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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Arkcher

    So, yeah...

    Or those Hiccup viruses we've had going around...
  2. LOL!!! She should have turned my off as well. LOL!!! Let you get to sleep? So, how was your jog this morning? It was 42 and raining. I am going this evening. My running clothes are on and I am just waiting for my dinner to digest. tsh, That wouldnt stop me. XD
  3. well. Looks like everyone else dun gone left on us again, Horatio. but its like, 9:30 and I should probably go sleep. so I talks to you tomorrow. n_n -prances off-
  4. wait, Which game? o: The Superbowl, I believe. HampsterKing posted a topic, so I figured it was this evening. oh. I forgot about that happening. XD
  5. Im good with that and all, as long as you dont go into the elaborate description of how eating cows hurts the environment and causes global warming and makes children in africa get AIDS. Whether you eat it or not, cows still get brutally slaughtered. ;D
  6. 19 was in there, but unimportant. so I really dont know what to do, I dont want to leave RPVF 'cause I know it'll hurt her, and moreover I wouldnt want to hurt the friend of someone I do like. I fear this post has gone unseen by those who are not Horatio. o:
  7. Your left hand is holding coffee and your right hand a ice-cold Sprite? I think its 'cause my left hand is under the compy desk and my right hand is working the mouse here so I can rampage around the site and try to post. but nothing is for sure. Maybe its that millioninja-program virus thing, attacking my hands! o:
  8. My right hand is cold. ... and my left hand isnt. and I dont understand why. D=
  9. So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL Now it is even more of a ninja-program! =O Just wait until it multiplies into a million little ninjas. Oh noes!!!1!111one Ninjuh's r teh e4ting my megahurts???1!!?/ -cough-
  10. So, Okay. Doods. its like, A few days ago, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread and Space Adam-face and also my brother, all went to a movie. and we saw Epic Movie. (terrible. dont go watch it.) and then she gets hold of me on IM and gets on voice chat (pretty much talking on the phone through your computer. except I still had to type 'cause my mic exploded.) and I watched the timer go for 2 hours and 45 minutes, we were just talking. and Space Adam-face kept hacking her computer and pretty much had just as much control of it from the other room as she did. so I talked to both of them at once while they were both on RPVF's IM account. which made for several remarks about RPVF getting a split personality. XD And I convinced them to get Firefox. mnyah. ahem. Today, RPVF decided she wanted to dig through my backpack. ... so she did. with The Denzel and Dr. Cornbread and someone else, forgot who. That was fine and dandy 'cause they actually asked before rampaging through it this time. ('cause they did that impermissably (sp?) a few times before.) And then RPVF informs me that I'm going to one of the local school plays with her. I detect a plan to try and get me to start dating before my set time. (I just turned 15, RPVF just turned 16 and is just too impatient, I guess.) I dont much appreciate that she knows my standards and shes trying to compromise with them. but I'd probably do something of similar proportions if I was in her position. Tension kind of grows a lot more when RPVF is being her flirty self and Brianrietta is in the room just watching us both. Pretty much all we do is stand next to each other and talk, but it seems Brianrietta is trying to make herself seen by us, if not involved one way or another in our conversations. And more illumination on the matter comes from those lame surveys everyone still does. (and I, as well. but we dont talk about that. -cough- ) 19 was in there, but unimportant. so I really dont know what to do, I dont want to leave RPVF 'cause I know it'll hurt her, and moreover I wouldnt want to hurt the friend of someone I do like.
  11. hmm. So. I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it. weird.
  12. It's amazing just how smart you are. LOL xD thanks. I wouldn't wanna get you in trouble, after all. But I do wish we could share IM SNs. But then, we might as well allow everything else that is banned if we do that. xD Thanks! I wouldn't want to get into trouble either! LOL But if we shared SNs, then we might as well shut down the boards. There would be no reason to stop in. LOL LOL I disagree... we could talk to each other outside the board but nowhere else would an environment like this exist. Or would everyone meet as a community/group, I guess. I dunno about everyone else, but I plan to stay here.
  13. The board isn't active anymore because you are all going somewhere else to play. True, but I dont want that to get the board out of activity. so all the Interesting things I have to say go on here. XD which is sad 'cause im not posting very much 'cause nothing interesting is happening. I would like to better understand why everyone is leaving. Well, I'd like to call it a vicious cycle of HD. :closedeyes: Or, what I suspect to be a cycle to be. See, you know how there seems to be different "sets" of people here? The more senior ones, Jesse, JF, and a few rare appearances from others, come less often because they are busy with things like school, real-life settings to adjust to, etc. And then there's the "next generation", me, TBFOF, Arkcher, Kat, Cheesey, etc., who are just in the lower ends of high school time and getting into that, and so we come more than the "1st generation". Now, the newer ones, I'm thinking this is just their time to get into it. It's a slowing time, but I think it'll pick back up, with more friends. ^.^ Now, my guess is that people won't see "the originals" as often, but eventually there will be people here for incoming years. ^.^ I appreciate your thoughts. Sometimes I think it is me. Nooooo. No. No no. Horatio is too awesome for us to just abandon the boards. You've done nothing wrong, I assure you. its just everyone else dealing with growing up.
  14. MK has a Magic Buuuuuss we could use... boss... Yes, but to use da Magic Bus we gotta bargain with Pete Townshend to use it. Clazzik may be able to get it for us. We've got transportation. A bus would be too big. We wouldn't be able to get up along side them without being suspicious. However, the possibilities of what could be done when you have a bus intrige me. You misspelled Intrigue, boss. ... If I say it's spelled "intrigue", it's spelled intrigue. O RLY?
  15. MK has a Magic Buuuuuss we could use... boss... Yes, but to use da Magic Bus we gotta bargain with Pete Townshend to use it. Clazzik may be able to get it for us. We've got transportation. A bus would be too big. We wouldn't be able to get up along side them without being suspicious. However, the possibilities of what could be done when you have a bus intrige me. You misspelled Intrigue, boss.
  16. The board isn't active anymore because you are all going somewhere else to play. True, but I dont want that to get the board out of activity. so all the Interesting things I have to say go on here. XD which is sad 'cause im not posting very much 'cause nothing interesting is happening.
  17. wow. XD My brother was talking to RPVF and Dr. Cornbread and was hinting toward going out to see a movie some time in the near future. and he told me that he'd like to do that with them (and Space Adam-face, their eldest brother) sometime. 'cause Mr. Happy Sunshine Boy (my brother) likes going to movies. and taking his younger siblings' friends with him. XD yeah. I dont think that has any significance but Im telling you that for the sake of posting so the board will be somewhat more active. 'cause its not very active anymore. D=
  18. MK has a Magic Buuuuuss we could use... boss...
  19. That is a lot of time for something you are just gonna eat. What exactly did you do to the pancake, though? ... o_o I ate it.
  20. If you really want to mess things up, do what I do, drag it to the trash and empty the trash. ROFOCLH!!! 'Dun did already. And its still reinstalling after I've manually removed every trace of that program.
  21. I did something like that one... I got some pancakes and made a pac-man arena out of it. XD It took for bloody ever to cut all the strips and dots and everything, but I did it. Ghosts and everything. and then I ate it.
  22. I went to Add/Remove Programs, and that program was in the list. and when I try to uninstall it, it says some of the files are missing that it needs to uninstall. (similar to how it cant install normally.)
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