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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Stupid Movie Night sounds awesome! Some of my friends did that shortly before vacation. They watched some movie along the lines of Santa Clause vs. The Martians. XD I had to study for my history exam though. As for your helecopter, I had one of those too. It was really cool until it crashed into the house and broke. So if you've got three of them, maybe you and the Denzel and Brianrietta can all go outside and play with them. D= I only know where one of them is. and its the one that Brianrietta gimmie. The other ones are either 'sploded or still in a box, 'cause we never officially moved in to this house from half a year ago. XD The Helecoptor dealie is still in its box, sittin' there in my room. I figure The Denzel is going to ask about it tonight, and I dont know what to do. XD
  2. D= What do I do?! Brianrietta got me possibly the worst christmas present ever. XD (This might even top those Emu Eggs I got for christmas a few years back.) I said she went on a shopping rampage in Target or something a few posts ago. It was more like Dollar Store than Target. 'cause I got one of those plastic helicoptor things that you put on a little stand and pull a string and it flies up in the air (Like magic! No batteries required!) but, uh... I've gotten three of those in the past two years somehow. this being the third. I'm really glad I didnt open this in front of her. I've no clue how to react to this. XD I kind of want to just throw it away but thats... not how you properly... do away with a gift. Especially not from someone you like. -ahem- In other news, Today, Christmas, is The Denzel's Birthday. so shes 15 now. now that you all've been enlightened by that information you'll never use, My dad invited their family over for Stupid Movie Night (rent a really terrible movie, new or old, and just make fun of it) . and since The Denzel and Brianrietta are rarely seen apart, being good friends, Theres a slight chance that she'll come as well. Especially if we were to invite her. XD so thats... an oppurtunity for progress or a disaster.
  3. Arkcher

    I'm in school!

    ... I like Foot Teachers more. D= yeah. If its an abbreviation thing, then it should be all caps. XD take Horatios post there for example. Although Croutons Rhyme On New York, Me Sleepy. ... yeah. Im still tired and nothing makes sense. XD
  4. ... what? o_o; Don't get too excited... I am searching through your other posts to find the ones I missed. LOL I'm so confused. XD I used your version of *that word*. And now it's deleted! Aaaaaah! It's heresy I say! ALL versions of *that word* get deleted. You all being very intelligent beings should be able to find a more appropriate word. ... ooooookay. I have... a... food. in the oven. -runs off-
  5. Would you like me to edit it for you? naw. We'll just better remember them if we read them a few more times. XD
  6. I. think. some entries were double posted. D=
  7. A few more additions... Woowoo Woowoo (Wuh-Wooh) Interjection Interjection: Often used to replace 'goodnight'. This can be explained by the fact this term was spawned at 3 in the morning. No idea where it came from. (Bluhh, Im tired. Woowoo.) (Woowoo! ... Im heading off to sleep. Shuddup.) Bull Honkey Bull Honkey (Buh-ll Haw-nn-kee) Noun/Adjective Adjective: Used to describe something unfamiliar to you, usually after having a bad first impression about it. (Mm? Steven? Naw, He's Bull Honkey.) (Kat, What's that Bull Honkey you've got playing as your background music?) Noun: Something unfamiliar to whoever uses the word, a generalized term coming from Bull Honkey, the Adjective. ... They're pretty much the same thing. (Pff, This is a bunch of Bull Honkey.) Origin: Homestar. XD I forgot which Sbemail it was. ... which number it was. Chozo Statues Chozo Statues (Cho-Zoh Stat-Chooz) P. Noun P.Noun: A place of frequent and regular usage or visitation, like where your computer is, the desktop is a Chozo Statue. (Heres a Chozo Statue. S'where my DS, Lappy, PDA and cell phone all charge up.) (Man, I go to the Art building at school so much its like Chozo Statue now...) (Naw. Church is like a Chozo Statue, with Seminary, and... ... whatever else you Mormons do...) Frozen Beef Frozen Beef (Froe-Zin Bee-fuh) Noun Noun: Something of very little interest or of little to no use to whoever says it, implying that its something of importance to another person. (Tsh. Those games are Frozen Beef.) (PS3 is made primarily of Frozen Beef, and Bull Honkey. Did you see its insides when that guy hit it with a sledgehammer? Frozen beef!) (No, Half of the computer parts I have 'round here are just frozen beef.) Origin: This beef is frozen, and frozen beef is no good to me. See Also: Bull Honkey there was s'posta be a link in there to explain where the Frozen Beef thing came from. But it sh'ant be posted here.
  8. Arkcher

    I'm in school!

    How did I miss this??????? LOL *hands The Gold Star Award to Arkcher* and I still dont know what he was trying to say. I just woke up, so nothing makes sense right now. XD
  9. ... what? o_o; Don't get too excited... I am searching through your other posts to find the ones I missed. LOL I'm so confused. XD
  10. Yeah, I seem to have that effect on people. Its kind of funny to watch. XD
  11. Aaaaanticipation. Im like, being... highly anticipatious. of. tomorrow. >_>; 'cause that'd be Brianrietta's last chance to get me something for christmas which she is probably planning to do. Likewise, I bet she's fruiting out trying to figure out what I got her. XD Pweee. yeah, im bored. >_>; and impatient.
  12. While being BassGuiar-owned, Arkcher begins pondering some SSBM moves for himself, as he had not planned such before. After much floyding and pwning and meat grinding and dunce-capping, Arkcher stands up, defiantly. "My turn now!" He runs over to MK with an arrow drawn, but just before he could release it, MK poked him. He promptly flew off the stage and lost his last life, being at 562% damage. PLAYUH THREE DEE-FEETED. Not really. Arkcher steals one of Cheesie's lives and comes back to haunt everyone.
  13. Arkcher

    I'm in school!

    You have a foot teacher? o:
  14. You should definitely get him something, but you dont want to scare him off. like, dont give him the full discography of Pink Floyd and the vast list of other bands you like. XD That will come later. Start with something like a mix CD (which is what you had planned, no?) and... yeah. but seriously. You should get him something.
  15. I was talking to my mom about something or another, and Zach walks up to me (leaving a small group containing Britney (who needs a nickname) and Brianrietta and someone else) and asks me what I want for christmas. Me: Tsh, I dunno. Gimmie a roll of duct tape. Or a can of peas. Seriously. Zach: O_o Oookay. -walks back to the group of doods- Britney: You want a can of PEAS for christmas?! Brianrietta: -dun say anything but looks highly embarassed about something XD- Me: Yeah! Seriously, 'You bring a can of Peas to church, I will attack it with my knife and eat the peas right there and then. I love peas. Zach: Why dont you want anything normal? Really peas... The Denzel's Mom (who is very boring) : I like the frozen kind. The canned ones taste wierd. Yeah, I think Brianrietta wants to get me something for christmas and her plan was kind of foiled to stealthily ask what I wanted. If it helps any, I've found her on some website that sh'ant be named here. But all thats viewable is her username and very vague information until I'm on an approved list. then the full profile is visible. I'm on there too, and every time I come across her site I freak out and go somewhere else. (obsessive much?) I cant decide if I should try to get her attention myself or go to her friends (like The Denzel) and hope she happens to see me. but I think I'm taking that to ridiculous lengths and too much thought. XD I dont want to post on her friends' sites 'cause everyone is going to think I like the girl who's site I post on first. And for whoever was too impatient to read the rest of this little soap opera of mine here, codenamed Brianrietta is someone I find to be ridiculously cute (if thats what you'll call it) and The Denzel is her best friend who is pretty sure that I like her. ... but really dont. I cant stand being around her for more than like fifteen minutes. I got both of them a christmas present to show as a sign to everyone else that they get stuff because they talk to me more than everyone else. The Denzel opened her christmas present early. and loses 50 brownie points. Brianrietta hasnt said anything yet, so I imagine she hasnt opened hers yet. I think that pretty much sums it up. Oh, and I really want to maintain standards, due to religion, and really can't do much until I'm 16. (in 13 months.) She knows this and shares the same standards that I do. And is an obsessive flirt. And its awesome. XD
  16. Bye Horatioooooo. =D -sleeps- Okay... I'm up! Where are you Arkcher???? LOL five more minutes. u_u
  17. I'll.... Probably be waitin' for ya. xD I love long hot showers, so get some food and a drink. LOL I still havent had dinner tonight, so That sounds like a good idea. -runs off-
  18. I.... used to live in Canada. Does that count?
  19. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Have you seen Cars yet? We watched it in orchestra. Filmore pwns. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* No. I want to. I also want to see Happy Feet before it leaves the theatre. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* There is a thatre in my town that plays movies that have already left most theatres. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* And then theres the movie rental place here where I live, that Anything that came out in the past 3 years (seriously. three years.) is considered a new release and its $4 a day for renting it. They're worse with their fees than Blockbuster is. XD That stinks. yeah. It really does. And all movies being due back by 9 PM... They dont really mean it. It needs to be checked in by about 7:30. Otherwise, according to the staff there, 'the computer just marks it as late and we cant do anything about it'... And every DVD we've rented from that place ends up being too scratched up for our DVD player to read, and conveniently messes RIGHT in the middle of like a chase scene or something. Maybe they intend that. XD
  20. JR and Turtle need to switch titles. 'cause We're always picking on JR nowadays. XD
  21. The nut with a knife was probably me. XD
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