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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Yew forgot you's little astronomy domine tag things on your post omg.
  2. Horatio is not so very stealthy anymore. Did you just give up on going anonymous? XD
  3. -runs in screaming waving arms around all over- D= Its disastrous. Im going to that prom dealie with RPVF. RPVF's little brother, Dr. Cornbread, is also going. My obsession/crush/flirty lady is also going. but I didnt know that Brianrietta was going with Dr. Cornbread. -fruits out- e_e RPVF said that when we go to the said formal prom dealie, we're going out for dinner beforehand. and chances are, her family is coming along, which means Dr. Cornbread is coming, which means Brianrietta is coming and the tension just keeps getting worse and it makes my head 'splode.
  4. Oh, for... I told her this wasnt a date. XD Quoth RPVF's blog dealie: So yah, I finally have a dress for formal in two weeks! And I finally have a date! He is amazing, really sweet, and kind to me! I am glad he said yes! Well Its getting late, and like I said I have school tomorrow! Wow, She REALLY doesnt shut up about this. Maybe Im just not taking this seriously as I should, 'cause Ive never done anything like this before...
  5. Im so confused. XD RPVF wont shut up about going to the winter formal with me. At church today she was telling about everyone she saw. and I discovered that Brianrietta is also going to the dance because, ahem, 'some of her other friends' will be there, too. Brianrietta was unusually quiet and shy today as well, and kept giving me looks. (Not unlike the intoxicated little grin she gave me a few months ago when we met. XD) Whilst talking to The Denzel online, She made the comment more than just once that 'you make me giggle'. She told me this upon seeing stupid pictures I send her and the like. ('cause I do that on occasion on IM.) She also wants to have a party at my house again sometime (after my mention of buying a hilarious party game on eBay that we both likes) A-so. I decided to tell everybody their new nicknames... so The Denzel knows shes The Denzel, Brianrietta knows shes Brianrietta now (Her response was more of a hide-your-very-red-face-in-your-hands cackle. It was really funny to watch. XD) and I came up with a few other names like Dr. Cornbread, Dumbface and Wheelchair.
  6. Heeeeyyyy. I havent seen you in like, a long time.
  7. No you won't. We want every single detail. Start typing. ... oh. XD I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go." ... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not. And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress. I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go... And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th. "Of course you do." Hahaha Ohh, parents. Now that you're going with her to formal, you can tell her gently by just saying in casual conversation, "You do know that we're going as just friends, right?" And then be ready to apologize for any mis-communication. wow. XD Its sad because I never think of half the stuff people suggest to me. I'll... see about doing that today then.
  8. Nice 'fro. Thnx bro. XD I find that highly amusing.
  9. No you won't. We want every single detail. Start typing. ... oh. XD I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go." ... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not. And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress. I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go... And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.
  10. *runs back to look at avatar name* LOL... so I can't read either. LOL :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: My apologies. Yo... Campsoup... get over here. wow. You're almost as bad at this as I am. XD
  11. Hm...it's a strange name, but it grows on you after awhile. I think it's actually kinda neat. I like the name brainrietta. But how to tell that one girl you don't like her... hmm... I dunno. Difficult situation you put yourself in. If she starts to cry, give her a big hug. DO IT IN PERSON, NOT ONLINE. That is all I can think of right now. Note taken. I'm thinking this should happen after this winter formal which I now dont really have an option to go or not, I'll spare you the details of how this came to be, but I get to go.
  12. Happy ahmmy new year to you as well H. Hope your holidays were wonderful. Are you back at school now? I will be out your way visiting a relative in Gig Harbour. Gig Harbor is where all the illegal torrent files are stored online. XD :o :o Really!!! I dont know, but most files are about a Gigabyte in size. XD
  13. Happy ahmmy new year to you as well H. Hope your holidays were wonderful. Are you back at school now? I will be out your way visiting a relative in Gig Harbour. Gig Harbor is where all the illegal torrent files are stored online. XD
  14. On a different note. I just told The Denzel that... her nickname is The Denzel. ('cause I didnt tell her before now. XD) and she finds it highly amusing and now shes using it for screen names and such. I dont think Brianrietta is as flattering a name, I dont know if I want to tell her that its her given alias. XD
  15. Im so confused. D= Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative. No, there's really no good way to do it. You're kinda stuck. But the sooner she knows, the better. D= Alright, I'll... strategize when to tell her this and how.
  16. I am happy to hear this. As soon as HampsterKing gets the board problems fixed, then he will be adding more avatars. *wonders when Cheesemaster will figure out I am using his avatar* ... I want to eat a cheese. D= A cheese coming right up. LOL -cheers-
  17. I am happy to hear this. As soon as HampsterKing gets the board problems fixed, then he will be adding more avatars. *wonders when Cheesemaster will figure out I am using his avatar* ... I want to eat a cheese. D=
  18. Im so confused. D= Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative. One question for you to ponder... are you interested in Brianrietta because she is elusive? If you had her would you still want her? Sometimes people want what they can't have. No, She isnt elusive. Shes really adorable. XD
  19. Im so confused. D= Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative.
  20. Oh yes. I forgot to mention this as well... She sez: My winter formal is on Jan.20 and I was wondering if your parents would let you go with me? If not thats fine I will ask someone else! ... I dont knooooww. XD
  21. Aw, that's so cute! A word of warning though, if you're not interested in being in a relationship with this girl, you need to let her know ASAP. Because it sounds like she has a crush on you, and thinks that you feel the same. I didnt think to do that (wow, Guys really are stupid. XD) but dont really... eh, I dont want to say I dont want to, but she's already all excited, and had mentioned that nobody else had said anything like what I did, and they wanted to stay as just friends. I dont think theres a way to say that without really hurting her though, is there?
  22. Wtfbbq. XD RPVF went to Brianrietta's page and sez: OMG...Girl Brandon is soo sweet!!! =] Call me and I will give you details! love ya! <3 ... 'interested to see how this goes. >_>;
  23. System of a Down - Lonely Day I cant get over the improper grammar in this song. It makes my ears sad.
  24. Okay, doods. Kind of hilarious update on my wannabe-soap-opera. Last night, Brittany-lady (Who Kat and I decided to nickname Roderick Ponce Von Fondlebottom. She says thats a good nickname for her. XD) was just throwing a basketball around to pass the time, doing so with Brianrietta and also The Denzel and one or two guys. RPVF kept missing, so I says "Hah. I laugh at your misfortune." (like I usually do.) And she walks over to me, grinning and says "What did you say?" "... I said you look very nice today." and stealthily sidestepped off. So after Kat told me to commission RPVF to join our crusade in breaking into The Denzel's house, raiding it of all the socks inside and burning the said socks, so that Brianrietta wouldnt get sick anymore (Because she gets sick every time The Denzel changes her socks. XD) she then sent me an email that says: Dont freak...I dont know why I am asking this question...but I am! Do you like me? I was just wondering...that compliment you gave me tonight...kinda made me wonder!! ... Yeeeeaaaah. XD so I sez that if I was 16, I'd so go on a date with her (since mormon people like her and myself arent to really date until they're at least 16) and that until Im older, im trying to stay out of any serious relationship, but would love to be friends with her. So then she asks for my IM name, and we transfer the conversation to Yahoo. Dude, Shes more of a transparent flirt than half the people back in Dallas when I lived there, and more than Brianrietta. XD Half of the conversation consisted of things like "I dont know you very well aside from you're amazing, what things do you like to do?" "so this is a strange question and all, but what do you look for in a girl?" "Yeah, that sounds like me." "and Another question, dont mind my asking, but I like knowing... What do you like about me?" Seriously, Thats the stuff she asked me. >_> so she was trying to think of other things to ask me and I suggested she answer those questions she just asked me. so she did. Quoth RPVF: uhh...what I look for in a guy...great personality(which you have), dont care what people say or think, look past size and figure and look at whats on the inside, smart, funny, honest! What I like about you.....hmm...you are sweet, your handsome, you are your own person, you dont care what people think, and you look past size (which most people dont...so thats a big turn on)! ... I think its really hilarious. XD
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