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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Now to test attachments... Found it.
  2. :c I can't find a "Mark All Posts as Read" anywhere. just hitting that marker on the side of each forum on the main page. Really liked having that in the View New Posts search.
  3. also: there's a... post rating? I don't remember what they're called, but in the lower right corner of a post [by the signature] is a green + and a red -. utilize those, to signify your approval of posts. Just like on Youtube. kind of.
  4. I can't find the new posts either, though I think "View New content" is kinda the same thing. :x i swear, somewhere I found the "Active Content" which was different from "View New Content" in that it showed stuff that happened in the past 24 hours. but now I can't find it. But it looks like this New Content mess is an RSS feed, too.
  5. IPB 3.0 took over, and now our site here has a new layout and color theme. -explores- I cant find the View New Posts, or equivelant D: thoughts, anyone?
  6. Just got a lot of drama happening offline, events that need attending and travels I get drafted in to. And I usually leave HD open in a tab on Firefox, and forget to close it, being distracted with like 8 others. :c yeah, no, My dad still doesnt have a job after four months. This whole hope-y change-y thing sure it working out for America. :­D Ridiculous financial strain on us locally, and suddenly our other distant relatives get us dragged in to their troubles what with abusive relationships and restraining orders and deaths in the family and bumming money off of us, when we don't really have anything to hand out. so i'm still around, carry about your merry way, I'll get back in the internets action soon enough. Just need to sort things out that affect me more directly.
  7. Please do. We miss you when you are not around. Just like Arkcher. He lurks about, but doesn't post. D: they're catching on to me
  8. \o/ I'm making a note here: Huge Success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
  9. Even with a chainsaw Horatio isn't always scary. He's still a hamster.
  10. [something to catch my interest regardless. And stuff that catches interest brings activity back. \o/ ]
  11. Horatio has good tastes in transportation. Look, he has the motorbikes, too.
  12. Steve [steve jobs, roffle] Greg [sounds kinda like Craig, only it doesn't. And Greg is one of the 4 Greg's.] Sinbad [D:< HARDCORE] Madi/Madison [i dunno, just thought of a name] or Rhett. such are my contributions to your naming.
  13. Arkcher

    From a Marine

    I don't mean to troll, or make controversy, or negativity toward each other. This is a forwarded email I got a few days ago, and ever since it's been pretty strong on my mind. Post some input, maybe spread the word, or just stop and think. Again, no controversy was intended. I do, however, agree with a LOT of these points.
  14. Bad ending warning. Copied from MS Word: • Ben gets home from work, complains to himself about how terrible the day was. • Pulls up school laptop, checks email. One of his current ‘associates’ who isn’t necessarily a good friend, drops a number of subtle hints that he and Jasmine have been ‘getting together’. • Asks another friend, Jasmine has been cheating on Ben for over a month. They thought he knew about it, and didn’t want to bring it up around him. • Ben rages, skips going to work and tracks down Jasmine between her classes at school, and confronts her about it. “Why?” “I… thought you knew.” “You call that an excuse? You’re acting just like your old boyfriend!” They’re both taken aback, by what was said and how true it was. • They end up breaking up, trying to stay on good terms with each other, but didn’t quite make it. • Ben shares the drama with his family, and gets support accordingly. Next post • Next day at work, same thing as ever happens for the first few hours. After lunch, Ben is beating down a wall and separating wood and drywall and copper, when his boss comes running over to him, looking distressed. Nobody had told him that the environment he had put himself in, all the dust and dirt all over… wasn’t exactly ‘dust’, more like Asbestos. Ben had enough exposure to asbestos that when the effects kick in, he was going to die this month. • Ben loses it, and uses the crowbar in hand and beats the #### out of his boss. The first of numerous violent outbreak episodes. • Overnight, he has local authorities tracking him down, while he releases all the stress and frustration built up in domestic violence- against Ellen and their mother. • It had been ‘recommended’ that he start taking a drug called Pipamperon, which will end up putting Ben in a coma so they can fit the straightjacket easier. With a small assortment of weapons he had collected, he lays siege and waits for the authorities to take him down, kicking and screaming. • Ellen sustained more injuries from Ben, her already delicate frame lost functionality in her left leg, knee-down, effectively crippling her. All this happening right before Taylor’s eyes has caused tremendous emotional and mental damage and subsequent scarring. Lacking any male role model, he starts his own decline in all areas, ends up in a street gang to fill his need for a family, and gets early exposure to drugs and thievery. • Mom is left with a crippled daughter and a son in Juvie and another in a mental institution. She carries on, not sure where to turn for help. and it all started with a drinking problem. So. if you see yourself or someone else in a slow, steady decline, it will end up becoming a ROLLERCOASTER OMG unless it gets fixed.
  15. [mmkay, so The posts already up here consist of about 2/3's of the whole story, so its mostly finished, I just can't write the last two or three posts cause I can't word them properly. Can't emphasize in the right way, or describe without a visual aid. :c so I'm thinking of posting the events for the rest of the story, in non-story format. for the sake of closure, otherwise I'd just leave this alone. what do you guys think?]
  16. <5 don't worry, only 20% or less of the stories posted here actually get finished. and im no exception to this.
  17. Its a lot smaller than it looks. Built by, and made for two old people, so it... accomodates two parents and a single teenager without many problems.
  18. Rain makes wood darker, which makes the green leaves more vivid. so I took pictures with my terrible phone. :­D Mysterious trees. Wet leaves. Wet trees. MAGICAL ROLLERCOASTER RIDE Driveway. GREEEEEN TUNNEEEELLL Long driveway is long. Terrible zoom. D: Mah haus. S'pretty cool. ... yeah, its been rainin' here a lot.
  19. Woah hey, that's what I love about Texas. You can seriously go from 40 degress one day to 80 the next. It's the best When it goes from 30 degrees to 45, then i'll be good to go. ... for more than one day.
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