversation. (Hey Beth, Liek Berger?) (So. Anything new with you? ................. Liek Berger?) Goes good with a stupid grin and holding out your hand as if holding a small object. see also: Burger holding etiquette classes, MS Paint-oshop, Chozo Statues MS Paint-oshop MS Paint-oshop (Emm-Ess Pain-toe-shop) v/a, Parody of Photoshopping. Verb: To edit something, such as a photograph, in MS Paint, primarily usung ugly, clashing colors to make something different. Often used as a mockery (ex: find a photo of someones boyfriend, and MS Paint-oshop it so they have big huge eyes, alien antennaes, stubble, other facial hair, so on, so forth, all in bright MS Paint colors) (Hey, Sue! Lookit this picture. Pwned. in MS Paint-oshop.) Adjective: Something in the process of, soon to be, or has been MS Paint-oshopped, see above. (What is this? CD, 'You killin all my stuff in MS Paint-oshop?) Oh Em Gee Oh Em Gee (Oh Emm Jee) Exclamation, Parody of 'omg'. Exclamation: Used to replace 'Omg' which is an initialization of 'oh my gosh' by default. 'Oh Em Gee' is said by synical or senile people, mocking people for two things, one, for being stupid enough to say 'omg' in the first place, and two, for being stupid enough to pronounce the individual letters as opposed to 'oh my gosh' or 'ohmig'. (I went to like, the mall. | Oh Em Gee, O RLY? | YA RLY! | NO WAI! | YA WAI!) Oh Em Gee, That masked person in all black is making off with your backpack, yo. | Oh Em Gee!) Burp Burp (buh-rrp) Title, Title: Used to emphasize that whoever 'the burp' is, is the center of attention. IE, Whoever is hosting a party, whoever is in charge, whoever is speaking, etc.. Can be used as a title for whoever is the focus of a conversation, or whoever is currently pwning. (Who's the burp here? | Chris is, 'cause hes... the admin of that one message board. | Man, Chris' always the burp. | Would you prefer Sue? | **** no.) (Hey, Shuddup. The burp'll kick you out.) (Hey -somebody's name-, Lookit this... I got a Wii a month before release date! | Aw, You da BURP!) Borne amid other hilarities and inside jokes from SSBM; I incoherently and inaudibly mumbled something unpleasant after losing a match to my brother, who misheard what I said for calling him a 'burp'. Frundy-Frost Frundy-Frost (Fruh-Nn-dee-fraw-st) Verb, Verb: Generally used for being a control freak, to 'Frundy-frost' would be to think he or she is in charge, and act likewise. Synonyms would include Insubordination. (Its too cold in here, Brandon, Im turning the heater on. | Quit frundy-frostin', Beth. Its not that cold.) (If yeh dont eat'cher meat, yih cant have any pudding! How kin yeh have any pudding if'n yeh dont eat'cher meat?! | I steal it and eat it. -floyds- | Frundy-froster! Off with his head!) Borne amid stupid conversation between Beth and I, drivin' home from Seminary. 'cuz it was like 45F outside, and the windows were fogging up, so she turned on the Front Defrost, which, if pronounced correctly, would be Frundry-frost. We both Frundy-frosted on the air controls for the car. it was funny. XD Pimpin' Pimpin' (Pimm-Pin) Adjective, Adj.: About anything with duct-tape all over it. Cheap-@@@ dollar store gold chains help. More often than not, accompanied by the word 'be'. See also: Ghetto. (My backpack be pimpin' now. =D) Borne from 2AM discussions with Beth. Her Guinea Pig, named Pippin, likes the lady-pigs. so we call him Pimpin' now. S'pecially because he's really fat, and its hilarous. Soup Time Soup Time (Soop-Thai-um) P. Noun, P. Noun: A certain time of day in which an event that everyone should know about, will happen. Soup Time is often between 2:00 - 6:30 PM, in which... no real events are scheduled, but whatever. (You're late for Soup Time, Cristian. | What the heck is Soup Time? | You were supposta be over here at 4, remember? | Oh, snap. yeah.) (We're all gettin online at six tonight, and at six tonight is Soup Time. And y'better not miss it.) Egg Egg (Eh-gguh) ... thingy. Often mentioned in sentances to refer to something indefinite or indescript; Otherwise used in conversation with someone you like, you show randomness and hilarity. Whosoever may understand Egg, would know that whoever is talking about them is growing nervous, or doesnt want to talk about something. (Hey, Brandon. n_n | Hey yeah you better... keep... those eggs to yourself, Brianrietta. ... 'cause i'll..... egg you. if you dont. | o__o;....... ) (... Sssooo, how was your day? | Eh, the usual. 'Had a lot of eggs in it though, you know what I mean? | Ah, say no more. ... Liek berger?) Bluhh Bluhh (Bluhh) Interjection prefix I. Prefix: Said as a standalone statement to replace generic grunting, like when standing up when tired. Otherwise a prefix to an item you're engaged in heavy interaction with; could be used to replace 'im messing with the-' (Bluhh, Im tired.) (Brandon, What're you doing to your compy? | Bluhh, Ethernet cord.) (What's this mess? -points at TV- | Bluhh, Metroid Prime 2.) Origin: Bluhh, Moustache. XD Endoctopus Endoctopus (Ehn-Dock-Toe-Puh-ss) Some kind of word I dunno what you'd call it. Used to describe someones occupation, position or job, when you really dont know what the heck they do. (Do you know what he does for a living? Um. He's an endoctopus.) (Who's the endoctopus in charge of this mess? He's not wonderful.) Origin: SSBM. We were debating how Dr. Mario could be a doctor, and a plumber. We concluded that he must be an endoscopist, but due to unclear speaking, it was misheard as an endoctopus. Woowoo Woowoo (Wuh-Wooh) Interjection Often used to replace 'goodnight'. This can be explained by the fact this term was spawned at 3 in the morning. No fitting idea where it came from. (Bluhh, Im tired. Woowoo.) (Woowoo! ... Im heading off to sleep. Shuddup.) --- To be updated later. =D 'cause... i probably have some more around here somewheres.
  21. It had better do something for all that money! LOL pff. wii will rock you. But it is still a lot cheaper than even the most basic playstation thing. Here is an interesting note... the Japanese refused to buy the new play station because the price was so high, and the price was lowered about 20 % (I believe), but in the US, we don't mind over paying just to be the first one to have it. XD It doesnt surprise me. Americans annoy me to no end. and it doesnt help that I live with all of them. D:
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