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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. posting in birthday thread before my birthday comes :B
  2. double post ololol so thinking back, i now realize that none of the people from Norway joined in on this pool-jumping. They just sat and laughed at everyone else scrambling for the ladders to get out. :c
  3. Norwegian is such a cool language you don't even know :B i want to be norwegian when i grow up
  4. I did it 'cause i'm tired of sitting on the side and watching everyone else make fools of themselves in an enjoyable fashion. so I joined in, too. :B stepping out of my comfort zone to expand it. I and 13 others.
  5. WHAARRRGARBL forgot to disable emotes :c
  6. Had a super-awesome party with a few friends, and a lot of people I don't know. Hosting the party was a family who moved here from Norway, so they partook of a tradition of their home country and invited everyone to jump in their swimming pool at 12:00. so I did. went from about 60 degrees to 25 degrees in one second. [they had salt-water in their pool. it didnt freeze.] I had fun :B
  7. My dad got an email from the headhunters, group of folks trying to get him hooked up with this job. so this is about the third time we've been "not selected" for a position.
  8. I kind of want to know what Dell was thinking, making this laptop with a 10" screen. This thing is tiny. The text field on the boards here takes up almost the whole screen. But here we are in Charlevoix MI, and we still don't have a definite confirmation of having a job here, but there havent been ANY negative vibes from anyone. Not a lot of competition, either. From what I understand, Michigan has one of the highest unemployment rates around, I would think there'd be a lot more people falling over themselves trying to get this job. But we are the first of the candidates to physically come up here, or rather, only ones to make it past a phone interview. But, since employment is a terrible, tedious, drawn-out beaurocratic process, they wouldn't be able to get us up here until January. We're renting our house in Texas up until December, so we'll probably be homeless for a few weeks unless we find a weekly-rate rental joint. If all goes as planned, they'll have information for us by Tuesday, regarding moving up here/getting a job/other details. I think they'll have a few more interviews between now and then. Can't say for sure. But since the economy around here is so messed up, we've found through newspapers and ads that a lot of 3+ bedroom homes could be rented for ~$600/mo. Which is crazy awesome. A lot of people facing foreclosure are getting desperate to rent out, so finding residence won't be a problem at all. on a side note, I ate the most awesome BLT sammich for lunch today. one pound of bacon on sourdough bread. Almost went in to cardiac arrest, but it was the most awesome sammich ever. Oh, it had some vegetables on it, too.
  9. I've not seen any negative facets of moving there, not being so fond of my peers here in Texas. But I've been here too long, being almost, almost comfortable in 80F. I forgot to mention that they asked us three weeks in advance to make plans to travel up there, but even after we committed to go, they didn't buy the tickets until yesterday. Minor detail, there will be a three-hour layover in Detroit. Don't know what i'll do in that time. Probably walk around and stare at funny-looking people.
  10. oooooh snap. I once thought my grandma was old. :c
  11. oh ho ho ho so like 8 months and several hundred frozen burritos later, we're making progress. Some time in August, my dad caved in and got a temporary job at a local high school. A teacher's salary is about 1/4 an engineers, BUT it was $30k more than we were making before. In the last month or so, a company up in Charlevoix Michigan has been doing many phone interviews and the like with my Dad, and they've gone pretty well. As near as we can figure, he's the top candidate out of about 8 for a Quality Control Manager. This last weekend, they bought him a plane ticket to come up for a real, physical interview. So he made many preparations, expected a difficult interview with those questions like "tell me about yourself" "what kind of salary range are you looking for?" (if you say too low, they fulfil that request and give you the lowest salary in the whole plant. if you say too high, you cost too much and they wont hire you.) or other risky questions. This was more of "how soon can you move here?" as if they had already made the decision to hire him. So that went well. This weekend, they have already bought three tickets for him and his family [my parents and I] to fly up there for a weekend, and see if we're comfortable living there. I'm no expert on this matter, but I think that's a strong indication that they're serious about this job if they pay for your family to come up just to take a look around. Interestingly enough, they didn't handle the finance very well. If you plan ahead and buy plane tickets like 3 weeks in advance, they're a LOT cheaper. ~$500 apiece. They bought the tickets just yesterday, and we're leaving tomorrow. $1250 each. Almost $4,000 to fly us up there for a day or two just to see if we want to live there. I just hope that expense goes to corporate, cause thats a big chunk of money for something frivolous. Flight leaves at 7:40 AM, need to be at the airport at about 6:00, need to leave at about 3 in the morning. Might just pull an all-nighter :­B Dont know how soon, or even if we'll make that switch, working at the high school is weighing us down somewhat. I don't much want to stay for the rest of the semester. :c
  12. well I think Horatio is pretty awesome. And if you didn't keep this thread alive, we wouldn't have anything to look forward to when coming here. :c Where is everyone?
  13. I didn't know that we could do that. But thanks. What I forgot to say was that on my way taxiing out for take-off on Friday, we were about halfway down the runway when we heard the Memphis Ground Controller respond to an airport vehicle that "It's on a seven mile final." The "it" was our brand new B777!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here it is on landing. It doesn't look big in the picture, but believe me... it is HUGE! http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5533&view=findpost&p=150595 looks like a pretty legit plane. o:
  14. I think Katman needs to make part 2 of this, so I can do another one.
  15. so I'm gonna quote this post to remind everyone that this project from like 2 years ago never really finished ;/ I drop by pretty frequently, but never see anything in the New Posts that catches my interest. so we need some totally awesome topics to get started D:< might I suggest making newer threads of the same subject as existing threads, for the sake of not having as much spam/discussion obscuring the metaphorical view?
  16. :c not even ms paint? Only if Arkcher agrees to post more. D: wat
  17. [so, uh, Bump, to remind everyone of potential awesomeness.] [i suppose reading the whole thing through would get me more inspired/in the right mindset to keep it going. so I'll try that.]
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