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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. *high fives* Great actions taken! =D wewt. =D
  2. so just as soon as it happened, RPVF and Dumbface dont like each other anymore. 'cause RPVF sent me a handy 'email' as part of being her only guy-friend who she can open up to enough to talk about a lot of things, and vented that she doesnt like Dumbface and that shes sick of guys breaking her heart, and she doesnt think she'll 'find anyone'. (shes fruiting out about this and shes only 16.) and that Dumbface told her that she was obsessive and smothering, and generic breakup conversation. but Again, in those little survey things that continue to circulate around, she still leaves it at 'likes someone a lot', who I imagine isnt Dumbface due to bitter feelings. as this supposedly happened last night or this morning. so multi-tasking wonderfulness, I went'n sent a reply while typing this mess. I pointed out that its not a race to find someone you like, shes only 16 and has quite some time ahead of her, and that she'll always have friends when she's feeling down. I tried to avoid talking about myself, lest she decide she likes me again. XD horrible, I know.
  3. In the mud were three little moldy bread loaves, all of which loved to play shun the non-believer, in which we ate pickles and shun the nun on the run with a gun who was stunned when a ton of some fun, some dumb fun, with nun's stun-guns and bad puns, eating hot-cross buns with your mum who weighs two-tons of no fun ate a carrot. Chewing gum monsters were coming through your mind. Suddenly, a piggy came and ate your
  4. ... Yaaaaaaaay! =D Jumping around like a loon is fun. Its hilarious when you go to dances and stuff and start a mosh pit to a slow song. I did that once. it was great.
  5. subtle messages from the band, maybe? subtle message, to promote Floyding-protection. o: ... very, very ineffective floyding protection. but if Microsoft can get away with selling defective products and software, Ramones probably should be able too as well.
  6. OHYES. Brianrietta. has a birthday. in the very near future. I cant remember when exactly, I want to say its this Friday. but its on this weekend. I think shes having a party of sorts for it. if. ... that has any impact on this mess.
  7. yay. So. today, My sister pulled me off to the other room for a moment, and we went over our little workout issue. We decided what areas we wanted to focus on, what excercises involve those areas, and some stretchings and measuring and such like that today. And we're gonna see about going to the gym to work out tomorrow. Which is fine, but she tells me that I'll want to go in some clothing that isnt my standard attire. Apparently, working out in denim jeans is not wise. I havent done so before, so I wouldnt know. My little wardrobe there primarily has denim jeans and random t-shirts of not-very-breathable quality. Yes, im implying that the reason I dont wear shorts is 'cause I dont have any. so I imagine I'll need to get some other clothes for me to run around in, and then I can work out more effectively. Any words of advise would be appreciated, 'cause I... havent really done this before. n_n;
  8. Mnyyyeeeeeehhh. e_e Brianrietta. was there. and as suspected, she gave me odd looks on occasion. In one instance, I was talking to Dr. Cornbread, and he was... being Dr. Cornbread, annoying as ever, so I told him to shut up for a minute 'cause I was gonna say something. and. I saw Brianrietta glanced over at me, so I looked over and said 'Yeah you shut up too.' so she just looked at me for a minute. and. Impulse, Total impulse, I dunno what happened, I just said 'I love you. =D' and turned back over to Dr. Cornbread. gawd, I was probably like, terribly red. after that. supposing I was, The 'secret' has been revealed to more than just RPVF. and Dr. Cornbread couldnt keep a secret to save his life. Another instance of similar proportions was when Dr. Cornbread and I were sitting down, talking about Starcraft 'cause its the coolest PC game ever, and then I glanced off to the side and just... stared off into space, mind complete blank. I was running on like 5 hours of sleep from last night, Im still really tired, but when I 'came back to earth' I saw that I was conveniently staring in Brianrietta's direction as she was standing up to walk off and... do something. I didnt see. but convenient of me to come to right as Brianrietta left my sight. Dr. Cornbread was eying me suspiciously. ._. Brianrietta is 80% likely to go bowling with us on Thursday. tomorrow night. shes gonna try to be there, and from the sounds of it, probably will. along with RPVF, Dumbface, and Dr. Cornbread. and The Denzel and unimportant people like that. ... -sleeps-
  9. Hey. Arkcher. She never left you. You weren't together in the first place. XD Anyways. A lot of girls end up liking someone new in an instant. And this Dumbface guy. He seems a lot like the guy Max I know. Always around girls. And has relationships. But Max always likes to just basically use his girlfriends as girls he can kiss whenever he wants basically. So I don't know what you should do, because it's a situation where things might take a wrong turn. eh. I dunno. Im just speaking my mind, really.
  10. So yeah, uh.. .to... change an awkward subject... I still havent seen Brianrietta since that mess the other night with RPVF. She has, however, openly admitted to liking Dumbface, a lot more than a 16-year-old should, in my opinion. Ohnein I just remembered. so. Tomorrow, Beth-face who is my sister, is inviting most of her friends to go bowling. tomorrow night. she has invited The Denzel, Brianrietta and RPVF and also Dr. Cornbread to come along. so they probably will. RPVF has said that she'd like to bring Dumbface along with her. Brianrietta has been absent lately, probably due to a million homework 'cause shes one of the more academic people I've ever known, and doesnt know if she'll be able to come, but will try. Beth-face says Im welcome to come along too if'n I want to. and I probably will. ... 'seems like there was something else. Wha'evuh. Oh yeah. Something I've wanted to tell RPVF for a while, but think it could be taken in the horribly wrong direction, would be that I wasnt aware at first of RPVF 'leaving' me. Really, she just... decided she liked someone else and just left me here without a word of it. If i'm allegedly one of her best friends, I dont think thats... right. I've wanted to bring that up, and point out that she just got another boyfriend without telling me, just for the sake of... speaking my mind, but I think that could be taken as liking a lot of people at once, therefore not having any meaningful relationships with any of them, or actually liking RPVF and just said liking Brianrietta to change the subject, and wanting RPVF back, or wanting to put her on a terrible guilt-trip for it all. Something else of similar proportions is just what I think of Dumbface. XD I call him Dumbface for a reason. RPVF likes him and all, but she's never seen him without any lady-types around, or on those campouts we did a long time ago. He acts like a five-year-old. I can NOT stand talking to him. He more than likely acts differently around RPVF now, but I... really dont like him, and didnt like him before I even met RPVF. Same deal as last time, but I dont think I should tell her this, due to taking it the wrong direction(s) of: not being supportive or friendly to her existing friends, or trying to put down Dumbface or make him look bad so I had RPVF again. From what I've heard, lady-types have a tendency to take things the wrong direction. I havent had any experience with that, and really cant say for sure, but I have wanted to tell that to RPVF but just decide against it.
  11. I'm not sure who was the first to vote I don't know... But I was the second. I just don't know if you should really have the ability to buy something that could be used in your frienly, violent antics. NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want everyone to vote: Buy a motorcycle!!! *grabs Glowurm and decides exactly what to do with him* *gets Hubert the hamster with attitude to deal with Glowurm* You had better take a look on Hubert's face. He means business!!! Trying to influence decisions in a poll, Horatio? You dastardly fiend. Whatever it takes to be able to put up poll #2. LOL well. I was the other 'i dont know' voter, in case you wanted to know. XD Just... a hamster and a motorcycle just dont go together, the way I imagine it... I mean, you already have an airplane, dont you?
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* You should wear a studded belt! I wear one every day! It says Ramones on it. People don't mess with you when you have one! Buy one today! Coming soon to a Red Market or Horatio near you! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I do! Its ultra sexy! Today another person told me I was hot. I was like "D: Go Awaaayyy". People don't even care that I've got a boyfriend. -Li Well, there is always reduction surgery. If it really becomes a problem. They're not that big. They are actually a nice size for my kind of figure, but they're big enough XD I can't believe I'm talking about this... hahaha. -Li 'Tis weirder for me, being a guy, cause I have to avoid sounding creepy. I mean, I can't just go around saying "YEAH! THOSE ARE PERFECT! =D" xDDD mmhmm. XD which is why Im not saying anything at all to this. 'cause you wont say anything wrong that way.
  13. Don't stop there! And he said....... ???????????? Something along the lines of, "Then it'll be better. " XD And yes. I did actually kiss his hand yesterday. XD nyaaaww. XD Its cute and stuff.
  14. yeah. The tensions been killing me that I havent seen Brianrietta yet since this incident. I do, but dont want to, at the same time and its confusing. D= but. I dont know how Im about to ask RPVF about that. just like ask, 'So, who'd you tell about my little secrets after I told you not to mention it to anyone?' Thats... not wonderful. I dont think I should ask, though.
  15. I can honestly say Im pretty annoyed by most guys with that obsession, too. Honestly, they arent important. good for children. but a lot of good that'll do you if she doesnt want kids.
  16. That would be Cheesemaster. He's ninja enough to stick little peices of paper into those cookies. Really fast. all over the world.
  17. In the mud were three little moldy bread loaves, all of which loved to play shun the non-believer. In which we ate pickles and shun the nun on the run with a gun who was stunned when a ton of some fun, some dumb fun, with nun's stun-guns and bad puns, eating hot-cross buns with your mum who weighs two-tons of no fun. ate a carrot. Chewing gum monsters were coming through
  18. Well, I would tell her that you like brianrietta. However, make her promise not to tell anyone. Also let her know that you wouldn't be just mad at her if she told, but dissapointed. Y'know, make her feel really guilty and bad if she tells. xD like IM TIME! [Arkcher's IM SN] RPVF, I think you deserve to know who I actually like[, cause I guess I somewhate decieved you before.] But first, you have promise not to tell ANYONE. [RPVF's IM SN] okay! [buncha random stuff she says] [Arkcher's IM SN] Okay... Brianrietta. But if you tell someone, I won't [just be] be mad. I will just be disappointed. Remember, I'm trusting you. =] NOT IM TIME! You can leave out the stuff in the brackets, based upon wether or not it is true. ;D Sage advise. but unfortunately, Horatio's absence had an impact on this (but I dont want him to feel terrible about it. that just happens.) 'cause not long after I posted this, I checked back on various websites are RPVF was still on. I felt obligated to apologize for not responding earlier, and sent her a site message. so she got back on to the IM. and came back asking me directly again who it is I liked. so. The conversation went something not unlike this: -another copypaste time- RPVF: I'm nosey, you have to tell me who it is you're talking about... Me: But that would ruin the suspense! RPVF: no it wouldnt. Me: oh. -long pause- RPVF: Come on, I know you're still there. Me: alright alright. I really dont know if it'd last, or if it'd go anywhere, but I cant keep a secret forever. RPVF: No, you cant. Who? Me: but I must say I've had a thing for Brianrietta for some time now. -abnormally long pause, in which Im quite sure RPVF made use of her phone- RPVF: well. I kind of knew that, Dont ask how but I just had a feeling, 'cause she and I are pretty much the only ones you ever talk to. Me: yeah. I dunno, since I moved in, it seemed that you two were the only ones who would talk to me. RPVF: Yeah, we were about the only ones to talk to you. I dont think anyone else really knew how to talk to the new guy. [if you recall, I moved in the not-too-distant past, mid-late last year. about June.] I dunno, some people are just weird like that. Me: mmhmm. I can honestly say though, that I am pretty sick of everyone thinking that I like The Denzel. 'cause Im allegedly always flirting with her. Thats how I naturally act around my friends. RPVF: I know that and Brianrietta knows that, and Im pretty sure that The Denzel knows that you arent flirting with her... Me: thats good. RPVF: Like I said, some people are just weird that way and all Me: well. As much as you may want to, I must ask you to not tell anyone else about this. I will do so, but when I'm ready for it. RPVF: I won't tell anyone. Me: Thank you. RPVF: It really isnt any of my business, its between you and that person... but I am glad you told me. Me: yeah. I seem to have an overwhelming shyness when trying to talk to anyone, especially Brianrietta. which really isnt fun. its like, antisocial all over the place. RPVF: mmhmm. I dont know, I like the fact that I can open up to you though. I have NEVER been able to open up to a guy before like I have to you. Me:... okay, well... thats... good? RPVF: Yes, its good for you. I've told you some things that I havent told any other guys before, not even ones I've dated. -another kind of awkward silence- RPVF: well, Its getting late. I really need to go to bed. 'Night. Me: Alright. Thanks for talking to me. RPVF: Of course, thats what friends are for. -poofle sign off- End somewhat-copypaste time. but Going contrary to Cheesemans suggestion, I asked her to keep quiet about it after I told her, so I bet that everyone and their dog knows about it already. which is a potential problem. but I just woke up like 15 minutes ago. I couldnt sleep for anything last night. D= The conversation started about midnight. now I just hope I didnt screw up horribly. -prods post for Cheesemans viewing- D=
  19. You have to give me time. Horatio needs time. or he go and bust'cher kneecaps. 'cause Hes a Ninja-hamster. ... or at least he was for the past five minutes.
  20. Oh noes! -pwns the rising MK with a shotgun- okay. now theres still only one MK. or only one that isnt a bloody mess. D=
  21. Im so confused. D= Time zones. are. not wonderful. for most.
  22. It's 23H20, do you know where YOUR Arkcher is? No. I have misplaced mine. ;_; Here, I will lend you one of mine. *hands Arkcher an Arkcher* Wow. D'you have a spare MK in there, too? 'cause. I might have buried the original one alive. but nothing is for sure. -cough- Sure. Here you go. *tosses Arkcher a Mushroom_king* Wewt. MK is alive.
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