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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. As in, hints to you? Or in general in bullitens and such? The latter. in those survey dealies.
  2. Wow, so she got tired of you? That was fast. XD Well, knowing teen relationships even if Brianrietta IS taken, she probably won't be taken for very long unless she's actually one of those more mature peoples who actually try to care. And um, it's probably going to be over between whoever the heck her boyfriend is and her by the time you can date either way. XD well, I dont know if she 'got over me' but its just the impression I get of her fondly speaking of her boyfriend.
  3. Oh em gee. I think RPVF has other things in mind now. At first I thought she was going too far, in those survey things that everyone likes doing, she makes subtle hints toward seeing her boyfriend at church. and she hangs around me all the time, so I figured she was talking about me. Such is not the case. She and Dumbface #2 (Terry) decided they liked each other, so he's her new boyfriend. ...yeeeah. so it looks like she got tired of my... not-doing anything in regards to our 'relationship' so shes going after someone else. But at the same time, Brianrietta is making even more vague and subtle hints toward being 'taken'. ._.
  4. Its not. it. really isnt. Partly because that question has been asked SO many times... >_o
  5. let me just say this. What are you THINKING?! How hard is it to upload something to this board and link to it from here? You're hotlinking from other sites, which is fine and dandy if its your own page, but its... against common courtesy to hotlink images from other sites, not only that Its no different from posting URLs. Theres a link to another site, which is blatantly rulebreaking of the site here. Putting images in your signature is fine, I encourage you to make a topic for you to upload images for use in your signature, but dont take images from other sites. Its rulebreaking, in addition to being just plain rude to other sites for taking up their bandwidth.
  6. AMD PLANET HORATIO! And maybe a Psychedelic Luau! And a Psychobilly Freakout! And a Buuus, Magic Bus! We could bring Planet Horatio to the party!!! And The Ramones and Reverend Horton Heat and Pink Floyd! You, Mushroom_king, are in charge of the entertainment. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Sweet. *Hoops brushes up against MK's arm* Hey! You can't touch me! *Dum, Duh-Duh-DuhDUHDuh, Duuuuh Duh Duuuuh* Can't touch me! *Dum, Duh-Duh-DuhDUHDuh, Duuuuh Duh Duuuuh* Can't Touch me! STOP! HAMMAHTIME! *~*THe Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *grabs Hoops and protects her, gets Chuck Norris to distract Mushroom_king, while we hop into the helicopter and fly away* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *However, the helicopter is REALLY the helicopter form the top of the Monotoli building!* *Ness and his friends come out of the building, and thinking it's Pokey in the helicopter, combine their PSI-power dealies and stop the helicopter, frying Horatio is the process, but not Hoops 'cause she's spiffy.* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* wait, what?
  7. As awesome as that would be, I doubt it'll happen. of course, its always possible, but its not looking good. Theres a local junior college which is pretty much an old-people high school which my sister is going to now and I'll probably be in next semester. I'd move on to a more official university in like 2010. just by guessing how it'll go from here, Im not sure really.
  8. Oh my how fantastic for her!!! How old is she again?? She must be an exceptional student!!! Start working on your friendship. She'll be turning 16 here pretty soon, in like. ... the next three months. I dont remember when. 'think it was April. but she pointed out the letter of acceptance dealie was for the high school credit program they have there. 'doesnt much matter, but whatever. When is she going? One of the universities around Dallas, I dont recall which. (theres like 15 of them. XD) *cough, cough... hands Arkcher my glasses* Here, these might help. *waits for an appropriate answer* :rolleyes: You said Where, I swear you did. XD 'Next year' is all I know. I expect early-mid '08.
  9. Oh my how fantastic for her!!! How old is she again?? She must be an exceptional student!!! Start working on your friendship. She'll be turning 16 here pretty soon, in like. ... the next three months. I dont remember when. 'think it was April. but she pointed out the letter of acceptance dealie was for the high school credit program they have there. 'doesnt much matter, but whatever. When is she going? One of the universities around Dallas, I dont recall which. (theres like 15 of them. XD)
  10. Oh my how fantastic for her!!! How old is she again?? She must be an exceptional student!!! Start working on your friendship. She'll be turning 16 here pretty soon, in like. ... the next three months. I dont remember when. 'think it was April. but she pointed out the letter of acceptance dealie was for the high school credit program they have there. 'doesnt much matter, but whatever.
  11. Maybe despair?! o: so. Today, Brianrietta comes prancing in all happy and wheeee, and as such we ask what shes excited about. so she announces that she got a letter of acceptance to -insert name of university that isnt very close here- and she gets to go next year. ... D= sure, thats good she gets to go and is excited and all, but... thats... not good in other ways. ._. and since I dont think I could talk her out of it (not to mention that'd be really kind of selfish in the first place) I just hope to make better friends with her before she goes so that we'll keep in contact while shes gone. I dunno if RPVF knows yet, but I imagine that she'll see this as not having any more competition. pfff. ._.
  12. -wonders where Horatio's grammar went- LOL LOL *gives Arkcher some freshly baked cupcakes to distract him while I fix the sentence* CUPCAKE THINGS! =D -shomp-
  13. And it is about time you showed up to post in it. LOL yeah. I've been wandering around for a while. just... not.. posting. >_>
  14. Oh em gee. this tawpeek has 199 pages. which is almost 200.
  15. What wait, like... boss What was it you wanted us to do? or voulenteer for?
  16. Okay. Have a great shower? xD Have not gotten there yet. Stopped into the kitchen and had a wonderful piece of key lime pie. Key Lime Pie = teh good. n_n
  17. You did great! You picked up your speed quite a bit. *hands Cheesemaster a piece of raw broccoli* Ew. >.< *takes a banana instead* *grabs banana* Sorry, way too much sugar. Aww. [who are you to talk about too much sugar, Mrs. Ima-have-two-blueberry-danishes?] E X C U U U U S S S S E E E E E E E......... M E E E E E E E E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I am a MR. to you Cheese Whiz! Not to me. =O Maybe some other people, but I am more knowledgable. ;D You just think you are more knowledgeable! I, Horatio, am a male hamster. No Mrs. here in my cage. I think Im knowledgeable enough to know that Horatio just double-posted. o: O RLY ???? YA RLY. except you deleted the other post. D=
  18. I swore I told you guys about the Jeff Trophies back in '05. Oh, and I seem to be obsessed with two-minute long songs today. No way, your Jeff Trophy obsession was unknown to me until my Second Coming. (Or is this like, my Third?) meh. Dun matter. You're here now. which is a good sign of addiction to HD. Snap.
  19. Chapter Twenty-five Friend or foe? Injured and confused as he may be, Phyro would know to stay out of sight. Karaast could only pray for the safety of himself and Phyro, but Anzi and Diego, for that matter. Karaast beat his wings fiercely, pain surging through his body with each flap. He was exhausted, but was the only one to save his friends. "Anzi! I'm coming!" He struggled to call out to Anzi to at least give her assurance of safety. Karaast thought of what may happen when, or if, this is resolved. He feared for his own safety, his stamina is dangerously low and he was pushing his exhausted body to dangerous limits. Karaast landed very ungracefully atop the castle, and immediately collapsed, nigh unable to move. "Diego...! Get up!" Karaast said, finding himself rather useless. Anzi tried to help and reached down and shook Diego, calling his name to get his attention. "He's not moving... He's still out, Karaast! What do we do?!" Anzi announced, rather frightened by the Torrask cries sounding from every direction. "I don't know, Anzi!" Karaast shouted back, frustrated and exhausted. Between the two of them, an abnormally large black feather floated down, catching their attention. --- Phyro strode through the small town, uneasy by the hostile cries from behind him. This is indeed a town, but where is the populace? There was no sign of life anywhere... just old, abandoned buildings. Phyro stepped inside one of these buildings. It looked like it used to be a tavern. Panting, he pressed himself against the wall, concealing himself in shadows. He looked out the door-less entry, screeching cries coming through the open space. Unfamiliar memories flooded back to him, running as fast as he could from a number of strange creatures, sounding not unlike these. Phyro cowering in fear, at the mercy of a black metallic humanoid… entity, memories like these were not too pleasant but kept coming at him. “It looks like you’ve got yourself in quite a situation this time, lover-boy.” Phyro gasped, and turned to his right, where a voice came from. He saw nothing. Nothing but the blackened shadows of the abandoned tavern. A catgirl with somewhat foreign attire stepped out of the darkness off to the side, wielding a broadsword. “Your little blue friends wont get to you; You’re my kill…” Qill sharply informed Phyro, glancing out the windows and doorways. “… And who are you?” Qill sighed, “Don’t play stupid with me. You know very well who I am.” Phyro looked at her, skeptical. He vaguely recalled seeing her somewhere before, and recognizing her voice, and perseverance in… harming him in any way possible. “… Whatever. I wont object to some protection.” Qill rolled her eyes, and pointed her sword at Phyro’s neck. “You’re not safe. Even if Im here. … Especially if I'm here.” Unphased by Qill’s actions and words, Phyro gave her an odd look and pointed at her, “Arent… you…” “Yeah, Anzi’s sister. I expect shes dead by now, so once Im through with these… ‘Torrasks’ as you call them, You wont have any protection…” Qill interrupted, looking out the windows once more as if expecting someone or something to happen. Confused, Phyro decided it best to stand still and not speak. [Yay for me, I figured out how to get everyone out of the certain situation of inevitable doom. n_n]
  20. [Okay. F'real. I went and wrote some more. and the last chapter is NOT named The Meritorious Fire, thats one of the next ones. The last one I renamed to 'The Manifold' lacking a better word 'cause I was on a volcabulary low at that time. -ahem- Imma update now. with the chapter I jus' finished writing. so hang on. imma post it now.]
  21. You did great! You picked up your speed quite a bit. *hands Cheesemaster a piece of raw broccoli* Ew. >.< *takes a banana instead* *grabs banana* Sorry, way too much sugar. Aww. [who are you to talk about too much sugar, Mrs. Ima-have-two-blueberry-danishes?] E X C U U U U S S S S E E E E E E E......... M E E E E E E E E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I am a MR. to you Cheese Whiz! Not to me. =O Maybe some other people, but I am more knowledgable. ;D You just think you are more knowledgeable! I, Horatio, am a male hamster. No Mrs. here in my cage. I think Im knowledgeable enough to know that Horatio just double-posted. o:
  22. since it seems to be quite the subject to talk about fitness stuff... Cheesie would know what Im talking about when I say that the last scout badge I need for Eagle is the Personal Fitness one, the last requirement I have is making and carrying out a 12 (or was it 8?) week workout plan. Maybe I just look in the wrong places, 'cause no matter where I look, I cant find what things should be included in the said workout plan. Any suggestions for what I should start out with or what I can do for a fitness plan dealie? In somewhat-related news, however... My sister goes to a local junior college, and my dad has a every-once-in-a-while job there of running the planetarium. Whilst wandering around campus, they went over to the fitness building with all the gym working out weight lifting such 'n such. And inquiring about what they can do there, they found out that students have unlimited free usage of the gym, and their family members are invited to come (and can do so for free, having an indirect membership, I guess...) and stay as long as they like. so w00t, I get to work out for free. which will really help in the said fitness plan. I just need to... form a plan and figure out when and where I can carry it out and such like that.
  23. well get it. 'cause Ness is in it and you wont be the true SSBM master until you've played all the games that the characters have originated from. >( (Yeah, I have Ice Climbers on my compy. XD)
  24. Not quite... I clicked on it and got a question mark. Please let me know where you got it and perhaps I can try. do you have a program to run *.wmv (windows media video) files? like VLC player or winamp (dont think you have windows media player) right? Quicktime or something like that. but Winamp is more awesome. =D and Im pretty sure theres a Mac version around here somewhere. go look for it.
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