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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I'll be sure to tell them that. now. on a more happier or random note. I forgot we had avatars finally up and running. I was about to point out that we still cant do that, but it seems we can. Now I need to make an avatar to send in. Horatio, do you know what the size limits are for avatars? if any?
  2. Now I get to make everyone sad. D= 'just got home' was good for me 'cause about five minutes after they dropped me off at my house here, I got a call from RPVF (being the sister of Dr. Cornbread and Meatwad) who was very concerned as to knowing where I was. after telling her I was in my house, she was fairly relieved and told me that Meatwad totalled his car while driving away from my place here. Dr. Cornbread and Meatwad were both in the hospital, getting CT scans or something like that, having both taken the airbag to the face. You may recall I mentioned not two months ago that Meatwad just hit another car a short while back, taking off his side mirrors on his car. so They have nice and high insurance rates now. and. Meatwad just spent some wads of cash in the high-hundreds getting a really pimped out stereo system for his car. like, the really cool console, and two new subwoofers, like six new speakers, and some other stuff that, more than likely, insurance wouldnt cover.
  3. If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it. He has already given me some of his super powers. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You talk to dead people??? Roger Waters is still alive... Give him time. yeah. You should re-think playing in a band. All your role models there played music. and look where they are now. XD
  4. If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it. He has already given me some of his super powers. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You talk to dead people??? Ouija all over! o: ... um. yeah.
  5. ... wait a minute, whats that have to do with anything?
  6. oh, for... I would have lost tolerance for him like, long ago. ... I already have. XD so. You're more tolerant of stupid people than I am. You could insist to JR that he liked every girl he sees. Or just pick some random one (that isnt IC) and give him a stupid time about it. That'd probably get your point across that he really is being stupid about that.
  7. Great. boss. I'll be polishing up the AK-47's whilst awaiting the aforementioned assignments. and working on my accent. boss.
  8. He could be the next Batman. He even has the Pope-mobile.
  9. Dr. Cornbreads older brother, Meatwad, likes putting music on really, REALLY loud. I just got home 'cause they drove me around for reasons of little importance. but. I could feel the bass beat in my chest. XD like, my whole body shaking every beat of the songs he played. He had various empty cans around in his car, and they were all shakin' it like it was friday night. You cant carry on conversations very well in volumes like that. D=
  10. Thats kind of how I feel about Brianrietta. She may or may not like someone, and if so, I've no idea who it is, and it could be good or bad. I can relate, being protective, its just... what guys do, but really, theres nothing we can do about it. D=
  11. Continuing! I have them all scanned now, but will probably put them in seperate posts due to they're all attachments and as such probably have limits. That was more of draw-one-thing-and-hand-it-to-the-other-guy drawing. Rockwell is Rocky's first name. but Rocky makes him sound more like a squirrel, so... Now he's a saudi-arab with Frankenstein electric things on his neck. And a superhero cape. presumably. Mr. Saturn! My old guinea pig, Wally, looked somewhat like a very hairy Mr. Saturn, except he didnt have a bow. He did have the big nose. Then theres Possessed baby-kirby! In case you wondered what would happen if Kirby ate Posessed Baby. Thats the story behind that. Allow me to elaborate on the 7-year-old logic: Theres Possessed Baby. (In the first 'panel' he'd always show up drawn differently, usually with physical oddities such as those.) Then Kirby came. and ate him. Possessed Baby-kirby! He ran around, using his newfound powers for a while, until he 'poofed' into a... what looks like an ice cream sandwich with eyeballs. The ice cream sandwich resemblance got pwned, stuck to a tongue and got eaten by that teddy-bear looking guy, which I can only presume was one of few video game characters I had a brief obsession over a the time of draw. The conflicting logic and time-space continuum bull honkey caused a nuclear explosion, followed by a great resounding 'MOO' to echo throughout the world. Posessed Baby-kirby, which curiously is no longer an ingested ice cream sandwich, can see his house from up in the air. The movie directing crew also died. And then a list of 'ultimate questions' which were going to be questions for 42 to be the answer for, but it turned out LOTR-based. like, 'Are hobbits contagious?' Maybe they are. They often grow delirious and drop their bows (while its unknown why they have bows) and run around. Alternatively, an ultimate question is how do they dig holes? They obviously are too short to operate a jackhammer for penetrating the ground. Then theres a wad of hair or something. Nobody knows what it is.
  12. Okay... In the past few days, my brother moved out of my house (FINALLY. he was like 23 and fully capable of supporting himself, and we dont have a very big house so guess who got to share a room with him?) and as such, we rejoiced upon his leaving. Especially me. As such, I removed EVERYTHING from my room, vacuumed and shampooed the carpet, and put everything back. which would let me sort through the stuff he forgot in my room, And let me arrange everything in there so theres only room for one person. but I digress. Amid cleaning out my room, I found the large stash of memorabilia from my 7-years-old days. I was kind of a packrat and just kept about everything I could get hold of. Including a majority of drawings and comics I drew during the impatient years of sitting through church. XD I was a rebel that way. A few are more recent, I honestly dont know when half of these were drawn, but I'll show them here because I continue to find them really hilarious. And translations of my handwriting and logic. I was kind of a loon back then. Weapons of MATH Destruction: Drawn when I was especially frustrated with the sarcastic homeschooling software we had on the computer at one time. so theres Computer blood (XD) and my sword crammed in the monitor. yeah. i liked it. Hyper-twinkies! My mind wandered. I'll tell you that this one was only about 3 years ago. but Allow me to translate the handwriting: 'In 2005, people will be evil and eat peanutbutter' 'Shampoo!' 'David Bowie!' 'Swords!' 'Is this Genetically (or Scientifically) correct?' 'Radioactivity!' 'Running with scissors is BAD!' 'Psychic people!' 'cut' 'bad' 'Cavemen used to live in outhouses and slept in the can' 'Hyper-twinkies!' 'Melt in your stomack(h), not hands' I was a little fruit. XD Im scanning some more pictures now, and will have them up and in here for display as well. Including the Possessed Baby comics I mentioned ages ago. I doubt any of you remember it. And stupid drawings my homie Rocky and I drew. We were both little fruits. XD
  13. TOT-OH! WILL BE AVEEEEEEEEEEEENGED! Alright kiddies, we've got a new piority: talking beavers. Them talkin' beavahs are goin' town! Yeah! And also down! I need everybody to report to the new headquarters next door to the old ones so they can get their assignments. Wait, Which next door? boss?
  14. lawl. I wondered what you were talking about. XD
  15. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I always said it DAWMEEN Like what ahnuld would say. My pothead reckless driving cell phone breaking Porn looking-at anger mangament-needing brother told me how it's pronounced but I'm too used to DAWMEEN. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* I thought maybe you thought it was like Daw-meh-knee. And I thought it was Daw-me-nay. It is. *looks up* I thought she said it Daw meeeeeeen. I thought it was Do-my-nn. like. Dough-mine. That'd be cool. There'd be cookies everywhere. I like cookies.
  16. Arkcher

    Oh em gee

    so I just got home from the Texas DPS. I has a drivers permit now! w00t. I missed like four questions on the test. They entailed what kind of fines or restrictions you could get for what misdemeanors for what age group. I shouldnt need to know that mess 'cause I dont plan on breaking the law, or ever getting any form of alcoholic drink in my system. And some question about how many feet will you require to come to a complete stop at going X speed. I dont care, it was the kids own dang fault for running out in front of a car. anyway. I has a permit now. wewt.
  17. XD Dude, We've never even been in the same state at the same time. ... while knowing each other. It still makes me D:! They are probably teasing. Just be like, "yeah, totally. Arkcher is totally the hawtness." xD yeah. If you exaggerate it enough or do it obnoxiously enough, they realize that such is not the case. so I need to work on that with RPVF. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Whenever Beardo teases me he acts jealous. 8~8the psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Dp,iemji*~* ... sssoooo, hes having issues getting a boyfriend? XD Arkcher, you're so bad. tsh. She said it!
  18. XD Dude, We've never even been in the same state at the same time. ... while knowing each other. It still makes me D:! They are probably teasing. Just be like, "yeah, totally. Arkcher is totally the hawtness." xD yeah. If you exaggerate it enough or do it obnoxiously enough, they realize that such is not the case. so I need to work on that with RPVF. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Whenever Beardo teases me he acts jealous. 8~8the psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Dp,iemji*~* ... sssoooo, hes having issues getting a boyfriend? XD
  19. XD Dude, We've never even been in the same state at the same time. ... while knowing each other. It still makes me D:! They are probably teasing. Just be like, "yeah, totally. Arkcher is totally the hawtness." xD yeah. If you exaggerate it enough or do it obnoxiously enough, they realize that such is not the case. so I need to work on that with RPVF. XD
  20. XD Dude, We've never even been in the same state at the same time. ... while knowing each other. It still makes me D:! yeah. I also have my sister and other relatives accusing me of liking RPVF. Its very annoying.
  21. XD Dude, We've never even been in the same state at the same time. ... while knowing each other.
  22. Yaaaaaaaayyy! Fun-ness. You must tell us all about Ren Fest! -Li Not so awesome. because we didnt go. we waited for Brianrietta for like four hours, and we called her a few times and she didnt pick up her phone. so We went and made fun of Dr. Cornbread 'cause he loses at all my gamecube games. XD and RPVF was all, flirtyomg as always. 'cause she lives there. Perhaps you should mention to brianrietta that you were sad, cause you had been looking forward to spending time with her? I plan to. In the aforementioned incident in which we gave her a ride home, she left a bag of stuff in our car. and we have yet to get it back to her. 'cause the past two or three times we were going to meet up, she never came.
  23. Yaaaaaaaayyy! Fun-ness. You must tell us all about Ren Fest! -Li Not so awesome. because we didnt go. we waited for Brianrietta for like four hours, and we called her a few times and she didnt pick up her phone. so We went and made fun of Dr. Cornbread 'cause he loses at all my gamecube games. XD and RPVF was all, flirtyomg as always. 'cause she lives there.
  24. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Jerry Garcia eats all the comments. o: *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* But in Soviet Russia, the Comments eat Jerry Garcia! o: *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Dude. My line. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Not really. You just say Russia. but if you look online, its Soviet Russia in which everything is backwards.
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