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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. yyyyyeah. I think you have. XD wow. I havent been on there for... a few months. I bet my accounts have been asploded.
  2. Im not sure what to think of this... but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now. and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad. ... so yeah. thats.... that. and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n
  3. What??? No reposnses to my cute friends? *throws out sunflower seeds and peanuts to attract people* -burns some of the peanuts- WHAT?????????? *thinks of appropriate reaction to Arkcher not noticing my hammie pics* ... What? Oh, snap. There are hamster pictures there! And... ????? *starts duct taping all of Arkcher's body, including his hair* ... well, they're hamsters. and they're cute. >_>; 'cause thats what they do. Now get this mess outta my hair. ._.
  4. What??? No reposnses to my cute friends? *throws out sunflower seeds and peanuts to attract people* -burns some of the peanuts- WHAT?????????? *thinks of appropriate reaction to Arkcher not noticing my hammie pics* ... What? Oh, snap. There are hamster pictures there!
  5. Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head. Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend. It might. but I dont know. XD Haha. Might end up in it, though. yeah. I dont even know whats going on, 'cause half the time I like The Denzel, most of the time its Brianrietta, and other times I like RPVF back. but liking too many people could... be problematic, i think, so for now Im just sitting here and getting my mind on other things. (World of warcraft! -cheer-) and also going to that prom dealie. Im so gonna do something terribly wrong there, I just know it. XD
  6. Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head. Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend. It might. but I dont know. XD
  7. ... ... uh, quoth RPVF: well I am gonna go! I guess I will see you wednesday! Oh and by the way...we are going to [restaurant name omitted. Really good italian place.] Saturday for dinner! ttyl hot stuff! I <3 you ... Im not hot. XD Ask MK. Im not hot. Or Cheesey!
  8. That could work towards your benefit, though. Brianrietta would find out about how you truly feel, which would be good, and RPFV would find out that you don't like her the way she thinks you do. If you haven't told her yet. In which case you should. No, I havent. Im terrible. D=
  9. Wtf. >_>; Now all there needs to be is she's a red-hairded nerd and has a very french ancestry and its like two Brianriettas! ... THE CHAOS! -blows up- Nah, she is blonde. But not dumb blonde. And I'm not sure of her ancestry, but I know that she is part cherokee. Okay. >_> There arent two Brianrietta's then. ... I dont know if thats good or not. XD
  10. Hmmmmm... If you put Brianrietta in a Google search, This topic shows up in there. which means she'll probably come in here sometime and see our plottings. o:
  11. Oh em gee. First post in this tawpeek of '07. 'cause SOMEbody was too lazy to do it before me. >_> ... -prances around like an idiot- =D
  12. o: Wow. I've heard.... about two of those songs. each being a short clip. but I figure you've made good decisions with it, being like, the musical master of... maaaalllerity. If thats a word. I just made it up, so probably not.
  13. WRONG! DO IT AGAIN!!! Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it! No. The colours. Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black. Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums. As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD. The Final Cut should be red or green. PWNED. o:
  14. Wtf. >_>; Now all there needs to be is she's a red-hairded nerd and has a very french ancestry and its like two Brianriettas! ... THE CHAOS! -blows up-
  15. I think Pull The Switch is the best out of those names. but I've never really done anything musical before, so I... dont know. >_>
  16. What??? No reposnses to my cute friends? *throws out sunflower seeds and peanuts to attract people* -burns some of the peanuts-
  17. It's kind of an indirect way that girls say "look! I notice you!" or something like that. And yes, I think we all have pictures where we look like we're on something. In fact, I have one where all four people in the picture look like they're on something, and it wasn't on purpose (and no, we weren't actually on something). The american gothic one sounds funny though. i KNEW it. >_>; The Denzel is occasionally a flirt, but doesnt do that often enough to be categorized as one. I would so post that picture here but I dont think it'd go so well with Horatio or HK. so I'll keep it around. Generic discussion among ourselves (I think a clique is forming, 'cause Brianrietta, RPVF and The Denzel all feel obligated to hang around me. XD i guess.) has made a... running gag, not necessarily an inside joke, in which we all obtain arsenic and petrolium and raid each others houses (in a civilized fashion) of all the socks in there, and with the aforementioned explosives, burn the socks. It keeps us from getting sick. somehow. And because The Denzel is unhygienic enough (despite she showers like four times every day) to have enough sweat and gross in her socks, they're all crusty and gross, so we need extra petrol for her socks. Her socks are the ones that make The Denzel sick. XD yeah. We're off our collective rockers.
  18. Having an XP CP is kind of vital, I think. If you cant get hold of one, its just easier to have someone else do it. If you cant do that for free, ask around some of your friends or the computer nerds at school and see if you can use their XP CDs, or where you could get a copy of one.
  19. Im so confused. The Denzel just sent me three pictures of me. ... yeah, me. I dont know why she has some photos of me, or on her computer, or why shes posting them online. XD I suggested she has a spy camera in her 'hair' and she says that she's kept one in there "ever since the japs ran off with my beefsteak". And whats worse is that I look like im drunk in one of those pictures. XD Its really kind of funny. And the other is Dr. Cornbread and I (holding my pocketknives) spoofing the american gothic, or whatever that painting with the old coots is called. And his older brother running around in the background but thats not important. so yeah im done for today.
  20. Go for it. Just keep in mind that anything that isnt backed up on a different hard drive or online will be gone. like, forever and cant be recovered. I think the easiest (in regards to instructing) way to reformat is to get a Windows XP CD and put it in your CD drive whilst starting up. It should tell you to press any key to boot from CD, so do it. It'll start XP Setup, and give you pretty vague descriptions of whats happening (Gotta love Microsoft.) Set up a new copy of XP (i think it wants you to press Enter for that) and hit F8 for that user agreement thing that pretty much just tells you to not be stupid. Eventually you'll come across the partitions in your hard drive, and thats where you reformat from. Delete all the partitions there, and create a new one in their stead. (Two or three partitions, if you wanted to. It'll pretty much cut your hard drive in half and see it as two seperate drives. Not very useful.) It'll reformat, and install XP and there you go. Depending on how big your hard drive is, it should take... maybe two to three hours. It reformats about a gigabyte a minute. (Bad news for those of you with like 250GB Drives. Those take for EVER to reformat.)
  21. Actually those were lost in the many transistions. Yes. D=
  22. Okay nevermind. I feel better, Posts are going up and theres an anonymous member here. I wonder who it is?
  23. Which reminds me, Does anybody know when was the last appearance of Super Katie?
  24. yeah. Except any topics older than like a year. No topics here from the Old Old boards. D=
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