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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. o: It sounds like my place!
  2. You obviously arent a guy. Hats are less painful (and burn easier) than kicks in the... the... Nice weather we're havin'.
  3. I havent seen MK around for a while. o: -looks under Meat Grinder-
  4. So, Okay. Doods. This isnt really anything relating to Horatio or anything, but its not big enough of an issue to make its own topic so Im posting about it here. in 15 days now, Imma have a birthday and it'll be fun. (and I'll be OLD. D= ) But four days later, on the 20th, is when I have planned to have a par-tay for the peoples. Not online, unfortunately. I'll have an online party on the 16th for you. XD I've got a knack for not being able to plan ANY activities for like any occasion. As such, I've no idea what to do for a party. XD What I've got as a few ideas I may not follow through with would be watching Monty Python (Holy Grail, with Subtitles on. XD The subtitles are hilarious, They have nothing to do with the movie.) and... exploring the contents of my 'ever-elusive backpack' which all my friends have interest in but have never taken the time to actually find out what I have inside. Those two things alone wont do, and I dont have a very big house (Think of it as a big apartment. ... that fell out of the complex.) so there are a few limitations. And as far as I know, there arent very many places to go around here (I honestly havent looked, but just from memory...) of interest that would handle a group of like six teenagers.
  5. That is exactly my question. I have missed everyone so much!!! It'd help if I could stay on the site for more than like 5 minutes. XD
  6. I just got home from a party. >_> One that The Denzel invited me over to and it was kind of fun. But we got home before midnight else we turn into a pumpkin before all the drunk drivers go on a rampage and kill us while driving. So we only stayed for about 30 minutes. XD
  7. JF. I haff failed. D= I swear, it was like... Everybody looked ridiculously nice today, Brianrietta had a like... bright blue dress all over and I didnt even talk to her. and that unnicknamed Britney person like, actually put on makeup for once (or at least noticeably so) and looked good and I didnt say anything. Gaaw, I hate being shy. XD
  8. Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight? But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher. No typo, the had few plans. I talked to her today, she said that she was feeling rather noxious and didnt want to make everyone sick, and had some other excuse for not writing back, like her brother was on the compy or something. So its still good. >_> I guess.
  9. I imagine every member of the board is having a different issue with their computer and connecting to the board, or just posting. XD
  10. I lives in Texas, but was wrongfully placed here. 'Should be back up north in Canada. Its 55F outside in the end of December. And all these sissy Texans are all in heavy coats complaining how cold it is, and Im sitting here in a t-shirt 'n jeans, rather content with the temperature. XD (If there was a lot of snow, That'd be different.)
  11. Membership discount! 90% off! -rides around in said imaginary park- *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* If your Mormon, then you get in for FREE. <.< ...Not fair... *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~ Okay fine. 110% Discount. You have to pay me to ride them now. so Gimmie $4. XD
  12. Membership discount! 90% off! -rides around in said imaginary park-
  13. D= I am distraught. Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.
  14. What is the differance between morman geography and the normal kind? I imagine it'd be geographic locating of events in part of the scripture we use, known as the Book of Mormon.
  15. This file is probably illegal on so many levels. 'Live recording of Linkin Park, doin' Papercut in concert. XD
  16. Friends dont let friends use IE. Get Firefox. F'real. Thats what I see's.
  17. In that aforementioned email, I told her that I've been taking down christmas decorations and everything, and havent had the time to open it yet. XD 'cause its still sittin' there.
  18. So, Okay. Doods. Brianrietta accepted that friend invitation dealie and I rejoiced. She also commented. and talks like a n00b and it makes me sad. Quoth Brianrietta, 'HEY!!! Thanks so much 4 the presents!!! They were great & i kept crackin up!!' ... I dont know what was funny about a package of Hershey Kisses and a roll of tape, but whatever. I later emailed her (after she disappeared o: ) about a party tomorrow. She hasnt responded and I'm growing increasingly uneasy that she might not be able to come. ;_;
  19. Get the cherry nyquil. Quite a bit better. Not great, but a bit better. I take wild cherry sucrets. I do not take lemon sucrets. The cherry taste like artificially flavored cherry medicine, while the lemon tastes like horrid. D= I have yet to find any medicine that DOESNT taste like horrid.
  20. The Denzel left and all is well. I rejoiced. XD But, it was very convenient of all the rest of my family to invite them BACK over for our New Years par-tay. --; But. I has found Brianrietta on some other mysterious website. as I said before. But this time, I like... did something about it. and sent a friend request so we can talk to each other. n_n and I was nervous as all get out just sitting there in front of her profile. XD I'm so obsessive and stupid. So. Once she gets on, I get to invite her over to the new years par-tay. and hope she hasnt already made plans, considering we're having said party Tomorrow. XD ... for the sake of avoiding par-taying on Sunday. Eeeeee. -jumps up and down-
  21. Chapter Twenty-Three I felt a raindrop hit my body lightly as Audrey and I sped through the light forestry terrain. I glanced upward, and surely enough, There were rather dark rainclouds above us. It looked to intensify toward the center of the forest, where we were going. This is a potential advantage, though. We’ll come across some Torrask’s here pretty soon. “… It has started raining.” Audrey commented, and I held back a comment in regards to pointing out the blindingly obvious. She annoyed me to no end. “Which is good. Let us keep going.” Wordlessly, the two of us squinted our eyes as raindrops became more and more frequent, making is a bit more difficult to see through the night area. A faint rumble of thunder sounded overhead. The silence in running was broken by a distinct screeching sound, which I had heard when we were attacked by Torrask’s once before. "Torrasks...! Come on!" We picked up speed, as did the storm. Heavy rain continually poured down, leaving two werewolves rather wet, running through the rain. A bright flash illuminated the sky, followed very soon by thunder. It was less than a mile away, which is potentially quite hazardous, not to mention the large, tall trees around us, meant it was very likely that lightning would strike here. "Brandon... Do you... notice something different?" I looked over at Audrey. "Well, the wind has picked up, its raining, lightning is flashing through the sky, and this combination of things would make one rather cold. Why do you ask?" "No, no, no... There is no moonlight. Do you know what this means?" "... If something happens, we have no way of getting healed by Artemis..." Audrey nodded. "But, We should not get hurt, if water mixes with Torce, it will probably have a negative effect on them." We entered into the forest border, and had light shielding from the rain. Not too far away were some Torce webs, and accordingly, we slowed our pace. "I do not see any Torrasks, do you?" Audrey whispered to me. I shook my head. We came to a stop and looked about our surroundings. Dead silence loomed over the area, save the constant dripping of raindrops from the trees. Thunder lightly rumbled overhead; my ear twitched, just to hear a branch break overhead. In an adrenaline rush, I lunged to m left and tackled Audrey, knocking her out of the way of a tree branch with a Torrask atop it. I immediately got to my feet and looked at the beast. It must have been the Alpha Male of this... group of Torrask's. This Torrask looked much larger than others I had seen. It had taken three of us to take down a standard one, and just Audrey and I couldn’t take an Alpha by ourselves. The Torrask let out a piercing screech, spraying rather unpleasant blobs of saliva (or some other substance) out of what I can only assume was its mouth. I promptly threw my arm to the side in a feinting motion, and changed direction to get my hand behind the Torrask. Its reaction time was about the same as mine; He grabbed my wrist, forced it back to my side, and used his other arm to knock me down to the ground. Without letting go, it pulled my forearm behind my back, and put a hind leg on to keep me down. He let out a violent screeching roar, and prepared to strike. Before that could happen, however, he was knocked off my back by a vengeful Audrey. This may have been an innocent gesture of showing affection for me, but either way, Audrey more than likely hasn’t taken one of these creatures down before. I got to my feet and looked some ten feet away, and saw the Torrask on top of Audrey, who was futilely thrashing about. Another screeching noise, and parts of the forest began rustling. I froze, and watched carefully. Torce was spread all over the forest; It was moving together to form full-bodied Torrasks. "Brandon, Help me!" Audrey called out to me. Three Torrasks jumped in to hold Audrey down; There was no hope for her to get out, and it looked like I wouldn’t be able to get out either. Audrey let out a roar of pain, accompanied by the loud crack of breaking bones. My heart and mind raced, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. It was fear. A blinding flash of light, and an explosion of thunder, Sparks flew as a tree came crashing to the ground. Rain picked up, rendering the remaining treetops as a very poor protection from the rain. Why wasn’t it affecting them? They seemed even more zealous and violent than before... I found myself surrounded, unable to help Audrey, not twenty feet away, and rather helpless myself. No werewolf goes down without a fight. I lunged, grabbed a Torrask by the neck and slammed it to the ground, threw it back up in the air and slashed a clawed hand through the creature. I ducked to avoid a lunging Torrask, reared back and grabbed another Torrask. I squeezed as hard as I could, and it liquefied, stunned on the ground. Two Torrasks came at me from either side, I readied my claws and swiped at them as they drew closer. I couldn’t keep this up forever, but will stall for as much time as I can… I grabbed another Torrask by the arm, and swung it around and hit the surrounding Torrask’s with it. I immediately threw the creature in a random direction, needing to avoid contact with them as much as possible. I made another slash with my claws, and punctured what was supposedly the Torrask’s skin, causing the Torce inside to pour out. It all ended three simple motions; I grabbed at one last Torrask, at the same time another tackled me down from the side. Another victorious cry, but as soon as it had ended, I heard something in the distance. “All right, Get ready to attack them…” I heard someone’s voice from a short distance away; It wasn’t Audrey, and these Torrask’s weren’t capable of intelligent speech…? “Now!” Before anyone could react, A heavy supersonic pulse swept through the area. All the Torrask’s lost balance and toppled over, writing on the ground. I sat up and saw one of those… Human-operated machines making its way toward us. “Brandon! It is a Juggernaut!” “A what?” “There!” I glanced back at Audrey who had pushed some Torrask’s off of herself, and pointed at the approaching mechanism. The ‘Juggernaut’ emitted a constant supersonic stream, causing the Torrask’s to screech out in pain, unable to move. I struggled to stand up and get out of the way despite the many bruises about my body. “No! Brandon, Do not leave me here!” Audrey called to me. I really didn’t have any time for this, but went for it anyway. I limped over to her, and carefully picked her up. She did look rather distraught. Our combined weight and the compromising wounds prevented me from making any real movement; I took two steps before collapsing to the ground, leaving both of us rather helpless before the approaching Juggernaut… [Oh em gee!]
  22. [-pwns Keyboard- Okay. Chaptuh 23. is about 90% done, I need to throw some other things in here and I'll have it posted today.]
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