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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. obsessive much? RPVF has those flash counters to give you months, days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining 'til some random event. She has one for when she turns 17, when she gets her drivers license, and when 'he turns 16'. I dont know if shes aware that once im 16 and start dating and all that mess, I still dont take it very seriously until im at least 19. I may have mentioned before, early on in this topic, but Mormon folks like myself traditionally go on a two-year mission (yes, two full years) for their religion, usually starting from like 19-21 years of age. and I fully plan on doing so, but its not uncommon to get a Dear John letter while out and about, and your girlfriend likes someone else now. and that big two-year gap can cause some issues, which is why I dont really plan on taking anything too seriously until Im back, being about 21 or 22. but I cant really use these kind of excuses against RPVF while liking Brianrietta and all that mess.
  2. well I wasnt. ... um. theres a band called Yes? Yes, and Yes is awesome. I love their Fragile album. Yes. Yes is the band. LOL *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* No, Yes and The Band are different. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* wait, Whos on first? XD I don't know. what's on second? But arkcher, some mp3 players/iPods update every time you charge them, basically looking for anything new, including titles and such. yeah. When I charge it, the syncing software says its 'updating device' every time. There cant be THAT many updates, this thing isnt very old.
  3. Let her know that you don't feel that way about her, you are sorry, da da da da.. Ya know. It is obvious what she means. Just set her straight, but in a kind, gentle way. And I am not going to spring formal for two reasons: a: It has formal in the title. ( I hate any type of dressing up, except for halloween.) b: I am going to be caving and then hiking, maybe the other way around, with my scout troop that day. xD (and probably c: nobody to go with) but I still feel terrible about thinking about... 'setting her straight'. I'll need to do it sometime, I dont want her to have to find out on her own. that'd make it more hurtful. yes, formal. And if you want or like Kaitlin/the Maryland Brianrietta, you'd better get used to it. And its a prime opportunity to at least get the Maryland-Brianrietta's attention. Going to a dance with them will get you somewhere. 'cause. its pretty much how I met Brianrietta. so they're awesome. for me at least. You should go anyway. I'd pick an air-conditioned dance room over a campout any day anyhow. regardless of having anyone to go with or not. jus' go.
  4. well, I really dont know what clothes to put on some of you's guys, and spriting different faces is VERY hard, seeing how you have about 5 pixels to work with, and they'd have to be different without looking like something Picasso drew up. so Thats... Megaman-face, 'cause I couldnt sprite one myself if I tried. yeah. This is... one of those things I like doing in spare time. I think you's guys should give it a shot. and yes, Im still making that sprite tutorial. i havent forgotten. I've just never made one before. Oh, okay I'll give myself a shot before the tut comes out. =D sweet, someone's actually gonna try it. o: Just keep in mind you should keep to the pixel-y feel. I dont think Flash will do so good for that. although there are some folks who will make seperate sprites of body parts and appendages, and use flash to animate them into custom poses that would otherwise be f'real hard to sprite seperately. so If you want to give that a shot, I encourage you to. Like I've said before, I have flash, just have no idea how to use it.
  5. Arkcher

    Oh em gee

    One, you want a Magic Buuuusss! two, you might want. um. a hippie-style VW microbus.
  6. well I wasnt. ... um. theres a band called Yes? Yes, and Yes is awesome. I love their Fragile album. Yes. Yes is the band. LOL *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* No, Yes and The Band are different. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* wait, Whos on first? XD
  7. I dont even know what to do with RPVF. D= partly being mentions in survey bull honkey. as seen here: ANSWER TRUTHFULLY : 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes...but he isnt 16 yet so I am patiently waiting. gee, I wonder who it is. and then a different one. one of those 'complete some sentance' dealie. as seen here: 21. I can't...get the guy I like now out of my head 24. I'm nervous to... to tell him he is who I want to be with I feel obligated to respond, but dont know how to do so.
  8. 330 tracks. o: 3.1 GB used. but. I've had my first notably bad experience with the player so far, It crashes earlier today and now all the songs are by Unknown Artist and also in Unknown Album. but yesterday it knew who did what and all. so now I need to delete everything and put it back on else navigating through songs on the player will be nigh impossible.
  9. well, I really dont know what clothes to put on some of you's guys, and spriting different faces is VERY hard, seeing how you have about 5 pixels to work with, and they'd have to be different without looking like something Picasso drew up. so Thats... Megaman-face, 'cause I couldnt sprite one myself if I tried. yeah. This is... one of those things I like doing in spare time. I think you's guys should give it a shot. and yes, Im still making that sprite tutorial. i havent forgotten. I've just never made one before.
  10. *plays some jazz on the radio* *~*The Grand Illusion*~8teh Final Cut*~* HORATIO. How many times do I have to tell you to NOT MESS WITH THE RADIO. They were playing Pink Floyd, too. ._. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *gives Mushroom_king the radio and takes my ipod and runs in my wheel* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* You better. Oh, and I officially have...7 husbands! and Three of them are dead. XD *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *issues a Black Widow warning to Mushroom_kings remaining four husbands* I've died a number of times, I dont know which of those two I'd fit in...
  11. My 2 GB serves me just fine... it was the other way around. I've used about 2.5 and I have about 5 left. XD so to take up more room, Im... downloading some more full discographies of bands I see and hear about online. any suggestions? 'cause. I dont... like bands that frequently curse, but dont know how such can be checked beforehand.
  12. well I wasnt. ... um. theres a band called Yes?
  13. Spring formal is soon. I'm not going. xD o_o Why not?
  14. wow. I thought I had only 2.5 GB of songs or so on my compy. but I've already put on about 5GB. o: but... its more than 32MB, the size of my previous player. so im happy. XD
  15. so. Guess what Arkcher-man did last night? he went. and. got an 8GB MP3 playuh. Sandisk Sansa E280R, if I recall its called. =D Its the epitome of an iPod wannabe, but I dont have enough money for the name brand iPod such n such. I paid about $180 for this, and 180 would get me about 3GB for an ipod. so. yeah. Now I can have an MP3 playin' rampage that involves more than 4 songs. =D
  16. Oh goodness. Usually, if a couple breaks up once, the relationship will never stay together if they decide to get back together again. people tend to be stupid, though. Much too stupid. Therefore, all your base are belong to us. Its merely symptomatic of our post-modern paradigm. There are no absolutes, unless you perceive our world as meaningless, when its really your own freedom you detest! ... I like pork!
  17. Dumbface grows more worthy of his title. RPVF told me about not too long ago, he was lifting weights, but when he put it down it ended up landing on two of his sisters' fingers, so they broke. she is distraught. yeah anyway. The Denzel continues to confuse me, (so Im glad im not... 'with' her.) 'cause a while back, I pointed out that she broke up with her boyfriend. well, unknown to most, they made up and liked each other again. this morning she was all depressed 'cause they broke up AGAIN. pff.
  18. o: I also remember that song. from back in the day. when people used to give a care about Pokemon. XD
  19. its 2 AM. and on a school night. and seminary starts in 4 hours. I should sleep. Whaddyou think?
  20. Sage advice, Cheesie. well. Brianrietta showed up tonight. She walked over to me and spoke rather loudly (but smiling a lot) "Brandon, You are so veryrandom!" RPVF: What, what'd he do this time? Brianrietta: He texted me earlier today and was all like, 'Paper towels!' Im like, what, am I supposed to bring some or something? Me: No! Im just... saying... paper towels, you know, they're pretty awesome. Normal towels are cooler though. and then RPVF and Brianrietta cackle amongst themselves and stray off into their own conversation about when I texted RPVF. Dr. Cornbread begun asking me how to replace a hard drive, so I couldnt carry on that conversation and 'eavesdrop' on what RPVF was talking about. yeah.
  21. so After my sister and I got home from working out today, I wanted to take a shower 'cause I was smelly. ... so I did. but beforehand, I decided I'D be the one and pester RPVF with texting. so I wrote out 'Paper towels!' in a text and was gonna send it, then decided I'd send it to Brianrietta instead. ... so I did. she wrote back, 'K 2nite?' ... 'what?' 'what are you talking about?' 'Im talking about paper towels!' XD I thought it was hilarious. then just for good measure I sent it to RPVF as well. 'yes. and paper cups.' 'And starbursts!' 'and cheese cake!' yeah. it was fun. ... then I took a shower. now I smell pretty.
  22. Arkcher

    Oh em gee

    Two things I have to say about this... one, you as the driver of the vehicle can require all your passengers to put on their seatbelts, or else they don't ride in your car. And two, yeah for Texas that they don't totally dictate what happens in your car. The state is placing the responsibility on the driver of the car. Yeah for that!!! So, it really does not matter what the state laws are, it is your choice as the driver of the car if you want people going without seatbelts in the back seat. You make the rules. True, its really stupid not to do that, but I just think its hilarious that Texas doesnt care about it that much. XD
  23. Arkcher

    Oh em gee

    so yeah. Texas has dumb driving laws. so Im working on getting my Drivers permit here pretty soon 'cause you have to be at least 15 to do that. ... and im 15 now. so im doing that. Partly 'cause in 2 weeks, my folks and I are going out on a vacation of sorts to see about finding long lost relatives and such off in distant states of the US, so we're gonna go to like, Nebraska and go like 85MPH and nobody will give a care. yeah. Im gonna start driving here pretty soon. and amid my reading of driver manual dealies, I found out that In texas, law requires ONLY the driver and front passenger to wear their seatbelts. Other passengers are only strongly encouraged to do so, but they arent required to by any means, let alone law. And if you have an open flatbed truck, you cant go any more than 35 MPH if theres a 12-year-old in the bed of the pickup. only in Texas would people care about that.
  24. But that didnt work so very well. so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies. and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.
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