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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I dont remember how much it really was, but its some ridiculous sum of cash.
  2. They're all off playing Elite Beat Agents (the DS equivelant of DRR. n_n) because its the second or third to most awesome game ever, see. Oh. I am here and watch people get on and people get off and not post a single post. Now I know. LOL Thanks. *throws all Nintendos into the Meat Grinder* *~*tHe Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Dude, j00 can't use teh Meat Grinder. Only me can. Cheesie can't anymore 'cause he told me to gid rid of my Pirate Buttons. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* :rolleyes: Ooooooookay. That works. *throws Mushroom_king into the microwave and zaps her* *laughs a really evil laugh* LOL *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *however, before getting thrown in the microwave, she goes and kisses Trent.* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *throws Trent into the microwave with Mushroom_king* You know, if I ever went out with Trent, wouldn't I be cheating on Arkcher since we're married? Too late! You two have been simultaneously zapped in the microwave. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Yea, I'll bet Arkcher wouldn't really mind, since we didn't choose to marry each other anyway. XD *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I thought a certain laddy-face would comment to this well I didnt yet. I misread it and thought it said.... something else. anyway. Its like that Corpse Bride mess all over again, we didnt really WANT to do it...
  3. Oh, and another thing I thought of, perhaps the person had a virus which infected one of the files put in the zip without the person knowing? Like with that virus thingo you said you had a while ago and it could have infected some of your uploads, and you didn't know until just then Naw, He's got like... those $350 monthly antivirus protection things. Aint nothing bad gonna happen on his computer.
  4. :wacko: :wacko: I have been in your shoes and have no earthly idea. *sends a sympathy card to Arkcher* Yeah, its pretty smelly in there, huh? My poor toes. XD
  5. Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads? supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something. And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing. I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall. its very annoying. 'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?
  6. yeah. Its no longer such an issue keeping specific topics alive, the whole board is going inactive. and I dont know why. D=
  7. They're all off playing Elite Beat Agents (the DS equivelant of DRR. n_n) because its the second or third to most awesome game ever, see.
  8. Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you. I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up. Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU. And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them. If you get what I am saying. Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them. Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think. No, its all good. i like, got it and everything.
  9. I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not. Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF. i dunno. I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.
  10. Yeah, Off and On I have minor issues with that view new posts dealie. It seems to work if you just keep trying, and go and 'mark all forums as read' on the main page, before you leave.
  11. Oh. Oh. Oh oh. Aaaah. yeah. I dont even know anymore. XD Okay. on the 19th. RPVF posted some kind of survey dealie that said Brianrietta allegedly didnt care for me that much. on the 19th I fruited out and posted it here. but since dates and time zones and things like that are always screwed up on websites, maybe things are a day off over there 'cause lookit this. on the 18th (questionable) RPVF posts on Brianriettas page: I just realized I worded that wrong! I would never tell on you! (forget that if you dont want me to thing) Im hoping theres a connection but will probably be wrong.
  12. Yay! I'm glad you had fun. It *could* be that Brianrietta does like you, but either hasn't told RPVF about it, or lied to her about it, possibly because she knows that RPVF likes you, and doesn't want to upse her (girls can be funny like that). And you still need to tell RPVF you don't like her like that. Well, After I tell RPVF that, what will I do? She and Brianrietta are good friends, and I'm willing to bet that they wont be so fond of me being that selective.
  13. This shows additional support of my theory mentioned in my previous post. Brianrietta saw that thing saying that she didn't want to go out with you, but she was too nervous to tell you that she did in fact want to. However, she was trying to show you that she did want to go out with you. If you see what I mean. Yeah, I gets it. and kind of hope that such is the case.
  14. okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so. I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything. so just stuck around RPVF the whole time. it made me sad. ._. and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly) Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though. i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D= yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her. "Yeah, sure." "Okay, come on over here..." "might I ask what this game is?" "We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line." (ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD) so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up. so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too. and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF. It was highly amusing. yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me. whatever, I had fun.
  15. Have fun finding that one out. xD Please let us know. pff. We'll save you some trouble and I'll just tell you. 'cause I've tried it. it tastes. like. duct tape. it has a very distinct flavor that cannot be likened unto anything else. Getting it off of your tongue is a challenge, though. Do the different colors of duct tape have different tastes??? a really subtle difference, but yeah, they do. XD
  16. Now, perhaps RPVF has come here and found out how you really feel. This could be an attempt to "eliminate the competition." The "srry brandon" makes me think that she has specifically designed this to make you give up on Brianrietta. RPVF seems kinda desperate. ... ._. I would say I hate it when people keep secrets, but I still havent told either of them how I feel, so... and I think that Srry dealie was just the kidding-around-just-as-friends-lawl kind of thing. you really cant tell with just text though. This will more than likely affect this formal dance dealie that happens tonight. Yeah, its tonight. RPVF sent me an offline IM saying she's really excited. I havent responded yet.
  17. oh wow. and I thought I was the one being confusing to RPVF and all... on various webpages, people have this annoying habit of filling out surveys of what they think of friends in their list of contacts. usually the first four or eight people. RPVF just posted one, Brianrietta was #2 and Im #4 on that list. one of the questions in the said survey is: If you found out that 2 and 4 were going out what would you do? RPVF's answer: ummm...I dont think that would happen...she doesn like him like that...and I like him so she wouldnt date him! (srry brandon) I dont know how to take this, really...
  18. Have fun finding that one out. xD Please let us know. pff. We'll save you some trouble and I'll just tell you. 'cause I've tried it. it tastes. like. duct tape. it has a very distinct flavor that cannot be likened unto anything else. Getting it off of your tongue is a challenge, though.
  19. No, because you don't have all the parts necessary. Nyah Do you know the necessary parts, then? Nope, but you knew you didn't have all the necessary parts, and you said so, therefore I knew that you didn't. I think i have it all now, not gauranteed to be perfect. Usually do some stuff that I need the compiler to do, which i don't have. If I messed up part of the top or bottom it is because I have a template I always use so I don't end up typing those in. xD Whoops, I had the wrong curly bracket at the end. Either way. Arkcher has two cookies, for I will give him another. *gives arkcher a cookie* Wait, then do I have two or three?
  20. These girls are confusing. XD Anyways, your situation stinks. And is at the same time, quite humorous. This'll end up in tragedy for someone, but who? Im leaning toward RPVF being sad. D= Im really hesitant of how to tell her, 'cause shes good friends with Brianrietta.
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