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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Jerry Garcia eats all the comments. o: *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* But in Soviet Russia, the Comments eat Jerry Garcia! o:
  2. well. Once I get up and actually finish the tutorial, you guys will know how and have no excuse not to sprite jah-selves.
  3. [okay. I have about two-thirds a page of the next chapter written out. but Im thinking that this will be the last one, if not Really close to the last chapter. and if I decide against making this a series, it'll be the first story I'll have actually finished. n_n] [i was thinking about making it a series to have the other parts elaborate on the rest of the Draenno, the rest of the survivors from Eytens village, like Karaast and Diego and a few other guys that arent making appearences here. I dunno.]
  4. I've got an idea, Bosskat. We can take the connections to a different level and get ourselves a good Linux up in here. We can get a handy scanner, draw stick figures with AK-47s, and fax the pictures to our enemies via the internet/phone line connections. The stick figures know what to do. Take out the enemy before they even have the chance to strike.
  5. =D An oppurtunity for. ... something. or at least to shed some light on the situation. Tonight was chaos. Someone got the bright idea we'd go play water-balloon volleyball (two people hold the corners of a towel, and use those to fling water balloons around over a net) and that was fun and all. and after a lot of balloons were thrown at me, I was all wet. that was fun. Then Brianrietta got a brilliant idea. She asked RPVF if she wanted to go to the Ren Fest with her. (Kat knows all about those. o: ) and that RPVF is more than welcome to invite others to come along as well 'cause having a bit group is fun to take to those. so guess who RPVF wanted to take along? so Im going with Brianrietta and RPVF and some of their other homies to the ren fest this weekend. and On a less significant note, Brianrietta's ride went'n left without her without her knowing, so... We got to drive her to RPVF's place, where her folks would come and pick her up. but yeah. it was cool 'cause she was in my car. n_n and I was all manly and unlocked the car with my keys. 'cause I have car keys. but cant drive. She sez that I need to tell her when I start driving, so she'll know to stay off the roads at that time. XD
  6. Anybody know that song where it is all like... "I tried so hard, and got so far.... But in the end, it doens't even matter...." I am STILL tired of that song. that is 'In the End' by Linkin Park. XD One of their better songs. I think so anyway.
  7. System update: RPVF = Still a flirt. Brianrietta = Missing. D= Some chic I caught staring at me more than just a few times = on the other side of the country now. (yeah, I was on a road trip the past few days. really, nothing interesting enough happened for me to make a topic about it. XD)
  8. Hey Arkcher. I hate to be the bringer of bubble bursting, but uh. I've checked Brianrietta's headline on rare occasion and it kinda seems like she likes someone older. o_O Either that or she's quoting cheesey love songs. XD thats why Im trying to figure out all this mess. but its not working. D=
  9. so the second (more) notably bad experience with the MP3 player. but this one was my fault. I was using my dads laptop of ancient proportions (with windows 98) to recharge my MP3 player 'cause it came with niehter an AC or DC adapter, so I have to charge it with USB through a computer. it worked before, but this last time it tried syncronizing the songs automatically with the Win98 computer. I knew it wouldnt work, so I unplugged it before it got too far. but now I know not to do that 'cause I cant access the library of songs now. so theres 5 GB of stuff and I dont know how to get to it. I can access two videos and one song. and I dont have my compy available right now for reasons too long to explain right now. and moreover I wont for a few days. like three more days without my compy or none of my musics. D= save that one song. (Runaway, by Linkin Park, for those who really wanted to know. XD Im gonna be so sick of that song.)
  10. so I started writing another story... and decided maybe I should finish some before really getting too involved with this. I have like eight unfinished stories, all about half way done. MF is the most progress I've made on one. but I started another, im about five chapters in, but think I'll just make notes of what I plan to happen and focus on Wrewolf 3 and MF. so I havent forgotten. im still writing stuff. but taking my time about doing it. XD
  11. Teh omg. Brianrietta's page sez: Just a note before leaving Every1 keeps sayin their mad because Im leavin them..but Im not I care so much about all of u &I will never leave, just be away for a while, which honestly is the best thing 4 me to do right now &u no it,I will be free from that 1 person who holds me back Everyone else seems to know whats going on except me. D= ... I dont knooowww. ;_;
  12. ^^^^ I believe I explained that before. And I know ALL about the saying you like someone online with no indication as to who. xD I used to do it a lot. But I would try to show who, by actions and words towards the person. [one of the more comical examples: (we had just been talking about how I was gonna be a video game programmer) My friend: Neil, your gonna have to give my kids free video games. Me: Yes, I will give my kids free games. My friend: No, MY kids. Me: That is what I said. >.>] (ignoring that bracketed bit) and that could explain the sighing and all. wow. Im really missing out on a lot 'cause I dont remember you having any mention of that kind of situation before. XD I'll look around the topic for it though. That was the first metion of that occasion. xD No, dumpus. that part. XD
  13. [A concern of mine is getting the characters wrong. o: Audrey doesnt always act like that, and RPVF isnt... that kind of flirting person. she does it different ways. I dunno. If I get this mess published, I wouldnt be able to keep it from my friends, and if they see themselves in there, a completely different person... XD] [and you can bet that RPVF would be very supportive of me writing stories and would want to read them.]
  14. ^^^^ I believe I explained that before. And I know ALL about the saying you like someone online with no indication as to who. xD I used to do it a lot. But I would try to show who, by actions and words towards the person. [one of the more comical examples: (we had just been talking about how I was gonna be a video game programmer) My friend: Neil, your gonna have to give my kids free video games. Me: Yes, I will give my kids free games. My friend: No, MY kids. Me: That is what I said. >.>] (ignoring that bracketed bit) and that could explain the sighing and all. wow. Im really missing out on a lot 'cause I dont remember you having any mention of that kind of situation before. XD I'll look around the topic for it though.
  15. [All in favor that I change all appearences of Audrey and replace them with RPVF... raise your hand. XD]
  16. Texas has started its inevitable boring-but-intolerable weather cycle again. Forecast of the next 6 months: No clouds, Ridiculous humidity, and 78F+. Always.
  17. The Denzel is distressed. because she sez she has a canker sore. and is fruiting out all like, 'Oh noez Im gonna die.' In other news... I really dont know what to think about anything. My family has since discovered that RPVF very likes me, and are encouraging to do something. RPVF is still flirty all over. She has a countdown timer on her page to 'when He turns 16' which is... conveniently counting down to my 16th birthday. Since those circulating surveys usually... start conversations, at very least, RPVF replied to one of them pointing out that the question 'whos on your mind right now' was answered with 'Someone...' she asked if it happened to be someone who lived close by. (and shes about a mile and a half away from my house.) I said no. ('cause its... more of Brianrietta. who is about 8 miles distance.) shes just like '... oh. ... do I know this person?' '... yes.' She seems to have forgotten our little discussion about who is it Duct Tape (being my local nickname) really likes. I didnt think she was THAT blonde. but Brianrietta's constant absence to a lot of things due to 'schoolwork' which I dont think should take up a solid month and a half of your time, really... seems to have some effect. I think its just RPVF hanging around me all the time and Brianrietta never appearing to anything, but I'm starting to like RPVF back. Brianrietta's various sites have mentions to really, really liking 'someone' though I see NO indication of who it is, what they're like, how long they've known each other, anything like that. Supposing its not me, I dont know how to explain her various actions. (like her trademark intoxicated sigh when staring at me.) I really feel obligated to do something, but dont know what.
  18. Well, did you expect the pig to be obedient? (no, not talking about J-man there. xD) o: The J-man was on Aqua Teen Hunger Force. but they later decided to call him Gee Whiz.
  19. *looks up briefly from her semi-automatic sander constuction* Get creative. What if we, boss, went and made a diplomatic proposal to them and have them join our Mafia, boss? They could do all that stuff that cavemen did in Night at the Museum. boss. It'd involve less pwnage. They're to whiney to actually be in the mafia. Wonderful. so while Cheeseman and TGHL are pwning the cavemen, what should I be doing?
  20. *looks up briefly from her semi-automatic sander constuction* Get creative. What if we, boss, went and made a diplomatic proposal to them and have them join our Mafia, boss? They could do all that stuff that cavemen did in Night at the Museum. boss. It'd involve less pwnage.
  21. Hardly anybody has been on today. Its true.
  22. Nobody ever tells me these things. XD I'm pretty sure that I posted that here. xD Shut up, that never happened. ._.
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